
2 Reviews
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Kike Like Me (2007 TV Movie)
Give it a chance...
27 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I agree... It appears as if this film was just completely made on-the-fly. It seems disjointed because it was just a series of events that just fell into place a certain way. He went on a journey, and it wasn't a smooth one. As far as his attitude in some of the film, it was a bit of a turnoff. It seemed as if he'd wanted to find semitism at every corner. Maybe for the good of the movie? I don't know. It seemed as if he went into this in a certain mindset and it never altered throughout the entire thing. While he did find semitism, I don't believe he found nearly as much as he thought he would. Especially in the U.S. It definitely felt like he'd already had a chip on his shoulder going into this journey. But in the end even with the pitfalls, I really did enjoy this movie. It's hard not to learn anything from this, especially seeing the memorial portion of the movie as well as the interviews on the streets of a Paris suburb.

You always knew there was semitism, but it's not all that hard to find if you're looking for it. What the creator was aiming to do here, however, remains a mystery to me. Maybe it's exactly that. There is a lack of focus. Maybe you could say it's a very generalized, blurry perspective. You're getting a look at something the director wants you to see, but you're not sure what EXACTLY is there to be seen.

I do have one question, though... Was the hot dog at Auschwitz kosher? =) Just one of those dark humor things you'll catch in this movie. It's a good watch, but don't expect to come out of this thing feeling like a changed person.
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Jacked Up (2001)
A Powerful Low-Budget Film...
22 February 2006
You can never expect much from a low budget feature. I didn't expect much when I first saw this movie. But time and time again, I'm reminded not to judge a book by its cover.

The script wasn't amazing, but it'll still surprise you. The acting was great with the exception of a few characters. Anna Maria Horsford, a veteran actor, was probably the best actor in the entire movie. Close behind would be Bizzy Bone and Alexis Fields. Everyone fit into their roles perfectly. Then comes the star, RonReaco Lee. He is also a great actor, but I don't think his all of his talent was showcased in this movie. At some points in the movie, he seemed out of his element. Some scenes just didn't seem believable. But.. With the exception of those scenes, he's on the road to a fruitful acting career.

Overall, it's a heart-wrenching movie. You usually don't find your emotions coming out while watching other low-budget flicks, but you will here. If you're lucky enough to find it on DVD, it's worth the money. It blew me away in my first viewing, and it somehow continues to today.
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