
4 Reviews
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27 October 2005
I got a lot of flack from friends for liking this film. It definitely will not appeal to people whose favorite movies include the Die Hard series or Clueless. For people who enjoyed movies such as Dogma, Bourne Identity, or Amelie, this is a recommendable movie.

It's intellectual. It's funny where it needs to be. It's got a pack of really diverse, really tuned-in characters that play out the plot just marvelously. I Heart Huckabees is one of few recent movies to be both intellectual AND a complete story. For those who have been disappointed with half-hearted plots & endings including Garden State, Le Divorce and Sideways, this movie will be a breath of fresh air. People will be happy to see a beginning, middle, and end, which is a rarity in modern films (i've noticed). It's not about nothing, but it is. It's about something, but you're not quite sure what. It's a delight.

The fact that it doesn't appeal to everyone will not come as a surprise; it takes a certain kind of person to heart I heart Huckabees.
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Orange County (2002)
Better Than Van Wilder
27 October 2005
I Have to admit, when my friends sat me down to watch this movie, I was expecting another Van Wilder, Road Trip, same-old=garbage teen movie. I was wrong... ish...

First off, it had nothing to do with getting a chick, a score of chicks, or making trouble for authority figures/friends/schoolmates. It's about a guy that wants to get into college. Admirable.

Secondly, Colin Hanks did a wonderful job. Add freaking John Litgow, Catherine O'Hara and Lily Tomlin, and you've got yourself a great movie right there.

I expected Jack Black to play his usual idiotic character, and in that, I was right. Not that parts of it weren't amusing, just that he didn't really do anything that wasn't expected.

All in all, an alright little movie. If you're wanting a teen movie, but don't want to sit through Van Wilder/She's All That clones over and over again, this would be the movie I recommend.
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18 October 2005
This movie is pretty much what you would expect of a modern Muppet's movie: Has its share of cute moments, but is certainly not to be mistaken for a classic. Really, it's the kind of movie that gives you a few cheap laughs around Christmas time. It's got celebrity cameos, rip-offs of about every popular Chistmas movie you can think of, a bunch of play on words and puns, and a decent performance by Joan Cusack. So you can go ahead and break out the egg nog and watch this with friends; just keep in mind that this one is more for pre-teens and children than it is people who can recall the actual muppet show... If you're looking for that genuine Christmas Spirit with a pleasant dash of Muppet craziness, go for A Muppet Christmas Carol.
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Dave the Barbarian (2004–2005)
As Far as I'm Concerned...
5 January 2005
I am not a big fan of Disney. I don't like Lizzie McGuire, I don't like That's So Raven, I HATE the stupid sequels that they come out with every month. This show however is absolutely wonderful. This is the kind of off-the-wall humor that kids and adults can appreciate. This show never fails to put a smile on my face.

For Instance: "Dave creates a homemade megaphone using nothing but a squirrel, and piece of string, and a megaphone!"

That is gold. The plots are hilarious but easy enough for a kid to follow, the characters are well developed and reliable, and the character voices just completely make the show. Faffy and Twinkle the Wonderhorse are my heroes! :D
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