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Succession: Retired Janitors of Idaho (2021)
Season 3, Episode 5
The most exciting feature of this episode is the music
16 November 2021
I have waited patiently for this season to begin after last season's breathtaking ending. So far this season, which I can't binge, I wait every Sunday for something new and exciting to happen with Kendall's attempt to take over the family business. Meh... doesn't happen. In episodes 1-4 they were treading water, each episode more disappointing than the one before. One episode was taken up almost entirely on the patriarch's flying around the globe in an effort to find a place without extradition.

The plot line has been going nowhere and the writers seem to have lost focus. When the whole Kendall vs. The family showdown takes place in episode five, it's anticlimactic, with Brian Cox looking and acting like he's become bored with the whole thing.

The UTI plotline seemed a lazy way to keep him occupied so that his kids would be forced to make decisions to get his character out of a hole.

Cox once criticized Jeremy Strong for "over preparing" . Lately Cox he looks like he's reading off the page, Strong's acting is superb in every episode, and his preparation, whatever it is, works. It won him an emmy.

The writing , however, is a slow agonizing march to nowhere. Such a change from the previous two seasons, where each episode left the audience reeling from yet another cliffhanger. The season is completed now, and so there is nothing to be done, but really, with four episodes left, I may sit the rest out. Waiting all week for another disappointing episode is like camping out all week for tickets to a concert you really don't care to see.
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Nothing New Here.
15 July 2021
If you have been following the Epstein saga there is no new information here. Still pictures of Ghislaine Maxwell superimposed on that of Epstein and Maxwell ( the father) and a host of people who " knew" her in her Oxford days and one person who is reluctant to say she "knew" her when she was with Epstein, in case she should stain her own reputation; a " Lady" who had no problem hanging out with Epstein et al when the going was good but "had no Idea that anything like that was going on." You couldn't attend one of his parties or estates or his infamous island without noticing a group of underaged kids in attendance. But nobody noticed. A waste of time and as one other reviewer called it, " A snooze fest". Nothing new here folks, unless you have been in a coma or have been living under a rock since the Epstein saga began.
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My Unorthodox Life (2021– )
15 July 2021
Pure schlock! Just the siblings voices alone is reason not to watch.
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Virgin River (2019– )
I fell asleep
10 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Season one was OK. A Hallmark movie stretched out to a series. The acting was what you would expect of a Hallmark series. No chemistry between Mel and Jack and the storyline was just too contrived to be believable. Annette O'Toole is insufferable. How this young looking, handsome, kind doc could be in love with this crusty, nasty old biddy is just hard to swallow.

Season two brought in some nasty characters that gave the story teeth, but not enough to save this sleep inducing series.

Season three! The writers seemed to be suffering from Covid fatigue!!! There is really not much of a plot in season three. Annette O'Toole is absent for the season, (Thank God!) but the writers could have put in a little more effort to explain her absence. Visiting an aunt? Getting stuck in a tornado? Then an accident where she is conveniently not shown for the rest of the series. I think the pregnancy issue came up for Mel because the actress playing her is actually pregnant in real life. She looked like she could be pregnant from the first episode and I guessed pregnancy would be an issue before the season finale. I kept falling asleep.

Seems streaming services are desperate for product. And they are accepting whatever comes down the pipeline.
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Shiva Baby (2020)
3 July 2021
Jewish stereotypes. Claustrophobic,, humourless, discomfort. Like the protagonist, I too couldn't wait to get out of there! At one point I felt so smothered, I thought I was going to have a panic attack.
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Dirty John (2018–2020)
Watch season 2
17 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Connie Britton was painful to watch. She didn't speak above a whisper and had the same, dumb, blank expression in response to every event in her life, from falling in love, to discovering her husband was a dangerous con man. She allows a man she barely knows to speak to her daughters in an abusive manner and each time.... the same blank stare. I thought he was drugging her with all the morning smoothies, because I could couldn't come up with a better explanation for her irritating , nonchalance in the face of overwhelming evidence that he was a very dangerous con man. How could someone who had gone through four divorces and not have learned a thing about red flags is a mystery. Also her mother fights tooth and nail to keep her younger sister in a marriage she truly wants to leave, resulting in her death, yet doesn't seem to have a problem with her remaining daughter who has been married five times. No entertainment value in this series, I would be interested in the pod cast though.
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Don't waste your time
13 June 2021
This is not a romantic comedy. It is definitely not romantic, ( the male lead looks 16) and is mismatched with a more mature woman with whom there is ZERO chemistry. Every scene together, he looks like he is in torture, and possibly on his first date. The love scenes, if you can call them that, more uncomfortable fumbling, are few and far between , and difficult to watch.

As for the comedy part of Romantic Comedy, there is NOTHING funny in this movie.

Then they throw in a gay best friend who has been lusting after the lead forever and after a night spent together, we are left to wonder if they had sex or not.

The plot is completely laid out in the movie description and that's the movie, except that the characters are thoroughly unlikeable, it's not Romantic, or a comedy, and it is poorly cast and acted. I believe the eight glowing reviews came from the families of the cast.
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Herself (2020)
Watch it!
24 May 2021
A wonderful film about a mother's love for her children despite the obstacles she has to overcome to protect them.

The direction, casting, writing, and cinematography are all top notch. The actors deliver great performances!

I loved this film. For inspiration during this dark time I would highly recommend this film.

Tell everyone you know... Watch it!!
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A Story that needs to be told..... but the timing?
16 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
After the last four years, while Americans had a President who did everything possible to divide the country along colour lines, at the start of a new Presidency, where the whole world is hoping for some healing for the United States, we get this series on Amazon. This is an important book , but I preferred Toni Morrison's depiction of the horrors of slavery in the Southern States to this one and the timing couldn't be worse.

I wish this worthy book had been adapted as a play. White supremacists aren't known to go to the theatre in droves, though we do know they spend a great deal of time online. Amazon is no exception. Instead I wish the series paid more homage to the actual cooperation that occured between the races in order for the Underground Railroad to exist.

According to Historian Henry Louis Gates Jr. In his research on the Myths of the Underground Railroad,

" The Underground Railroad and the abolition movement itself were perhaps the first instances in American history of a genuinely interracial coalition, and the role of the Quakers in its success cannot be gainsaid. It was, nevertheless, predominantly run by free Northern African Americans, especially in its earliest years, most notably the great Philadelphian William Still. He operated with the assistance of white abolitionists, many of whom were Quakers.

White and black activists such as Levi Coffin, Thomas Garrett, Calvin Fairbank, Charles Torrey, Harriet Tubman and Still were genuine heroes of the Underground Railroad. William Still himself, according to James Horton, recorded the rescue of 649 fugitives sheltered in Philadelphia, including 16 who arrived on one day alone, June 1, 1855, according to Blight."

Gates also noted that there is a belief among some Americans that an actual Railroad existed that ran from the South to the North, West and to Florida that was much like a " Grand Central" for escaping slaves. This series does nothing to correct that impression. And there are enough idiots around that will believe it because of this series. It should be noted that these idiots are not likely to be reading Pulitzer Prize winning books.

As to the timing, sadly, the series comes on the heels of the police officer who murdered George Floyd being convicted and sentenced. It is a time for a nation to heal. Instead people of colour are reminded once again, in scenes that would curdle your blood, of the atrocities suffered by their ancestors at the hands of white oppressors. This IS an important story. It DOES need to be told. But the timing of the series couldn't have been worse. Meanwhile, I can picture white supremacists licking their chops and yelling " Right on" to every filthy word spoken by the plantation bosses and especially that of the loathsome bounty hunter. And people of colour are reminded once again that no white person can be trusted.

The adaptation is true to the book. The cinematography is brilliant. And the director keeps the performances of the characters of the slaves, and former slaves subtle in their expression of emotion because of the depth of their trauma.

I had trouble relating to the fantasy aspect of the book re the existence of a real railroad underground, as I did in the series and the musical choices at the end of each episode were bizarrely upbeat considering what I had just watched.

There are many worthy books written on this subject. Read one. Skip this series.
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And THIS is the movie that made Richard Gere a star!
15 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So... Richard Gere goes full frontal nudity ( for a nanosecond) and yet there are no sex scenes in the movie. This Gigolo spends more time at dinner, shopping, and at political fundraisers than he does in the beds of his clients. We assume he does have sex with someone, but even his one bedroom scene with Lauren Hutton is a mishmash of vignettes comprising of Gere's character caressing her calf, and Hutton kissing his back. ( The inclusion of the horrendous looking birthmark didn't help.) There wasn't a scintilla of passion in this whole movie.

As to the plot, there was none that I could surmise. He's a gigolo that doesn't have much sex. He's arrogant, and seems to forget he doesn't belong to the economic strata of the ladies he services, rather he is a service. He also has a mother complex that is never explained. Not much is. He is framed for a murder, but we never find out by whom.

Lauren Hutton finally comes to his rescue with an alibi and visits him in jail to tell him. ( So, if he has an alibi, why is he still in jail? He has only been charged, he has not been convicted.) Then... the most idiotic line to end a movie is spoken. And it's done.

The acting is wooden, and only Gere when he starts to unravel turns in a passable performance. This is the only time the director shows up in any meaningful way.

Starts off with promise, Blondie's " Call Me" blasting from the speakers of a gorgeous black sports car. Unfortunately, it's all downhill from there.

Don't waste your time on this movie.
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Offspring (2010–2017)
Could a lead character be that clinically neurotic and still do her job?
24 March 2021
I watched every episode. I kept waiting for Nina to get well and behave like an adult with a responsible job. Another thing..... who was responsible for dressing these characters? Especially Nina, who, in Melbourne, in summer, which is very hot, wore layers of mismatched clothes, two long sleeve tees, a great thin top over these, ( which in itself, would have been enough), and long, mismatched, thick skirts, with long boots!!!! Melbourne has great shops, the type that an Obstetrician could easily afford, and yet she dresses like a seventies student with poor taste! She does her job well, while slipping in and out of a character with a clear case of mental illness. What???? I loved the family, but as someone who grew up in the seventies, they are clearly a family who behave, dress, and have all the neurosis of that era. I don't know how Nina got through Medical School with all her problems.

However, you get attached to this family, ( in my case because they reminded of me of people I grew up with), and you want to see them through their problems to the end.

How I got through it while detesting the main character may say something about my own mental health, :) but I did.
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The Sinner (2017–2021)
Don't watch this!!!
24 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Season one: I fell asleep multiple times. A snooze fest. Season two: Made no sense. No detective would do the things Decective Harry does and gets away with. Season Three: Absolutely no plausible reasons why these main characters behave the way they do. In B Horror movies you want to scream to a character, " Don't go through that door." Similarly, in this series, every character does and says things that are completely out of the realm of reality. For example: the husband who has confessed to committing three murders, whom the wife has a protection order against, and is holding a ten year old boy captive, comes to the back door, (because it doesn't occur to a police department to have someone watching the BACK door!), comes right up to the back patio door and instead of immediately calling the police, the wife engages in a romantic hand to hand touch at the window, allowing him to disappear into the night and likely kill someone else. Again, my message to Netflix, "Who green lights these poorly written and poorly acted series?" Don't watch it! You will never get this time back. Learn to crochet or build a bird house. I am without words to describe the and acted by C grade actors . Not worth
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Great performances, poor writing.
12 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It's impossible to fault any performance by Emma Thompson or Stanley Tucci, but the screenplay, written by the author of the book the film is based on, is short on plot and even shorter on character development . Emma Thompson's character, who anchors the film ,is a mishmash of contradictions with only tiny hints as to why she is like she is ,without any back story to explain it.

The parents of the boy, whose court case, is the basis of the film, only make a short appearance in the film and there is no development of these characters, no back story to their religious beliefs, or their reaction after the court case is decided against them. There was an opportunity to delve into their religious beliefs and how they could let their son die because of a religious edict. But these important characters are all but ignored.

The son, whose life is saved, appears in brief scenes, and the mixed emotions he feels and speaks of briefly in his writing to the judge are not explored but left to fade until he decides to take his own life by once again refusing to have a blood transfusion. Why he decides to do this, while rejecting both his parents and their religion is a mystery. Another opportunity missed.

As a family court judge, Emma Thompson's character is obviously overworked to the point of lunacy and she is shown to follow the law to the letter, without emotion. So it goes against character when, given a case that clearly states that a child's right to live is always upheld despite the religious beliefs of the parents or the child; the judge delays her decision in the case until she sees for herself how the child "feels" about this foregone decision.

This cold, unemotional judge takes the time out of her heavy caseload to visit a child in hospital and the scene ends with her singing a folk song with him. This visit has no bearing on her decision because of the laws governing The Children Act, yet she breaks out of her rational, unemotional character, once again contradicting what we know of her.

Her coldness even extends to her treatment of her clerk. Not apologising when she tips over a full tea tray when lunging for her phone when her husband calls. ( This same woman didn't care enough to talk about their marriage both before he left AND after he returned.) So it makes no sense that she is desperate to talk to him when he leaves.

She forms an unusual attachment with the boy after saving his life but will not break her professional code of conduct by entertaining any meaningful conversation with him after the case is over. Another contradiction. She FEELS something for this boy. This is illustrated in the film by the scene in Newcastle where he kisses her on the mouth, and she later confesses to a colleague, "I am afraid of myself."

She is cold and unemotional in her relationship with her husband yet falls apart when he leaves. Another contradiction. She asks her husband if he loves her despite her refusal to give him children, yet she smiles and stops working to watch a young mother on a train walk her baby up the aisle. Meanwhile, when two unidentified children show up at their house for an overnight stay, (no explanation of who they are) "Uncle Jack" treats them with love and affection and she doesn't bother to speak to them. However she does watch her husband playing with them and reading to them at night. She is so detached and unemotional that she doesn't even say goodnight to them. No explanation or backstory for this contraction in her character either.

Stanley Tucci's character, Jack, tells his wife she hasn't been in the marriage for years, but comes back to a woman who still won't engage in any conversation about their marriage let alone engage IN their marriage. Why? Again, no back story on Jack, no explanation. He has a brief affair, and returns to a celibate, empty marriage. He essentially lives alone. So there is no explanation as to why he loves this cold, unemotional woman. Any rational human being would leave.

The concert scene near the end is simply ridiculous. Emma Thompson's character is handed a paper by her clerk saying that the boy's leukemia has relapsed and he is expected to die that night. She responds by playing her concert pieces as planned, but with an emotion that is palpable enough that a close up of Jack's face shows that he knows something's wrong. She then gets to the end of the concert and, in what looks like a psychotic break, plays and sings the folk song she sang with Adam, the dying boy. Then, she jumps up and runs to his bedside, where she tries to convince him to live. But again, it doesn't affect her to the point where she stays with him until he dies. Instead, in a pure Narcissistic move, she goes home instead and reads his letters.

And finally, she goes to bed alone, her husband watching her sleep, (she's had a bad night after all), and wakes to thank him for watching her. Still no intimacy other than telling her husband the story of the boy, so he can absolve her, " Are you sure you will love me after?")

There is nothing to identify with or like about the character of the Judge. She is cold, unemotional, and everything she does, is for her own benefit. Even her attachment to the boy only benefits her, she gives nothing back to him. She lives for power and control.

Stanley Tucci's character, Jack, is powerless, long suffering, and unable or unwilling to improve his circumstances. His character lacks dignity. When I watched the last scene where he tells his wife he has been watching her sleep, when she wouldn't allow him in the bedroom the night before, I wanted to smack him, and say, " Wake up and grow a pair! This woman will never love you back! "

There is no moral here. There is no redemption for any of the characters. There are no legal or moral questions to grapple with. The writer missed so many opportunities to explore important topics. Religious rights vs. the rights of a child, narcissism and its effects on a spouse , the politics of a marriage and the dilemma of work vs. marital harmony. Don't look for any answers in this film. There aren't even any questions.

I have seen many reviews calling this film an intellectual tour de force but I see only lost opportunities and contradictions. The characters are so underdeveloped as to be one dimensional. I'm all for a cerebral film if it has a message, or leaves you with questions to ponder. But alas, this was not one of those films.

Given the material they had to work with, Emma Thompson and Stanley Tucci (who had far too little screen time) were a joy to watch. They both deserve Oscar nominations, however, because of the material, I don't think they will get them. I will sum up my experience of this film by quoting another reviewer.

It's a great film for showcasing acting talent, but beware: it's short on laughs, not remotely uplifting and takes a while to mentally recover from!
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Babysitter's Club with sex.
27 December 2020
The writing is poor. The directing is poor. The casting is poor.The dancers as actors are poor. The actors as dancers are amateurs at best. The premise is a mystery of who pushed a student dancer off the roof, but the dialogue, the acting, the plot, even the dancing is only believable if you're 13. I have seen better acting in school plays! Adding sex scenes to this " Babysitter's Club" type drama is completely inappropriate for the age group this series would appeal to, and even those scenes are wooden and devoid of any passion. What was Netflix thinking to green light this series? My only answer is they are loading up on series that, before covid you would have never have seen on Netflix, with the hope that they will find enough of an audience to keep those subscriptions up. As for me, I have come to the end of my rope with Netflix, and will try another streaming service. This series was the last straw. Please, don't waste your time on this poorly acted, poorly written, poorly directed series. Instead watch Black Swan. And switch to another streaming service for better content.
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Enjoyed the history lesson. The commentary is excellent!
23 November 2020
This is a period of history that I knew just the basic facts about. The wonderful commentary by the historians between scenes combined with the dramatization is a great way to learn about The Romanoff family and the Russian Revolution, the players, and its causes. The only criticism I have goes to the costume department for the series. I googled the ermine robes worn by the Romanoffs during the Coronation ceremonies and found a photo of the actual robes that are on display at the Kremlin museum. The robes used in the series, as well as the men's military dress uniforms look like Hallowe'en costumes made by DIY moms, with the sashes made out of what looks like a cheap wide ribbon you could pick up at your local craft shop. The supposed ermine caplets on the Coronation robes looks like they were constructed with the cheapest white fake fur, covered in spots by tiny tufts of black fright wig material. The seams on the back of Coronation capes, worn in the series by The new Czar and Czarina, are pulled and crooked at the back seam, and quite cheap looking. If you are going to do a historical documentary series with dramatization, in this case about the last Romanoff rulers before the Russian Revolution, costuming is key. It is hard to concentrate on the recreation of the period, when the costumes look so amateurish and fake. At least TRY to make them believable... c'mon. The women's costumes, were better, but still not close to authentic looking. If you do another series, put some money into the costuming .
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21 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I am a lifelong fan of Allen's work so I decided to give this movie a chance despite the bad reviews. I should have listened! This film is without a doubt the worst film I have ever seen! Even the character's names are unbelievable. I don't know how Allen managed to direct these wonderful actors to give such hideous performances. The main character, Gatsby, is a 20 year old college student, who speaks like a character out of a 1950's Turner Classic film. At 84, Woody couldn't play the main character himself, so he dressed Gatsby in his signature tweed jacket, affects him with a mumbling Allenesque speech pattern, and completes the transformation by adding an eighty year old's posture to the character's twenty something's frame. Jude Law's character's wife is cheating on him with a man whose name is out of a 1930's vaudeville act. In the scene where he catches her, he reacts like a character in an old Marx brothers' film. All the male characters are a version of Woody, and they have been directed to deliver their lines as if Woody himself is speaking them. Only Liev Schreiber is spared the Allen schtick but he is given so little to work with that his performance is lost in the God awful shuffle. The performances are wooden at best, cringe worthy at their worst. The cultural references coming out of the mouths of college age kids ( supposedly in today's timeline) belong to the eighty-four year old Allen's era and the talented Elle Fanning is just hard to watch. The film is misogynistic , and the plot is almost non existent. It was difficult to sit through to the end. If this is the best Allen has to offer, Woody, it's time to call it a day. Many actors don't like to watch their performances once a movie is finished; in this case, probably a good idea.
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15 September 2020
Watched three episodes. I skipped over most and picked three rooms that I would like to see organized, but it wasn't so much a series as a commercial for plastic containers. So the idea is throw out half your junk and buy a ton of plastic to replace the junk? Sort of takes the imperative to reduce, reuse, recycle and totally rejects it. The two "stars" of the show are nearly impossible to watch. High pitched, screeching over each other, they are so hyperactive I find it hard to believe their clients didn't turn them around at the door. One of the hosts actually degrades her client behind her back and her associates to their faces. I found one episode particularly disturbing . It was the last one I watched. A Real Estate broker who was having her kitchen reorganized, revealed that she had a two bedroom apartment with a thirteen year old boy and an eleven year old girl presumably sharing a bedroom. Unless she is planning to move in the very near future I have news for her. Your kitchen is not your most pressing problem. Ewwwww! And in two years a fifteen year old boy sharing with a thirteen year old girl? Even worse!!! And the celebrities? The excess was finally too hard to watch. What values are these people instilling in their children? Their own, obviously. A garage full of cars for a child who is not quite two? Give me a BREAK!!! I have a great idea for home organization. Donate what you don't need, and don't buy a ton of plastic containers to display what you have left. As a book lover, I was appalled by the idea of arranging books by COLOR. When looking for a title of a book I bought twenty years ago I should remember it by the color of the book jacket? I can think of many ways to organize books, but color is not one of them. Rainbows, really? They may have written a book but they are obviously not big readers. In this throw away culture, this series is one to throw away. Better yet, don't watch it. It will give you a headache and leave you in a state of depression about the state of the planet and the people who inhabit it. I wonder about the quality of programs Netflix is showing lately. What's next? Recycling tips for the homeless population?
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Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure
13 August 2020
I genuinely enjoyed seeing how people around the world are applying smart innovative solutions to the problem of global warming. What I didn't enjoy was listening to the two "interviewers". But what could you expect from a thirty-two year old actor and a fifty year old pseudo scientist who seem to have the vocabulary of prepubescent boys. Come on!!! By the time you reach the age of thirty-two and fifty respectively, one would think you would have more adjectives in your arsenal than, " amazing, gnarley, rad, and cool" to describe everything from scientific innovations to sand surfing. And hearing a fifty year old man referring to his twenty year younger sidekick as " dude, Zacky, and Zackarino" was just painful. Zack Efron, who doesn't seem to have matured beyond the character he played in High School Musical , described every meal he ate from the best restaurants in the world to fruit picked off trees in the Amazon with one word, "AMAZING!" I found myself wanting to send these two a Thesaurus. The series covered a serious subject. But the co presenters were thick as planks. Their questions were those of those of sixth grade students on a field trip. With every encounter I waited , hopefully for an intelligent question, just one!!! But it never came. As one other reviewer noted, for two people who were vowing to start "keeping it simple" throughout the series, it was hypocritical to see them do a segment at a restaurant in Los Angeles that employed a Water Sommelier . Do they also employ a Juice Sommelier I wonder? The title is as absurd as the segment. The word Sommelier refers specifically to a wine expert, and it cannot be used interchangeably. Only in Los Angeles....

My favourite line in the series is when an urban beekeeper tries to explain to Zac that honey produced by bees in an urban area is actually purer than honey from bees in rural or farm areas. He does this by citing a study where the honey produced by bees in Paris was found to contain less chemical contaminants than honey produced from bees in rural France. Zac replies," Everything's better in Europe" completely missing the point. Again. : )

As much as I disliked Darin Olien, I was truly sorry to see that he lost his house to the fires in Malibu , and felt he could empathize with those that lost their homes in Puerto Rico. A sad note on which to end the series for sure.

Overall, I think the subject matter of the series deserves more gravitas than the two presenters are capable of. I watched every episode to see the innovators, the problem solvers, the people who are doing the actual work. I cringed at every idiotic comment, was frustrated at every missed opportunity to ask intelligent questions, and wondered how you could pair these two together and get funding for this project. Again, only in LA. I wonder if Zac's millions of followers will even get the point. For sure they'll think it's "Gnarley" For the record I'm not a hater I applaud the effort to get these ideas out to the world, however I am an objective reviewer and these two were just not up to the task.
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