
3 Reviews
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Spark (1998)
Unlikable Protagonist = Bad Movie
18 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I'm about half way through this right now. I watched it based on the intriguing plot summary that a hapless African American couple would find themselves unfairly besieged in a small town. Instead this story seems to be about how going into a small community and acting like a jackass will make everyone mad at you. I was already aware of that.

Screen writing 101: Make us like, identify with and root for your main character. The male lead in this movie has managed to be such a jerk to so many people so quickly that I'm hoping this movie ends with him getting killed. Maybe that dog he maimed will crawl back into town and chew on his face? I hope, however, that the female lead finishes her trip to LA and meets a nice gentleman there who knows more than just cuss words and treats people with a little bit of respect.
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A girl gets ghosted!!!
13 February 2007
My girlfriend and I were staying in Utah for the Sundance Festival, and one night back at home, we found this movie on the On Demand digital cable. We dig the Asian horror genre, so we went for it. And I was thinking it would have the potential to be really crappy, but to my delight, it was actually pretty good. It kept me entertained, and it was pretty creepy. So if you like Asian horror, and you don't demand that every movie be Citizen Kane or whatever, then you should like this. Unfortunately, it's probably a moot point for anyone here in the US, because it doesn't appear to be for sale? But you could try one of those Asian-DVD places like Red Sun or something. I had a difficult time finding this on here, because the alternate titles were a mess... the cable company listed it as one thing, and the English translation in the opening credits had something else. But good ol' powersearch eventually brought me home.
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Third Watch (1999–2005)
Spoiler: Cruz's disease was...
8 October 2005
In one of the last episodes, Cruz tells that it is indeed leukemia that is killing her, not some STD given to her in some rape, like the other commenter has speculated. She seeks some unorthodox, holistic care from some dancing folks.

The series might've been better had the last episode featured a unicorn flying down from the sky with a monopoly board tattooed on its side, and a flag of some sort being dragged behind it. Then the unicorn could've swooped up Cruz, and taken her to some sort of lake where she escapes the vile life of New York and magically heals herself. Or maybe it was pretty good how it ended for real.
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