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a worthy finale
19 May 2023
What an amaziong ending to one of the best action franchieses of my life.

The artistry of John Wick films has always been that added extra that makes them so great, and JW4 adds so much to the visuals

All the cast brough their A+ game to the action. I doubt any have ever been so sore and so stretch by what this movie asked from them, but thank you for the spectactular.

Please give me an Akira Caine movie.

Prob my only criticism is they had a couple of scenes where it was just so over the top the audience laughed as we were borught out of the reality of the movie.

I don't know if any movie will be able to top the dragon breath scene. Yeah, they sort of ripped it off a video game, but visually that was the most over the top yet believable action scenes I've seen in my life. Can't wait to be able to watch the movie again on Bluray and rewatch that scene a few times to really revel in the artistry and action.

I also plan to have a binge day to watch the 4 movies.
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The Mother (2023)
19 May 2023
I read some initial promotions sayhing this was destined to bne a new Borne or Bond style franchise.

There's no chance of that happening.

The Mother rambles along, never really feeling like The Mother was directing the way forward.

Mother never really has to overcome any difficulties. Mother is good at everything, though some of those skills seem far removed from what her military claimed skills were.

Mother is more along the lines of the Charlies Angles reboot or the. 355 where it's GURL power.

There was a decent stgructure set up fro this movie. You don't need John Wick style gung fu, but small women beating up trained men with height reach weight advanatges is just pathetic.

Don't waste your time on this movie. I went in thinking it would be an OK watch, and I might get surprised, but the movie ended in a way that left me disappointed about the pace, the lack of character building and an ending that truly left me wondering why.
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15 February 2023
A patriarchal ethnostate that determines it's just by violence.

An underwater genocidal Empire

Somehow the colonists from 300 years in the past are still the baddies.

It's a strange world we live in when Wakanda is revered yet would be universally condemned by Hollywood if it existed for real.

It's girl power, yet the driving force is their father's legacies.

Marvel is truly lost like star wars and Indiana Jones will be.

I'm tired of characters achieving greatness with no real struggle. Iron man had to face the worst of himself. Like Skywalker had to lose his family, his hand, his teacher and even then he barely held his own.
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Surrogate (II) (2022)
a good hitchcock style of movie
1 November 2022
I went to see the movie not really knowing what to expect.

Left with an old school horror experience.

Brilliant acting, from Kirstie, Jane, Ellie and Taysha really draws you into the story as you try to understand what's going on just as much as you feel the characters are.

Ava's scene with the mirrors is as good as any classic horror movie. Story over CGI really shines.

Felt the movie has a good pace. Enough horror along with getting to know the characters. Relationships between the charaacters is provideds a good linking between the horror scenes.

If you want to see a horror movie without gratuitous violence and gore then give surrogate a go. I don't think you'll be disappointed.
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Borderless (2019)
Balanced. Emotional
28 May 2019
Lauren had tackled the hottest of hot issues facing the western world. She's done it in a way that shows the humanity of the crisis, gave some voiceless victims a voice, and highlighted much of the corruption around what is mostly a money making system.

Thanks for making this movie. I'm sharing it with all my friends
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
i got halfway through the first season and gave up.
16 February 2019
I'd been excited that a new star trek was going to be produced.

sadly it's corrupted by over politicisation. i was quite shocked to read that the klingons are meant to represent trump supporters.

michael burnham is just not a relateable character. i spent most of each episode just asking why is she so insuferable, then made into a rey styled hero.

the ship bridge is dark / forbiding. i thought star trek was the hope of a better future where racial divisions had been eliminated.

i'm loving the orville. the kind of diversity and true stories of TNG.
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Robin Hood (2018)
antifa saves the day
8 February 2019
Just another white people fighting injust wars film.

i wonder what the film would have looked like from the islamic side?? would the leaders have treated their people any better?

got to love that antifa leads the rebellion.

glad i didn't fork out for a cinema ticket for this drivel.
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NCIS: Los Angeles: Smokescreen (2019)
Season 10, Episode 14
Why does Hollywood stereotype Muslim women?
28 January 2019
Why does Hollywood celebrate the hijab as a symbol of Muslim women in the USA?

Why does Hollywood conflate Islam with the hijab? Is it because in many Islamic dominate countries women face persecution if they don't wear one? Could Hollywood portray a devout Muslim woman who chooses not to wear a hijab, or is that beyond their ability?
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The Punisher (2017–2019)
The conflict within marvel
20 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Often Castle sounds like he's a member of the Wakandan Gorilla tribe.

The villain is literally a modern day nazi.

Can we return to the way comics used to be
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NCIS: Los Angeles: The Patton Project (2018)
Season 10, Episode 8
Love the politics
23 November 2018
Why why why let Hollywood left wing bias show so overly?
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Sense8 (2015–2018)
thankyou sense8
10 June 2018
Words can't quite express how sense8 has become a part of my life.

I've laughed, I've cried, I've shared this wonderful journey.

It may sound silly, but this series has given me hope in humanity. To see the worst and best that we can do.

I loved that the show was inclusive, without making it an issue. It was humanity in all it's struggles.

I'm sad the journey wont continue, but so glad we got the ending we deserved.

Usually I find the emotional content of tv shows lacking a certain authenticity, but with sense8 I truly felt like I was part of something, a new contentedness. I've often so wished to have that kind of bond with a cluster, even if as just someone looking in.

Thankyou to all those why made sense8 possible, you've lit a spark in the world
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The Night Manager (2016–2025)
brilliant. please have a season 2
1 April 2016
amazing cast. great suspenseful storyline with amazing set locations. the brits do this kind of drama very well.

laurie is perfect as the villain and hiddlesworth is a worthy lead for the "james bond" super spy.

enough twists and turns through the series to keep you second guessing what's going to happen next, at least most of the time.

shame it wasn't longer, but think the 6 episodes was a good amount to stop too much filler being added but allowing the book to be fully delved into.

hopefully they can come up with a great second season.
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just WOW. fun and laughs with a feel good ending
31 May 2014
I have to admit when I saw the posters for this movie I wasn't interested, then watched the trailer and thought it could be fun.

Well having seen the movies it's one of the best I've watched in a long time. Plenty of laughs throughout and special effects that fit in well to the whole lego universe.

There's plenty for kids and adults.

The ending is quite heart warming too. Nothing like I was expecting, but certainly worked well.

Do your self a favour and grab some friends or take the family and see The Lego movie. It'll be worth your effort and you'll have a blast for 90 minutes.
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Fringe (2008–2013)
amazingly developed story, sad to not see walter any more
19 January 2013
When I first started watching fringe I felt it was a bit of an X Files copy, but by the second season I could tell there was something else going on.

The acting has always been the highlight of the show for me. The way Anna Torv and John Noble were able to portray characters with totally different personalities was awesome, and probably made the role even more interesting to them.

I love the way the characters evolved through the show. They were anything but 2 dimensional. They had a sense of depth and I have to admit that in the last few episodes I have grown so fond of Walter as he discovered his humanity again.

A big thanxs to all involved with this show. You've entertained me, made me laugh, gave me a few jumps, and even brought the odd tear to my eye.
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Major Crimes (2012–2018)
enjoying the character and plot development
18 September 2012
I think the show is starting out in a similar fashion to the closer. You have the outsider coming in and taking over the team and the resentment that causes.

The as they work together you see the mutual respect building and the team builds closer.

I'm enjoying Provenas late life crisis, but the tension with commander Taylor is annoying. Just feels made up.

Still not sure how I like Rusty in the whole scheme. I suppose they've added him in to make Captain Rayder a bit more humane??

Hopefully they're keep the series going for a few more years. I do miss Kyra. She developed her character so well.

Thank eewww. Thank eewww so much :)
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Iron Sky (2012)
simply AWESOME
30 May 2012
I loved this movie. The concept is quite unique, and you just gotta love a USA with Sarah Palin as the Presidente :)

The special effects were simply stunning. I think i have to try and see it again, this time on the big screen to really do the movie justice.

Yeah, it's over the top sometimes, but that just adds to the movie. It definitely gets away with it. It's got that B grade feel sometimes, but with an A class script and special effects.

And then there's Renate Richter. IF she'd been the poster girl of the Aryan race then there might have been a few more converts from the west :)

When Vivian (the Presidents media manager) does her rant, well hopefully you've already seen 1 of the dozens of copies on you tube.

I suppose the ending was realistic enough, if a little depressing. Maybe it's just human nature.

I'll put Iron Sky up there with my memories of star wars and the matrix!!!
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Body of Proof (2011–2013)
nice character development
25 March 2012
After watching the first few episodes I wasn't sure if I'd bother with any more. Initially I found Megan Hunt annoying, with her colleges too weak. It felt like a poor version of house.

After the halfway mark in the first season I noticed the character development and started to like most of the support cast. There's a decent level of comedy and I suppose we're seeing Megan learn how to deal emotionally with others.

Yes the show is formulaic, but then these days what show isn't. For an hour of my time I get a decent drama, a few laughs, and the odd smile. I'm looking forward to seeing how the character develop further nd hop we'll get a season 3.
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Unsupervised (2012)
fun social critique that makes you laugh and think
16 March 2012
I have to say that unsupervised is one of the best shows of 2012.

Gary and Joel are so naive in the way they see the world, but it's refreshing to see a world that has such wonder and possibilities.

The show has the social commentary like south park, but with less of the in your face, and more of the oh I didn't think of that.

Each episode gives me a good laugh, but also leaves me with some thoughts about modern society.

I'm sort of jealous of Joel and Gary. There's still magic in the world for them.

If you liked the life and times of Tim, I'm sure you'll enjoy unsupervised.
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The Closer (2005–2012)
Just gets better every season
15 December 2011
I have to say I've enjoyed just about every episode of the closer over it's 7 seasons.

I especially like the way the initial hostility of the other detectives eventually turns into respect and finally into a willingness to do what it takes to help BLJ in some of her times of need.

I also like that there's been a few episodes that are tongue in cheek - who can forget Provenza popping his little blue pill only to find a dead body in the bath tub, or the recent ep with Santa drinking his egg nog.

Maybe things get sewn up a little too well at times, but she's also had a few cases get away from her. The psychological aspect is what gives the show it's edge I think.

I also like that it doesn't resort to over the top violence.

I'll be very sad when the show ends this season.
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