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I Am a Killer: A Question of Loyalty (2022)
Season 3, Episode 1
2 September 2022
I was waiting for the 3rt season. God it's boring . Such a shame since i love season 1 & 2 .

I can watch better crime / murder documentary on YouTube . Nothing interesting, the most common storyline.

So many stories this is the MOST interesting you choose? No wonder Netflix is going downhill . When YouTubers have better documentaries.

Listen to me and watch on YouTube : JCS - Criminal Physiology. Now that's a great channel for Murder cases lovers .

It's so boring that I don't know what else to write to this review to get to the minimum 600 characters.

That's all folks . Choose something else to pass you time .
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Stateless (2020)
Like you are watching a documentary !!
10 January 2021
The acting is so good , you feel like you are watching a documentary and they film the actual scenes. I was NEVER more impressed by the acting ! Brilliant series ! Disappointed by us . By the humanity , by the governments. You should watch it . This is a masterpiece !
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Friday Night Lights (2006–2011)
2020 and still one of the BEST !
10 October 2020
I watched this series now , in 2020 almost 2021 and guess what? One of the best series EVER . The realest characters you will find in any other show . It's so real that I simply cannot believe that this town doesn't exist, the people , even theis clothes so real . I cried with this series , I laughed, i been sad , i was excited, i was yelling to the tv when a game was on . Please note I'm a woman from Europe living im an island, and not having a clue about american football.

Fantastic series !! A must watch!
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Life after prison
30 August 2020
Ok this documentary is not Making a murder quality. But i liked that i can see the life after prison. The simple things we enjoy and the basic needs we all have.

Spoiler alert :

I don't know if i believe him. I don't know if i believe that he killed him because he was blackmailing him. BUT i do believe that he is really sorry, that now he is a better men. He paid for this crime. I hope now he can find peace, love and forgiveness for himself.

For me, if someone is truly sorry and remorse for his act, then for me the crime, is been deleted but never forgotten.

We must have forgiveness and kindness in our hearts. For me this gentleman deserves a good life abd this is my hope and wish for his future.

Love, Melina xx
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Unsolved Mysteries: House of Terror (2020)
Season 1, Episode 3
The best episode so far.
24 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
People need to return to school.

They review this episode low because they have to read subtitles . It's difficult for them to read their own language. Imagine that !

Well except for the English spoken population, you can find in the world people speaking French, Greek, Italian , Spanish and many MANY more languages. It's good for your own education to be able to read your own language.

Take it as a lesson if you don't want to hear other languages, or just skip the episode.

I personally LOVE it . I love to hear and learn more cultures .

This episode has indeed mystery. It makes you wonder , why ? He loved this family . Was his own pride higher than his love for his family? But if he did loved his family and kill them because he didn't want to disappoint them ,with the financial reality , why he didn't committed suiside ?

Love from a Greek person , watching an episode in French reading the subtitles in Greek . Super easy xxx
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Red River (2019–2020)
The only history they have
10 August 2020
If you are interested to learn the "history" and the "accomplishments" of Turkey, this is the best series you can find .

Very well made series focus on a love story and of course the pain and the suffering of the Greeks .

Barbaric brutal and honest series.
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Amanda Knox (2016)
I wonder.. Amanda Knox do you sleep at night ?
9 June 2020
I'm sorry , I'm really sorry that the family of the victim from Knox , is going to see people actually believe this biased so called documentary . They left out the most important evidences , carefully not evidence : EVIDENCES . that of course all are pointing Knox . People please do yourself a favor a do a quick research and then decide if this woman is the killer or not , for the sake of the victim and her family . Do not believe what they want you to believe, to fool you .. the audience . For a start check who are the producers of this fantasy film . I wonder does Amanda Knox sleeps at night ?
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I was looking forward for this but :
6 June 2020
I was looking forward for this but You only see and watch 1/100 of the whole story . That's it .

If you don't mind watch it but if you think like i was thinking , that you will see something new ,a revelation , you will disappointed VERY much . You just see the story VERY lightly and you "meet" the victims.

Also I don't believe AT ALL that he committed suicide . He either was killed or win his way out with evidence that threatened everyone.
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Cable Girls (2017–2020)
But why ?!
20 May 2020
The series are very good . But what the f is this music ?!! They are totally ruin the atmosphere !
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One of Us (IV) (2017)
First watch "Unorthodox"
23 April 2020
You must first watch "Unorthodox" if you don't have ANY idea about the ultra orthodox Jewish community. What I always say is that the holocaust was the worst thing that EVER happened to this planet. I'm obsessed with that . I watch all the films , read a lot of book of survivors and also visited Auschwitz. Everytime my heart is broken. The most heartbreaking event made by people . I'm a Greek Orthodox Christian but i love all people no matter of their religion. We are all people. If im giving my view on the ultra orthodox Jewish community is that it's too much. It seems they can't leave behind what happened. I not saying to forgot , no one will EVER forgot what happened, but to live the future with no fear and no hiding. I'm really sorry .. this is what I see. People afraid to live like they used too because they fear the more they involve in the modern world then more chances are that something horrific will happen again . But then I remember the holocaust.. Can anyone blame them ?
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Grace and Frankie: The Alternative (2019)
Season 5, Episode 13
An idea copy from "F.R.I.E.N.D.S"
21 April 2020
The writer of this show was also writing for FRIENDS series too and i see a lot of "stolen" lines . I don't like that . Get new jokes .

I love this series but this episode is a "stolen" idea from FRIENDS and to be honest not good delivered.
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Elite (2018–2024)
Watch "One Tree Hill" instead.
4 April 2020
This a average teen series . It's ok . The characters are ok , the scenes too , the storyline predictable but its fun to watch .

If you like teen drama / school kind of series the best one is of course "One Tree Hill" . By far !
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I Am a Killer: Owning It (2020)
Season 2, Episode 7
I believe him
10 February 2020
I believe his is truly sorry . You can see he has a lot of pride in his eyes but he admitted everything. A very difficult thing to do .
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Making a Murderer (2015–2018)
10 out of 10 !
9 February 2020
I'm a documentary maniac . I watch almost all of them . This is the best one . Took them 10 years to film this series . The anger that makes you feel . You understand that you may be in their position out of no where. Let me tell you .. you feel completely powerless . Scariest feeling.

I'm thinking about them almost every day . This is how much this documentary affect me .

Do not miss this one ! One of a kind !
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I Am a Killer: Pyro Joe (2020)
Season 2, Episode 6
They stole his childhood.
9 February 2020
This brought tears in my eyes . Even though i am not a mother yet , this story make me realize how important is a happy full of love childhood. The need a child has for his mother and family acceptance. Things we already know but it's good to be reminded of . Unfortunately through this very sad story . The family draws the future of their child and his family failed to give him the one thing he ever wanted.. Love .
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Anne with an E (2017–2019)
3 February 2020
I just don't get it ! This is a MASTERPIECE!! So many emotions! Believe me watch this series if you are a romantic heart .

Yes it was canceled sooner than expected but they did "closed" almost all the plot stories . So is still worth it. But it leaves you with a bitterness since you will want more and more .
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Velvet Colección (2017–2019)
You have to be ready to watch Velvet without the 2 protagonists!
24 December 2019
You have to be ready to watch Velvet without the 2 protagonists! If you are ok with that then you will love it !

It's the exact same feeling and style as the "original" velvet . It's like you are seeing what happened after . Not with the protagonists since they got their happy ending, but with the rest ! 20 episodes are not bad but surely not enough unfortunately since i love Velvet !

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You would this this is a fiction. Unfortunately not !
31 October 2019
If this was a fiction movie i would say great movie , and what a horror ending was that , how someone can be so cruel... but how the hell the writer did come up with this story ? Horrific.

It's does make you wonder .. if i was Marcus? What would i do ? Probably the same .

AMAZING ! Make a tea and watch it .
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Seven Seconds (2018)
Finally a GREAT crime drama !
28 February 2019
Thank you lord .

Watch this is you like quality series ! If you love the : night of , the killing , the fall , the sinner .
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Mr Selfridge (2013–2016)
I miss mr .Selfridge
4 February 2019
When I started watching this series I absolutely hated Selfridge . Imagine that ! Now ? I love him and i miss him . I know the story is not accurate as the real story went but I don't care really since very important parts are presented amazingly! Watch this series ! Give it 4-5 episodes and believe me , you will adore mr.Selfridge !
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