
31 Reviews
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Shōgun (2024–2026)
I really wanted to like this series
10 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
First off I did not read the books or watch the previous series and I a at episode 7 at the moment, I love Hiroyuki Sanada, even from the trailes the scenery and cinematography seemed amazing, and then having over 9 stars in IMDB starting off, everything seemed promising, and you can tell there was a lot of care put into the show a lot of the details are very impressive and the violent scenes are very realistic and impacting for sure that was all well setup in the first episode, and I understand why a lot of the fans of the old Japanese culture would love this, I like it but I am no fan compared to these people, but after episode 7 I confirmed my worst fear, the writing got lazy and dumb.

First of all I want to talk about the blackthorne actor, I really think he was a mistake, probably the worst one of the show, his voice is amazing but he should stick with voice acting, every scene he is on feels like an amateur trying to impress his dad, all his gestures, face expressions and movements are just a pain to watch not to mention he looks like a 14 year old on a giant body, he just looks too innocent to be the character he is trying to be and whats worse does some things that I think were meant to be badass but it just ended up looking ridiculous, stealing the light on all the other great elements of this show, not to mentio his character arc makes no sense, he kinda grows, but then he doesn't and goes back to being a primitive ape trying to seem ballsy

And now as for the writing, the last straw for me was (SPOILER ALERT) a certain someone slipping to his death, is it supposed to be shocking? I guess it was, but probably on an unintended way, hell it was even funny to some degree but with things like these it's hard to take this show seriously and I really feel for those who did their best job to make this series great, their work is overshadowed primarily by Blackthorne and some of the writing confusing decisions, and this is coming from someone who is entirely new to this story, no books or previous TV series knowledge at all, but I hear they are making some dumb changes to the book and I think it is true.

I am kinda hoping that these last few episodes and the seemingly dumb writing pays off in some way I am not able to understand yet, but right now that hope does not seem something worth holding on to. I am probably going to finish it anyway, it's not like it is too bad that it is intolerable either, but it is definitely overrated, I'd give it a 7.5, but I'm going with 6 simply because it does not deserve to be over 9 at this moment, I'd let an 8 pass, maybe even 8.5 knowing the strong wave of Japanese culture fans all over the world that would be blind to the negative aspects of the show, but 9 it's just an insult to other series that do deserve it. Feels like a ghost of Tsushima thing all over again, I also wanted to like it only to find out it was just a prettier assasin's creed with slightly better gameplay but it was nowhere near the masterpiece people seemed to think it was, even as far as believing it deserved game of the year over The Last of Us Part 2, just cuz they were not mature enough to appreciate a great story.
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Overhyped but good
15 August 2023
I enjoyed this movie, it's fun, rewatchable, a solid 8 no doubt, but 8.8 is just too high for this, I get there are many people who love spiderman and simple movies but that alone doesn't make it a masterpiece, it's great, but a masterpiece for me requires a much more profound impact on your soul, when you get out of the cinema feeling you learned something new and you may even be a changed person because of it, this does not do that for me, it's just as fun as the first avengers was, which was also not life altering but pretty damn fun. For me it's just sad to see these movies get all the love when there are much better masterpieces that were not popular simply because they are not simple or easily digestable or about something nobody knows about, original, fresh, unpredictable, or simple because they just didn't understand it even tho they think they did, happened with my dad once, he has become a man of simple taste in movies the older he gets, then I showed him Memento, and at the end he was like "that's it?" I tried to explain it but he was like yeah I got that, but he didn't, some years later he kinda forgot about it and I showed it to him again, this time pausing and explaining everytime I saw him confused, and he enjoyed it a lot more.

I derailed a bit but the point is that just because something is simple and good doesn't mean is a masterpiece, it is just more appealing to a broader audience with a bigger range of intelligence, hence being popular, but masterpieces often go beyond what is popular and common, they breakthrough new terriotory.
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Parasite (2019)
8.5 average is a little too high
14 August 2023
I likes this movie, I don't believe it did anything wrong but it{s also not better than many other films that are 8+ on IMDB, I thin it just got a little overhyped there hasn't been that many great films in recent memory. I would put this one on the same level as "Knives Out" or for example, a great film all around, entertaining, thought provoking, funny, easily digestible and memorable, but even with all those positives, I would not say its better than, for some examples, The Departed, Whiplash, Casablanca, Good Will Hunting. Lawrence of Arabia, Wolf of Wallstreet, even Three Billboards etc. Although to be fair there are many films with an 8+ average that should not be as high as they are either like Joker, and even som 7's that deserve to be 8+ like Tenet, it was just a little hard to grasp everything with 1 view and no subtitles, or Babylon, which was crazy, but it was also beautiful in it's own way.

Anyway I am getting a little off the rails but the point is that when I saw it as number 36 in IMDBs top 250 it feels unfair for many other films that may be a littler harder to digest for the average person, but have a lot more substance. Is it a good film? Yes it is a great film, definitely recommended for just about anyone, but is it top 40 of all time? No, perhaps top 40 of it's decade at best but as someone who has watched a lot of films, I seriously doubt it would even be top 100, maybe top 150.
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Succession (2018–2023)
Best drama TV Series today
27 March 2023
Don't want to hype it up, it does start slow, and at times it can be a bit confusing if you don't pay attention, but if you do and give it time I'm sure you will love the show like I do

I have seen most of the best regarded TV shows, Sopranos, The Wire, Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul even Game of thrones up to season 4 are all masterclass TV series and I think by the time the series ends I will include it in that list, I'm glad they are not extending the series unnecessarily like so many out there, Suits, Billions, Walking dead, Yellowstone etc... These shows started off good and they do have their moments and episodes that are worth watching, but you can tell that at some point they just started up filling time with pointless teen drama and lost their substance. I remember seeing reviews in Yellowstone comparing to Sopranos, and boy that is just wrong in so many levels, now THIS is a series comparable to Sopranos if any. I'm glad to see Succession will not be that kind of series and it just finishes when it's time has come and be remembered as one of the greats.

The dynamic of the Characters is what makes this series shine bright, they all are incredible performances and they all exist cohesively in this world, each of them is clearly defined and have their own motivations, fears, likes, dislikes, an entire mind of their own, making them believable and relatable, even though all of them are horrible people. Everything that happens, as ridiculous as it can get at times, feels natural and genuinely funny, even if it's not a comedy I have laughed more than I usually do on almost any other comedy show I have seen, much like The Sopranos.

Bottom line if you do like great TV shows like Sopranos, there is no reason to dislike this one.
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Babylon (I) (2022)
Not for everyone
9 February 2023
But for those who can enjoy this kind of movie it is a glorious insane ride.

If you plan to see with this your parents, or anyone with a self sense of decency that may be disgusted by animalistic behavior, don't, it will be too long for them and will probably not be able to see the point of the movie at all other than the excess and insanity going on, which is fantastically honest in my opinion, but some people don't like seeing ulgy truths.

Is the movie perfect? No, but is certainly one of the most enjoyable films of 2022 and it easily makes top 5 for me from that year, though it's obvious why it was not nominated for an Oscar. The film either critiques or promotes the hollywood insanity behind the scenes that existed since it was born and will continue to exist after we are all gone.

There are some very memorable dialogues that leave you thinking, breathtaking cinematography, the acting was on point for all actors, the music was fantastic and the story is absolutely insane but surprisingly grounded with mostly believable consequences

This is to some extent the raw truth of cinema history which is beautiful and terrible at the same time, but it always will be larger than life.

I already want to watch it again, specially the first half, the second half gets a much slower pace but with some very interesting dramatic scenes.

I would recommend it only to people capable of seeing beyond the insanity and have a great sense of humor, if you are not, skip it.
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The Wire (2002–2008)
I used to not understand what whas so great about it
21 October 2022
I first attempted to watch this series over a decade ago when I started getting interested in films and tv shows in a major way, but I was still not mature enough to enjoy the more complex kind of TV I see that now. I used to think the show was boring, did not understand half of it, to be fair I am not from USA and some of the language in this show is a little too high level for a non native to understand from both the cops and drug dealers, even now I still don't get a few expressions they do or police terms. I guess I even hated it I only watched the first season and save a few scenes I was mostly bored

Now I feel like my taste has matured a lot since I last saw it, decided to give it another chance, and now I see every scene, every dialogue, every line between the lines and I haven't even finished the first season again and I am loving it, maybe not yet as much as I love Sopranos or Breaking bad which are arguably simpler but very smart, real and entertaining. The Wire does feel more complex on its themes I guess it's too real in a way which is why I thought it was boring the first time, they bother with details normally other TV shows would skip or overlook.

I still think Sopranos is better, it is easier to digest, but without losing that feeling of realism and being relatable on every level, but it doesn't make the wire any less important.

I look forward to finishing it this time and maybe even update my review once I am all done.
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F Is for Family (2015–2021)
Great series, a little boring at times
4 October 2022
First, I like that all characters are relevant and they have their own storylines that actually matter and are relevant for future episodes, there is a continuance that is rare to see on these types of series and it is refreshing. Most of the jokes are funny and they pull no punches being rated R which helps it be honest and relatable. I love Bill Burr too and the performances overall are great

The only thing that keeps me from really praising it is that it gets a little boring with some of the characters sort of trying to change but they only do for 1 episode or 2 then they get back to being assholes which is fun and all but it's kinda boring having them try to learn the same lesson more than once, Vic also used to be one of my favorite characters I love Sam Rockwell too but the last 2 seasons his character becomes a little boring trying to be decent and relevant.

None of the episodes truly impressed me but I did not dislike any of them either, very relatable, the comedy is often great and without shame as I like it, great characters, but they get a little boring in time I guess it was good they ended it, though the ending is a little underwhelming, not bad but not great as it could have been.
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Not for people looking for a serious logical slow movie
24 June 2022
This movie is fast, it goes full throttle at the beginning and it never stops I understand how some people may be confused about it I can see my dad not understanding a single scene in this movie for example and call it rubbish but that is the case only for people that are just not capable of understanding or absorbing the randomness of this movie, not that it has a complicated plot, it is simply too random, and some people like random, some people don't, it's fine.

If you don't like random, skip this one it will be a 5/10 at most for you, if you do get ready for one hell of a ride, 8.5/10 for us.
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Ozark (2017–2022)
I wish it had been better
18 May 2022
The series is definitely better than an average TV Show, Most of the actors are on point, and the story takes some wild turns, but with each season it felt less and less inspired although season 3 has probably the best episode of the series.

I don't really believe the saying a show is only as good as it's ending, if that was the case I would give Game of thrones a 1, and this would be a 6, 7 at most, but you have to acknowledge all the things the series did right.

This time Season 4 was definitely the worst, there are too many moments where I was like, What were the writers thinking? How can this nonsense be approved? Many of the characters either fell too predictable, or took very idiotic out of character decisions, with the exception of Bateman probably. I liked this show a lot, it was never as good as Breaking Bad as some people claim it is but it is still a very solid series, even with season 4, but if it had had a powerful ending with all lose ties tighten up like Breaking Bad did, I'd be giving this series either a 9 or a 10, but as it is it just does not deserve it.

Some people may disagree and still say it's as good as Breaking Bad or even better, but either those people have not seen many series, or are in denial.
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The Batman (2022)
Not bad, but over 8 is too generous
7 March 2022
It may have been the hype, it may be that I have watcheda lot of movies, or it may be that I really love the Nolan trilogy, or all of them combined, but this movie didn't reach any of them, but it doesn't mean it is a bad movie at all.

First the good things, the acting is good, the action is good, the world building is good, the detective side of batman is probably the best side of this film. But the problem is that none of them are impressive, just good, I kept expecting the movie to riddle my mind or some kind of heavy plot twist like in Se7en since it has a similar vibe, or at least some dialogue that sticks to my brain and gets me thinking about the villains perspective like Joker did several times, and any of the Nolan Villains for that matter. It wasn't bad Paul Dano did great with what he had, and so did most of the actors, it's just that their characters were not very well written, and there are many plot holes.

In the end, don't go in with high expectations otherwise you will not enjoy it, but it is still a respectable effort.
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I have tried to like McBride, but is just not my kind of comedy
25 January 2022
I have watrched many things McBride has done, at the beginning looking forward for a good laugh, but I rarely ever do, I tried eastbound and down but it just fell flat for me I could not finish it, I doubt I will finish this one too I did not even know McBride made it until I saw the credits at the end of the episode, I was watching because of John Goodman mostly, hell I didn't even know McBride was in it.

I mean some people might be into his kind of comedy but I personally find it too simple, stressing, and repetitive. I guess I am more into comedies that hide their best comedy in the details such as Arrested Development (first seasons of course) or Monty Python.

Don't take my opinion too seriously if you like McBride and that type of comedy, I'm speaking simply for people that need more creative comedy to enjoy it, I feel like my own life is funnier than this. I guess the problem of seeing the best TV has to offer it get's difficult to enjoy anything less after that.
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Yellowstone (2018– )
I was hoping for more, but it's okay
4 December 2021
First let's just say that I like the series, and it is definitely one of the better series out there today. That being said it is much more flawed than the fans lead to believe, some even saying its better than the likes of Breaking Bad or sopranos? That is what got my attention, and I binge watched the whole thing, only to be slightly disappointed on my expectations.

First off the main reason I don't think this series is even close to be the best series out there is the fact that most scenes do not feel natural, and its not really the actors fault they all act fairly great with Costner being the obvious best actor here, but it's the fault of the writing and overdramatization in my opinion. Some characters feel pretty off to what they were stablished to be on the earlier seasons, and no it is not character growth, character growth needs to make sense, and sometimes it just doesn't.

The other thing that annoys mostly revolves around the character of Beth, she is such a wild card always doing and saying random things that I believe the producers try to make it seem like a mic drop scene, but it doesn't land for me, quite the opposite she sometimes look forced and awkward. To their credits, there are many other scenes where that effect does work, never masterfully, but mostly never with Beth.

Finally the last big fault it has for me is lack of logic on many scenes, but I can't really say examples without spoiling it, suffice to say it sometimes feels like a teenage drama by inserting random dramatic stuff that don't ever really have any consequence or even growth.

I wish this series was as good as some people claim it is, but it just isn't, I had a similar effect with Peaky Blinders, good but not that good, some good scenes but not enough to be at the top, there are many other series better than this.
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Tenet (2020)
I still don't know my final score but is definitely no less than 8
24 September 2020
I'm giving a 10 to counter the mindless many 1's this move got from people complaining its loud or too complex. If you know Chris Nolan and you are not smart or like an intense experience, don't watch it, but don't give it a bad review it only speaks bad of yourself not the Movie.

First off the one major complain this movie has is that it is loud, and it is, but GLORIOUSLY loud, I felt the intensity on every scene thanks to the music and sound, I watched it with subtitles so I can say that most of the "unhearable" dialog, is not really that important, it is much more important to feel the intensity of the scene and my god does it deliver! It has been so long since my heart raced this much watching a movie, almost every scene is just as intense as the "no time for caution" scene in interstellar, which also has unhearable but not important dialog, yet it is one of the bests scenes of Interstellar.

Second major complaint is that is not understandable, and to be honest is really not that much complicated, but a second view can really help to see the details and the reason this is just phenomenal. I mean you can argue that the story and script may not be exactly oscar worthy as it is majorly composed of pure exposition, but it is very well executed as it is and I dont like judging a film for what it is not, its like judging Schindler's List for the lack of Action, or Mad Max for the lack of Script, I mean sure its true but it doesn't make them any less awesome.

I personally recommend watching this in IMAX if you can, be prepared to be confused and know that it is OK to be confused, try to focus on the experience it brings and watch it again if you want to understand things you did not on the first run. If you are generally close minded and like nothing but superhero simple and easy to follow stuff, don't even bother, but if you are open minded, like to think, to analyze perspectives and time, like intense feelings, and dive into a new experience unlike ever before, then I doubt you will be disappointed.
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it gets a 3 only for the laughs
11 September 2020
I already expected it to be bad, but damn I never expected this bad, I dont mind the gore but the plot, the characters, the dialogue, the complete absence of logic or even explanations within their own universe its just a lot to make it bad, many unnecessary scenes, cheesy dialogue, I dont even know what else to say, the only reason I sort of enjoyed it its because we were roasting it
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Aliens (1986)
Its a great film, but not a masterpiece
4 September 2020
I liked the movie despite its flaws, and considering it came out in 86 it is very impressive, feels like many 90s action movies used this as a template, even Halo games to a point, I can see why people would consider this a masterpiece, but for me it would be kind of an insult to call this a masterpiece with much better movies out there like the latest Mad Max movie.

I fully respect the movie for what it did, but that does not mean it does not have any flaws, mainly there are too many predictable coincidences and cliches (some of them may have even been invented here) that having seen too many movies, I just couldn't get the full mind blown as the people who saw this for the first time when it came out, and helped me see the flaws in a brighter light instead worsening my own experience. the acting is good for the standards of those days, but not for standards of today, I like bill paxton in general but here he was very much annoying and not really believable performance.

Still this movies is nothing short of great, the standards and the industry itself has evolved so much more today, it's not that I can't enjoy it because I definitely did, but there are simply better films out there today since it came out. I was also probably expecting more becaue of the masterpiece reviews this film has and having high expectations can also worsen the experience so I rather give a more fair review for what the film was for me and if someone reads this, can safely watch the movie knowing it won't be a waste of time, but neither should they expect a masterpiece, that way even if they do consider it a masterpiece in the end, they had a better experience than I did.

Masterpieces for me are reserved for films that I cannot find any major flaws and are downright impressive, unique and daring, that leave my mind thinking about the film for days, even years and I can watch over and over again discovering new things each time I do, such as the LoTR trilogy. Unfortunately this film did not get there for me so it cannot be a 10, maybe a 9 if I push it too hard and put myself ind a mindset of someone watching this film in 86, having not seen what I consider masterpieces today, but it is a great effort, entertaining, and overall great film, I doubt anyone looking for a good action film would be utterly disappointed by this
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Event Horizon (1997)
One of the better horror films I have seen in my life
31 August 2020
To be honest, the Horror Genre is a hard one to pull off, sometimes is too boring, sometimes too cliche, sometimes too gory, sometimes too terrifying, its pretty hard to nail a good horror film that will be loved by most.

That being said this film is definitely not perfect if you want to deeply analyze its logic and every little detail, the plot is fairly simple, the acting generally good, but what really makes this movie is the atmospheric horror. If you are willing to see beyond its few flaws and really dive into the atmosphere of the movie, there is plenty to love for horror genre fans.

I wanted to see this movie after I heard it inspired Silent Hill one of the better horror video game franchises of all time, don't know if its true or not but it definitely feels like it.

Being a 1997 the effects won't be as good as today's standards of course but they are quite impressive nevertheless, I believe its production design is on par with Alien with the exception of some VFX scenes.

I would ignore any reviews below 6 and above 9, if you like horror, silent hill and alien more specifically, you will definitely like this, just don't fixate on the flaws like the people giving bad reviews, if you are looking for flaws you will find them on any movie and it just ruins the experience, sometimes being too smart is indeed boring, but I rather dumb myself down and meet expectations or be surprised than pointing to every flaw pretending I am some movie reviewer god that nothing gets over my head, its just not fun
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Ghost of Tsushima (2020 Video Game)
It is embarrasing this game can be considered a 10/10
24 July 2020
First I am liking the game, I finished the first half and it has been entertaining, but it is nowhere near a 10 the most someone should ever give this game is an 8 and only if you really are a fan of it all, for me its a solid 6 so far.

The game mechanics are good, gameplay and combat are good, just as good as the average assasins creed, the only thing this does better than an average assasins creed is its beautiful scenery, otherwise is just another assasins creed japan gameplay wise.

The story is far too simple, generic and predictable. I understand this was based on real events, but you could at least write a more engaging script without changing the facts, I have not once cared about any character, cutscenes are sometimes laughable specially on side quests, acting is average at best with the main characters and other characters are just bad.

I really wanted to like this game, I thought it would ve refreshing turn to the open world genre like cyberpunk aims to be, but most of the world is shallow and barely interesting to explore. My faborite thing about the game is petting the fox and sometimee you can't even do that it just disappears

Overall, it is entertaining, and its a bit better than an average assasins creed, but giving it a 10 its just a plain lie and I have to give it a one to give it a more fair overall score and not as misleading as it is now at 9.5
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Westworld: Crisis Theory (2020)
Season 3, Episode 8
Season 01 fan review
4 May 2020
When I first heard about westworld, being created by none other than Chris Nolan's brother Johnathan, who helped write many of Chris' films, and having Anthony Hopking and Ed Harris on board, it felt like a dream, I wanted nothing but to see wherr this journey would take us.

I watched Johnathan's Person of Interest that had an interesting concept and very memorable episodes, dialogs and plot twists, though it did lacked a bit in regards of Action and some scenes were cringey, I expected he would learn from that and having a much bigger show would change those small things I didnt like about Person of Interest even thou I did enhoy it overall, but I was wrong

Johnathan still makes very cringy Action sequences, maybe the first episode of this season has been the best action sequence of the show, but for the most part, the action feels incredibly childish and really takes me out of the story, like when some officer shoots Caleb and Calebs friend jumps on the bullet to save him and Caleb just stands there looking at his friend, how am I supposed to believe that this officer only had one bullet and did not even try to shoot a second time to get Caleb? Sure they show him about a minute later being restrained by some random people, but still the whole sequence feels off and too convenient for the story, Those moments are the reason it does not deserve more than an 8, even if the overall story is interesting, though a bit cliched and predictable in some ways.

The second thing I found mostly annoying is Maeves character, I get they are trying to create conflict but her character necer really had a clear motive I could empathize with, for the most part it felt like she was just stubborn to get what she wanted regardless of the greater good, this episode finally fixed her by the end, not completely though but its a good step

I do miss Anthony Hopkins, he is the reason Season 1 was amazing, him and Ed Harris, whose character slowly declined its own awesomeness created in season 1. Dr Ford was actually very intelligent as I expected the show to be on later seasons, but it never got that intelligence it had in season 1 despite its action sequences flaws, it was something to look forward to. This season is now kinda borrowing from Person of Interest now and even though some shots are beautiful, it feels like they dont really know what point are they trying to make anymore.

I hope they finally step up next season for the show many of us expected it to be
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Peaky Blinders (2013–2022)
Good, but not that good
26 April 2020
I wanted to like this show give how many people praise it, but having seen series as good as breaking bad, chernobyl, first half of game of thrones, better call saul, sopranos and others, this show is not among those actually good shows, but it is as good as, lets say westworld, though for entirely different reasons. Characters are solid, the acting is mostly good I specially like Hardy, but some characters like Polly are very inconsistent and becomes pretty annoying for no good reason other than to keep conflict going in the family. Everything is a little too dreamy plotwise and puts me off with a slight cringe from time to time, its a bit hard to care about the characters when they dont have enough depth, I think it just needs better planning to be what it wants to be, though overall it is good enough, I can appreciate the level of production it has and is undoubtly better than many other shows out there, just not quite among the best, I am very surprised it has an 8.8 average at this point, its more like an 8.4
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Better Call Saul (2015–2022)
People need to re-review this series
16 April 2020
At the time of this review, the average is 8.7, this is because of the slow first couple of seasons that people expected the intensity of Breaking Bad's later seasons and gave up watching it. I know because I was one of them, but I decided to give it a chance, I did love breaking bad and even if it was not as thrilling at first, it did not have many flaws production wise.

After finishing S03 I started to feel that rush Breaking Bad gave me in its first couple of seasons and thought now we are getting somewhere, the acting was good, te cinematography, the writing, the entire plot was slowly cooking to perfection and I could already savor it.

Some years later comes S05 and oh boy... there is not enough words to describe how good this show has progressed with each season, except that it is now just as good if not better than Breaking bad and we are not even at the final season yet.

The acting is fantastic on all fronts, without mentioning any characters to avoid spoilers, all of them have been top class. The writing gets better and better, it almost feels like a world class poem. The cinematography I can't get enough of, so much symbolism, everything is perfectly captured to make you feel exactly how you are supposed to feel, and upon viewing it again you rediscover details you may have missed on the first view and you know the writers know exactly where the series was going to go from the start and I love that. Even the music is great, interesting song choices but they perfectly fit with the mood and lyrics every time, I don't think it has much composing, but I believe that helps to make it more real.

All in all the whole production and directing of this series are exceptionally good, and it deserves a better average score it not deserve anything shorter than a 9, few shows are ever this good on TV, if you are one of the people like me that were somewhat disappointed with this show's first few seasons and gave it 8 or less, do reconsider our vote once the series is finished to give it the more accurate average it deserves
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Tod@s caen (2019)
19 March 2020
To the people giving bad reviews, what did you expect? This is a simple romatic comedy, sure its not perfect and there are better out there, but if you watch it, you know it has a lot of heart, it's honest, it's what a romantic comedy should be, you have to judge it under its category and its enjoyable enough to be getting reviews that bad.

I wont get a into technicnicals here, it may not be strong but its not bad, the acting is good, Martha is as beautiful as ever. Just enjoy it for what it is, other rom coms such as Hitch are similar but I honestly liked this one better, in hitch I never rrally felt for the characters
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Joker (I) (2019)
Good, but not as good as I wanted it to be
8 October 2019
I would give it a 7 or 8 at most, but too many 10's and "Masterpiece", "Best joker" reviews made me feel like I need to point out what is wrong with it and why this hyped reviews are wrong.

First off the movie is not at all bad, I have been pretty sick of cliche superhero movies lately and this is a very nice change, just not an awesome one. I went in with full expectation I would like the movie seeing all those reviews, maybe they raised my expectations too high. I felt I saw a very classic story of a bullied man turned mad, nothing special about the overall plot, its not complicated, is not philosophical, no memorable, impactful dialogues, monologues, or even phrases it doesn't give you much more to think about than "Bullying is bad"

Now to the real gems of the movie Acting, Cinematography and Score. The acting was great, but not as great as people say, I have seen enough movies to know excellent acting when I see it, in simple terms, you must not see the actor, but the character at all times even if you are trying to see the actor, like Christian Bale in "The Fighter". That masterclass is what I was hoping here knowing Joaquin Phoenix capacity as an actor, as demonstrated in "The Master", and though there were times this was true, there were times it just felt like he was trying too hard to be a maniac, it did not feel as natural as I hoped it to be, and it may be Phillips' fault here since he is not very experienced directing masterclass actors or maybe even recognizing masterclass acting.

For the Cinematography, There were some genuinely beautiful shots in this movie, many of the shots felt like a comic book frame, the only thing I would complain about is that I did not feel like any of them really stood out, I did not feel any of them gave us any kind of subtext that gave us more information, more to think about or even simply hypnotizing enough to be called masterclass, I may need to watch it again with more attention to be sure, but overall it was great and definitely one of the better elements of the film

Now for the score, for me probably the best element of the film, it does really capture the haunting feeling of being alone, sad and insane at the same time and without it, the best scenes of the film would not have been as great as they are. but as much as I loved it, I still would think hard considering it "Masterclass" though I would give this element a 9/10 without thinking too hard

I really wish this movie is as great as people say, I really believed the hype, but I sometimes forget that I may have seen more films than the average person to see the flaws not many people seem to find, in a way is sad because I know I will never be easily satisfied with a movie the way I did when I was a kid.

Im giving the film a 3, but only trying to balance out the undeserved many 10 reviews it has, the film should not have more than an 8 at most
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Final Space (2018–2021)
slightly overrated, but pretty good
25 September 2018
I heard people saying this was even better that Rick and Morty, I guess it depends on your taste, but for me it is definitely not, but it does have a much better story and music.

The thing I find annoying is the main character, he has his moments, but for the most part he is just some deadpoolish overconfident idiot that never shuts up, and I dont really like that kind of childish humor, KVN is also kind of annoying for the same reasons, but mooncake is fun and cute

Its pretty good overall, the story is genuinly good and takes some unexpected turns and some scenes are actually dramatic and great, in the end the only thing that kills it for me is that humor that it is highly present in the first couple episodes, but if you can tolerate or actually like that humor this will be a blast for you
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I understand why people love it, but...
11 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
First of I'd like to say I did liked the movie, it was better than I expected it to be, and for the amount of characters they were very well handled for the most part. The problem is Marvel in general, they have managed to do a giant TV series, some episodes are good, some are straight up bad, but they keep you hooked and basically force you to watch all the movies to enjoy this one, you see, this movie will not age well, simply because as a stand alone, it is not a good movie, people defending it has a plot, no it does not, the plot is the entire marvel universe, but the movie has very little and at times inconsistent plot, as an example how come Vision was probably THE most powerful avenger in Civil War having the mind stone and all and in this movie is a complete rookie who needs saving by a simply enhanced human, but I wont get into much detail on the inconsistencies, the movie works because its fan base are blind to what a good movie should be when it comes to marvel, granted Marvel is not meant to be a Dark Knight Trilogy, its made to entertain more simple minded audience and as I said it is enjoyable to watch, but only if you watched everything else and you shut your brain a little bit to not get annoyed by the inconsistencies and lack of plot or good script.

The other thing I wish would have impacted me more (SPOILER) are the deaths, I felt nothing from anyone dying in this movie, and before you say Im just stone cold hearted it's not because of that, Marley and me did made me cry for example, the problem was that none of the deaths feel permanent, not even Gamora which was the saddest death anyway, but I believe she is simply trapped in the soulstone and they can still get her back somehow for guardians of the galaxy 3, thats the other thing, you see all these movies planned with characters that are supposedly dead it's hard to believe they are really gone for good, Marvel has become famous for never actually killing its characters or rarely and only when they dont serve any purpose, compare any of them to the death of Rachel on TDK, that death alone had more impact than all these deaths combined

With all that said, it was certainly an enjoyable movie, just not as much as people claim it is, this movie deserves an 8 at most but probably a 7.5 would be a better fit, 5 being an okay movie you did not hate but forgot you even saw, 10 being masterpiece 7.5 is good and memorable but no close to a masterpiece
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Great but overrated
30 August 2016
I understand this series is technically flawless, the history, the cinematography, the accuracy, the realism, it really is amazing what they achieved with this, but even with all of that, I can't find myself to finish the series, I just get bored.

I like how they don't glorify "America" as other war movies, they also did terrible things in war, inhuman things, though they still do over-glorify war as a whole a little bit. yes the fallen heroes, lots of sad stories that actually happened, lots of pain and whatever it's all good and true and I respect everyone that participated as soldiers in the war, the ones that didn't commit any inhuman acts, but I still fail to be entertained by the story as a story.

If you take away the true facts, stick to story alone, though well structured and sometimes meaningful, it is not that entertaining.

Don't get me wrong I still think is one of the best series out there, but certainly not the best, not even close, best historically accurate series perhaps, best documentary even, but series, no.
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