11 Reviews
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Return (I) (1985)
The Source material deserves so much better....
23 December 2021
I thought the novel this film is based on was one of the best books I've ever read at the time. I read it originally as a teen a few years before this film came out. Sadly, everything about this low budget, thrown together film with no character development or chemistry between the actors does a disservice to anyone who read the book and probably discourages anyone from doing so that hasn't read it. However, let me highly recommend the novel by Donald Harington to anyone who was attracted or intrigued by the premise of this film. "Some Other Place, the Right Place", is a great novel, it sucks you in as you go on this journey of discovery with this young couple thrown together by fate and destiny.
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Josée (2020)
One of the best slow burn Korean films I've ever seen...
27 February 2021
This was an amazing film on several levels, but the performances of both main actors really drew you in and made you feel like you were a witness to what they were experiencing their lives during their time together. I'm a fan of both actors, but especially Han Ji-min, and the incredible range & diversity of characters she's played to perfection astonishes me, with this being no exception. I suspect that most people will either really love this film or some may find it boring or depressing. Personally, I've already watched it three times in the short time it's been available and I get something new out it each time. In many ways, it's one of the most atypical love stories you will ever see, but without giving any spoilers here, I think in retrospect, the film ends neither happy nor sad, but in the only way that felt genuine & real. I highly recommend this film for someone looking a tale of romance, but something a little different.
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Cold Hearts (1999)
If you've liked other low budget films of this genre, you may like this too!..otherwise..
28 February 2020
Typically I wouldn't bother doing a review of film like this that wasn't really anything special, nor was it a horrible film you just want to forget either. Full disclaimer, this is definitely a B-movie in every regard, low budget, marginal effects, acting just passable, and an ok, but unoriginal story. "Cold Hearts" in no way compares to the better films of the genre, like "Lost Boys" & "Near Dark", among others.

However, all of that said, there is something about it, just different enough, just interesting enough to make it a decent watch if you like these types of films. This will be shocking to those that hated it, but I've actually watched it three times; all the way through!,,,,lol. Admittedly for me, part of my appreciation for the film is this odd fascination with the lead, Marisa Ryan, not the most beautiful or talented actress in the world, but she has something uniquely appealing about her. The story, though somewhat predictable, was worth staying with til the end also, and I found the ending satisfactory.

Finally, I gave this movie 7 stars because for a low budget film of this genre, and if you like this genre, it can be a fun watch on a weeknight or weekend day when you have nothing better to do. Personally, I found it a decent watch for a low budget film of this genre, but some others who find they may like it, may consider it one of those "so bad that it's good" type films, & I can understand that feeling!
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Tunnel (2017)
Interesting concept/characters, but misses the mark the last 1/3 of the series
3 December 2019
First, I love K-dramas, and have probably watched about 35 just this year. Also, I'm typically not that critical, as I've never seen a bad one, only some are better than others. Some of the better ones for example are Mr. Sunshine, Korean Odyssey, Something in the Rain, Stranger, Descendants of the Sun, Goblin, The Healer & Mother. All of those are highly recommended. Now, this drama has a very interesting concept, but has several serious flaws. Much of the dialogue and scenarios during the investigations are silly, cheesy or inept. One thing that I couldn't get past is the incompetence of the detectives/police in general. Obvious & glaring mistakes overlooked or made multiple times just became incredibly frustrating over time. Without giving anything away, the ending was also incredibly unsatisfying to me, especially considering that because of the circumstances involving the different time periods, they wasted an incredible opportunity to change some things. I'll close with some positive notes; being that the acting is good, with the characters mostly interesting & well done, with good guys likable & sympathetic, while the bad guys are really despicable. The only reason I wrote this review is because I'm really disappointed in a mediocre drama that could have been so much more. I understand you have to suspend belief to a degree in these dramas, but this one demanded more than I could bear. But, If the dialogue in the first few eps doesn't bother you, and the ineptness of the police doesn't frustrate you, then you may find this drama enjoyable & to your liking without reservation. However, I can't recommend it.
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Not what you expect, and depending, maybe not in a good way...
3 October 2019
I've actually become a huge fan of K-dramas, and have watched maybe 25-30 over the last year or so. So far, this is the only one that I have given below a 8/10 rating. Now, even though many of the stories can vary greatly, they usually share similar basic plot points; however this one is something completely different than usual, or than you're lead to expect. I won't give any spoilers, but I freely admit that overall, this wasn't my cup of tea, I'm sure many will enjoy the different approach and time jumps back & forth, and the plot twists as well. What you will find here is some touching & realistic portrayals of some of the difficulties & hardships around aging, family issues, as well as some abusive situations. The acting throughout is very good, and the chemistry between the two main leads is good, and actually made me want to see them together in a more conventional romantic drama. So, let me conclude with this; if you are drawn to this movie because of an expectation of a romantic film about time travel involving the two leads, you may be disappointed. If you want to see a movie about aging, family relations, regrets, & insights into perceptions of the elderly about how they view their past, present and future, this might be for you.
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Love Alarm (2019–2021)
interesting complicated love story up right up until.....update after 2nd season
28 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILERS - It's quite sad that this had such an unsatisfying ending, as I enjoyed the uncertainty and issues the two main characters each had to deal with and work around to be together in this love story. Plus Jojo & Sun Oh had great chemistry and I worried that they would somehow take a sharp left turn right in the last two eps to put her with his best friend. However, what they do is leave you hanging not knowing, with both guys triggering her love alarm to confirm their feelings for her, but you don't know if she loves either of them or both? Ambiguous is one thing, but this was a pure slap to the face of the viewer. Maybe they plan to "continue" the story in a second season, but this particular story was stretched to the limit just to make eight episodes, so not interesting enough for another season, but hey, just tell us if either of the two guys alarms went off, or neither....that's all!....leave what the three of them do with that info up in the air if you want, that's fine, but give us something..... ...oh well...

*update* - after finishing season 2, your worse fears were realized. Sorry, but nothing about the pairing of Jojo with Hye Yeong made sense. The original premise and 1st season were good up until the cliff-hanger ending that lasted two years. Then we get a shorter 2nd season (6 eps), and very unsatisfying ending. Ultimately, Jojo is "damaged" & has some serious issues, considering the decisions she made and why...Sun Oh is actually better off without her and her emotional baggage. He just doesn't realize it yet, but he will.
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Modern romance, but with complications, builds slowly, but worth your time..
13 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is bit different than most K-dramas you'll see, as there is very little humor, and the awkwardness feels realistic. A young man & woman meet by chance, and share an immediate connection, yet try to ignore it. Both have complicated circumstances, (including a boyfriend for her) yet fate keeps bringing them into contact with each other, til they agree to be friends.

It's not exactly smooth sailing, and many obstacles along the way, but it's an interesting look at two people who have their reasons to have given up on true love & idea of a soulmate, yet that desire is find these things is awakened. That's all I can say without spoiling anything, but worth your time!

One interesting note, is that the director and half of the cast in this series are directly from "Something in the Rain", if you happened to have seen that one on Netflix. I did and enjoyed that one as well, and to be honest, it took me a little while to get used to all of these actors I knew so well as different characters from that drama in this new story. But, once I did, it felt strangely comfortable and I got used to seeing them as someone else.

Anyway, If you are used to American mini-series, it takes some getting used to most k-dramas that take their time building their story, but once you've gotten deep into the story by episode 5 or 6, you'll appreciate the slower pace.
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This Korean drama has an addictive charm, while drawing you into a classic journey of love
13 January 2019
I started watching this by chance as it came up recommended on my Netflix account. It is a really sweet & slow building romance, but very addictive, and the two leads are perfect for their roles. They are fine actors, who are charming & likable, and also with loads of chemistry. One thing that becomes quickly apparent, is this is not the kind of love story you will see coming out Hollywood these days, whether in tv or film. As much as they obviously like each other, their circumstances make it necessary to move slow, and a slight spoiler alert here, it takes a while for them to even hold hands. But it's a very sweet moment when it happens. There are lots of modern aspects to their relationship, and despite their awkwardness, she is a successful, empowered young woman, so they very much feel like equals, with her actually taking the lead at times, being older of the two. If you have any desire to see a sweet, yet modern & believable romance, that you won't find in American tv or films today, do yourself a favor and check out, "Something in the Rain". You may find yourself smiling & addicted like I did!
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Worth a watch..
15 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I really can't say anything bad about this film, but it doesn't quite live up to it's potential either. The plot is very simple, and pretty much described in the synopsis or plot summary. The son of a U.S. coffee importer is sent to Columbia to meet with their supplier, and when he is forced to deal with a number of delays, ends up spending a few days with the supplier's daughter who shows him around the surrounding countryside.

The scenery, including charming towns and countryside is beautiful, as these two offspring of the business owners share memories of their childhood, while enjoying their adventures, and slowly warming to each other. There are no big plot twists, or shocking moments, it's really a simple story about two people who wouldn't normally meet, thrown together because of circumstances and start to develop feeling for each other. There is some chemistry, and the dialogue between the two mostly feels genuine and realistic. Worth mentioning that the musical score feels authentic for the location, and adds to the overall lighthearted mood of the film.

A couple of final notes; this was a low-budget independent film, so as such, there are certain limitations here. The two actors are fine, but I would have liked to seen a little more flirtatiousness between them, more awkward sensual moments, where something almost happens, etc. I understand understated or subtlety, but it could have had a tad more sensuality. One very petty note too, the guys hair was a mess and somewhat distracting for a while. I've seen pics of the actor for other projects where it was neater, so this had to be intentional. It looked like his hair had never seen a comb or a brush, sorry...lol.

Still, I would recommend this if the synopsis appeals to you, it may very well be your kind of movie. For what it is, it's not a bad way to spend just over 90 minutes with these two likable characters.
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What was and what could have been.....
11 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I remember this film very well and always had mixed feelings about it. Since my earlier viewings of it years ago, I have learned a little more about what changes were made, and re-shot, having to do largely with protecting, and also projecting a certain image of Ann-Margaret at the time, who was considered a rising star with the studio. First, this film should have made Michael Parks a star, as his work here is outstanding. He was criticized by some as being a James Dean wannabe, in mannerisms and his method acting style, but I honestly feel whatever similarities there may have been were coincidental and unintentional on his part. He was naturally charismatic, and could show great intensity when called for, and also had a gifted sense of humor, and could also be genuinely charming. The film starts out well enough, with his returning home after his hitch in the Navy, he is greeted warmly by his hero-worshiping little sister, played to perfection by Kim Darby. He is then told by his concerned mother that his old girlfriend is now married, and to an older, wealthy and important man in town. Other than an uncomfortable and inevitable confrontation at some point that should have been it regarding the old girlfriend, but, due to her desire and need to still be adored by him, and his inability to let her go and move on, this theme dominates the rest of the film, even though subsequent scenes between them are somewhat erratic and awkward feeling. The better film could have seen him slowly pursue a new relationship with the beautiful, vulnerable, yet troubled Janet Margolin character, who is his sister's best friend and whom you feel some initial chemistry when they first meet. As he struggles to find himself and adjust back to civilian life, this would have made a sweeter, more compelling, and less confusing and more fulfilling story. But then again, they would not have had someone like A-M in a minor role of the old girlfriend, who they were pushing to be the next big thing. Ann Margaret herself said the original film as shot was much different and less confusing, as her character was first portrayed as mean-spirited and almost evil, and certainly less sympathetic than the re-shot scenes would leave one to believe. Although still different that the ideal version I had imagined, at least it would have made more sense than the way they decided to go with this final released version. Even still, through the confusing story lines and other plot inconsistencies, it is a still a very worthwhile watch. Michael Parks does a great job with what he's given, and creates a very likable and interesting character in Bus Riley, and Ann-Margaret for her part, looks beautiful and shows a lot of emotion, though most of her scenes have her come across as very childish, self-absorbed and unstable, which also make their continued relationship seem even more strange and awkward. Janet Margolin also gives a very nice, yet subtle performance here, but sadly was somewhat wasted, as she was capable of so much more. Kim Darby also shines as Bus's happy go lucky little sister, who helps brighten the overall optimistic feel of the film. What you end up with here is a group of impressive young performances, but in a flawed yet still interesting story, and even though it is ultimately entertaining, you can't help but feel like most will come away with their own ideas of how this little film could have been so much more.
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Albatross (2011)
Amazing Breakout Performance by Jessica Brown-Findlay!
27 February 2013
..I just wanted to jump on the Jessica Brown-Findlay bandwagon here as her performance was beyond amazing...it's not often you are able to witness that special moment when you just know that the young actress you are watching is most certainly destined to become a major star...such is the case with Jessica Brown-Findlay in Albatross...not only does she steal the film and every scene in which she appears, she complete enchants and beguiles you with her charm,wit,charisma and screen presence. Her power is such that without her, this would have been a typical coming of age story of young girl/woman....she single-handedly captures your undivided attention, inspires your romantic fascination with youth, beauty, and a vitality & passion for living life to the fullest...I challenge any male from 18 to 80 not to fall at least a little in love with her...must see!
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