
2 Reviews
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Her (I) (2012)
This is really a nice short film
12 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I like it a lot because I often ponder if we can create the perfect partner via our heads with a particular person or if we have more of a suitable match with another certain person that might be better for us in the long run. I wonder if certain realities come into play based on our thinking and the way we create our own world on an individual basis. I like the way the guy in this short film planned his meeting of 'her'. He went over some particulars in his mind/thoughts, including his desires for a non-smoker and a tea drinker, but in the end the smoker joined his table unbeknownst to him at the time. He would have eventually found out that she wasn't a perfect match. I personally would smell it right away because I have a sensitive nose, but perhaps she has enough perfume on to mask the odor of her habit. I wonder if the perfect person does smoke and we could alter that with our deep, unconditional love for each other and beliefs in each other that a non- smoking reality does exist if we want it to do so. This was a fun film to comment on because there is so much to think/ponder about the idea of bringing someone special into our lives to share each other the way it is intended and the way it is supposed to happen naturally when we have told ourselves that we are ready for a deeper love. I'm ready for a deeper love. How about you? With God tightly gripped in the palm of our hands, not losing sight of anything that matters to us, we can alter any circumstance or present reality.
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Provocation (2011)
Real good plot/storyline
11 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Part of that was a set up. What a day for Dan! There was some decent acting, but for the most part this was a really good fraternization story. Stuff like this happens a lot in the military and sexual harassment is not tolerated. But there is such a fine line between what is considered law and what is not. Bless Dan's heart for what transpired. Who knows what his real intentions where, but it seemed quite innocent, barring a few crossed lines. Most of this can be avoided with simple spoken boundaries between two people, but sometimes people are too timid to speak up for themselves for fear that what they say could be taken out of context, especially if the other party had pure intentions and no desire to cross any lines in the first place. Communication is key! I was actually involved in the story and it had me interested in watching it all the way to the end. Good 30 minute short film.
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