
6 Reviews
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Great performances, unrealistic court scenes
21 September 2020
Wonderful performances by pretty much every actor in the film, particularly Maximilian Schell, Liv Ullman and the actress who plays her young daughter. The story is chilling and thinking that it actually happened is devastating.

However, the plot is sometimes hard to follow and the pacing is uneven. More problematic is the fact that the court scenes and procedure of the case are very unrealistic. Maybe it is because I am a lawyer, but for that reason, the movie was a hit and miss for me.
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The Witcher (2019– )
Henry Cavill carries the show
5 January 2020
Henry Cavill was born to play this character. He is intriguing, sexy and surprisingly likeable. The script was the main issue for me. The story is quite messy. They don't so a great job at setting up this world. Otherwise a good run. I feel like it season 2 will be much much better.
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The Staircase (2004–2018)
Slow paced
9 August 2019
I enjoyed this show but stretching it over 13 episodes was kind of... a stretch. 8 to 10 episodes would have been just fine in my opinion.
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Chocolat (2016)
Should have been better
6 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I just saw this movie in the theater in France and I had very high hopes for it. Although there were many positive aspects to this film, the main ones being the wonderful Omar Sy and James Thierree, I believe the film should have had more magic. However, movie tries to do to many things at the same time - a biopic, a historical film, an activist film, a friendship film.. - and the result is messy. I would have liked to see more of the relationship between the two main protagonists. Why did they become friends ? What were there struggles ? How did they work on their acts ? It is true that the movie gives some glimpses of those things, but never quite enough. This is a problem because I did not feel emotionally involved in scenes such as the one in which Chocolat and Footit find out they are going to Paris to pursue their career. I should have been. Even more so during the last scene of the movie. Only by then I was looking at my watch because the movie had been dragging a little too long. That being said, it is a worth seeing for its main actors. I give it 7/10 because of them.
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Daredevil (2015–2018)
A decent ride
10 April 2015
I have just finished watching the series thanks to my new subscription to Netflix.

First of all, I have absolutely loved the opening credits. They are by far the best and most inventive I have seen for a TV (Internet ?) series.

I have aso loved the cast. Each actor is doing a great job at portraying their character.

What the show suffers from is pacing. There is an awful lot of uninteresting dialogues between characters we do not care much about, i.e. the bad guys (Russians, Chinese, Japanese and so on), to the detriment of main character interaction and development. Thankfully, that improved in the second half, and we (finally !) get to see the friendship between Matt Murdock and Foggy.

There are a lot of fighting sequences which are very nicely choreographed. However, they became quickly boring to watch because their outcome is always the same. You will see Daredevil kick the hell out of his opponent (with unnecessary violence) for 5 minutes, and that's it. Because of these scenes, it took me a while to like Matt Murdock. He seems to find himself at the end of the season and to be able to show his good side.

The mythology of the character was a bit out of place. The series could have benefited from showing some of the flashback sequences of Matt and Foggy's college years a bit sooner because they made the pair more likeble and interesting.

I was disappointed with some characters, mainly Claire. Her relationship with Daredevil felt forced. I also thought she would play a bigger role, given the part she played in promoting the show.

Overall, I would say that the second half of the season saved me from giving a 6/10 review. I think the show has some potential and that the mistakes I have described should improved in the second season.
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A disappointment, yet an enjoyable watch
1 January 2015
This movie is a disappointment in the sense that it is incredibly commercial. The over- use of CGI combined with over-the-top action sequences downgraded the movie greatly. It is a shame since the first two installments had managed to encapsulate the spirit and the tone of the Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. Overall, it felt more like i was watching the Matrix or Transformers than a poetic movie about The Hobbit. Sadly, Martin Freemen the actual Hobbit has very few screen time.

This being said, as an action-packed movie, I did actually enjoy this film and found myself laughing quite a few times. I am not quite sure this was the intention of the director...
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