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NCIS: Truth or Consequences (2009)
Season 7, Episode 1
The Best NCIS Episode
19 June 2024
.... It had everything. Drama. Emotions. Tears. Sarcasm. Made me laugh out loud. Made me feel alive. Like truly alive. It's been a while since I've seen a movie or a tv show that can reach out into the depths of my soul and stirr something within.

I wish they made these type of stories again. Story-telling used to be so much better, I don't know what happened nowadays but I can't for the sake of me feel connected to most actors whenever I watch a movie or a show. Perhaps the world has changed and I'm still an old-fashion (humanoid) - or perhaps them - the creators and directors should go back to the basics? Aka not reviving old brilliant movies but creating new ones that can grip any human in any century. Anywayz... cheers to whoever created this episode <3 - it brought a lot of happiness to my life :)
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To the one with "don't say "smile" please" review:
20 November 2021
You completely missed the point of this documentary. I doubt you even watched it till the end. And if you did, you missed the point. Let me make it simple for you. This "photographer" did not just "go" and took a few 'clicks' and selfies, as you make it sound, selling them for wealth. Your review is absolutely appaling. Sebastiao dedicatied his whole life, living among other cultures, documenting their lives. He sacrificed his 'family time' for this. Years of sacrifice. Years of living with the horror of wars, death and famine. He did not see his own children for long periods of time. And let me tell you, his work MATTERS. It's not about the money he made. Is about showing the world the truth about other cultures, about madness and war and lost (and found) paradise. Because in this era, it's easy to deny even the Holocaust! Sebastiao Salgado is a witness of history as it really happened, for a world devoured by fake news. Consider yourself blessed to have watched such a documentary, and pray that if a war will rage across your city, you'll have enough altruism within you to help your neighbour. That's what this documentary is really about. To question yourself of what can you do better, in a desperate situation. It beggs you to be outraged by the destruction humans can bring on this planet. It's not a film about Sebastiao. It's about you. So if you rated it 3, that's the rating you're giving to yourself. Do better.
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The Expanse (2015–2022)
Better than Star Wars
13 February 2020
Yes. I've said it. The feelings I get watching this show is probably similar to what everyone felt in 1977, when they first watched Star Wars. The expanse is a sublime tv show, that left me dreaming of a future where inter-stellar travel is possible. While we're here on this blue "dot", trapped by gravity to the ground, I realise there's so much knowledge to gain, there's so much to discover about this universe, and all my mundane problems fade away when I'm faced with the idea of "there's something bigger than myself out there and I must know what that is". I'm pretty sure we all feel like this when watching The Expanse (and thank you, Amazon, for having it on Prime!!)
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1917 (2019)
Thrilling, but not inspiring
2 February 2020
I had high expectations for this movie. Sadly, it turned out to be overly-hyped. While it was thrilling and the visual images were amazing, I feel like today's cinema is fully focused on that and forgot about the essence. The movie was good, but not great. Did not tickle my intelligence, or my deep emotions. And that's exactly what a movie should do! After I watched Hotel Rwanda, for example, I thought about it for years, it inspired something in me - to make a difference! It reached my depths and shaken my inner self. This is just an example. Many war movies did that, and I hope these new writers and directors will remember that us, the audience will forget what we saw, but never what we felt.
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Young Sheldon (2017– )
27 September 2017
Very disappointing. Who the heck is directing this? Everything's so rigid on this show, the lines are cheesy and boring and we're all just waiting on the next scene to get better. Please get better, as everybody loves the 80s/90s, and it's the only good feeling we've got out of this episode. C'mon guys, you can do it. I believe in a show better than The Big Bang Theory. If only this would be IT...
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Second Star Wars Experience - (Spoilers)
17 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
After I have watched the movie on a Saturday morning at 7:30 am, on the biggest screen in Britain, I realized this is my greatest Star Wars experience. I barely could stand on my feet when I walked out of the theater. It was tense, there were tears of nostalgia and sadness, there was the scene at the end that made me realize Darth Vader is and will remain the greatest villain of all times. It was beautiful, the cosmic battle and the scenery, it was even more beautiful to see stormtroopers and ATs at the sea. It was so passionate and dramatic, that I almost forgot to laugh at the comic scenes. Rogue One is the greatest Star Wars movie ever made, for me. Yes, better than Empire.
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On The Force Awakens
19 February 2016
If I was to write a review on Star Wars: The Force Awakens on IMDb, this is what I would say: that the fans are divided into three psychological categories, when it comes to the latest film: 1) The ones that are so into it, that feel grateful even for the prequels, even though they're smart enough to see that Jar-Jar is more destructive to the soul than a Star Destroyer... and they are positive, optimistic, and rather prefer to indulge into the sweet disposition of simply watching Star Wars for the great movie it is. (Like the fans of Federer.. they know he's the king, and still adore him even if he sometimes loses xD) 2) The unsatisfied ones, because they truly honor Star Wars so much for what it should be, that they feel they have the right to criticize everything they find inconvenient... like saying that this Star Wars has no original story and so on... (But I personally disagree with them, they forget this is just the beginning of a new story, thirty years after the Originals, and The Force Awakens is a foundation to the sequel trilogy... for them, I only have this advice, give it a chance and wait to see how the story unfolds in the next Episodes. ) 3) Amateurs... that criticize it by a need to be up to date with the newest films en vogue, that never really cared about Star Wars and don't value the impact it had in the science-fiction world.
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