
2 Reviews
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Rumble (2002)
Finnish film hasn't been this funny....ever!
8 September 2004
This is a must for at least all finnish movie fans (with subtitles, why not for everybody). Rumble is by far the funniest finnish movie I've ever seen. About an hour long Rumble is categorized here as an adventure movie, and that may be, but it's also a road movie and a hilarious comedy. This film has been a huge success among my friends and the catchphrases have come to be very popular and ever so funny as we sometimes yell: "Dillinger! Where are you!?". Having said all these things I have to point out that even the actors give a memorable performance, which is, sad to say, somewhat rare in finnish cinema (at least for me, anyway). Vesa-Matti Loiri and Tommi Korpela among others deliver as greasy-haired (George Clooney in O Brother Where Art Thou, anyone?), cry-baby dress code characters in search for long lost Dillinger. To know who is this Dillinger, I suggest you try to find out yourselves. Summa summarum, watch this film (if you can get it anywhere) with a bunch of friends after couple of beers and you're guaranteed to laugh your nickers off!
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I feel violated!
10 November 2003
Oh my god, what kind of bull**** is this?!?!?!?! Unbelievable!

I remember looking at the cast and thinkin to myself: "Now there's a movie I GOTS TO SEE!" And when the opportunity came, I took it. I was absolutely disgussed with it. What a total rip-off! I wants me money back. How can someone so good a director do so bad with such a cast? Banderas, Hayek, Dafoe and ever so wonderful Depp. All gone to waste.

The plotlines of the movie are hard to follow and meaningless. The characters are superficial and theres way too many of them! The story of "El" and "Caroline" after we last met them, is biggest load of (*some text missing due to some coarse language*). Addition to all this, Rodriguez is using Cheech Marin and Danny Trejo, whos characters died allready in Desperado! Some directors can pull that off but not Rodriguez.

Summa summarum, the movie is bad. Very bad. Very very bad. Don't ever go to see, or even rent it. Rodriguez should stay making those horrible Spy Kids movies, at least he's getting payed some serious cash with them.

I rest my case.
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