
4 Reviews
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Mr. Robot: 405 Method Not Allowed (2019)
Season 4, Episode 5
I have never seen anything as brilliant, TV or big screen!
5 November 2019
This is by far the most incredible brilliant thrilling episode of ANYTHING i have ever seen in over 60 years of watching TV. Kudos to everyone involved in the production of this masterpiece. If any one rates this less than a 10, then they dont know what they just saw.
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Oh My God! Steer clear of this for your own sake. Oh my the humanity.
11 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I am wondering if anyone from Netflix watched this god-awful "movie" before putting it on their website. Apparently not, or I should hope not, or they would have rejected this absolute POS. Are they actually going to pay A.S. for this? It is really very sad to watch what A.S. has come to. It is so sad that they had to go to the race card in order to be "funny." I just cannot believe that Netflix watched this horror of a "movie" before putting it up for public consumption. No wonder their stock is losing value. Well Netflix, its just going to get worse. I wanted to give this "movie" a zero, but had to give it a 1. I am wondering if i should cancel my subscription after watching just 30 minutes of this, the worst "movie" i have ever seen!
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Sons of Anarchy: Pilot (2008)
Season 1, Episode 1
Stay away, its awful
27 August 2015
Watched this for the first time today, the pilot episode on Netflix. I am not feeling this at all. The acting is atrocious. The story telling childish and transparent. I have no idea how this has a rating of 8.7. An 8.7 rating is usually indicative of better programming. But I suppose the voters who liked it were the ones giving it that rating. The acting is bland, monosyllabic and just plain bad. And there's 7 seasons of this. Ron Perlman is Ron Perlman; Meh. Charlie Hannum is not. Katy Sagal was a stiff Peg. There just isn't really all of that that I can give a good review on. It really is astounding that this got the high rating that it did, I suppose bikers loved it.
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Rawhide: Six Weeks to Bent Fork (1965)
Season 8, Episode 3
This is pure Clint
20 July 2012
I have watched many episodes of Rawhide and while Clint is good, you could see him getting better as the years went by. This episode is pure Clint Eastwood. Six Weeks to Bent Fork is by far the best written and directed and acted episode, by all actors in the episode, especially Clint. It's as if this episode was written specifically for him. Don't miss it, the end scene is pure classic Western. Raymond St. Jacques deals a good hand in this one also, and of course Wish is Wish. Clint is pure Clint! You can see how comfortable Clint is in the lead role after taking over for Eric Fleming. I miss Eric, but Clint took over for the final season, as far as I know, and went on to stardom. Clint is as smooth as ice in this episode. If you're a Clint Eastwood fan, this is a must see and must collect!
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