
14 Reviews
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Good cannot always win .....
30 July 2013
Samay .... saw this movie on TV long back but the gripping, unusual climax and Sushmita playing ACP to a tee, imprinted this movie on my mind forever.

The opening scene with VERTIGO played on large screen is definitely appropriate message ... this is a thriller of Hitchcockian genre. However, one gets this feeling only as movie progresses with 3 unique murders and a serial killer on loose. All the characters, whether lead or supporting cast, are well established within the flow. Inspite of so many characters getting introduced, not even for a moment story seems diverging from the main plot. In fact, each murder just adds another progression, as depicted through Pokemon levels. Big round of applause to the director for such a commendable job. Climax is spine chilling making this movie not just thriller but horrifying as well. I find this change appreciating. One cannot always expect goody goody end.

Music is well placed in the narration. There are just two songs: 1.)An item number, introducing 2nd victim and 2.)A short song establishing last victim, which audience realize only during the climax. Apart from this, regular background from day-to-day life fills in for most of the background score which gives a realistic touch to the plot.

Coming on to characters, Sushmita as ACP Malvika is awesome. She brilliantly portrays a hard-core cop who always maintains her composure but at the same time like any other human has flaws/weaknesses. Her interrogation style reflects her intelligence and alertness. Jackie Shroff, the antagonist very well tests her composure in the climax by slowly revealing his cold-blooded nature. Sushant Singh as ACP's assistant (Inspector Satya), Dinesh Lamba as Sub-Inspector Rafique and Rajesh Khera as Doc make a perfect team, equally involved and working hard to solve the mystery.

Got to know that this movie received national award for editing .... undoubtedly it deserves one.

Finally, Samay is indeed an all-time watchable thriller.
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Dhuan (1981)
Commendable remake!
15 July 2013
I was watching 'Suraksha' (again) and then something prompted me to check earlier filmography of Mithunda. This is when I came across 'Dhuaan' and the one liner wiki plot info saying that it's a thriller made me curious to give it a try. And now I think, how could I possibly miss this movie?!

Plot: Okay, I have read in other reviews that it is a remake of a British movie. But I must say that this indeed is a commendable Indianised remake. From beginning till the very last scene plot keeps you on your toes with out giving away even a hint for the climax.

Music: It was okay. Intro and two songs with Ashok and Sheela are very well placed with the narration. Bhajan was alright. One song seemed to be chopped off in the YT version. CORRECTION: I tried hard to find this missing song. Unfortunately, as this movie is B-grade as per 80's standard, there is hardly any information available. However, still with great difficulty I could verify that there was no missing song. In fact, movie contains just 4 songs, which are already shown in the YT version.

Characters: Introduction of characters as well as suspense was good. In fact, reactions of all characters to every new twists are quite realistic. Most appreciable of all was the intelligent presentation of Sheela. I liked it when she first recognized Hasimbhai and later the doctor. In both the scenes her confusion and reaction to new realizations were quite evident.

NEW ADDITION-Stunts: While discussing with a friend, I realized that I did not mention any thing about the quality of stunts/action. Definitely, stunts are sloppy. In fact, racing-demo defies basic Physics principles which even a non-science major understands. However, this does not mars the performances of the actors. Sloppiness in the stunt- quality is accredited to the production house. Given that it was not a big banner film, they seem to be limited on financial front, costing the stunt quality.

Over all, as mentioned in one of the above reviews, definitely this movie was made ahead of time. When compared to present time, it is definitely something interesting like 'Kahaani'. So overall I would say, indeed a must watch!!
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Alai Payuthey (2000)
Movie with eternal subject and wonderful team!
13 February 2013
It's been 13 years since the release of movie but the core issue addressed in the movie-plot is eternal. In fact watching it after such a long time also is a very pleasing experience.

The way movie starts and then moves back and forth in time is wonderfully presented. A very very special applaud to Mr. P. C. Sreeram! Especially for the transition frames with changing color schemes and well-captured emotions which are simply mind-blowing!! Even the last frame of the movie which could be little disturbing because of the surrounding and situation also seems so beautiful and picturesque that instead of being sad you are awestruck.

Music by the maestro is intoxicating. I am very thankful to Mr. Mani Ratnam for eventually including the songs (as I read in reviews that he was aiming for a song-less movie).

And finally the soul of the movie: Actors and Mr. Director!! I have no words to describe their fantastic job.

Definitely this is one of the all-time watch movie.
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Thuppakki (2012)
Patriotism with romance
21 January 2013
After a long time watched a movie with patriotic theme. Big applause to intelligent screenplay which is simply brilliant. Vijay is fantastic as Captain Jagdish. The subtle change in expressions and body language in camouflaging his working mind as per the situation is well portrayed. At the same time presenting himself as emotional family person as well as a cold-blooded ruthless interrogator is awesome.Cinematography is picturesque. However, role of heroine is limited to glamor factor. In fact few scenes involving her seemed forceful. Background score blends well with the situation. This is a must watch movie for entertaining and thrilling plot.
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True Rom-Com!
13 January 2013
Reason to watch: Performance of Nani in Ashta Chamma.

Outcome: AWESOME!!! As the movie starts one may think it to be usual Telugu action flick (thanks to director for such a creative start!). But as the journey of the first 2 introduced characters and the movie unfolds, you get to view a true rom-com :). Music, romance and comedy are very well inter-woven in the narrative and don't come as an obstacle. Best part is introduction of the characters, connecting them with fine details and later putting together all the loose ends in the plot appropriately. All the actors have played their characters to a tee. For a change liked the friendly and understanding presentation of the parents. In fact the most disputed generation gap conversation was presented in a very amiable way. (I know it is shown in many other movies too but the presentation is indeed novel.) Another worth mentioning piece is the satire on sensationalizing news. All in all, enjoyable romantic comedy!!!
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30 December 2012
Unfortunately this is one of the horrible comedy movie. Just watched it until interval and could not continue beyond it. Drawbacks: 1.) Comedy is very forced instead of being situational and in-flow with the story. 2.) Continuity in the story is lacking. For example Bobby-Sukh's friendly relationship is never established. Sukh's friendly inclination towards Jassi is never explored. Audience is just made to believe it through Bobby's passing comments. Inspite of macho introduction why Jassi all of a sudden became timid guy was very strange and unbelievable. 3.) Music is nice but again not in sync with story.

I won't even consider it watching once!
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Ashta Chamma (2008)
Great blend of character and observational comedy
23 December 2012
I am surprised that no one bothered to write review for this movie which is one of it's kind exploring a very common issue of "FEMALE FANDOM" and that too of none other than "THE PRINCE" aka Mahesh Babu. I would like to divide my review in to two category:

1.) Technicalities: Though I don't understand technical details, there were few evident things that could not be ignored. The novel presentation of the screenplay will develop an instant liking for the movie. Introduction of the characters at right pace and their interplay with the plot is perfect. Background score gives the magical touch making the scenes and the plot enjoyable to the core! Climax could have been better but whatever is presented is not so bad. (I read about poor climax in the critical reviews.) Let's say after all it's a movie and not real life so it's acceptable.

2.) Characters and performances: All the actors deserve a rapturous applause for awesome depiction of the characters. But Anand aka Srinivas Avsarala is definitely the icing on the cake. He is not just a character but the Sutradhara of the plot and has done his job quite well. Watching him perform reminded me of classic comedians like Om Prakash. He has a very good comic timing.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this good, clean and indeed a funny comedy.
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Commercial movie with a message
10 December 2012
I still remember the moment when I was introduced to this movie. It was while checking out review for Khaleja that I came across this upcoming movie which was compared with 'Chak De India' for sharing similar plot. Of course I was curious to watch the movie to explore this connection but my curiosity was put on hold by work. It was during one of these weekends that I was reminded of it. I happened to watch the movie and here I am with my review.

Talking about plot, yes, it bears some similarity to CDI but you will not be reminded of this while watching the movie. Presentation of the movie is neat and from start to end the sole-purpose of the movie is well defined. For me, presence of the coach was just catalytic. In fact real hero of the movie is the team and the kids. The transformation from being disoriented bunch of students to a focused team is very well portrayed by them.

There are two things in the movie that I disapprove. Firstly, romantic song which is a total misfit and just gives the commercial touch to the movie. Secondly the overly-dramatic climax. I could not believe that a school team playing for championship did not have any extras? Though I don't have sports background but I still remember that our school cricket team did have extras to substitute the players during crisis and they were not just any regular extras but good players. After reading that the movie is based on a book written by an ex-cricket player, this disapproval just got strong.

Concluding message of the movie is, undoubtedly, good but the above mentioned drawbacks does not allows me to give a 10-on-10 points to the movie.
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Godavari (2006)
8 December 2012
Well, it's too late to write a review for a movie from 2006 but could not stop from writing it for such a nice movie. When I watched the movie was indeed taken aback to find this kind of movie being made. Nothing great about the story but what makes it different is the presentation and the performances. Director indeed took a challenging job of taking up a regular story and presenting in an innovative way. Also, great job by cinematographer to portray beautifully various regions and banks of the Godavari river. Indeed it will tempt most of the audience to take up launch trip from Rajhmundry to Bhadrachalam. Contemporary presentation of Ram and Sita's characters and their interaction is very nice. Worth watching movie!!
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Kahaani (2012)
Thriller of international standards
8 December 2012
Happen to watch Kahaani last weekend and the only word I could think of instantly was .... "AWESOME!!!". Best example of a team-work that generates a masterpiece of international standard. Indeed the movie is rich not only in content and presentation but also in performances. Each and every character has wonderfully contributed to this movie and are immortals in the history of classic movies. Cinematographer has done a great job by capturing fine details of Kolkatta and its suburbs which even a non-resident like me could realize and enjoy. Durga-Pooja backdrop is beautiful. Music complements the plot. Not a single slack-moment. In fact audience are always kept on toes wondering what next???? Hats-off to the team for giving such a movie!!
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One of the Classic piece of work!!
16 August 2012
Came across a pure family entertainer after long time. Inspite being a regular story presented in a very endearing way. A huge relief from typical present age boring saas-bahu saga involving kitchen politics.

The whole ensemble of cast and character's is just beautiful and amazing. Perfect blend of emotions and comedy!! Must say there have been moments, both emotional and comical, which can be enjoyed for ever. Script and dialogues are fantastic. Viewer can very easily feel connected to the story line and enjoy it to the core. One of the worth mentioning aspect is the crisp story line and well-defined run time.

Another classic piece of work from Mr. Rajwade!!
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Satrangi Re (2012)
Old wine in new bottle
24 June 2012
Good attempt on a musical movie. Music is definitely high point, quite glamorous. However the title song is quite disappointing. 'Yaari Tujhi' takes one back to the college days with friends. Beautiful number!!

Cinematography is good. Goa is captured beautifully in 'Door Rahile Gaav' and 'Nave He Vishwa Saare'.

No doubt! being youth-centric, movie is appealing. The issue of disagreement in parent's and children's outlook makes a perfect choice as the connecting theme for the plot. However it fails to create a serious impact. Also, the climax seems a bit rushing. More time could have been spent on climax rather than establishing detailed background of each characters.

I would say it's worth one time watch.
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A must watch movie
24 June 2012
One of the worth watching work for Mr. Satish Rajwade! I have watched it so far at least 10 times and more I watch it, more I enjoy.

No doubt, Swapnil Joshi and Mukta Barve have done an amazing job. The conversation that starts in an intrusive manner eventually turns in to interesting one. There are points of slackness however the pace and intensity is resumed immediately. Loved the unique presentation of a conversation which needs no inclusion of first name of the characters.

Another amazing thing is the music. Background is very beautiful and perfectly used in flow with the narrative. Also the single choreographed song jells well with the plot.

Indeed it's a must watch movie!
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Excellent depiction of Teacher's state in India!!
6 January 2012
The portrayal of Mr. Duggal of a honest, hard-working teacher is amazing. Any teacher looks forward to appreciation and respect of his hard-work and efforts towards making a student realizing his potential. This is hardly recognized by parents/guardians. They think teaching is another way of making money, whereas that is not true. Loved the way director and script-writer projected the thoughts of common man towards the noble profession of teaching.

Another aspect that really makes movie special is the exploration of parent-children relationship. Parents sometimes forget that they are also equally responsible as much as a child for going astray.

Fine approach to describe state of teachers in our country though I don't completely agree with the climax.
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