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Soul (2020)
Who is this movie for? Not for kids, nor for adults.
28 February 2024
Children in the cinema were anxious, and tired after about an hour, not really understanding what is going on.

While for adults, this movie was a bit childish, the jokes, the characters, the general approach.

I wish there would have been more music, to enjoy the jazz, an easier to understand story, and much shorter. I think 1h15min would have been completely enough, just editing out the less good parts, and keeping only the best.

Of course, the animaitons, colours, sound were great, but not such a visual experience that it would justify the complex story.

The message in general is nice, a lesson about how to live, the importance of music, but it was a confusing mix between children and adults.

If you are with kids, I would rather skip it, too complex and abstract to follow. If you are with adults, I would only watch it if you are an absolute fan of animation movies, otherwise you will find the 2h really too long.
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Feel good, entertaining, safe to watch
5 November 2022
I enjoyed the movie throughout. The story is nice, there are no unnecessary overacting, no fearful scenes. It's just fun to watch and a great movie for 6-7 year olds. Everybody is ok, the characters are simple enough to understand, it's all clear who are good and bad, so it's easy to follow for children.

It doesn't try to teach any social lessons, world views, or any current propaganda, which was refreshing.

The musical parts were ok, not outstanding.

We didn't know about the book, so cannot tell if it's accurate to the story or not, and actually it is not required to know the book.

The length was a bit on the long side, almost 2h with the usual advertising at the beginning which stretches a bit the attention of children. I find that with better editing and a bit shorter runtime it would be more impactful.

All in all a great movie to watch with children in a cinema to come home with a positive vibe.
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Victoria (2016)
Great performance from Virginie
29 August 2016
I just watched Victoria on a pre-release exclusive showing, and I greatly enjoyed it. Virginie has a great talent for comedies, and romantic comedies, and this movie is no exception. However, Victoria a parallel, satiric, deeper layer beside the general comedy stream. However, it keeps it's promise to be a light movie for a weekend night to have fun. I enjoyed the occasional funny moments, too.

After the movie Virgine came on stage for a question and answer session. I learned that the movie has several elements of near-improvisation, as the actors had the liberty to live their roles fully and didn't had to go word by word by scripts, they had freedom to go further with interpretation when they felt to.

All in all, if you like French comedies, and you like Virginie Efira, you will enjoy Victoria a lot.
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Las Vegas (2003–2008)
Great for travel. First four seasons are great, the fifth only passable.
6 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I was looking for a series that can be watched during travel or after a stressful day to switch off, that can sit on my hard drive and I don't have to wait another week for the next episode if I want to watch it again next day, but it's also no problem to take some time between episodes if I have no time to watch.

Las Vegas was perfect for that, it's fun, interesting, with an adequate dose of action and drama, and sweet in a way that left me in an upbeat mood after each episode. I have been enjoying this show throughout.

In the show we follow the inner-life of running a casino from the perspective of the president, surveillance-security, casino host, hotel management, casino owner and other staff. Million dollars, diamonds, private jets come and go with the wind in an amusing way, often saving the bank in the very last minute. The episodes have some evolution and there's sometimes a story spanning over two episodes, but in general each episode can be watched on it's own.

Varied topics of casino crime and relationship drama among the actors, card counters, robbery, kidnapping, there is all to keep the pace alive in each episode. Josh Duhamel is my favorite, with his naive, but risk taking attitude brings smile so often, and in a duo with James Lesure, they are like Stan and Pan. James Caan created the fun and awkward ambiance of the casino president, who often solves complex issues with a CIA style shortcut. Vanessa Marcil looks gorgeous, no wonder she was on FHM's and Maxims hot 100 list.

The first and second season are the best, with a spark among the eight core actors that lift the stories of each episode to be engaging and fun. The third and fourth season continues this trend, sometimes bringing in a funny fantasy element. In the fifth season only four of the key original actors are left, which shows, especially the departure of James Caan. Instead, we have Tom Selleck, whom I like from the Magnum series, but he just doesn't bring the same fun as James Caan did. The spark from the beginning is gone, and many episodes just pass the line not be boring.

I learned a great deal of how is life in an expensive casino, which I was always curious about. Sometimes I found myself digging in Wikipedia about the rules of Craps and Black Jack to fully understand what's going on, which adds to the fun.

Also an interesting feature of the show is how the technology was in 2003-2007, it follows through the upgrade from VHS tapes to DVD drives, from CRT to flat screens in the surveillance department, but still this is a time when everybody walks around with a clamshell mobile phone.

All in all, I think this is a great show for watching on a tablet or a laptop while traveling, for those times when the time is short to watch a full movie, and just some light-fun entertainment is missing.

My suggestion is to watch the 1-4 seasons, the first episode of the 5th is still good, but the rest of season 5 is just not worth it.
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World-Class Water-Polo
23 December 2006
Right after I sat down and the initial title came up, flashes from a water polo match attracted my attention, and the story started immediately. Throughout the movie, somehow I never felt that I'm actually in a cinema, and all the two hours went by just like a single moment.

Sometimes, I don't like historical movies, because I know what comes next, but here, I never knew what can come in the following spot. The movie is not a history film, not a documentary, it's the story of Viki (Kata Dobo) and Karcsi (Ivan Fenyo) who fall in love in this fast moving always changing setting. We love the smooth lines of Kata Dobo's face, and we are a fan of her not because of her talent - so no complaints here... however, Ivan Fenyo excels throughout the movie and I'm looking forward a lot seeing his next title. Sandor Csanyi brings his usual very good form.

The movie is very authentic, all spots filmed at the proper real-life original scenes (buildings, streets), with real-life original guns, tanks, costumes. I guess, this movie must reveal a lot of emotions for people who were part of the revolution of Budapest 1956. (Hungarians raised againt the communist dictatorship, but the Red Army occupied the country and steyed in Hungary until 1990.)

As for water-polo scenes, you can expect the best, as all pictures were filmed with the national league of Hungarian water-polo players, a World #1 team!

This is a must see for water-polo fans, for people in Central-European studies and all those who have a Hungarian relative. Or see it just for the beautiful surroundings of Budapest. :-)
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Wall breaking powers to handle...
3 December 2006
The title got my attention and then I wondered what will come out in the plot, as we have seen so many "super-people" movies these years... and in fact, I really liked it, as there were a number of unusual funny scenes that I didn't expect. Uma Thurman performed as average in G-Girl's role. Surprisingly, I was again able to watch her toes in wide screen (like in the beginning of Kill Bill). Luke Wilson however played very well the idiot everyday guy who meets the big woman, I could really get into his situation. If you want a light touch of fun, you should definitely watch G-Girl's and average Matt's adventures, especially to cheer up your partner. 7/10 in my collection.
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High Society (1956)
Love Jazz, love Kelly
10 July 2006
I just love Jazz and just love Grace Kelly and this movie brings the perfect combination of both in a romantic movie. How wonderful it is when the opening scene starts with Frank Sinatra and you can hear him sing and play throughout the movie...

The story isn't that special, but who cares? I just opened my eyes and ears and let myself be entertained - if you want the story, rather watch The Philadelphia Story (non musical version with Cary Grant and Katherin Heburn). It's unfortunate that this was Kelly's last movie and then she disappeared in Monaco.

For Jazz lovers I also recommend the not so known Beyond the Sea (about Bobby Darin) and The Fabulous Baker Boys (with Michelle Pfeiffer).
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The Witness (1969)
The international situation is intensifying!
10 July 2006
I'm 29, live in Hungary, but only have seen this movie yesterday. I think, something was missing from my overall general knowledge of us.

The change to freedom from the socialist-communist regime was in 1989, 17 years ago (as of 2006), but all these experiences are so alive in today's people. Especially in the middle age (40-60 year old) generation lived through that time and their mind is vividly remembering. Sentences like the "The situation is intensifying!" (A helyzet fokozódik!), "Life is not a whipped-cream cake!" (Az élet nem habostorta.) are very common to hear. I remember my high school teachers using these phrases very often.

There's even a magazine called Magyar Narancs (Hungarian Orange) - I just didn't know why it is called orange until yesterday. I guess Fidesz, one of the current leader political parties (right wing), has it's color orange because they were related to this magazine during their early times.

There are a lot of elements in the film that are not explained, but everybody knows here. The black car arrived to take someone, to call each other Comrade (this was the natural way to address to others), to eat "tarhonya" again and again.

I just can't understand how this movie could be filmed and then released before 1989 and how the producers didn't finish up in a prison.

Another thing I liked how Pelikan lives his life. When it's time for joy, he is happy, when is time to move on, he moves on, he takes life as it comes. Going with the flow in the sense of Buddhists. He knows who he is, what he is capable of and lives true to his own values. And so he is living what life brings in front of him and happy with that.

This is a wonderful movie and is a must to understand daily life in Hungary. So, just rent it and watch it! 10/10
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The dance championships again
7 July 2006
During the first ten minutes, I just couldn't believe this movie was made in 1992 - it had an ambiance of the 80s with all the colors, style and sound.

There is some love, some crazy characters, and a lots of dance. I loved Shall we dance, Dirty dancing, etc. and Strictly Ballroom fits in the line. However the story... at the beginning they don't want to dance, then they want to dance, they don't win the championships, but they fall in love. Maybe next time a dance movie could come up with some other theme than this basic setup of winning a dance competition?!

If you dance ballroom, you might like it for the music and the theme, but altogether, it's only for a Saturday afternoon cheer you up.
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Makes me smile and wonder
6 June 2006
I can't remember when I had the last time this much of fun and sadness in one film together, in the right balance.

Michael Angarano (Dylan) shows the perfect face and attitude for his slow paced character, and I also loved her mother's play. Sunny Mabrey as the supermodel Nikki was far from authentic, but this was the only weak point of the movie. I loved the two friends together, in Dylan's room, in New York, at the funeral, they were just teens, enjoying life.

Now again I remembered that I live once, so I should do what I like, and do it now... all that matters is what I think is important for me, not what others say... take things as they come and see the happiness that is around me.

A slow movie for a quiet afternoon - 8/10.
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The Net 2.0 (2006 Video)
Nice tour in Istambul
1 May 2006
For a weekday evening, this movie is great to watch instead of your daily sitcom, but I wouldn't watch it in a cinema.

Though 3-4 times I had trouble to follow who is who, what is what, as everything got twisted in 15 minutes intervals, the storyline is interesting. Even the last scene is a twist, which is a nice touch to get away with, leaving things open for a follow up.

The places in Istmabul are nice, and it was funny to recognize the Turkish accent of my former office colleagues. I guess, this is the main attraction of this movie, the Turkish culture you can see as the background.

You get some light action, some average pretty main actress, but you'll sleep smoothly all night long afterwards. I'd give 6/10.
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Desperate Housewives (2004–2012)
My soul is dead tired - no more punch please
4 December 2005
At the beginning I really loved the show and identified myself as a 'Desperate Housewifes' fan. I liked the humor a lot, I laughed up sometimes so hard, it was really unexpected and well done. I loved the beautiful main actors, the superb Maserati and Porsche sports cars. And I loved the tension from one episode to the other, I just couldn't stop myself not watching it again.

But then, after finishing with the 23 episodes of Series 1, although I'm interested to find out what happens next, I'm a bit tired of the constant lack of morals. There's no one person I can like in the show, because until now, everyone turned out to be a liar, a killer, a thief in the end, who has no hearts, and I prefer to identify myself with heroes of positive values.

When I watch a movie, it's a one piece thing and I can resolve myself even if it's about things I don't agree on. I watch it and digest it as I want. I know who's bad and who's right, or even when the situation is not so clear, I can get trough it. However, here I got tired watching in every episode somebody killing his neighbor, lying in the face of his/her husband or taking deep revenge on a beloved one.

The narrative voice in the beginning and the end of each episode is integrate part of the plot and adds a lot to the enjoyment. The funniest character to me was Edie with her constant winning over men she doesn't care about and failure over men she wants. Although an antipathetic character, Bree is super well played, the no-emotions-out style is 100% authentic.

So, although I liked the jokes, I find acting is great overall, I have had this punch in my stomach after every episode, which I don't like to repeat. The main catch of the series is 'what happens next'. However, I just found on the net many sources and articles detailing the happenings of each episode. I just read in for curiosity, and found out I'm not that interested at all to follow what's happening. It's pretty much the same - someone kills or lies or betrays again so the plot is twisted again. But this is not that interesting to me anymore.
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Spontaneity starts here
4 December 2005
Nikita lived in my mind as an action movie with lots of blood, aggression, fear, all kinds of things I'm not very fond of to watch in a cinema. But I have seen this film more than ten years ago and things change and now Nikita is not that cruel movie anymore.

I came back to re-watch Nikita after a lecture I heard about spontaneity and creativity. The speaker cited Nikita as an example for spontaneity. He told about the scene when Nikita gets the guns in the red box as a present and is told to kill a man behind her in the restaurant, run out of the room, look for the men's toilet, check the last cabinet and climb out on the small window there with place only for a women of her size to get through; the car is waiting for her for 5 minutes outside. Nikita does as told, shoots, runs, searches, opens the window - but then the windows is walled. And here starts spontaneity - what to do now? In fact, I watched the entire movie to see this scene - wow I learned again something!

Otherwise, Nikita is rather a 'sweet action movie' by my standards of today. The storyline is interesting, the playing is OK, just the whole is unpolished and a bit rough to me. However, no question, back then, this movie was the starter for a whole series of story lines and Luc Besson merits credit for his originality. 7/10
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Brothers (2004)
Not easy to watch, but I loved it
3 December 2005
This is one of the movies I liked the most this year - others wrote a lot about acting etc., let me tell you about my reactions.

I enjoyed the movie from the very first to the very last moment, it let me feel. Despite the heavy questions there's no solution in the end, and I still felt I take something with me. I understood and lived through something important. There's no 'this is right' and 'this is bad' in the movie, director Susanne Bier presents situations and then shows how each player of the drama tries to cope with it - just like in life.

To my surprise, although I didn't know these Danish actors, they play very very well. I don't remember Connie Nielsen (Sarah) from Gladiator as many do, but her performance here is very impressive. The two brothers, Ulrich Thomsen (Michael) and Nikolaj Lie Kaas (Jannik), show a sensitive and fragile relationship between the two brothers. The whole movie pops out just like real life, and the dogma style caught me on, I felt like watching a real home movie, recorded from life.

I was touched by the dialogs, the acting, the music, the atmosphere... I have a friend who's husband has been recently returned from war. She told she feels that he must have gone through a lot of things she has no idea of. Now I can imagine what she meant. Therefore I especially liked the moments, when I got a couple of ten seconds to breathe, to digest watching the landscapes; to see people sigh on the screen and sigh with them.

This was not an easy movie to watch, but I wish, I could watch more of these, and encouraged me to check out more films played by Nielsen or directed by Bier. 10/10
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Idiot husband with cat is super
27 November 2005
It took me a couple of months to finally decide to sit down and watch this movie, but it's a pity I didn't go for it before. I like French humor, and this was really a good piece of it! Although the original setting is sad - one of the main actors gets cancer -, but it is played in a funny way that only French do. It remembered me to the style of the Luis de Funes or the Belmondo series. Probably the character I liked the most was the idiot husband of Tara with the cat but I also loved the aging 'artist' starring the commercial. So I enjoyed most parts of the movie, funny dialogs and funny scenes, and the few minutes of trivial conversations are forgivable. I guess this movie is a best choice if you want to practice some recent everyday French language and want to keep your mood happy, like for people in a class of French as a foreign language.
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Boring piece of stupid alien attack
7 July 2005
I decided to remove Spielberg from my list of 'must see movies' as this film is probably the biggest disappointment to me of the year 2005. The story was stupid, images were too giga-mega-huge action stuff, acting was super low quality. Shame on Tom Cruise and Tom Hanks to give their names to such films at this stage of their careers. The story contains so big holes, that even a 4.0 rated silly DVD sci-fi is better developed. Why aliens attack now? Why do they want to destroy earth? Why can't we fight back? Why can we suddenly fight back? Hopefully, there was no big-mega kissing happy end between Tom Cruise and his ex wife. All in all, this is not more than an average summer movie to me, even Riddick and xXx provided more fun. 5/10
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Sahara (2005)
Funny action
19 June 2005
This was really funny action movie with average actors, average plot, average everything, but it's perfect for a hot summer afternoon in a well air-conditioned cinema. The story is about the seek for a lost ship full of gold, about a doctor unwillingly part of the crew, some romance and of course saving the world from the great disaster. I loved the fast paced action, the landscapes in the desert, the silly jokes of the supporting cast. Penelope Cruz is as beautiful as always and they make perfect fun partners with Matthew McConaughey (Dark Pitt). Of course in the end you get the big happy scene with all the money and the big kiss, which I expected a lot and was so happy for. This is a typical watch it and forget it piece, but great for that 8/10.
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Non-resolved shocking drama
19 June 2005
I felt so uncomfortable during the whole movie to see how these two marriages dismantle, how love disappears and gives place to indifference, how the only one who loves, Terry (Laura Den, a very credible performance) struggles the most. Though I still don't know how real the story is and what was the purpose of showing it, what can I take with me from the film. The drama presented is very complex and there is no solution in the end. Mark Ruffalo (Jack) also plays well in a role full of antipathy, but Naomi Watts (Edith) brings only her usual baby-doll face and Peter Krause (Hank) is also just average. The movie is very powerful, the mood is very heavy and dense, after the film it's like a kick in the stomach that stays there. 7/10
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A real view of relationships
18 June 2005
I have seen this movie for the second time and I liked it even more now. It is about a married couple with two kids, just at the edge of divorce. All the little jokes and sweet things had became the source of fights and most discussions are just this: fights. The tension between Ben (Bruce Willis) and Katie (Michelle Pfeiffer) is so alive, I could shout, cry or erupt with them. They made such an authentic representation of the relationship between this man and wife - although they love each other, living together has its own problems to solve every day. And love just helps you to make the first step, to open towards the other person, and try to do something about it. What is more, this openness is required from both parties, at the same time. In the film we see such a nice wave how this opening-closing happens, how you misunderstand the words of the other and suddenly close. As Rachel said in the movie "only way a relationship works is if people grow and change together". I like real life stories and to work on my relationships and enjoyed so much this movie.

I love Willis as the Super Hero roles and was surprised to see such a credible performance in a much heavier role here. Pfeiffer was really as good as in her other Drama movies (The Age of Innocence, I am Sam).

A really nice peace in my Drama collection, 8/10.
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Birth (2004)
Lacks message
5 June 2005
Again I left hungry the screen and the same question came up in me: what was this all about? Reincarnation - fooling someone - respecting others needs... I just don't know what was the purpose of watching this film. As a story, it was not that interesting, as a drama, there was no real drama, as about reincarnation, there were a number of plot holes. However, I liked the slow motion, the close ups, the music, the ambiance - I love those moments when I have time to feel, see, experience without rush.

I start to like Nicole Kidman more and more, she plays wonderfully again. I especially loved the close ups, she gave such a perfect look on the feelings of Anna, how troubled she was, how she loved her ex-husband, how lost she is in today's world.

Does that makes sense, that someone from the past that I loved shows up in a 10 year old body (Sean)? Maybe, but I'm not that sort of person. If I had keep up to this 'Saan', it'd mean I cannot move on, that I still live in the past, am bond to my feelings of ten years before. And then, even I loved him/her then and still love him/her now, it doesn't mean I want to live with him/her. Living in a marriage is much more to me than just being in love.

So the movie is good, even though the story was not that clear, I liked it and would recommend for a rainy afternoon - 6/10.
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Cheap and primitive, but very funny!!!
25 May 2005
This comedy really rocks. It's way too cheap and awkward by any standards, and so primitive and full of stereotypes that in the end it comes out just right and funny. The intelligence level of this movie is between a Sunday afternoon film and a kids' series, somewhere near to 'The Mating Habits of the Earthbound Human'. I couldn't decide during the whole movie, whether it was intended to be so funny, or they meant it serious - telling all the time 'we humans are special', 'we have feelings', 'what is love and it is so important' and such. Annette Being is really sweet in her role of Susan and Garry Shandling is marvelous as Harold, this is not an outstanding movie, but watching Harold is most fun of all. I only missed the evil Perry to get his punishment in the end. You have to be in the mood for this, but really recommended, 7/10!
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Bangs, tension, pretty faces, but holes in the story line
24 May 2005
Kidman as the interpreter lady was surprisingly good, made me easily believe her in this role of a personality who relates between two worlds, knows a lot about things, understands a lot, nobody asks about his/her opinion, and a bit alone between two parties, just in the background. Have you ever did interpreting, you should know what I mean.

Although the story was interesting and fast moving - I never get bored during the whole movie - it was a bit unpolished and unfinished. It was a sort of 'just another action movie put together in the rush', like The Bourne Supremacy, National Treasure, Air Force One and such. It's not bad, just lacks something important to be remarkable.

It was not that clear to me who wants to take the power from whom in that imaginary African country and on which side is Silvia. Then I couldn't decide during the whole film whether there supposed to be a chemistry between Silvia (Nicole Kidman) and Tobin (Sean Penn) or not; it would had been hard to believe a connection between these two actors anyway and the plot setup wouldn't suggest that either (you don't fall in love two weeks after the death of your wife). Fortunately they didn't start the big kissing happy end on the last scene.

However, I got what I expected from such a movie - tension, big bangs and explosions and pretty/handsome main characters; 7/10.
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Listen, feel, absorb
22 May 2005
Based on the title, I really didn't know what to expect and enjoyed discovering the story as the focus shifted from picture to picture - is it about the writer, his wife or the young boy who arrives as an assistant... The narrative develops slowly, giving you many possibilities to get into the atmosphere of the Cole family, with feelings, images, impressions, a time to absorb.

The other thing I liked about this movie is Kim Basinger; still looks stunning and even better as time goes by and it's refreshing to see her in a serious role, in something different from the 9 1/2 weeks and Batman style.

I really loved the ending. As simple, so deep it was. I liked the silence before the cast started to roll and the music to play, I needed that. It's refreshing that a director finally can give us this luxury, just to let us sit still for a little while to digest what was happening on the big screen. Don't miss it - 10/10
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One of the best comedies of my collection
21 May 2005
Although made in 1967, I was surprised how much I loved this movie, from the beginning to the end. This is a kind of a comedy I haven't seen maybe for years.

I felt the characters and the situation so alive and close to me, it is incredible. It remembered me when I had to make that first visit at a girlfriends house, meet the parents, be friendly to some completely unknown people, act as an adult, as a man, when there are four parents around... And there are scenes with a flip I will never forget, like Spencer Tracy eating his ice cream and changing his mind over it, Hilary being fired or the two fathers settling about the situation as 'the only reasonable people in the boat'.

The film also started me to think over how I would react as a parent in such a situation. Today, marriage between races is not that shocking, but I can easily imagine for my future daughter someone, who would shock me with his proposal. It easy to see others on screen struggling to break down their own walls and prejudices, but in real life it is so much harder. It is so true, what Mahatma Ghandi said - 'You must be the change you wish to see in the world'.

It's just a funny twist from life, that I've seen 'Kinsey' a few days ago, where Katharine Houghton also appears as Mrs. Spaulding, almost 40 years later (2005).

This movie became one of my favorites - 10/10.
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Kinsey (2004)
The journey from insects to humans
21 May 2005
I didn't know about Kinsey, so I approached the movie with a clear mind and with a certain curiosity to get to know who this person was, when and where he lived and what was that radical he made. I cannot judge whether the film was accurate concerning Kinsey's biography, but I think it gave me an authentic representation of the atmosphere he lived through and a good impression on how elemental his work was.

I especially loved the evolution of the relationship between Alfred Kinsey (Liam Neeson) and his wife, Mac, the struggle they went through, how Alfred's work influenced their personal life and how much their love radiated on their environment. It was also nice to see, how a scientist can get attached to his scientific results and theories, how he wants to interpret his personal life with his theories. One in such a family must be really tolerant to live with this. The film also showed very well that certain feeling, which a scientist has when seeing something that nobody noticed before.

I see myself becoming a fan of Liam Neeson, which started with Schindler's List, and since then he continues to come up with a strong performance every 2-3 years. My favorites from him are Rob Roy, Les Miserables, K-19 and Love Actually. I hope he goes on with such movies.

I enjoyed the movie throughout, great actor performance, great script and direction, this is really one of the best films of 2004, especially recommended for young scientists, 8/10.
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