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Interesting subject matter, poor execution
13 March 2024
I appreciate that it's made by the people who experienced the abuse at these "schools" first hand, however, they should've gotten at least some help from professionals as the way the story unravels is all over the place and I as a viewer was pulled in and out of the storyline. It jumps from one thing to another then circles back and you lose the thread.

The people responsible that they speak to are never held accountable either, like Siss or the PR/priest guy, and the girls give up very easily.

It was an interesting concept and definitely important for people to know about this, just think it could've been delivered better!
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28 February 2022
You mean to tell me that despite his pensioner age, Leatherface is somehow still in the best shape, butchering people left and right, maneuvering that chainsaw like it doesn't weigh anything? Not once have I seen his back give out or heard his knees crack. Very unrealistic, 2/10.
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Sex/Life (2021–2023)
Grow up, Billie
21 July 2021
Okay first of all, I have no idea what Billie sees in her ex, he's a narcissistic manipulator who doesn't take no for an answer, and she's meant to be a trained psychologist who "sees through him"? Awkward.

This show got more and more infuriating the longer I watched, I only stayed till the end to see how they resolve this mess. Oh boy was I in for a surprise. The very last line delivered by Billie made me roll my eyes back into last week.

Terrible show with a terrible message.

Honestly somebody should tell Billie she's not 21 anymore cause I don't think she knows.
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Rick and Morty: Rickdependence Spray (2021)
Season 5, Episode 4
Rick and Morty's all time low
13 July 2021
I enjoyed the storyline of the first two episodes but they had me wondering whether they always used these gross sexual references. If they did, they mustn't have been as bad or on the nose. It feels like this new season uses sex jokes as a desperate attempt at comedy, but it's got the opposite effect and I cringe every time. And after an odd tasteless and ill-advised joke here and there in the first 3 episodes, episode 4 has reached an all time low of sex humour and it was honestly painful to get through.

I used to love the dialogue of Rick and Morty, the stories always had loads of stuff happening and you would struggle to keep up, however, ep 4 is slow, lazy, and to be honest quite disgusting. Surely it can go only uphill from here...? 😬🤞🏼
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Level 16 (2018)
Better than I expected!
5 July 2021
I like to put on a Netflix movie I don't care much about while I do my nails, just to have some background noise as I can't give it full attention. That's how I started watching this movie, but let me tell you, my manicure is now looking dreadful cause I was too invested in this movie, barely looking away! 😂

It's just one of those movies that keep you guessing. They reveal just a little information at a time, and it makes you want to keep watching and find out what the hell is going on. I honestly loved this. It has a similar feel to it as Never Let Me Go, which was an absolute masterpiece and if you finished this movie and enjoyed it, I recommend you watch that too.
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Panic (2021)
I have questions
23 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I just spent about 15 minutes reading these reviews...and can't believe nobody on here has mentioned the tiger?! Like what even was that whole plot line, and why is everybody acting like it's no big deal? Oh, there's a tiger on the loose? Those goshdarn kids! Guess that's just another day in Middle of Nowhere, Texas. And then of course there was no resolution.

Also, if Dodge wanted to blow up Cortez, and knew Cortez would be driving his car, why not attach the bomb to, you know, HIS car? Why did Ray have to be the one to switch the bomb onto the correct car? And, er, why not have the bomb ready to go off like, just BEFORE the start time of the competition, just to make sure that it's just Cortez that it gets and that he's actually in the bloody car????

Ach anyway. This show was full of wonders. And by wonders I mean me wondering why nobody gave the script a once over.
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Oxygen (2021)
I enjoyed it
12 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie reminded me of Buried with Ryan Reynolds, there were many similarities and I enjoyed both movies! This one had an interesting premise and had me entertained the whole way through as I kept waiting to find out what was going on. I was rooting for the main character to survive but it seemed there was too much going against her favours! Honestly I had a good time watching this and would recommend.
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I guess one of her superpowers is getting changed in seconds?
16 February 2021
Let me just say, there are many things not quite right with this movie, but the thing that bothered me the most was Diana's costume changes when it just didn't make sense. First she's wearing normal clothes in the car with Steve, chasing these bad guys, and 2 seconds later she's suddenly in her WW attire - excuse me but getting changed in the front seat is no easy task. Also before the last fight scene, seemingly flying to Max Lord's location, she is in her red and blue outfit but then she gets there and she's suddenly wearing the gold armour costume. Did she just decide to make a stop at home and get changed real quick, while Max Lord was in the middle of destroying the planet? I know there are other more important things I could be getting angry about but I guess her nonsensical costume changes are what I deem the least realistic in this fantasy, made-up world, superhero movie...
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Tenet (2020)
Music was too loud
29 August 2020
I would love to be able to give an opinion on this movie but unfortunately the background music was so loud that I couldn't make out a word the characters were saying. The beginning scene triggered my anxiety as I wasn't expecting that level of noise. No idea what this movie was about.
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
Ridiculous movie
18 April 2020
There's this rule in writing called "show, don't tell". This movie has an awful lot of telling. The dialogue hurt me and the characters were flat. One of the worst movies I have seen in a while. How the rating of this movie is at 7.2 is beyond me.
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