24 Reviews
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Some good, more bad
2 April 2024
Ok, the plot is a ham handed but I want to find out how it ends- at episode 11. This is Lee Min Ho worst role. The FL is good. SML nearly ok, SFL pretty good, hopes she breaks a leg. But that's the role. The script is crap. The action is crap. The suspense is crap. The real problem is the script and the total losers that are secondary characters. They are jokes. The easiest solution for this show is for the Lee Min Ho to fire all is employees and find qualified, ethical people. SML is meant to be a jerk that comes to Jesus. Ok, he's doing that. Korean Dramas do that well, they know how to turn a jerk into a human being better than anyone.
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Ghost Doctor (2022)
24 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The fact that this had a number of ghosts in it was not what made this unbelievable. I was willing to suspend belief on that it was the fact that none of the supposed attending physicians knew how or wanted to operate. I guess that that why the wanted to not operated because the didn't know how. Rain was a had totally childish and irritating through the show. Kim Bum was was a curmudgeon but then he was supposed to be, and his character managed steady growth despite his early character flaws. In other words and typical KDrama device. Having shown the negatives it remained a pretty entertaining show throughout. The actors did a good job with I think some very weak scripts. The humor was heavy handed and repetitive but did have some funny moments. A 7 maybe a bit strong for this show, but I gave it the benefit of the doubt since a remained interested throughout.
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Search: WWW (2019)
It's better than been rated
15 February 2024
This is great show about powerful women in Korea. Very unusual for this culture. There is a fair love story of Bae Ta Mi (Lim Soo- Jung) and Park Morgan (Jang Ki-Yong). But romance really comes from role between Oh Jin Woo (Ji Seung- Hyon) and Song Ga Kang ( Jeon Hye- Jin). The other female lead is Cha- Hyeal (Lee Dan- Hee). That has a romance story as well. But the main story is strong women acting and performing in a competitive business environment. They have functions that are critical to their companies. They are both rivals and respected frenemies. While the show plays out for the third time, I am impressed with the acting and script.
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Heirs (2013)
Great Show
3 February 2024
I think this his best role ever. Yeah, he was great in Boys Over Flowers. That role was over top great. It was his stellar performance but had little depth of character. In this show he displays his acting ability. Lee Min Ho has a range of acting abilities that have been frozen by Boys. Koo Kyeg Sun is also excellent. I have note women in Korean basically supporting actors to men. But their roles are frequently better and more important. I seen a number of the Korean shows and the result is complex. In the US we have a number of issues and some are real problems. Korea has a culture I like and admire, but it apparent they have some problems to solve as well. In general, I like Korean series and movies better than anything in the US. I also like the near Hollywood studio system of supporting actors. The writers, directors and produces produce products that are superior to the flash, bang Hollywood stuff.
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Welcome to Samdalri (2023– )
In the First Episode
20 January 2024
I just barely started watching this K-Drama. I not even through the first episode. I know how it will end, and I will have smile on my face. If you expect earth shattering new plots dramas or conclusion this isn't it. If you want to have fun you're in the right place. At this point in episode one I think I know the FL. But the second at this point makes it uncertain. Why, do I like it? The actors. I recognize most of them from other K-Dramas. The supporting actors are really A list +. They, by themselves, guarantee you will not be disappointed. Hackneyed plot, doesn't matter, it's a K-RomCom. It will be fun, I will enjoy. And you should as well.

I'm adding this literally a year or more since I first watched this. I mentioned the supporting actors. Kim My-kyung is one of my favorites and has been for a long time. I look for shows see has been in. In every role she has been good. Welcome to Samdal-ri is good on its own. But she has an expanded role which she played excellently. She has skills.
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Much better than I anticipated
10 January 2024
Okay I nearly gave up this not once but twice, for some reason I kept going. It turned out more interesting than I thought it would ever be. The whodunnit part got pretty interesting despite a the silly plot device of a butt palm. There was some interesting acting and characters. I'm going to say Korean movies/series are better than anything in the US today. Some is over the top, but the writing is new and different. I like both of the major characters and they acted well together. Unlike some Korean stuff, the FL never appeared as a flawless beauty. She cute but rather plain not in a bad way, just not a flawless beauty. Both are prevalent for male and female leads, but not in this case. I'm sure that a few hours in a makeup chair would probably change my mind.
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Hikaru no Go (2020)
This was better than I thought
9 November 2023
Okay, the acting was not great, the script not great, the plot hackneyed. The characters irritating. What's to like, not much. But I ended up binge watching this in about 2+ days. I still can't figure out why. I think it failed a many levels I mentioned, but it remained addictive. Surprise yourself and watch this. Two guys and a ghost take a walk through life and make each other much better. This series will not win awards, but once you get through a couple of episodes it like popcorn, just a few more, then a few more, then ... . The growth in the characters was not surprising, but well done. I still am trying to figure out why I liked this series, but in the meantime you should give it a try and judge for yourself.
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These Guys Are Cute
24 May 2023
I am about half way through. I want to know more. I don't expect many surprises that are meaningful at this stage. I'm a little disappointed in the reviews. This is really pretty good. The main leads are interesting, cute and have good chemistry. The situation is a bit implausible, but they manage to make real and keep your interest. It is all about relationships with people that have trouble expressing themselves. That is the sadness that underlies some truly funny moments of this show. Academy Awards, no. But a weekend of feel good fun, yes. You know where the map leads, the fun is in the journey.
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Moonlight (2021– )
Well worth watching
17 May 2023
If you are expecting plot twists and turns, it is not going to happen. I'm two thirds through and everything is on schedule. Absolutely nothing new. But this show is very good and worth the watch. The writing is sharp and well carried out to a very predictable script. The actors and their chemistry, along with good writing make a mediocre 5 show a 9. I have become fully invested in the characters. I'm eagerly watching for the pretty predictable conclusion. I'm also eagerly awaiting the comeuppance of the bad guys. I've seen hundreds of this type of bad guy, self serving, greedy and very shallow-not evil. The look at the industry of publishing is interesting. The relationship of editors to authors is fundamental. I suspect it is more true in concept than fact, but the basic relationship between editor and author and the publisher are shown. This is a fun show to watch. It is light hearted and funny on serious dynamics of a cut throat industry. You will not be disappointed. Enjoy.
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Good action, story. Great OTS sound
6 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Ok. The story is pretty simple, even trite. The animations is somewhere between good and great. Basic story is a veteran gamer takes rookies on a journey upward. So there are really no surprises in the show. But it has many feel good moments. The sound track is absolutely great. I wish they would have translated the lyrics of the songs. I looked up some of the translations. It took a bit effort and I think they are good, but so buried that it made it difficult. This is diverting entertainment with a good story, nearly great animation and an absolutely kill OTS. Gamer movies such as O2O, Falling into Your Smile and The King's Avatar are great fun to watch. Between the animation and sound tracks I think they are must watches.
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Misaeng (2014)
Well worth the time
10 March 2023
I really have avoided this show for a long time. My bad. It is one the best and most compelling shows I've seen. The Korean culture shown is often uncomfortable and not really sympathetic, even brutal. Writing, acting, and plotting are good to excellent. But the Korean corporate culture is the real star of this story. It many respects is is neither flattering or comforting. It seems to be totally transactional, to the point of being inhumane. I really liked some of the actors as well. The reviews are pretty accurate. The awards were deserved. For what it's worth, this show should be watched. At two levels. It has a great plot, action and actors, but it's look into the Korean corporate culture is the real star.
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Better than the Original.
20 February 2023
Okay, it's a close duplication. The third season on in the original didn't cut it. But the cultural differences made the Korean version better. The action was tenser and more consolidated. I liked the characters better. They seemed far more real life and engaging. But the defining element for me was was the musical scoring and direction. You were actually compelled to follow the actions of the actors. The Korean version acting President was a real person in an impossible situation. The US version was also good, but it was and actor- albeit a good one - portraying a role. Some people have given reasons for liking either. You can't go wrong with either. The score and direction of the music was absolutely brilliant. The show wasn't bad either.
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Exceptional Show
4 January 2023
I am in the middle of watching this series for the second time. I saw it first when it originally came out. I rated the show as a ten then and thought the show exceptional. It is better than that the second time around. The show has the production values typical to many KDs, music, sound, direction, acting near or at the top of class. Park Eun-bin is makes the show.

However, that not where it stops. The episodes are absolutely brilliantly written with compelling stories to tell. This series has layers upon layers. Social, cultural, legal, humor, drama; it's all there. So much so that it was impossible to examine all the layers with a single viewing. This is series will make you laugh and cry and think. Series like this like lightening in bottle, once every few years, maybe once in a generation.
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Players (2022)
7.3 Your Kidding
26 December 2022
I have watched three gaming videos, King Avatar, Love O2O, and Falling into Your Smile before watching this. This is not good. Any of the others is so much better that it is comparing a great meal to a warm bucket of spit. Uninteresting characters, uninteresting plot, uninteresting pretty much describes this show. The others are pretty good to great. Personal favorite is Falling into Your Smile. This show is really lame. I need to say more until I've reached the character threshold so save your time and watch something better. If not one of my picks then, the news, weather or watch paint drying all are better.
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Here to Heart (2018– )
21 December 2022
I watched all 48 (it only felt like 96) episodes. As with all on these type shows with a long run, the first 3-5 are introducing characters with the weaknesses and sometimes strengths. After the initial phase, it got mildly interesting. The I lost the thread completely around epi 10 or 12. It was a uncoordinated mismash of junk for the next 20 or so epis. I found some interest after that. Did it end up strong, no. Just some interest. Some of the characters were fairly interesting, and some of the plot interests were occasionally compelling. The problem was it was so slo-mo that it never really wanted me to watch the train wreck as it occurred. I can't even tell how many epis I slept thru. The reviews that says it is too long are absolutely correct. If this had been around 25-30 epis it would have been much better - and more understandable.
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You Are My Destiny (2020– )
Hero is a heel.
1 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is hard to watch. At episode 15 of a way to long show, the hero protagonist is a heel. The female lead is pretty good and occasionally they show some chemistry. The problem is the guy is basically a dick. He is trapped into an unwanted "marriage" while having a girl friend. His wife is pregnant due to an unintended encounter while drunk. His abusive relationship with the girl he accidentally knocked up is toxic. I pretty much know where this is going. I just want him to go away and leave the girl alone. The girl is a very good person , the guy , at best is a jerk. My bottom line is I don't like movies that I can't like the characters. Hate the guy.
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Love Alarm (2019–2021)
Disappointing Characters
21 November 2022
This series shows a 6.8, but it's really a 4 struggling to become a 5. The original premise has some interest, it could be cute or funny, but the characters kill the story. The main male lead is not likable. In many Korean dramas the "bad" character progresses. Not so here. The female lead is fairly good, but badly flawed as well. The second male lead is the real good guy, that gets screwed. So we have a show where the characters are unlikeable. JoJo sister is really a tragic figure. I keep waiting for someone to be happy. This show is depressing. There were many chances to save this show, but all were studiously avoided.
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Worth Watching
24 October 2022
Okay, I'll try, since this is expiring soon and no one else submitted one. This is one one of the cheesiest soap opera melodramas you can experience. Cliff hanger, stop action, dramatic stop action poses every 20 minutes. Complete with Dudley Dooright saves at the last minute. Cheesy, overacted, trite script -addictive. Every scene is a soap opera.

There is a plot under lying a heavy layer of overacted melodrama. It is actually better than most. The actors are mostly jokes- but compelling. Gypsy is probably the best bad guy ever, he has few redeeming features. How do you rate something like this. A somewhat watchable show that is cringe worthy, but you can't put down. It's a definite 4, that I rate as an 8. Problems galore in the plot, characters, action, acting. And the musical score was barf worthy. BUT, I couldn't stop watching this . I knew where and when it would end early in. Still, I wanted to make the journey.
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Meteor Garden (2018)
Disappointing Second Half
20 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The Si character, male lead, is much too dark and broken in the beginning. It was a little had to get to like him, but he got better as the show progressed. Shan Cai, female lead, starts strong but becomes weaker and dependent in middle. That aside the first half of the show excels. The second half repels, and that is based sole on the script. The first half was great, action, interest, humor were all outstanding. Then it got into a stupid, unbelievable plot line with Si's mother. It got more and more bizarre and melodramatic in each episode, unbelievably so. We talking Perils of Pauline, tied to the log in the saw mill melodrama that cost the show heavily in my eyes. It's watchable and truly enjoyable until it gets to half way through, the down hill fast and never comes back. The last episode is especially painful. 45 minutes, mostly with idiotic padding to sort of provide a happy ending and tie up lose ends (unsuccessfully). I don't know what happened to the writers. It felt like they replaced the A team with the D team. The acting and chemistry of the lead actors and supporting actors were top shelf all the way.
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The K2 (2016)
8 October 2022
Je Ah and Anna are the only two people in this show that are good side, along with the staff of the safe house. Everyone else is questionable. I'm 14 episodes in and will watch to the end. Action...double check. Intrigue...double check. Plot..who the hell knows. This is a confusing movie with subplot upon subplot. The characters are brilliant. I haven't got a clue whether I should hate or detest. I have a lot of minor characters that fall into the latter category, but when I think they are firmly nailed into one category something changes. I really wished I knew what was going on but the ride has been fascinating. This is a love/hate enjoyable experience. Also the music is good.
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Great show-must watch
27 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ok. I watched this without expectation - well, expecting a negative expectation. Boy, was I wrong. This show is basically the Bogart, Hepburn, Holden Sabrina, with great scripting, action, and characters on steroids. They pushed every button and pulled all the strings. Then they pulled out the big guns with an excellent musical score. "For You" BTOB. Despite the rather trite title, you can't go wrong watching this. The Cinderella scheme is present throughout, but again in a way that captivates. There are definitely no surprises. The good guy is the bad guy that gets the girl; but getting there is what dreams are made of.
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Good enough
8 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Been said before. Plot fairly good, thru 12 episodes. Chemistry good, acting good...what I have come to expect out of K RomComs. Critiques are the flashbacks..said before. The cheesy sound effects machines bonks, beeps and tweeps drove me crazy a full 2 points worth. Then the sad lamenting sound refrain repeated ad naseum. This it true of too many K shows. Here as well. Pick a different sad song and alternate and kill the machine sound effects and it would have been an 8.5. One other thing, she is a dietitian but the science was completely missing. Why did a big company hire a dietitian? What did she do to improve the company? It isn't there. Simply a plot devise. She could just as easily been a cook or a dishwasher. Still I found the show quite worth watching.
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24 August 2022
I like/dislike this show. The acting is good if mostly over the top thru 10 episodes, but I always want to know more, I find I like the characters. Yes, the plot is thin and the comedy is way over the top, but the sub-plots and main action keep drawing me back in. Are the better shows, yeah, maybe. But this is a solid series, if you can get by the first three or so. They are important for clarity of the entire plot, but hard for me to retain interest. After that it is hard to not what is going to happen next. After episode 9, I think it is an 8. Higher or lower, IDK, but I'm compelled to watch to the end. This is much better than I thought it would be, and I suggest you give it a try.
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The Sandman (2022– )
Missing something
6 August 2022
Through episode the show is interesting enough, but is missing something. Many of the traits, visuals and feel are there. Played in all seriousness-that somehow misses the humor and wit that Neil Garmin displays in his writing. John has come close on occasion. I will continue watching.
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