
11 Reviews
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Warrior (2011)
The Good, The Questionable, The Bad and Why... Warrior
30 September 2011
The Good - Not much. Yeah right! Where do I begin, this is a movie about a family and how fighting (MMA) affects their lives. Honestly, do not be misled by the title, while fighting is a part of the story this really is a movie about family. From the offset and from the trailers we know two brothers will be doing battle for money in the mixed martial arts arena. It sounds like a cheesy 80s movie but it is far from it. What makes this movie work is the fact that we come to understand how this dysfunctional family comes to fight for money. That's the core of the story, two brothers with history who can only settle it in one way. I won't say which brother wins but it is one hell of a thrill ride to get to that point. But more importantly this is a movie that just works, and I have to tell you it is an Oscar worthy story.

THE QUESTIONABLE - to some, some parts of the movie may be a little slow but there are slow parts to every movie.

THE BAD - Not much. But for real this time...

WHY do I give this movie an 8/10 IMDb style or a regular 3 and a half out of 4 stars... it's just a darn good movie. If you're an MMA fan or any kind of sport enthusiast you have to get a certain thrill after watching the conclusion to an epic match. That's the feeling you will get after finishing the "Warrior".
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Drive (I) (2011)
The Good, The Questionable, The Bad and Why... Drive
30 September 2011
THE GOOD - Honestly, this is one of those rare movies where the story is inferior to the overall directing of the picture. I say that because, to me this felt like an ABC story which was highly predictable. But the way the director sets up the pacing and subtle yet great performances from the actors made this a rare gem. So what's the story about? In a nutshell, the Driver, our main character gets attached to a young woman and her son. The woman's baby daddy gets out from jail and has problems from his old "business partners". The Driver tries to help them out by going up against a pseudo-mafia whom he had dealings with beforehand. He uses his driving to exact punishment. Okay the driving part is not 100 percent true but that is the sum of the story.

THE QUESTIONABLE - To some the slowness and the lack of regular movie dialogue may leave a question mark in some. But I think too many others this is where the ingenuity of the movie comes into play.

THE BAD - Perhaps the only bad part I could clearly identify with is that our hero has no backstory yet he drives like no one else and can take on the mafia. Hit men with big guns come to end him yet he can defend himself like James Bond. All we know of our hero's past is that from a young age he knows how to fix cars??? Plus, he crashes cars for Hollywood.

WHY – I wanted to give this movie a 7.4 IMDb style but currently partial grading is not allowed. So why do I settle a bit upwards and give this a 8/10 IMDb style or a very high 3 out of 4 stars. It was just a good movie. (Corny joke ahead) Go ahead, take a drive to go watch this movie; you will not be disappointed if you check out "Drive".
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Bridesmaids (I) (2011)
The Good, The Questionable, The Bad and Why... Bridesmaids
30 September 2011
THE GOOD - I am not a romantic comedy fan. I'll admit that. However, I am a fan of good movies. This movie is ridiculously funny! The story centers on a bridesmaid at odds with another bridesmaid for her best friend's affection. Jealousy and competition ensues! We follow our heroine's life as the world just continues to take a dump on her. That's the sum of the story. A movie about love and jealousy among the ladies. I'm male, but I feel as if I am one of the girls in the story. I am one of the bridesmaids as we take a glimpse into the various relationship problems, which bind the story.

THE QUESTIONABLE - Some may find it a little long for a two hour comedy movie but I have to tell you - two hours of laughs. Come on!

THE BAD - Perhaps the worst part of this film was the fact that most of the side plot dealing with the side characters was never integrated into the main character's part of the movie. It almost felt like a TV show. You know, where we are following different stories that never really work well with the overall story. But hey whatever so…

WHY do I give this a8/10 IMDb style or a very high 3 out of 4 stars. Look my original IMDb rating for this film was a 7/10. But I switched it to 8/10 because I believe the chief purpose of a comedy is to make us laugh. I can't say most comedy movies make you laugh and feel for the characters throughout. This one did. More than that, this movie is one of those stories where certain memorable scenes will stick with you for a while. Chicks using the bathroom on the streets, breakdowns in front of people, being used by studs for sex, getting drunk and getting kicked off a plane... If this sounds interesting to you I'm sure you will be interested in watching "Bridesmaids".
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Setup (I) (2011)
The Good, The Questionable, The Bad and Why...
12 September 2011
THE GOOD - Honestly, not much! The trailer was okay if that counts.

THE QUESTIONABLE - Everything in this movie is questionable.

THE BAD - Okay, what is this movie about? We have a revenge story; the main character (who is a bad guy) is left for dead after a heist. Our hero and his friend are shot by their best friend in the whole world, the "badder" bad guy. But our hero who is also a bad man gets off lucky; he lives to fight another day because he is just a lucky man as previously stated. In fact, he is lucky throughout the whole movie setting things up to help him facilitate his revenge. Hence the title, Setup. Okay, a story involving a bunch of characters that make no sense enfolds before our eyes. In the story that enfolds before us we experience bad acting, bad directing, bad cinematography, bad action, bad story, bad plot, bad dialogue, bad editing, bad camera-work, and bad everything... And to make it even better the story ends in a "stupid" way. Okay, maybe stupid is not the most clever word in the dictionary but this story is all over the place. I will not comment on the rest of the movie's plot but if you choose to watch this movie, this is what you will be heading into.

WHY - Do I give this movie a 2/10 IMDb style or a regular 1 out of 4 stars. Honestly, look, obviously $20,000,000 out of the $22,000,000 spent on making this movie was spent on casting the actors and nothing else. Instead, it should have been spent on a competent director and writer. Usually I don't go so hard on a movie but hey, what do they say, "I can never get back the hour and a half" I spent setting up to watch the "Setup".
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Contagion (2011)
The Good, The Questionable, The Bad and Why...
11 September 2011
THE GOOD - the acting, the direction and the overall feel of this film is excellent. A deadly pathogen that threatens to wipe out humanity. Check! A film that plays off our worse fears. Check! A film that shows us what could really happen and that our present time in humanity is not immune to such diseases that have wiped out past generations. Check! And that's what I think is good about the film, it's like one of those future science fiction documentaries that show us what could happen but it is presented in a story and packaged around people's lives. We follow interconnecting stories seen through the lives of different people. The stories presented to us are solely connected by this contagion, which threatens to wipe out humanity.

THE QUESTIONABLE - once we know there is a virus that threatens to wipe out humanity we, as an audience know it is only a matter of time before the good guy scientists stop it. The story is very predictable. I feel like I've seen this film done a thousand times before although I haven't. We just know the course this movie will take from the get go. A little more plot twist and a unpredictable ending would have served this movie a lot better. That brings me to...

THE BAD - if it was not for the A-last cast of actors and a seasoned director attached to this movie, this movie would have gotten a notably lower critical grade as the story is pretty predictable. And even when we get to know the characters' lives something still feels amiss. Also, some parts of this movie is just long and boring - to be brutally honest. It feels like the movie is in slow-motion for some scenes.

WHY do I give this movie a 7/10 IMDb style or a regular to low 3 out of 4 stars. Well, for everything I mentioned above. You won't be disappointed if you catch this movie but you won't probably be much excited either, you'll probably feel a nice neutral feeling after watching "Contagion".
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Chocolate (2008)
The Good, The Questionable, The Bad and Why...
9 September 2011
THE GOOD - the fight scenes. Well some of them.

THE QUESTIONABLE - just about everything. Maybe I missed it but I have no idea as to why this movie is called "Chocolate".

THE BAD - do not be misled by the overall good reviews of this movie. If you watch a movie to watch a boxing or mixed martial arts match then this is the movie for you. If you care at all about story, character development, cinematography, being entertained, etc... This may not be the movie for you. I won't tell you what the movie is about, just, if you do decide to watch it you will have to accept its story for what it is and enjoy the fight scenes. So…

WHY do I give this movie a 3/10 stars IMDb style or a very low 1.5 out of 4 stars? Well, the fight scenes go from mediocre to very good toward the end of this movie called "Chocolate".
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Shottas (2002)
The Good, The Questionable, The Bad and Why...
25 August 2011
THE GOOD - Not much. Oddly, it was slightly entertaining for a bad movie.

THE QUESTIONABLE - Lots of things.

THE BAD - Where do I begin? Technical, cinematography, story, sound, character, plot, ending, the list goes on and on.

WHY do I give this movie a 3/10 IMDb style or a very low 1 and a half out of 4 stars? And, yes, I know IMDb has a bias against black films when it comes to the rating department by user reviews. However, this one is justified. Lots of things a miss with this movie, do yourself a favor and avoid "Shottas".
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The Good, The Questionable, The Bad and Why...
25 August 2011
THE GOOD - Here we have a story of Jews "enlisted" to help the Nazis win the war by counterfeiting foreign currency. Basically, if they do their job and shut up they will be dealt, a bit of a better hand than their brethren without their unique counterfeiting skills. Sometimes one has to stand on principle rather than survival and that's what is reverberated for me throughout this movie. There is opposing forces, infighting, but eventually thanks to the men efforts who delayed counterfeiting foreign currency, they contributed to the downfall of the Nazis in their own little way. And doing it under Nazi duress makes for an all-around classic story. Everything is connected and all holds well, we know how the movie will end from the time it opens but the journey to get to that place is often the hardest part. What am I talking about? Give the movie a watch to find out. But first read…

THE QUESTIONABLE parts of this film... to some there is a blur of what is good and right in the movie and the end leaves you questioning this. If you are the type who is a goody toe-shoes and likes a good moral ending you may find this one not up your alley, as it ends in a gray area when it comes to morality.

THE BAD - I mean not much. This felt like a full story. I felt the creative team behind the movie maxed out the direction they was going. The bad part of the film will be the questionable part to some. Also, character development and back story could have been better if you wish to knit pick.

WHY only a 7/10 IMDb style or a regular to high 3 out of 4 stars. It just felt like the story was in that critical range. You won't be disappointed if you watch "The Counterfeiters".
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The Woodsman (2004)
The Good, The Questionable, The Bad and Why...
17 August 2011
THE GOOD - Well this movie tries to make you feel sympathy for a child molester. Oh God! But this is the good part of my review. What could possibly be good about a movie like this? Well, the acting and direction is on point. I don't think those areas could have gotten any better. Then there are the people who hate on the child molester for what he is. Although I do not condone this type of harassment you got to love it when cops and others harass this type of scum. That being said…

THE QUESTIONABLE parts of this movie is just about everything.

THE BAD – Again, this movie tries to make you feel sympathy for a child molester. There is a reason why cops can beat the crap out of people, shoot innocent people all while being obviously wrong and still other cops will stand with them though through thick and thin. However, there is a reason why if the same cop is suspected of rape others turn their backs on their brother just as quickly. It's just wrong, bunch of sickos. Hollywood does it right all the time. The serial killer who is the good guy. The guy who kills for whatever reason. But we as an audience like it because when done well it is often justified. I don't yet think there is a formula to make us like a child molester who turns good. Because whereas the killer is killing people, no doubt a more serious crime it is often necessary for some type of external purpose, a higher reason. Rapist are just motivated by their urges plus children are innocent. I suppose that's why this movie didn't fly too well for me. In order for this movie to be legendary, it would have to be like a movie named Downfall (2004). A movie about Hitler's destruction, his final days living in fear at the fall of Germany. Hell, we know Hitler is one evil son of a gun and now he is getting what he deserved. That being stated

WHY do I give this movie a 6/10 IMDb style or a low 2.5 out of 4 stars. I mean the main character comes to know what he is. He's a piece of sh!t. But I can't give a movie 1 out of 10 just because I hate the content of the movie. I believe a movie has to hit certain notes to elicit a good score by fellow movie watchers. You know, good character development, plot, story, etc... This movie had those elements besides its controversial subject matter. Depending on one's personal bias and openness to ideas, this film will either be a hit or miss with you, but hey, enjoy "The Woodsman".
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The Good, The Questionable, The Bad and Why...
14 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
THE GOOD – This movie is my second favorite "Planet of the Apes" movie of all-time. The original one is still on top for me. For a longtime, in the other movies I always had it in the back of my head, "How do a bunch of 'monkeys' takeover the human race?" Of course watching the sequels to the original Planet of the Apes' movie, they drop in tidbits of explanations here and there. Caesar was the center of one of the movies. But it just wasn't done well. Just enough to leave me satisfied, they barely answered the how and why. They showed us the monkeys (okay Apes) taking over but the how and why was never good enough. Two crucial elements to any story. However, this movie really answered all my questions as to how a bunch of primates could come to takeover the planet. Just seeing it makes it all believable. This is the first movie they really got right since the original. The story and acting is on point. But more than that is the universal message about being free of ones oppressors. Almost a theme about slavery. It's always a good movie when humans are rooting for the other team (nonhumans) to win, and people realize they are the bad guys. Reminds me of the colonization theme present in Avatar. So what is…

THE QUESTIONABLE parts of this movie. Well if some look too hard they will certainly start to make comments about the CGI work. Nevertheless, to me it was on point. One of the questionable areas of the film was the fact that although Caesar is smart he turns into a full-blown general, leader of the apes "overnight". He knows military operations and can lead his 'people' to safety. He is smart, yes, but has never had any knowledge presented to him on such matters throughout his lifetime. No matter how smart a person is (or ape) battle readiness is a different area all together. Besides that what is…

THE BAD – Not much. I mean at the time of this writing the movie got an 8.0 on IMDb. It must be doing something right. Too me, the bad areas of the film may be some of the questionable areas of the film. If one knit picks, they are bound to find problems with any movie. So…

WHY do I give this a 7/10 IMDb style or a high 3 out of 4 stars? The movie is just enjoyable. It combines a good story with good action. Plus, as a bonus it wraps up extremely well. And we could see by the end of the movie, for the first time in "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" - this is how we eventually get to "Planet of the Apes".
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Sarah's Key (2010)
The Good, The Questionable, The Bad and Why...
11 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
THE GOOD - To me this movie was mainly about how WW2 and how the actions of others (hate) can literally have lifelong consequences on an individual's life. Well that's the meat of the story when I think about it. The story takes place in the present day as well as the past and from the offset we know the two worlds of the main character and the past have to connect in some way. Those who enjoy nonlinear stories where they have to connect all the dots at the end of a movie will enjoy this one. The main character's agenda is to find out about Sarah's (and others) fate in a WW2 occupied France. We learn about Sarah's fate through the past scenes and this is where the movie excels. However, the present day scenes are where the movie is a bit of a miss. More of that under The Bad but first to...

THE QUESTIONABLE - There's a small part in the movie where we journey to Brooklyn, NY. The borough is shown in a gritty light unlike other present day areas (Manhattan, Paris) in the film, which is shown spot clean. Okay, I am from this borough, kind of irks me when foreign films portray my area like that. Whatever, that's my personal bias and you can't really not like the film because of that but what is questionable to me is some of the production quality of the film. €10 million dollars to make this film as reported by IMDb. Just comparing this movie to TV shows which are produced by TV production companies for prime time TV, this production seemed a bit... Great in some spots but lacking in other areas when compared. That is questionable and most people won't care but if you are a techie movie watcher some areas of the film will stand out to you. But that brings us to...

THE BAD - Besides the main character's acting and a few seasoned actors in this piece, some of the acting just wasn't there. Not totally awful but not good either. Sorta like TV soap opera acting and you get the picture. Along with that, there is a horrible side plot that kills the movie. The main character's love life is brought into the story. Whether to keep her baby or not, "To be or not to be". Ugh! If done well, great! Done here, it is badly integrated into the story and does not hold any weight to the overall theme of this movie. It actually subtracts from the movie. The movie tried to connect the past to the present, with the two parallel stories but fails to do it in a memorable way.

WHY... do I give this movie a 7/10 (IMDb style) or a regular/low 3 out of 4 stars? The past scenes, finding out about Sarah's story and the quality of the theme far outweigh the bad subplot. If you ask me, you won't be disappointed if you watch this movie; I think you will find it very enjoyable and somewhere in line with this and your own personal review of "Sarah's Key".
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