
16 Reviews
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This series went "the extra Miles"
17 June 2020
Watched the whole season with my wife in 2 days. We were surprised on how fast and fun the rollercoaster went. Good acting overall. A lot of loose ends for the second season can be terraine for a better one if they put the over-romantic plot and go to some darker places regarding the whole base of the plot.
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Better Call Saul: The Guy for This (2020)
Season 5, Episode 3
Vince Gilligan, please eat your vegetables
4 March 2020
This series is so well paced, for moments even better than Breaking Bad itself. It´s becoming a perfect clockwork.

Breaking Bad: a perfect wild beer. Better Call Saul: a fine intrincated wine.

Best things ever happened to Television in the last 20 years after The X-Files. We should enjoy Vince Gilligan while he is still with us on Earth. I think his best strengh is how well he works with silences. Silence often says as much as words and actions. It´s really a wonder to see anything this guy makes. Please Vince, eat your vegetables and live long.
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The Witcher (2019– )
I'm surprised.
19 January 2020
  • Henry Cavil nails it as Geralt of Rivia.

  • Good production values.

  • Acting is good enough from the rest of the cast.

  • Pacing may be abrupt, but it's done to keep the show entreteined.
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The Sinner: Part VIII (2018)
Season 2, Episode 8
A good ending to a fascnating story of ambiguities.
23 November 2018
Ok, this may not be the best episode of the season, but what a ride it has been. This series never went under a 7.5/10 in my opinion with some 9/10 episodes.

The cast is excellent again this time, with Bill Pullman being able to show how wonderful actor he is. In the first season Jessica Biel was on top, now it his turn.

For those who said "justice was not serve"....this people didn´t pay enough attention to the story. Don´t pay them attention.
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Better Call Saul: Nailed (2016)
Season 2, Episode 9
Do not pay attention, those looking for "exiting moments" don't care about the characters. And THEY ARE EXITING!
12 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This must be the Top 3 TV Show right now.

The characters is it's most important value. Their fears, their mood, their beliefs and their goals.

It's beautifully orchestrated and the pace is just perfect. More fast or more slow would be odd and I'm just glad Vince maintains his way of directing the show.

Please, don't even hesitate on seeing this show. If you feel like the other square-mind poster than wrote a review here...well, then I feel sad for you.

If not, glad you support this piece of work!
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A movie that wont leave you indifferent
3 June 2015
Le cochon danseur is a movie that you will like it or hate it.

In my opinion, the director choose to abuse the special effects to try to cover the plot holes, a bad practice that we will end seeing in movies like Transformers. In fact, I bet Michael Bay wouldn't exists if it weren't for this movie and his superb pig costume.

Otherwise, the acting is superb. The girl is Oscar Material, but it didn't exist at that time.

The music does create a mysterious environment and that helps to set the tone for this bizarre super-production.

Just give it a chance, it won't leave you indifferent.
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Better Call Saul (2015– )
They got it right. Goddamn right.
10 February 2015
This proves Vince Gilligan is a like a TV God these decade. He is so great. I followed him from his X-Files episodes trough Breaking Bad. Such a great director, such a great writer, such a great producer. We should be glad to have someone like him working on TV.

I strongly believe that being a HARDCORE-Breaking-Bad fan makes this show to need a lot more effort to accomplish a "decent" crossover. Something really hard to get, so easy to fail. But they got it right.

Make no mistake: this is not Breaking Bad. And is 100% OK that it isn't. But, in the other hand, it keeps all the goods it needs from it, like:

  • Quality of production. - Quality of OST. - Quality of performances. - Quality of writing and, therefore, quality of PACE.

I wont miss a single episode from Better Call Saul. And you shouldn't 't either.
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American Horror Story: Orphans (2014)
Season 4, Episode 10
An amazing episode
22 December 2014
Wow. Just wow. What an episode.

It's so deep. So charming, creepy and soul-full at the same time that I 'm not afraid to say to see its the best episode of the season.

I'm agree with the review saying i's 'too late', but that does NOT invalidate the rating of this episode.

Cinematic: 9/10.

Scrit: 9/10.

Acting: 10/10.

I love American Horror Story no matter if they have a regular season. You know what? Because a "regular season" it's way better than any "regular season" in any other TV series.

Can't wait for the ending and the next season!
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HALF MOVIE ---> a pride for the "industry"...but a shame for entertainment.
9 December 2014
This film gets the primary goal for its creation: to MAKE MONEY.

They had to use 2 parts in order to sell lot of tickets, twice if possible, and to do that they dedicated to extend EVERY POSSIBLE SCENE to a lenght and tedious dimension I thought I would never seen in this movie series.

From the moment I saw the trailer, I started to suspect, but with the benefit of the doubt, went to the theater and man, what a disappointment.

It does not deserves a 0/10, lets make this clear, because the acting is not bad. But it does not deserves, in my opinion, more than a 4/10, since we have been given HALF MOVIE.

I feel robbed, and I feeli should be allowed to see the second part FOR FREE.
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Wild Tales (2014)
Too much fun and human darkness for one day.
25 August 2014
Watched last night at the theater with my girlfriend.

It's a compilations of 6 tales, but they don't have the same type of lenght, humor or darkness. Each one is unique.

1) Airplane tale: fantastic, hilarating and surrealistic story to open the series.

2) Coffee shop tale: shorter, but dark and makes you wonder what's "freedom" for some people.

3) Road tale: excellent. A really LOT of violence and a little bit of humor makes this one of the best tales in the movie.

4) Human limit tale: a man that's having a couple of really bad days explode when he runs out of patiente. Great acting.

5) Accident tale: 90% darkness. And the fact that could be a very possible story makes it even darker. Shocking finale.

6) Wedding tale: almost impossible to qualify. Hilarious for the most part, but at the end, it will make you wonder to whom you are spending your whole life with.

Seeing this compilation in a theater for the price of one, its a damn good deal if you ask me.

Go watch it.
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Carancho (2010)
A mix of feelings...
30 July 2014
After watching this film last night, i can say a couple of things that come to my mind.

  • Has a good script, but it's "short" and therefore they make some scenes too long, with a pace too slow, to get a movie with a minimum lenght. It could been 20 min shorter, easily.

  • The dark mood of the story is well placed: depressing and dangerous. No complaints here. They make also a good job on showing the daytime differences affecting the characters.

What saves this movie is Ricardo Darin's acting and the last scenes of the movie.
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Breaking Bad: Buried (2013)
Season 5, Episode 10
"Maybe our best move here is to stay quiet". We should also do the same. Something big is being cooked here.
18 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Vince Gilligan is pure money in a desert of mostly mediocre TV directors-writers. He is definitely cooking some great ending here and he carries the story in a wagon of reality and sobriety that really amazes me.

Skyler is holding up because she has been pushed too hard by Hank to make a move against Walt that putted the family immediately on the balance of her feelings. It's simple: without the kids, Walt would be already inside the jail. Most of this episode was on Skyler's back and she was really good at it.

Walt is just doing what he is supposed to do, but one detail remains a mystery to me: did he faked his fall in the bathroom?

Note: Lydia-Todd combo is the other ingredient in the kitchen and has a pleasant smell, will they confront against Heisenberg and this has to do with the opening scenes with him carrying such a weapon?

Jesse pathway leading to Hank was expected. Now we have to see what Pinkman wants to do.
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Breaking Bad: Blood Money (2013)
Season 5, Episode 9
Just flip a coin...
12 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Remember the first season of Breaking Bad and the good old Walt's quote "we can...just flip a coin"?

It is amazing how Vince Gilligan played with us in the last escene. He is indeed one of the best in his job out there in the entire TV industry.

Well, lets put it in this flipping logic:

1- Walt had the chance to not go to Hank's.

2- Hank had the chance to react just when Walt came to the garage.

3- Walt is leaving, he has the chance to go away, but he is feeling he has and advantage and decides to push Hank with the GPS question.

4- Hank could have said that he knew nothing about the GPS, but its too late, the coin just touched the floor...

(So randomly natural, just like flipping a coin. So great for a show that always surprise us. And its a coin with many, many faces...)
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Under the Dome (2013–2015)
Good show to start, but some bad casting and a lack of OST makes me doubt.
26 June 2013
First, stop looking for some Lost replacement. That would be never ever ever ever possible without a very good casting and a great OST, no matter if the script is amazing.

And those conditions are not here, no matter if you see Dean Norris and Jeff Fahey over there.

Being said that, the shows starts fairly acceptable. Like Alcatraz. This is based on a book from Stephen King (hey, i'm a fan of him) i know, but i really hope this does not turn into a tasteless performance from cast.

My faith is present.

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Breaking Bad: Buyout (2012)
Season 5, Episode 6
Mix of strong drinks with a glass of water.
21 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
We had a very dark opening scene and we spot Jesse finally realizing that's not the world he wants to live in. He was in a train that Heisenberg stated "nothing can stop it" and now he wants to get off.

We had Mike tired of the DEA. He can have 5 millions, pay his debts and spend a wonderful time with his grandother.

But nothing means anything to Walt anymore. He doesn't feel himself as Walt, he doesn't have a wife and barely see his children anymore. The only thing he sees is his pride. He doesn't care if its Meta. Its an empire and he wants to be the king once for all before the cancer returns.

Is Heisenberg about to buy the %66.66 of Jesse and Mike? Or he has another plan? I'm thinking about the second choice. He can't built his empire alone.

The episode didn't have a good balance but was very good after all. I agree with other user when he says the dead-kid scene went too fast. They didn't got all the juice from the orange there.

Lets drink a glass of water and lets look by our sides. Because something really good is coming and we yet don't know how.
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Breaking Bad: Dead Freight (2012)
Season 5, Episode 5
Heisenberg said it: "Nothing stops this train"...except for Jesse "James" Pinkman?
14 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This episode works in many levels. Acting, production, photo, you name it.

There is still a Walter White at home, but barely visible. We can still see him when he talks with and about his children.

Outside we have Heisenberg trying to grow up his market, almost barely visible because of the lack of Meta.

About the "figurative train": is going with medium speed, but just about to become the "Back to the Future III train" as soon as the ocean of the precious liquid reach his hands.

Lets think just a minute about that sentence in the previous episode 5x04. And then this real train that stops with a Jesse (James) Pinkman idea of getting Meta under the radar.

The "NO! NO! NO!" that Jesse screams at the end is an advise of a train lowering its speed...starting to fill itself with remorse, guilt and repentance.
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