
28 Reviews
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Blue Beetle (2023)
Not really bad, but could've been better
20 August 2023
This movie is not as bad as some people say, I did not have very high hopes for it and I was pleasently surprised.

On the positive: the cast for the family was top tier and everyone shines, but specially Xolo as Jaime and López as Rudy.

All the great funny/cute moments come from the family interactions. I do have to say though, I think many jokes and references might go over non latinxs heads, which is why I guess some people say some jokes were not landing.

Some negative in the film, as it is becoming an issue with a lot of this superhero movies, is the very flat almost cartoonish villain. Sarandon cast and acting was... a choice. Not terrible but quite basic and forgettable. We definetely need better writing for the villains in this movies

Overall the story is not super deep and yes, quite cliché and predictable but is not so terrible. If you have high hopes for this film probably you'll be dissapointed but if you look for a fun family movie time this passes quite good.

This film, at least is much better than the Shazam 2 mess.
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The Northman (2022)
Another Eggers Classic
15 April 2022
As it is kind of becoming Eggers trademark, you either love or hate his movies. This one is no different.

Is it a realistic viking representation? I wouldn't know I'm no expert on that area, but I don't think that is the point of the film. It is definetely not trying to be realisticly accurate.

Is it slow at times, kind of weird, and brutally shocking? Yes that is an Eggers film as it core. Be aware of that.

Is it a very enjoyable, compeling, emotional, dramatic and somehow fantastical film about the obsession of revenge and destiny? Yes, absolutely.
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Morbius (2022)
It is not as bad. It is just mediocre
3 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Like many I wasn't expecting much from this, but I do belive everything deserves a chance and I thought this might surprise me. Well, it is not the worst I have seen but it is definetely not good.

The problem in my opinon is this movie lacks heart and spirit. It feels like it doesn't know where it wants to go. I didn't relate to any character or their motivations.

Everything felt kind of rushed and disconnected. Like we see the addoptive father in two scenes at the beggining, I even forgot about him, then reappears at the end only to die in the most cliché wey possible. I didn't feel It.

I didn't get the end with the girlfriend being now a vampire. Didn't she needed to be injected? I guess they never fully explained how the whole thing work, or if they did, I definetely missed It.

I tried to give this a chance but it ended up being as I expected, just bland.

It is not so terrible, it is watchable at least but it is not memorable.
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Great performance of Sandra Bullock lost in a very Bland movie
12 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I am pretty sure people giving this 10 or 9 are either paid or are just basing their reviews solely on the acting. Which yes, not gonna lie, it is pretty solid.

Like I get it yes, Sandra Bullock is super convincing. She is giving her all and it shows.

But the plot twist, come on!

In the end we are supposed to be emotional because the five year old was the shooter all along and of course she had to take the fault in her place! Why exactly again? I'm pretty sure there are special laws and no crime convinctions for toddlers, right? Or she could've explain the situation and get less time or something. I don't know. I just didn't buy it.

Also 20 years have passed and the sister is now supposedly 25, yet somehow she is looking like a teenager and still depending so much on her parents. I mean yes, people can still be living with their parents at any age nothing wrong there but listen, she is 25 however her parents are the first ones called to the meeting with the lawyer as if they are still her legal guardians or something. At that age isn't she now legaly a full on adult and should've been contacted directly? It was so unrealistc ando distracting that I was not convinced.

Another thing that bother me was her parole officer who was so wierdly bipolar as the story needed him to be. He was never a full on a**hole nor a true helpfull mentor. He was just there to be harsh of mindful as the story needed. I thought he could've been done diferently.

And don't get me started with the super cartoony and predictable "villain" that surprising no one, changes heart and surrenders in the very last second because the hero show him the true way. Such a terrible over used cliche.

In general this movie is quite watchable thanks to performance of Sandra Bullock but it ends up being a little boring and flat. Not worthy of a rewatch.

Thank god it is on Netflix, so I didn't have to waste on paying for a cinema ticket.
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Eternals (2021)
The "Meh-ternals"
6 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is not Marvels worst but definetely not the best. I get it. The story is meant to be a little more phylosophical and rhater more adult, so to so to speak, than other MCU films and there is nothing wrong with that, but my problem is that at least make that entertaining and this felt too slow.

And despite having good themes and plots somehow the characters feel flat.

Like Druig with the mind control of a a complete town, there was so much potential there and some moral dilema that could've been interesting exploring. Or also how the Sprite dilemma of wanting to grow up and her existential crisis was handled so bannaly.

And don't let me rant about all the foreshadowing and exposition that was so lame and predictable. Yes this is an origin story and yes we do need the big reveal but come on, a big sentient voice just flat out telling it felt so boring for a superhero movie.

And the "tottaly unexpected" reveal of a traitor among them all along is so painfully obvious

I think with these movie they bit little too much more than what they could chew. This has a lot of potential that goes nowhere, to many characters that go nowhere and a very prefictable result.

Is not unwatchable but definetely could've been better.
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Malignant (I) (2021)
Too campy for its own good. Not what you might expect, not made for everyones taste
19 September 2021
I did not expect this level of randomness. The first half was a pretty average horror then it went a little campy, which is not a bad thing and it kind of works. But then the last part gets full on ridiculous and it lost me completely.

Personally I don't like too campy funny horror but I know some people do, those people might love this. I just didn't get it and I guess the problem is that it turns silly half way not from the start which confused me, and also we must agree this is not marketed as it should've been

I give it 5 because it is passable but definetely missleading and doesn't know what tone yo take.

If you like way to over top ridiculous camp go for it, if not skip this one.
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It could've been better
8 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I did not hate this movie it is pretty solid actually, but the ending ruined it for me.

The first half is entretaining, very athmospheric, very suspenful and it did got me really intrigued, however the final resolution somehow feels like a very cliché horror slasher with questionable acting, and it lost me hard, it felt out of place for me.

I haven't read the book but I've heard the ending is accurate, however whitin the movie it felt kind of predictable but also at the same time so out of nowhere. Like, I thought "maybe there is gonna be the son but no, that Is so cheap and it doesn't make sense. This is getting somewhere else" but then, it WAS the son all along and I just didn't get it.

I don't know, I guess we missed some context described in the book that made more sense. Also the acting of the son was not really selling it to me

The story is good and overall the movie is quite entretaining but that ending could've been handled a little better. 6.5/10.
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Jungle Cruise (2021)
Pretty solid Disney adventure movie
7 August 2021
This was a very enjoyable film. The casting is perfect and the chemistry between the characters is what makes this film, mainly Dwayne Johnson and Emily Blunt which are great together.

It remind me of the original Pirates of the Caribbean with a touch of the Brendan Fraiser Mummy and old classic period adventure films. And it totally works!

The only questionable thing for me is that the german bad guy feels a little cartoony and flat , but it didn't bother me too much, it is Disney after all so is understandable.

Is this gonna be the next big Disney cash-cow adventure franchise? Most probably yes.

Is it the next Indiana Jones? Definetely not.

Overall this is a really good family fun movie.
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Old (2021)
Another love it or hate it Shyamalan movie
25 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
By looking at the very high and very low ratings this is clearly a very polarizing movie which it kind of seems is becoming the "staple" for M. Night, you either are a big fan of him and see the movie as a "thought provoking masterpiece" or you just don't get his idea and this is a "piece of pretentious trash"

I'm going to be objective here and say that this movie has a cool interesting premise and some good ideas but not a very good execution.

I did not love this movie but I don't really hate either it nor think it is absolute trash. It is just kind of: "Meh."

The whole premise is actualy interesting and the first half of the movie works. You feel interested in what is going on, the mistery of how are they getting out, the feeling of time literaly going at x100 speed, but then by the end I wasn't feeling how all the resolutions were handled.

First the lady with a bone condition has to become scary because apparently we needed jumpscares and body horror.

Then the violent mentally ill man is killed with a miracle rusted knife that creates a very cartoony "infection" it felt a little out of place for me.

And lastly, the final revelation that the evil medical coorporation was behind it all along and was taking advantage of this aging phenomenon for some shady moral reasons, I understand it. I wasn't mad at it mostly, I was just so ready to leave the theater at that point that for me it was like "Meh. Yeah, whatever" I also think we didn't needed the kids to survive I didn't feel it worked for me. Maybe it would have been better to leave the ending with them in the sea and open for discussion, like you decide if they made it and save the other guests or not.

Overall I'll give this movie a true neutral medium score of 5, it is not that great as some people say but it does has an original idea and is at least watchable. I recommend watching it with low expectations and an open mind and then form your own criteria.
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This is so good! Stop comparing it to Hamilton!
21 June 2021
Recently a lot of new people are getting into musicals and into Lin Manuel Miranda's work because of the "Hamilton boom" and so I've seen a lot of reviews saying "this is no Hamilton... it doesn't compare to what Lin did with Hamiton... This style doesn't work as it does in Hamilton..." Of course is not gonna be the same!! This is so obviously different!

I hate that just because it has Lin Manuel Miranda's attached it has to be as big as Hamilton and of course, if you compare them probably you're gonna like one more over the other but they are so different and this movie deserves its own credit because its doing its own thing and it works so well.

After that rant, sorry but I had to say it, I will tell you that If you're a fan of the original play it totally gives it source justice, the changes they did are understandable and work very well, except the adittion of the new girl in the salon (didn't even remember the name) totally useless and forgettable.

Only if you tottally hate hate musicals then skip this one, altough if you're in that demographic I don't even know why you would even be considering watching this XD.
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Cruella (2021)
One of the few salvageable Disney's live-action remakes/spin-off/origin story
29 May 2021
As with most of the live-action disney remakes/spinoffs I started watching this with very low expectations and ready to be a little dissapointed, however I was plesantly surprised, this movie is actually pretty good.

Everyones acting was A+ both Emmas brought their A-game and the sidekick characters are pretty well round up and funny in the right way.

The aesthetics and work building was very well done and also the music choices worked perfectly.

It definetely has some flaws, I felt the mayor plot twist was just a little bit forced in my opinion, it has some cliches and predictability we tend to expect from disney and I felt the final conclusion was a little rushed. But nothing to bad as to get me out of the experience.

Comparing this to the Joker as some people are doing is definetely a stretch LOL, but overall is a pretty enjoyable film if you don't have too high expactations.

I would give it 7.4 if a could, just a little shy of an 8 but not quite there.
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Mortal Kombat (2021)
A silly gory fighting movie made for the fans of the franchise
9 May 2021
If you are a fan go watch this. If you don't know anything about the context of this franchise definetely skip it.

I've never in my life played/watched anything Mortal Kombat I just know it, in my own opinion as "a silly gory fighting game" and I think that is the best way to describe this movie.

I just think it fails to capture and bring something for new fans. I was very lost at some poits and needed some context to get some jokes, references and themes.

Clearly and as expected, all the very good reviews arre from actual fans and the very low are from people who had no idea what they were signing in to

Do I think it is an awful movie? No, not really. I just think it is made for a very very specific audience.
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"Love It" or "Hate It" movie
10 September 2020
I give it a five because I did hated it but I get why some people love it, so in this way I feel I'm being sort of fair. Yeah this was not for me at all. I didn't get it and I don't want to get it. It is one of those films made for a really really specific type of audience, certainly I'm not in that group. So my advice is that if you are thinking of giving this a try be absolutely sure you want to use 2 long hours of your time, because your experience could go in two ways: excitment or despair
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Toy Boy (2019– )
Could Be Better
27 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I watch this because I heard it was going to be the "next big thing" and "as great as Money Heist" but I just thing it was Meh, not that bad but not that great either. The story starts good and there are some highlights to it, but by episode eight the story just feels so drag on that the sequel-baiting cliffhanger ending with still unanswered questions, Zapata getting away and a new murder mistery for the boys to fight against comes across just cheap and undeserved. Let's see if the second seasons gets any better. Also why is it that in every series María Pedraza's in her characters always get killed. I hope they are not trying to make that "her thing"
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The Thing About Harry (2020 TV Movie)
A gay Romcom
27 July 2020
It is a romcom! That's it, that is the review.

Do not expect anything but an hour of a cute, somewhat cringy, cheesy, cookie cutter light hearted romcom but with gay people and I ain't saying that is a bad thing I really like it
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Onward (I) (2020)
Go watch this if you have a brother
8 March 2020
This movie is super sweet, yes it may have a lot of "disney-pixar" cliches, a simple plot and a somewhat predictable outcome but it has a great spirit and a very accurate brother relationship, which I think is something we don't see a lot in movies. I have two brothers and I made such a connection with the characters that is maybe why I like it more than other people With this movie, as they did with Frozen, Disney is beting on stories about family love, specifically sibling love and I'm here for it
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Am I missing something?
14 December 2019
This is way overhyped and awfully overrated I was not fully convinced but in the end I decided it was maybe worth the watch and all I can say is that this is not a bad movie, I definetely didn't hate it but is not perfect at all

The acting is great 10/10 that is no lie, everyone is bringing it and it shows but a movie is not just great acting I get that this is trying to be a "real" view of a family life going through a divorce, and granted I am lucky to say I haven't had that experience but I felt it was a little bit pretencious or the message went way over my head because I don't agree with all the 10 stars reviews nor with the 1s I guess this is gonna be one of those where people are gonna be either lovers or haters

For me it's a 6 just a little over half A solid meh..
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Bird Box (2018)
It is neither that good nor that bad. It just is
27 December 2018
As it is usual with this site, the reviews are quite polarazing so I'm gonna be super neutral. This is movie is just good. That's it. Some are calling it perfection and a masterpiece but they are just hyping it out, and on the other hand some giving ratings of 1 or 2 and calling out all the issues and a few plotholes that it has. In my honest opinion I will give it a six because I did like the story, the pace, the acting and suspense, but I have to agree that there are a few plotholes and (at least in my opinion) the ending wasn't completely satisfactory
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So boring and no heart
17 November 2018
I know not every movie needs to be full packed with action and this one based of a ballet shouldn't be by any means, but come on! Literally in the teather I went I heard a little girl told her father after it ended "I don't mind that you slept in the last part, I also felt like it was really long" So I think that sums it up
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Alpha (II) (2018)
Visually stunning.... That's it
15 September 2018
People with dogs or pets will give this a ten, people with no heart will give this a one. I'm a realist and I'll say the truth: It Is a very basic AF movie, the cinematography and the whole look of it is gorgeous there's no denying that, props for inventing the whole language also, but the acting and the story are just basic. So for me it is a six, no less and no more
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You Get Me (2017)
Cliché: The Movie
2 July 2017
This is pretty mediocre and bad.

First the acting is regular at best.

Second the story is nothing revolutionary or anything.

And most important, this doesn't bring anything new and is full of all the typical clichés and movie tropes.

Unless you like obviously predictable movies don't watch this mediocre film
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Visually outstanding, not so much more
17 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't knew anything about this franchise and I was hoping for a nice sci-fi movie and I felt this was just meh.

was it trying to be deep? I didn't get it

was it trying to be different? It was predictably

was it trying to get new people into this material? Well, it lost me. I simply didn't get it

It has gorgeous visuals I give it that but the story feels very flat

One thing that bother me was the boss talking in Japanese and everyone else in English, why? It felt weird. I get it is "the future" but if they are in the same city shouldn't they speak the same language. I don't know maybe it's just me.

And WTF with the whitewashing, I mean if you already cast a white actress why would you point out that the "ghost" is actually Asian, does that mean that the best and most beautiful "shells" are white? because that's what it seems they're implying. I mean Scarlett Johansson did a great job with the part, but that detail f**k me up

In general it is a visually beautiful but so-so movie that lacks a little something more. Maybe this one is for people who know more about this genre and this franchise
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It's actually just good (impartial review)
26 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, I'm writing this because there needs to be an impartial review. I see people saying it's perfect and people saying is garbage which is neither.

Now, for people saying it is boring and a waste of time because is the same as the animated. This is a REMAKE, what were you expecting? and also it is not exactly the same as the cartoon, there are subtle differences that actually make sense like: 1. we get more explanation to how the curse works with the explanation to why the village people don't remember the castle or the people in it. 2. we also get backstory of both the Beast and Belle 3. Belle is now the inventor which is actually cool and if you are not OK with that, I mean is 2017 like you and your bigotry mind should go live in that provincial town 3. The new songs are really good and worked perfectly, in my opinion 4. Le Fou is now canonically gay which is neither good or bad, actually I always assume he already was. Although 2 seconds of him dancing with another guy is not that much of a big "gay moment" for it to make headlines an polemic, but that's for another rant.

And for people giving this a ten, I have to agree that it is not THAT good: Some of the CGI is pretty average and over used in some points I also have to say that it lacks some of the charm from the original because the characters feel a little flat sometimes plus I could actually live without the new piano guy, that new addition was just meh

Overall I give it a 7 because it has some little flaws but it is a very good and a pretty solid retake on a beautiful story that we will always love
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Not so peculiar, more like average
30 September 2016
First of all I haven't read the books but my brother has and he said the movie is not even 30% accurate to the book so I get it why the book readers are hating it. If you are expecting a truthful adaptation of the novel maybe skip this one.

Now in my case as a non reader of the book I had no big expectations for this movie and after watching it I can say it is not a bad movie but it is not very good either. I think it has a good story but it is missing something to make it stand out.

I like Tim Burton and he clearly was the right choice to direct I mean his aesthetic works perfect with the tone of the story this feels like Big Fish meets Edward Scissorhands, that being said I think the story felt a little flat.

Kudos to Eva Green because she is the only, and I mean the only person in the cast worth mentioning, she fits the character of Miss Peregrine perfect, very mysterious and powerful but with a kind heart, contrary to Asa Butterfield who as Jake felt completely forced and not even relatable. The other adults, even Samuel L. Jackson as the villain, were forgettable. And the kids, who I thought were the ones that were going to stand out, only Ella Purnell kind of did

Overall it is pretty average movie with great direction an a clear vision but a cast and a story that were flat. That is why I'm giving it a 6. Not so bad but not so good
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Sing Street (2016)
24 September 2016
I don't give 10s because I believe that is not realistic (there is no perfect movie), but man is this movie good:

It has the 80's nostalgia vibes.

It has the coming-of-age story line.

It has the pretty girl next door.

And oh boy! does it has the soundtrack.

John Carney does it again, he has a clean record of 3 out of 3 for me. I like Once, I really like Begin Again and now I love Sing Street. And,as it is his trademark apparently, the music is fantastic I literally got to my house from watching the movie and got the soundtrack. I'm pretty sure the music it's gonna get an Oscar nomination

Don't let this movie pass your radar
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