
5 Reviews
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Bobbycrush (2003)
absolutely beautiful
15 January 2005
Beautiful....that one word pretty much sums up this whole film. Everything from the cinematography, the directing, the acting.....brilliant. At any point of the film, you can pause it, and you will no doubt be looking at something mosaic or "artsy fartsy" as some people would say. I assure you, that after one viewing, "Bobbycrush" will be stuck in your head. I know this from first hand experience. Even the soundtrack is great. It goes together very well with the tone and pace of the film. Be thankful that Cam Archer exists in this world. We need more people like him to make films that show love and shame in totally real (and surreal) imagery.
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I La La love this short film!
18 January 2004
I just finished watching on a weekly short film show called "Imagemakers." When it ended, i gave it a standing ovation. Sheer brilliance is what this film was all about. Though the characters seem like never in a million years they would exist, there's still a part of me that longs for the feelings the man and the woman had for each other. If you ever get the chance to watch this, don't pass it up!
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Big Fish (2003)
5 January 2004
This is quite possibly the greatest movie ever made. It is absolutely perfect.Everything about it is instantly something to remember. Tim Burton is a true visionary when it comes to film making. Best movie ever. . nuff said.
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Video Days (1991 Video)
If you havent seen or heard of VIDEO DAYS. . .you suck.
11 October 2003
This is the greatest thing to ever come out of the skateboading world(well.. besides the skateboard) Way back when people were still learning how to do a simple powerslide. . the BLIND crew was tearing stuff up while filming for this video. Brought to you by SPIKE JONZE. . this video features the skating of Guy Mariano, Jordan Richter, Mark Gonzales, Rudy Johnson, and of course..Jason Lee. The skating in this little diddy was so ahead of its time(and certain aspects of it still are). If you used to or are skating right now. .. it is a crime for you to keep this video from getting into your cerebrum cortex.
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11 October 2003
This is hands down the best movie to come out in 2003. .even thought 2003 is almost over. This movie is so good. . .its still gonna be the best movie of 2004(right next to Volume 2). Watching this movie is like taking a tour through director Quentin Tarantino's subconcious. He is filming what everyone else is thinking.
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