
4 Reviews
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Not a bad movie to relieve some workday tension
8 February 2020
Yes, it is corny, predictable and formulaic but at the same time its very charming and the chemistry between the actors is great. The music is. very well chosen. All in all, a wonderful movie. Maybe not Oscar material but nobody should be looking for that on this kind of movie. I gave it 7 of 10.
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Take it in the eye Star Trek Discovery
7 June 2019
I just saw this episode again, after not having seen it for a number of years, and it shows so well why long time Star Trek fans are disenchanted, (to say the least), with the current showings of the Star trek franchise, (Ahem, Kelvin timeline and Discovery). Star Trek has always been about exploring the human condition in an idealized future. DS9 was the first show to go to the darker side of that exploration with great success I think. It shows how you can make a darker and grittier Star Trek without losing what makes the franchise great. You watch this episode and then try to compare it to 2 years of Star Trek Discovery and..... and.... well, there are no words, suitable for a decent review, to describe the outcome. I truly wish there is more writing like what is shown in this episode in the upcoming Star Trek Picard... but I wouldn't hold my breath.
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The Orville: All the World Is Birthday Cake (2019)
Season 2, Episode 5
Not a good episode....
26 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Its wonderful to have the Orville back but this particular episode was not one of its best offerings. I would say it has been the worst episode so far in the series:

1. Sloppy representation of a potential First Contact, including rookie mistakes from a senior crew that you would think would have been better trained as to how to manage themselves diplomatically in these situations.

2. The whole incongruence of the Astrology/Birthday premise. Astrology as we know it and time in years as we know it are only relevant in our earth and our solar system. How can you determine age in a foreign solar system?, not to mention the teeth piece removal procedure to determine birth date on a new species,,,,,

3. The solar sail, "we will fool their telemetry", create a star where there was once a black hole and stop a certain execution of our heroes in a snap.... Supended disbelief is not enough.

The premise was interesting, the script was lazy and the execution was mostly awful with a few honorable exceptions. Just saying it like I saw it. I still love the series though. I hope this was a very infrequent exception.
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The Expanse: It Reaches Out (2018)
Season 3, Episode 8
Picked up crazy pace again!
31 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
After just one setup episode, the pace really picks up and moves the main storyline briskly forward. The high, (9.7), user rating at the moment I write this is not a fluke. Like always in the show, character development takes the front seat. Take a careful look at the fast developing relationship between Holden and "Miller" aka Protomolecule/Ring..... "....We need tools.... You have a ship. The ship is a tool we need...."
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