
9 Reviews
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John Adams (2008)
Too much family, not enough politics. Aweful make up (or zombifying) of older characters.
22 May 2024
Interesting history of inception of USA, credible portraits of key political figures, remarkable casting and acting.

Spoiled by slow, tedious and uninteresting family story, eating considerably into more dynamic and interesting political history.

At moments I had a feeling I am watching Dallas or another rubbish soap opera.

Also, what's wrong with make up artists?

The last 2 parts were difficult to watch as everybody visually turned into zombies - especially Adams was affected by this zombification. If that's how the artists imagine old age then I pity them.

To make up to them for above critique - the realistic and ubiquitous dirt really did become part of the picture. Points for that.
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Scrapper (2023)
Was That Even A Movie?
7 November 2023
My cousins act better than any lead in this 'thing'.

My HR manager write better story on payslips, and better dialogs, during weekly stand up.

I stopped watching after the first scene, little girl explaining bigger girl - while trying to steal her bicycle, that what they were doing, was assessing road worthiness of their bikes...

Obviously. The authors never biked anything in their lives, or for the sake of an argument lived in a place with higher population than 100 people.

How the hell, do you pump money into something as ludicrous as this?

I guess BBC, doesn't have to do due diligence, as long as you know 'someone'.
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Masterpiece of TV Production
15 October 2023
Enjoyably acted, intelligently dialoged, beautifully shot and brilliantly directed.

Believable characters and story, funny and wise dialog. Controversial and thought provoking I found myself drifting into world of philosophy on many occasions.

Surreal climate in times. Creative and original use of creators brains. Imaginative.

I could sense that Jude Law enjoyed himself immensely, which added a special quality to his role.

The only problem I had was with excessive smoking - as if the production was sponsored by Philip Morris, and who knows maybe it was. Still have bad taste in my throat from that tar and smoke.

Unfortunately the follow up 'The New Pope' (2020) massive let down and disappointment. Mere ghost of the original. I think the authors emboldened by success of the first show went too far with provocations and absurdity and in a process get lost in the plot.

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Disney disease spreading into Marvel Universe.
31 July 2023
Looks like Disney disease finally spreads from Star Wars Universe, into Marvel Universe.

It is the same pathogen, easily recognizable by common symptoms: no respect to the original material, pathetic writing leading to pathetic jokes and undeveloped characters. Bad acting coming from demoralization of actors having to deal with such low quality material.

Pathetic, greedy, brainwashed corporate suits from Disney, spreading their disease, into yet another Universe.

Could we viewers assemble and deal a strike into the heart of that pit of mediocrity, bad jokes and bad taste?


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Terrible pronunciation of key historical names and foreign language words
19 March 2022
Terrible pronunciation of key historical names and foreign language words. Stalin (did I hear 'Stone'?) or Zhukov (Dzukow? ROFL) as an example. German word for kitchen - 'die Kuche' is spelled 'cutcha'...

Didn't narrator get any guidance? How about checking google for correct pronunciation?

Really hurt my ears.

Apart from pronunciation, there is a lot of comments that makes no sense without explanation of historic context, for example Ukrainians welcoming Germans as liberators, but why?

Ever heard of 'Holodomor'? When Russians in 1932/33 caused 4 million deaths from starvation, by blocking the food to Ukraine?

Obviously, this documentary is not on the level of BBC productions.
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Teen Spirit (2018)
World record in cliches
29 July 2019
Two minutes don't go by without cliche. I don't know how I managed to survive till the end. Wasted time.
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Dialog written by morons...
21 July 2019
No logic nor any substantial story that is supposed to bring us closer to some conclusion. Naive childish characters with the average emotional IQ of 40. That's pretty much sums it up. I give it 3 stars instead of 1 for the visual effects. Movie made by morons for morons.
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Red Sparrow (2018)
1 July 2018
Fake characters, fake country, fake accent, fake timeline, fake reality, fake secret service training, fake psychology, fake acting, fake writing, fake directing. I stopped watching this garbage after 36 minute - otherwise I am pretty sure I could find much more fake things. It also deserves fake audience, fake gross and fake popularity. I guess in our current fake world this translates to a success? Really surprised to see Jeremy Irons in something like that.
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The Longest, Most Boring Plastic Toys Advertising Campaign.
6 June 2018
Almost impossible to watch this garbage. No acting, annoying characters, poor dialogs, incomprehensible and blatantly stupid story that destroys minute by minute what George Lucas achieved in original trilogy. Almost feels as the story was written by an imbecile. And for imbeciles. The entire enterprise shows perfectly what happens, when the only goal of production is to maximize profit. And sell of overpriced toys. For me, it is mind blowing, how people can fall for this plastic toys advertising campaign. This isn't even a B-movie. It would be seriously unfair to B-movies - put this rubbish in the same category. On the positive side? Well... Lucas no longer directs or writes - saving us from similar experiences.
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