
6 Reviews
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More action, less immersion
7 April 2018
The movie is an action version of the book, with some changes to the storyline. Some parts changed, some plot points rearranged, some parts left out. The main drawback was that the movie did not have enough time to settle the immersion, the characters or the relationships, even though it was 2h20min. I loved the book, and the movie was okay and worth the movieticket.
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The Great Indoors: Dating Apps (2016)
Season 1, Episode 2
What is the target audience?
5 November 2016
"You want me to hand you these beers or should I just text them?" OH; COME ON, this is just lazy writing.

"Ew, is that for android?" Okay, one more of these and I'm gone.

Whey, that's funny, because Stephen Fry actually did lots of cocaine in the 80s!

This is just so damn predictable! While I guess plot isn't necessary for a good comedy show, it becomes a problem when there's nothing to distract me from it.

Joel Mchale is funny, but he is not THIS funny. He can't carry the whole thing by himself any time Stephen Fry is out of frame. They cut to him for reactions to all jokes. So it's a laugh track and Mr Mchale looking bored. I know how he feels.

What is the target audience for this?
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The Great Indoors (2016–2017)
Why though?
5 November 2016
Both Joel McHale and Stephen Fry knows what funny looks like. Why did they join this project? Please, I want to know! What am I not seeing? This is like what Community or a modern Fry&Laurie would make fun of, this mindless millennial vs 80s kids laugh track.

It's not BAD, it's just bland. I expected more. Which is funny, as they endlessly tag my demographic for being entitled and bored. Thats, like, the tagline. But this pilot doesn't help me with either. It doesn't contribute to any reflection or understanding, and it doesn't entertain me.

I really hope it gets better. PLEASE, get better. Pretty please, I'll share it on lots of social medias. Like, all of them, I promise, for realzies.
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The Great Indoors: Pilot (2016)
Season 1, Episode 1
Why though?
5 November 2016
Both Joel McHale and Stephen Fry knows what funny looks like. Why did they join this project? Please, I want to know! What am I not seeing? This is like what Community or a modern Fry&Laurie would make fun of, this mindless millennial vs 80s kids laugh track.

It's not BAD, it's just bland. I expected more. Which is funny, as they endlessly tag my demographic for being entitled and bored. Thats, like, the tagline. But this pilot doesn't help me with either. It doesn't contribute to any reflection or understanding, and it doesn't entertain me.

I really hope it gets better. PLEASE, get better. Pretty please, I'll share it on lots of social medias. Like, all of them, i promise, for realzies.
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Quality tragedy
10 February 2016
It seems to me that one of Louis CK's strengths is the authentic nature of the dialogue. Given the quality of the actors in this thing, it makes for some captivating viewing.

I found the bar-discussion about politics, etc, to be very entertaining and well-paced. It was almost a little Aaron- Sorkinesque and I loved it. Also amazing to see how up-to-date it is?! Talk about fresh material. I thought the accountant-bit was funny.

The main plot about the family was engaging and managed to pull me in. It was depressing and dark, but still somehow not exhausting to watch. I am not actually a big fan of Louie's darker episodes, I don't have the patience or the inclination to spend my time being challenged and depressed. I want it to be funny and entertaining. But even so, I watch and value the darker Louie episodes, and I watched and enjoyed this. As I said, there is this theater-like presentation and at the same time feels so authentic! When Buscemi says "and you give our whiskey to this stranger" (or something), I get the feeling that the characters have had their own thoughts and feelings while our attention was diverted.

It's fun to see Louis use these very typical, almost cliché transitions (walking down the stairs to change scenes, etc) and making it work? It's very well made. I loved the diegetic music, watching Alda establish his presence by reacting to it.

There is no laughter-track or audience referencing at all. You are totally left to your own devices as a viewer, to laugh or dislike at your own discretion. It's kind of artistic, in that it challenges you to like it or shove off?

While I wasn't enjoying watching it, as it was sad and not my typical kind of thing, I am glad that I did. It's great watching something this well made.
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Fun, easy and strange
25 April 2015
I saw this movie as a kid when it came out. Now i re-watched it, and boy does it hold up.

The continuity and logic of the film isn't perfect. Neither is the realism highest priority.

This movie portrays the action of tournaments, challenge of love and fun of friendship. If this sounds cliché, then you got it. But it's whole- heartedly approach makes it work!

With a modernized medieval era, this movie shines in it's wonderful casting. Not only a stellar (if simple) performance by Heath Ledger, Rufus Sewell, Paul Bettany and Alan Tyduk are PERFECT.
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