
8 Reviews
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If you thought this movie was a 10 you never read the book
8 August 2011
I am giving this movie a 1 out of 10 because so many morons on this website chose to give it a 10 out of 10.

Were the special effects amazing? They dumped a couple hundred million into it so they better be.

Were all of the familiar famous faces around? Of course they all got paid to mail this bullshit in.

Was this the worst adaptation of a Harry Potter book to film to date? By far the worst, I didn't think they could mess up an ending when the perfect script had already been written but Hollywood managed it again!

This film sucked for so many reasons I tried to list them all and the review length couldn't even contain them so I gave up even trying.

If you read the 7th book and think that this movie was ANYTHING but a TRAVESTY you must be working for the movie industry.

IMDb IS BROKEN giving a horrible greedy movie like this an 8.5 out of 10. I remember a time when I could come on here and rely on the raw score of a film and read reviews and actually trust the people who had written them to give me a decent unspoiled account of a movie and a recommendation on whether I should see it or not. Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic must be broken to because this movie SUCKED. It was the funniest epic i've ever seen for all the wrong reasons, overly violent in all the wrong places and underwhelming in all the places that mattered, dark when it should have been light and light when it should have been dark. Pretty much exactly how it shouldn't have been in almost every way imaginable.. Worst of all it got every single characters spotlight moment ABSOLUTELY WRONG. They have made some terrible adaptations out of the books to this point but this one takes the cake. Why would you change an ending everybody loved? Why would you take an epic battle and turn it into a cgi snooze fest. Why would you ruin every emotional moment in the finale of the most epic series of our generation by changing them in nonsensical ways. I cannot understand Hollywood or this broken website for that matter.

Do yourself a favor and whack it instead of seeing this rubbish, you'll save $10 and have a far more satisfying conclusion.
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Nothing special...
18 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Don't be fooled by all the BS positive reviews. A movie can't be released these days without 10000 liars coming on here to tell us how incredible and perfect the film is. This film is not special, it is a Josh Hartnett extravaganza of stupidity. The film, which started great and admittedly had good cinematography fell so quickly into stupid cliché's that I could not help but roll my eyes. I know they were simply following the "groundbreaking" graphic novel, I guess my real question is what is so groundbreaking about a story filled with every vampire cliché there is. With enough stupid good guys to sate anyones bloodlust. (the idiots wait for 26 of the 30 days and then attempt to go "fight" the vampires) Even worse is the acting, which, when they finally get away from the ridiculous excessive blood is so awful that it makes me wish the good guys would hurry up and die. Yes this movie somehow manages to be SLOW to the point where i was BORED by the end of it. Those who hail this as a modern classic are LIEING to you... This movie is a gorefest without even a single scare. Perhaps 12 year old girls would find this movie frightening but i have trouble imagining anyone else releasing even a shiver were it not from laughter.

*HUGE SPOILER* This should convince you not to go...

Yes the graphic novels ending was absolutely RETARDED! Josh Hartnett infects himself with vampirism to safe his idiot girlfriend who ran off to go help some kid we NEVER saw before and so Hartnett the hero goes to confront the lead vampire... gets his ass kicked for about 10 minutes before dispatching the leader with a single punch through the head. Thats right, that is how dumb the ending is... oh wait thats not all... The two lead characters sit and watch the sunrise while Hartnett turns to ash and his girlfriend cries. When your stealing from Blade 2 you know your vampire movie is SCREWED!
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Berserk (1997–1998)
The greatest anime experience of all time....
11 February 2007
I wan't to start by saying that i cannot recommend Berserk enough. It was the single greatest anime experience of my life. I watched the entire series on my computer over a three day period during which I had school and extracurricular activities to attend. Although I did not have any extra time to spare during the days I stayed up all three nights watching episode after episode unable to break away from the most engrossing anime series created.

I am not going to spoil anything but will tell you that the series features some of the most interesting characters i have ever experienced. Although the animation is rarely top notch and the voice acting isn't always perfect i still found myself captivated by each and every second of the series. If you value plot and don't mind flagrant amounts of violence and some nudity this is definitely and anime series for you. If you have ever liked anime or enjoy more medieval types of live action films even you should give Berserk a try.

P.S. after watching the series you should definitely check out the forums or the manga, it will make you feel a lot better i promise.

Overall 10/10 for an incredible experience, despite some technical flaws. Watch Berserk as soon as you can, you will not regret it!
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A terrible ending to a great series
26 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie started bad and ended even worse. From the very beginning with a terrible action sequence full of badly delivered one liners i knew this movie was in trouble. When mutants start dying at the beginning and the reasons for their deaths are badly explained things got worse. When the majority of the dialogue was between iceman and his girls i really started to get a headache. But when i found out that Storm would have a large part i really started shaking my head. This movie just went from bad to worst and from cliché to cliché. Granted some of the action was good but nothing was just astounding. Juggernaught was cool and that was about the only part of the movie i did like. Even he was done completely wrong. They need to learn to cater to the real fans. If your going to make a movie make the movie good, don't destroy one of the greatest comic book series in history by turning in this piece of crap ending. We all deserved better then this Mr. Ratner, you should learn to direct before taking on such a project.
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don't listen to those who don't like it, if you liked the first see it!
21 January 2006
This movie sure was a ride, some people have commented that the plot has been weakened and that it ruined the world the first created. I would like to ask those people what world this was and what plot they really saw in the first movie. Lets face it this series was really famous because of the subject matter it was dealing with and because of the action it held. This movie has increased each of those categories 10 fold giving all you blood lusters out there exactly what you will want to see. If your looking for a top tier action film go check this one out as it has some of the more creative action scenes/deaths that I've seen in recent history. If you like vampires or werewolves go check this one out because its the only movie where you get to see both at once. If your just plain looking for a good movie with ups and downs and love and explosions then go check this one out. I personally plan to see it again, i cant exactly explain what made it such an experience for me but i know i was not alone, as the entire theatre was gasping and whooping with me. Don't let idiots ruin this one for you, check it out in theater's and enjoy the show, I'm personally hoping for the supposed prequel the director has been talking about! Oh yea and by the way, Kate Beckinsale is just as hott as she ever was.
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Good But not Great
18 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This movie as many have said before me is very "good". As with the previous potter films i found it very entertaining but i did have qualms especially with this one. The director used his "directors license" a bit to much in this film to the point where it annoyed me. Don't get me wrong i enjoyed it and it is a fine piece of film i just had problems with certain things. spoiler don't read ahead

for example Dumbledore seizing harry and yelling at him or Viktor Krum being a buff guy strutting his stuff, it was all just backwards. Other problems were the fact that there was no quidditch and that the first 200 pages were crammed into the first 5 minutes. I give this movie a 7 out of 10 because it was a good adaptation and i know the director did his best. I guess what I'm saying is that the 4th harry potter novel couldn't have been adapted into a movie in a way that would please me with a running length that most moviegoers would accept. As a film its great as an adaptation its mediocre at best. I'm hoping for bigger things from the next film but am expecting an even bigger let down.
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Sin City (2005)
awesome, what a blood bath
3 April 2005
anyone who likes a damn good action movie or even a semi psychological movie will like this one. The characters are so crazed and out of control that you wont know what to think about them by the end. (which will keep you thinking for a long time) Mickey Rourke is back with a vengeance, his character Marv was by far my favorite as a killer with a mission, delivering some of the funniest one liners I've ever heard in action films. Although i didn't like the rest of the movie as much thats not saying i didn't think it was awesome i just thought Marv's story was amazing. Go and see this one unless your really squeamish or super moral because anyone with an imagination and respect for the art that is film making cannot deny this film its due, its a truly original, well filmed movie deserved of credit. 10/10 Check this one out
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A truly fantastic show!
7 December 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Walking into the movie i was skeptical, Tom Cruise pulling crazy moves with a sword without making a fool out of himself, not possible. I was however completely blown away by this movie. With scenery that compared to Kurosawas action comparing to bravehearts and one of Tom Cruises best performances it is by far one of my favorite movies of all time. Although the Hollywood aspect is still there and very blatant it is overshadowed by the other elements of the movie. The companionship, honor, compassion and beliefs displayed by the characters is very moving. I am 16 and although the opinion of a 16 year old boy may not seem like much to you, let me say this. I have never cried or even teared during a movie nor have i ever felt much of a twinge of sadness but during a number of scenes in this movie, whether from the beauty of some things or the death of others i felt water building in my eyes. If you enjoyed the movie Shichinin no samurai (The Seven Samurai) you will like this movie. Zwick does not let Kurosawa down, using some of his elements and creating some knew ones of his own.

--Spoiler Below--

One of the characters in this movie so strongly reminded me of The Seven Samurai that i had to comment on it. Its like Zwick used an allusion to this legendary movie and it came out at me with startling effects. The quiet old man known affectionately as Bob, although a quiet character throughout the movie, was striking at the end. Throwing himself infront of a bullet, getting shot, and then standing up once again to strike down the one that shot him. Just as the quiet samurai did in The Seven Samurai. Because of this and many other elements of the movie that seem taken directly from greater movies, with (although somewhat historically incorrect) a great plot line i give this movie a 10/10... if you go see this i guarantee you will not leave feeling ripped off.
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