
2 Reviews
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2 November 2019
Was kinda excited, as it sounded like a good little story with great actors, but was deeply disappointed. The acting was very plastic and posed, the script had way too many cheesy moments to say the least. Rob is probably the only person whom it was pleasant to watch. Is that the directors first movie? For those who liked it - have you never seen movies before?
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Quite a disappointment
3 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Was really looking forward to this when saw an advert, but I am rather disappointed I after I watched it. Terrible story line, rather predictable and not interesting at all. Also actors have incredibly silly lines. Yes it is for kids- but it could have been done way better. Feel sorry for the actors too, great cast, but it is one of those scenarios when even the great cast couldn't have saved it from being bad. Costumes - bugs me as much as bad directing and story line - some of them were okay, but some looked like students work - very immature and overdone in a bad way. Just because it is Disney movie doesn't mean you need to shove all things different colour possible together and you think it will work. Sugar plum should have been wearing more than one outfit, looked a little cheap that she wasn't (the dress fit was bad and didn't suit Kiera knightly) . Misty Coppelands first dress was too big, and you couldn't see all her beautiful movements. Helen Mirren had super bad make up and costume, made her look frumpy and not complimentary to her character.
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