
49 Reviews
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Astro Loco (2021)
Not What You Expect!
16 September 2021
I wasn't really sure what to expect when diving into this Indie gem! It's very witty and the humor works quite well. It is clearly a lower-budget indie, but the that indie heart shines through in every detailed element of this film. Definitely worth you the watch!
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Boston2Philly (2016)
Worth the Watch!
7 June 2021
This is an indie with a lot of heart that shines through the limitations of the film's budget. There are some true moments of beauty and truth that are rarely achieved in indie film. Check this one out, you won't be disappointed!
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Hidden Gem
22 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A well made character piece as explored through its leads, and moments of brilliance in the filmmaker's voice that shines through an intriguing narrative. Definitely a strong recommend!
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The Process (2020)
Give it a look!
8 February 2021
Excellent music and what ends being a very well fleshed-out character drama, The Process surprised and entertained me. Very well crafted and worth a watch!
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4 February 2021
Admittedly, I knew nothing about this piece of history. Told with passion, this is documentary that will enlighten as much as it entertains. Well worth your time if you get the chance to watch it!
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Silent Panic (2018)
Thrilling Character Study
3 January 2021
Excellent production value with an intriguing premise makes this indie as much a character study as it is thriller that works on both fronts.

The acting and directing is solid, and you're left wondering what you'd do in an insanely unfortunate situation. Check it out, definitely worth your time!
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In Utero (I) (2019)
21 December 2020
This is a low-budget micro, but once it gets going it really gets going. The acting is solid and all of the shortcomings quickly fall away as the intensity of the situation and characters captivate you as the viewer, making some moments so raw that they're hard to watch. This one is ultimately very much worth your time!
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Stylistically Simple
19 December 2020
Without giving anything away, the "twist" isn't necessarily much of a surprise, but the delivery and craftsmanship of the medium is superbly done. Check it out, you won't be disappointed!
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Hilariously Offbeat
19 December 2020
There aren't really words to describe this trip of a movie! Tongue and cheek on sex, politics and religion, this film is crude but insightful. Maybe not for everyone, but definitely worthy of being seen!
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Dark Character Study
18 December 2020
The strength in this is film is it's characters and performances. Secrets and an unrealisticly stressful situation that actually works brings about great moments from a solid script nailed by a talented ensemble cast. Definitely check this one out!
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Not What You Think!
18 December 2020
At first glance this looks like a zombie (noir) film, but it's not that at all. Psychologically dark and character driven, this is a film that doesn't fit snuggly in any one drama, let alone "zombie". Grounded and fantastic in equal parts, this one is well worth your time!
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Better Than Most
17 December 2020
Having seen several low/no budget Bigfoot movies (even working on one myself), I can say that this is better than most! It isn't perfect, but the story is solid with the psychological/guilt angle elevating it to a new level. The 2 leads to a nice job in their roles and the production value is solid as well.

Definitely recommend!
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Lemonheads (2020)
Strong Character Drama
16 December 2020
This is true indie film grit, driven by strong characters and their development that is anchored in excellent performances. Everything here works on a narrative level and is complimented by solid production value. Worth a watch, you won't be disappointed!
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32 Weeks (2020)
Excellent Indie Gem
16 December 2020
I called the ending a little over halfway through, but only because I was really working it out as I was watching it... this can certainly be considered a twist ending (no spoilers)! Expertly crafted and performed, this is indie filmmaking at its best!
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Intrusion (2015 Video)
Talent at Work
16 December 2020
This is clearly no/low budget, but given its limitations it's a very solid micro film with a lot of good and a lot of promise. Worth checking out and worth seeing what this crew does next!
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Hesperia (2019)
Smart & Brutal
16 December 2020
There's not much here that plays out how you'd expect. This film could have easily fallen into predictable beats, but managed to circumvent expectations at virtually every turn in a way that is brutal without being graphic, and manages to comment on both of the circular nature's of its 2 subplots/themes.

Not what you expect, and definitely worth the watch!
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Thrilling 3rd Act
16 December 2020
It's truly the last 45 minutes that that make this film! It's decently solid up to that point, but (no spoilers) the third act is elevated beyond the average thriller. Good performances, twists that are well executed - this is one well worth the price of admission.
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Creativity Unhinged
15 December 2020
What a trip this short is! In approximately 12 minutes I went from cautious observer to feeling like I was an active participant, not the easiest thing to pull off yet The 5th Dimension manages quite naturally. This could definitely be expanded into more, but as it is it remains quite an experience!
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Closure (I) (2018)
Indie Film at its Best!
15 December 2020
This is what high quality indie film is. Damn near perfect, hilarious, thought-provoking, and even heart breaking at times.

This deserves to be seen!
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Worth a Watch!
14 December 2020
Fighting alcoholism is a story that's been told in about every way imaginable, and though "Carving a Life" doesn't necessarily reinvent anything, it certainly does what it does well. Mitch is an empathetic character that you see the way his wife does, wanting to see the best in him and rooting for him to overcome his demons.

It's well written and the performances are solid. Definitely worth a watch!
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Honest & Real
13 December 2020
Everything about this film is natural and honest. The music and scenic backdrops are characters unto themselves, and you feel as if you are watching real life, not a scripted narrative.

Just an excellent film.
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You've Ruined this Journey of Life for Yourself
13 December 2020
Not perfect, but about as close as a low-budget Indie can get, this is a film well worth checking out. Solid production value and performances, maybe a little inspiration from Dexter mixed in with an intriguing procedural, and you won't be left with feeling like "better luck next time."
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Inspiring & Heartbreaking
12 December 2020
This is an excellent documentary that follows a hard working woman keeping a long-standing family business in the family and operating at a level that is a tradition at this point. She is inspiring and inspires others.

The heartbreak comes from the sacrifice in missing out on her own family, especially her teenage daughter, and is cemented in the idea that her daughter may be willing to forgo her own life's goals should the business one day need her.

It really is about family, expectations and senses of duty.

An excellent documentary.
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B Movie Surprise
12 December 2020
This is unapologetically low budget, but still ended up being a good time! The music and scenery are beautifully captivating and closer to the end there are some disturbing moments. If you're a fan of low budget B movies, you'll like this one!
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Microcinema Passion!
10 December 2020
This is low/no budget filmmaking, and it shows, but the passion of the filmmakers shines through to create an enjoyable 47 minute film! Know what you're in for and you're going to enjoy what's this film has to offer!
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