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Bluto's cruelty makes for a hilarious cartoon.
3 July 2007
Bluto has many cruel April Fools' Day pranks in store for Popeye in this cartoon. I can't bring myself to spoil any of them for you, but they are hilariously malicious. While Bluto gets what's coming to him in the end, he certainly shines in this cartoon.

Bluto is having the time of his life as he pulls trick after trick on his rival. His leering laughter and taunting 'APRIL FOOLS' shouts add to the mayhem.

Watching Popeye cartoons in adulthood can be a hit or miss affair, but this writer imagines that almost anyone with a dark sense of humor will enjoy Cooking With Gags. You can watch this cartoon on the internet for free, so please check it out.
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The Dentist 2 (1998)
Film Makers should strive for higher glory then The Dentist 2.
18 January 2007
The Dentist 2 is not a good movie and you should make no effort in seeing it. It's story lacks ambition, it's supporting cast is amateurish and the deaths centered around mouth torture made it hard to sit through. Corbin Bernson was very good in this, but he is the sole bright spot to a retched movie.

My biggest problem with this film is that it didn't really have much of a strong case for existing at all. The character of the dentist escapes, appears out of nowhere in a small town with a setup name and quickly becomes the town's dentist when he kills the old one in a rage over bad patchwork to one of his caps. This isn't very interesting. It's like a detective television show at times instead of a horror movie.

The movie has graphic footage of oral decay and torture of the mouth and they are pretty shocking, but I would imagine you would need some kind of fetish of the mouth to get full enjoyment of it, because all it did was make me sick. The rest of the violence is also pretty graphic and features needle puncture, tooth scraping, nailgun firing, hammers in backs. This might be starting to sound interesting, but let me warn you, it all comes off without a spark. Something is missing.

This movie features vase smashing, Clint Howard, really horrible deaths with torture included for some of them, a sex story in the middle, some nudity, really bad actors besides Corbin, a boring story and an ending that is just screaming to be made fun of, but I'll let you find that ridiculous ending out for yourself.
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The Doodlebops (2004–2007)
This is a good show. I don't have children.
16 November 2005
The Doodlebops are a great show. It stars these three crazy looking people on it. They look weird because they wear odd clothing and cover their faces under layers of colored make-up. A Doodlebop is quite the sight to see.

Once you meet The Doodlebops, you will learn they are actually really down to earth and just want to teach children amazing things about responsibility and good posture. They love to sing and are also a rock-and-roll band. They even play their own instruments.

I can actually remember the Doodlebops names. Rodney, Moe and Dee-Dee. Rodney and Moe are OK, but Dee-Dee is the star in my opinion. Dee-Dee has the best singing voice and is the most enthusiastic of the three Doodlebops. She looks crazy with all that make-up on.

The songs they sing are really nice. They tend to repeat the same songs though. I think I've heard the Get On The Bus song on three separate episodes. Each episode ends with a rock concert and The Doodlebops really entertain their audience.

I think The Doodlebops are great and you should watch them. You as in anyone. Just because it is for kids doesn't mean you can not enjoy it. I would imagine kids would love these guys (or get the hell freaked out of them). The Doodlebops get my seal of approval. (I think it's neat that this is from Canadian Television. I now have a lot of respect for the Canadian Children's Entertainment Industry.)
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This is a thing of beauty right here.
27 March 2005
This is an ego project. Complete and total vanity. The subject of this tape is Hollywood Hulk Hogan and his 1998-1999 run in WCW. The entire tape makes Hogan look like a God and his challengers (Sting, Lex Luger, Macho Man and more) look like complete and utter chumps.

WCW was a company run by yes-men and imbeciles. It's not even around anymore. It refused to make new stars and believed that Hollywood Hulk Hogan was their one and only chance to remain a top company. This tape is testament to that.

This is not only a wrestling tape, it is also a propaganda piece. Every single match is edited to only show Hogan beating on his opponents. Any part where Hogan was looking weak has been left on the cutting room floor. All interviews with fellow wrestlers (each and every one a Hogan stooge) are complete fluff pieces and the actual Hollywood Hogan interview included here is hilarious as you see him bury the competition and place himself on an alter so high it strains your neck.

Why the 10 stars? Because it does make Hollywood Hogan look like God and it does make the rest of the roster look disposable. This kind of blind idolatry has to be seen to be believed. It obviously helps if you are a Hollywood Hulk Hogan fan, but I don't think that is absolutely necessary. Any wrestling fan will love what is on hand here. Anyone who has ever chuckled at other people's ego problems will also get a kick out of this.
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Disappointment worth checking out.
16 March 2005
When you go to see a movie about serial killer dolls having a child, you are going to cut it some slack. Yet no matter how much slack you give Seed of Chucky, it will not be enough. Eventually the lack of a captivating story or interesting characters not made of plastic will get to you and all that you will be left will be some very impressive death scenes and some third-grade level humor to soften the blow.

I think what hurts this film the most is how it fails to live up to the previous sequel, Bride of Chucky. What worked so well in that movie seems like more of the same (yet not quite as good) in this outing.

With all that said, Seed of Chucky is still worth that late night rental just to get it out of your system. There is just enough good here to invest 5 bucks and an hour and a half of your life.
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The Brady Bunch (1969–1974)
Brady is an emotion. Good or bad is up to you.
12 March 2005
I was born four years after "The Brady Bunch" went off the air, so I have no clue how people felt about it when it was actually on prime time television. But as a child growing up in the 1980s, watching "The Brady Bunch" in the afternoon was always fun. I think this is one of the most feel-good shows of all time.

It is obvious "The Brady Bunch" is not based on reality. If a false view of the world turns you off, this show will not entertain you. No family is this perfect, and the problems that came up were usually very trivial 90 percent of the time. Yet any show that portrays family life as this great should be thanked in some way.

The characters and the actors that play them are all great. How can you not like the young Brady brood? How can you not see the greatest aspects of your own parents in Carol and Mike? It just can not be done. The greatest roles for me personally were Bobby, Greg, Alice, Mike, Carol and Marcia.

My personally favorite episode is the one where the family goes to King Cove amusement park in Ohio and Jan loses Mike's plans. I just find the aspect of a California family going to Ohio for a vacation as delicious.

I have been watching reruns of "The Brady Bunch" for almost twenty years. This is in my top ten television shows of all time. Only a few episodes turn me off (less then 5 percent) and most of them actually make me feel very good. I will continue to watch "The Brady Bunch" and consider it one of the greatest products of television, America and Earth.
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They didn't understand heavy metal, but made a movie about it anyway.
10 March 2005
How can a movie have Ozzy Osbourne and still suck? I just don't get it. Trick or Treat managed to do it. This sucks and likes it.

Trick or Treat is one of those movies I have to warn people about. It is a vomit-inducing vile atrocity just begging to be viewed so you can feel that much worse about yourself. Trick or Treat has no redeeming factors.

For a movie about heavy metal, it sure doesn't seem to grasp what heavy metal is or what it represents. This movie manages to make heavy metal look lame and this was in 1986, probably one of heavy metal's strongest hours. That is quite a feat, however negative.

Trick or Treat = so bad you will be angry at yourself for having watched it. That simple equation will hopefully keep you away from this brainless and gutless film.
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Ninja Scroll (1993)
Ninja Scroll captivates.
10 March 2005
You need to see this. Ninja Scroll is a personal favorite of mine and I find many amazing aspects to this animated film.

The story, ninja action and characters are amazing. Jubei and Kigero's tale is more tragic then anything Shakespeare has thought up. The eight devils of Kimon are each interesting in their own way and some are sure to warrant more interest to you then others. By movie's end, you are sure to have felt many emotions as you watched Jubei's tale unfold.

Anyone who wants to write this off as low-class entertainment aimed at a skewed demographic must not have actually bothered to watch the film. This is high class art of the most important sense. A wonderful story with interesting characters and with enough action to fill four other movies. Ninja Scroll takes you on an adventure.

You need to see this. Highest recommendation. Please watch it with Japanese language track/ English subtitles.
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Weird Science (1985)
Can Bill Paxton save this movie?
10 March 2005
Weird Science is just there. A juvenile 80s comedy that struggles for laughs and with a very weak premise. It still gets some good gags in and Bill Paxton has the role of a lifetime as Chet, the abusive older brother of one of the protagonists of the film. All the scenes with Paxton are hilarious and I dare you not to laugh out loud when he delivers the wedgie.

Kelly Lebrock is so hot in this and that voice is so sexy. When I was a kid, this was as cool as female roles got.

Anthony Michael Hall and Ilan Mitchell-Smith flounder as the two leads. They are not very likable and while AMH at least has something going for him, Ilan is terribly miscast and that voice will haunt you. It is not surprising Ilan never made much of himself as an actor.

They play this on TV a lot and I'm giving you the OK to check it out the next time they do. It has enough funny scenes to validate watching it and has a genuine classic movie character in Chet.
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Commando (1985)
They got it perfect. It is the best movie of all time.
9 March 2005
If you've ever laughed at a movie for going over the top, meet the movie that took going over the top into an art form. Commando is cinematic excellence. This is as good as it gets. I can think of no other movie that brings such joy to me as Commando. Everything is top notch. Schwarzenegger has never been better as he is here as John Matrix.

John Matrix takes on an army. And he wins. That is so cool. These bad guys decide to do something stupid and kidnap Matrix's daughter. Big mistake. By movies end, all of them will be dead. The coolest sequence I have ever seen in a movie is the thirty minutes of Schwarzenegger storming the renegade army's compound. The guy kills fifty people and not just with guns either.

I'm dead serious when I give this movie my highest praise. This is what movies are all about. Go watch Commando and I dare you not to like it. I do not see how that can be done.
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This is the worst movie of all time.
9 March 2005
Terror on Tour starts out very bad. It never improves. It just gets worse and worse until the end and this ending will make your head hurt. No movie has ever caused as much mental anguish for me as Terror On Tour.

I want you to think of the worst movie you have ever seen. Terror On Tour is ten times worse. Probably one million times worse. I do not know how this production came about on such a horrible premise. I also can not fathom how they chose such horrible and ugly actors to bring it to life. This kind of cinematic Hell just takes the fun out of movies.

Terror on Tour is rot. I really think you should see this if you like bad things. Sometimes movies get so bad that they actually pollute the Earth. I do not know how anything can get worse then this.
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A great movie. You have to see it at least once.
9 March 2005
Embarrassment is the emotion you should be feeling if you have not seen Shakes the Clown. You owe it to yourself to see this terrific comedy. The language in this is classic. Like when Shakes shows up at a birthday party and the father asks "You the clown?" and Shakes, in full clown get-up, responds "No, I'm Mary F'ing Poppins." That is just funny.

If there is one comedy that I am glad I stumbled upon, Shakes has to be it. It just goes from one hilarious quote or scene to the next. Who knew alcoholic clowns could be so much fun.

If I was only limited to one movie to recommend to people, Shakes the Clown would be it. Get a case of beer and some buddies, then pop Shakes the Clown in the DVD player and prepare to be completely satisfied. In case you are wondering, it can be enjoyed sober.
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Terrible schlock. Near the bottom.
8 March 2005
I remember ordering this on PPV at a friend's house in October 1990 when I was 11 years and 10 months old. It was a lot of fun at the time and me and my friend both loved the hot tub scenes and we both tried to act mature by laughing at all the jokes, even the ones we didn't understand.

Years later, I rented it because of my fond memories from that night and I must have changed, because I hated watching it that time.

The lead actress was good and looked good, but never made anything of herself. That must be devastating to her that her breakthrough role was in this almost completely forgotten pig-head comedy.
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Canines of the Caribbean (1985 TV Movie)
I saw it with Joel.
8 March 2005
This movie was used for an episode of Mystery Sciene Theatre 3,000 and that is my favorite episode of that show. This movie is horrible. Terrible effects, terrible characters and one of the worst endings I have ever seen. When Joel says "They have sausage links for fingers", he is not lying. The monkey make-up might impress the elderly and dumb. Joel and the robots from MST3K mocked this so well.

Do not buy the movie without Mystery Science Theatre 3,000 included in the package. Joel and the robots make this very easy to watch. I can't fathom how bad you would feel if you saw it without Joel and the robots. This movie rates a 10 when you see it as a Mystery Science Theater 3,000 episode. On it's own, a 2.

PS: If you have no clue what I am talking about when I mention Joel and the robots, check out the page for Mystery Science Theater 3,000 at this website.
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In Hell (2003)
Did this have to be made?
6 March 2005
I think JCVD just wanted to work on a movie. The best he could find is this prison movie/ brutal fight scenes flick. Competent, but just not that interesting. A pretty complicated and ridiculous story for what is just a flimsy backdrop for JCVD to kick ass in brutal fight scenes. Those brutal fights are pretty awesome and JCVD pulled in a great performance, so this flick does have some things going for it. Lawrence Taylor is very competent as a fellow prisoner of JCVDs and I was glad to see him.

Check it out, just don't be surprised if it winds up near the bottom on your Van Damme favorite film list. You rule if you have a Van Damme favorite film list.
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Dillinger (1973)
Entertaining yarn that is way too long. (Obvious spoilers)
6 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I liked this movie. It's subject matter, the life and death of John Dillinger, has always interested me. It was nice seeing the stories I have read about him be brought to life by a very skilled ensemble cast. The setting is well displayed, especially Dillinger's Ford motorcar and the Thompson submachine guns.

Unfortunately, there are two flagrant errors in this film. The first is way to much dramatic license was taken, and it did not improve upon what really went down. The second is the fact that it never justifies it's running time and would have come off much better if they had trimmed some scenes and not included others at all.

Those two beefs aren't enough to stop me from recommending it to fans of the Dillinger story, as it does have it's moments. Especially Dillinger's escape from Crown Point and the final five minutes at the Chicago movie theater where John met his fate.
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Well performed.
1 March 2005
A Very Brady Sequel is a very good movie. All the actors did well here, especially Shelly Long, Gary Cole, Jennifer Elise Cox and Tim Mathieson. The funny situations, quotes, tone and style of this movie help hide the fact that not all that much really happens and the premise of this film is absurd.

One of the biggest questions that fans often had about the show was the taboo subject of whether any of the Brady kids hooked up. A Very Brady Sequel tackles this issue head-on with Greg and Marcia trying to decide whether they should give in to the urges they start to feel for each other. This whole subplot was very interesting, if not also a little uncomfortable at times. Christopher Daniel Barnes and Christine Taylor are great as Greg and Marcia.

The one role that I felt was perfectly done and helped the movie out the most is Jennifer Elise Cox as Jan Brady. She does an even better job with the role then the original Jan, Eve Plumb. Almost all the scenes with Jan are funny and Jennifer just shines through.

Obviously, fans of The Brady Bunch are going to get the most enjoyment out of this. For a newcomer, you might want to check out a few episodes of the TV show first.
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The Greatest Friday the 13th.
24 February 2005
Friday the 13th: 3D has a lot going for it. A great cast, great California location, a very freaky looking Jason and brutal deaths. This entry is the least like the others in the series.

I am a big fan of most of the Jason movies, but feel that this 1982 entry is the high water mark and has never even come close to being surpassed.

If you have not seen this movie and are even the slightest bit interested in the slasher movie genre, you owe it to yourself to check it out. Try and get the widescreen version, as one scene really suffers from the pan-and-scan VHS edition.
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The absolute worst. Void of entertainment.
20 February 2005
This is the worst horror movie I have ever seen. I can't imagine seeing this ever again. It hurts to think about it. But I am a dedicated soul and want to warn you to never see this movie. It is terrible. Come up with something to critique it on, and it will fall in the negative category on every single one. There is no redeeming merit in this film as entertainment. I actually feel weaker knowing Earth has a movie like Jeepers Creepers 2 polluting it's video store shelves. Watch this and you will regret it. I will never think about this movie again. I hope my warning will be taken seriously. Thank you for reading this advisory.
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Tombstone (1993)
"I want your blood. I want your soul."
18 February 2005
Tombstone is amazing. It is one of the best movies I have ever seen. The three strong points this film has going for it are the characters, the setting and the gunfights. Amazing performances by every single person who played a part in this film, but especially by it's leads, Russell, Kilmer, Lang, Boothe, Biehn, Paxton and Elliot. This is a man's movie if I have ever seen one. Tough as Hell dudes in a tough as Hell time. Wyatt Earp and his brothers arrival in Tombstone is met with disapproval by the outlaw Red Sash Cowboys who have claimed it as their own. When the Earps force themselves back into the law enforcement game, the Red Sash Cowboys will do everything they can to make them regret that decision. Or die trying.
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The women in tight outfits made me watch this 'til the end.
22 November 2003
Want to know the secret to making a slasher film set at a fitness center work? Just pad the film out with lovely ladies in super tight workout outfits and have them bump and grind the floor like they are at a gentleman's club. That's what the makers of this horrid slasher film did and that little gimmick kept me watching till the bitter end. This is the worst slasher film I have ever seen, but every time I was ready to switch the channel, they'd add another scene with the workout girls and I'd stay put. As a slasher film, Killer Workout fails in every category I can think of. As a showcase for beautiful girls working out, it is a success. Strong recommendation to avoid, unless the thought of half the film being a big T&A show appeals to you.
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No where to go but down.
6 November 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Sleepaway Camp 3 is a pretty good slasher movie. Problem is it's inferior in every way to Sleepaway Camp 2. I think you should see it to get some closure from part 2, but don't be expecting the same fun ride that Unhappy Campers was. It probably would have been for the best if they had just rehashed part 2's story with a new cast.

Pros: Closure to the Angela Baker story. Creative and graphic deaths. Pamela Springsteen once again delivers a fine performance.

Cons: Nothing like part 2. Characters and story just not that interesting. Gore trimmed considerably from part 2.

Favorite kill: (spoiler) Lilly, one of the owners of the camp, is decapitated with a lawnmower.
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A great film for slasher fans.
4 November 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Jason Takes Manhattan is one of my personal favorites in the Friday the 13th franchise. It has a long victim list and very memorable deaths. If you like slasher films, it's hard to fathom you not liking this movie.

Pros: Creative and graphic deaths. Jason has never been angrier. Jenson Daggett's Rennie is the most beautiful and charismatic female lead in the entire Friday the 13th franchise. The humorous elements added to the New York scenes are great. The change in setting from boring old Crystal Lake was long overdue.

Cons: The stupidest and laziest explanation for Jason coming back to life in the entire franchise. They don't bother to explain how Jason gets from land locked Crystal Lake to the ocean cruise liner Lazarus. The killing off of Jason is very weird and not well explained.

Favorite kill: (spoiler) Jason stalks Eva to the dance floor of the ship and strangles her to death. Then tosses her to the floor with a sick thud.
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The definitive slasher film
4 November 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Sleepaway Camp 2 is a great slasher film. It's my favorite of them all. If you love slasher films, make sure and see this one as soon as possible. Angela Baker might not have the superhuman strength of Jason or the supernatural abilities of Freddy Krueger, but she has an evil disposition that can think of some pretty gruesome ways of offing the kids at the Rolling Hills summer camp.

Pros: Pamela Springsteen's performance is superb. Large victim list. Creative and graphic deaths. The abandoned cabin scene near the end is one of the most disturbing scenes in all of slasher movie history. The screams of the victims are longer then in most slasher films.

Cons: You really have to suspend your disbelief that the owners and patrons of Camp Rolling Hills could be so stupid as to not know that there is a serial killer among them. A rather evil ending in which the sweet girl is killed and the maniac remains free.

Favorite kill:(spoiler) Ally, the resident bad girl is drowned in an outhouse.
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