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Red Notice (2021)
Fun ride!
20 June 2023
Maybe it was just the mood I was in, but really enjoyed this movie. Ryan and Dwayne were adorable with their bro-mance! And I liked the twists and turns and bad ass lady bosses!

Didn't have to think too deep and just enjoyed the show! I actually would like to see a second movie bc Ryan was quite funny.

The action sequences were fun to watch BC of all the close calls, crazy jumps and lots of speed! Could almost feel the wind in my hair!

I highly recommend watching if you just want to escape reality without thinking too much! Seven out of Ten from me. Yep. Words words words words words words.
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Republic of Doyle (2010–2014)
Once you understand the concept.
9 April 2023
At first I thought this show was too silly to be real, but then someone said to think of it as a bit of a spoof. Like the cartoon road runner where the coyote gets bonked, squashed, hit and falls off cliffs but never really gets hurt. Sometimes I can even see the little stars twirling around Jake's head with his facial expressions. I can slot Dez as Pinky as in Pinky and the brain and then just enjoy the show. We all have a line where we can suspend disbelief and for some reason I can accept the sillyness once I understood the concept I think RoD was going for. I enjoyed this series immensely!
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Snuck up on me.
6 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was gaming while playing this in background and had to stop gaming because started to get pulled into the story. Not sure why she would run back to the cliff..but I think I know why she came back. She didn't want Jackie to hurt /kill someone again..she wanted to take that possibility away.

The camera perspective angle towards the end was really cool bc you didn't know who's eyes you were looking through. Also..would have been a cool twist if Jackie finally found the emotion of love whe she discovers that Jules is the winner.lol

I'm happy I stumbled across a film that kept my interest...these seem hard to find now a days..or maybe I'm too picky. Highly recommend!
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Cage (I) (2016)
Actress was amazing!
21 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I think the movie is mostly psychological so just 'enjoy' the ride, assume the cage is strong and ignore the possible poor set up of why, who, how.

Just imagine waking up in her position and trying to understand what's happening. Yes, at first pure terror, and acting crazy and pleading which apparently some people call whining. Then slowly coming to terms and trying to deny the horror of it by trying to talk your captor like everything's normal. She didn't want her parents to know how 'dumb' she was so she acted normal with them too BC she really thought it would be over soon enough and she will be back to her life. Then when her dad was ill, I think she didn't want to add to her mom's stress (or her dad's) by telling her what was really happening.

Then on top of everything, she couldn't have the police's full attention hence why she called her bf instead of trying to reach someone in the emergency world.

So she was in a psychological knot and trying to stay sane. I thought the actress portrayed all these nuances pretty good.

So if you like deep layers, this would be a great watch!
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The Neighborhood Nightmare (2018 TV Movie)
Average Who Dunnit
20 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Good movie to play while doing other things. It actually did keep me guessing.

I mostly wanted to write this review because it made me so sad that no one seemed sad about Kat. Poor lonely floozy looking for love...but nobody loved her or even seemed sad. Did they forget she was still sitting there when the ambulance took Stephen away? Glad she treated the guard poorly...at least there's that.

I also wish they cast 'younger' daughters as they all looked the same age. Maybe that's just a compliment for the older actors. I've been on a movie binge on Tubi and starting to wonder if there are any younger actors out there because this funny mismatch seems to happen alot!
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Becky (II) (2020)
Too hard to believe.
17 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I understood what the movie was trying to do, but unfortunately I personally needed more character development so that I could feel invested. When I caught on to the idea of the movie, I think it didn't quite hit the mark. It was trying too hard to make these big epic moments but I just couldnt get there. Not exactly sure why. Alot of reviews here said that it was hard to believe a young girl could go up against some big bad guys and win but if they had just made the character more like a real rebellious mean crazy selfish b*TCH, (like I was..lol), it might have made it more believable. Because ya..I had some pent up rage that might have been hard to stop! Becky seemed like a good girl that was just a little sad and upset with her dad.

Also, was hoping the new step mom-to-be might have stepped into the fight more, maybe save Becky and then they all would become an odd little but very tight family which would be such an ironic contrast from where they were headed originally.

Anyway, if you like this kind of storyline, then watch the movie 'You'e Next". Or play this movie in the background while you do something else. I actually like those kind of movies that you don't have to pay too much attention but still know what's going on.
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Human Zoo (2020)
I couldn't stop watching...
24 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Therefore, in my opinion, the movie is worth a look.

I would recommend taking a peek at the film and see what happens. You might fall into the negative review camp and just shut it off or find it completely compelling...like I did. I have been thinking about this film..or at least the concept for the last few days. The absolute horror they went through is almost unimaginable to me. I keep thinking how at first, each contestant felt 'safe' and their only fear was letting their family down on the outside or feeling embarrassed that they couldn't last longer. Then the second part when it dawns on them that they are in a very, very bad situation, the insanity kicks in! It was hard to watch but I couldn't look away...it was surreal. I felt their hopelessness deep down in my own soul. Especially the characters that I think I would be most like.

I think I would have tried to go into my head and live out fantasy lives. I would try to make up my own world, and make it my reality. The sadistic loser that was doing the experiment would never know my thoughts. So I would be the winner in that sense! Not sure if I would keep eating or let myself die...but if my inside world was exciting enough.. I might try to keep my body alive.

Anyway, its easy to think what you might do if you were in solitary confinement..but the reality is most likely beyond the realm reason.

It makes me sad that there might be more people that would like this film but will decide not to give it a chance bc of all the substandard reviews.
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Fear, Inc. (2016)
Pleasant Surprise!
7 February 2021
THIS is a psychological thriller in my opinion. The emotions this movie put me through were quite remarkable! My mental state is all aquiver! I was frightened, (like, FOR REAL) and laughing at the same time...what is THAT emotion?? I think there are more layers here than meets the eye. The reviewers who "complained" about some of the aspects of the movie, I believe missed the point. Let me say this, I kinda knew what this movie was going to be about, and thought I would be skipping through some parts that I knew where going to happen, but I didn't, b/c it DIDN'T happen the way I thought it was going to happen. Whew! I'm glad I watched this film and recommend it, especially to deep thinkers like myself.
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I actually got caught up in it!
4 November 2020
The plot started quite quickly and my first thought was, "this is going to be boring". So I continued doing some errands, and before I knew it, I've sat down on the couch and was hooked! Maybe go in with low expectations, and then enjoy the show!
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Soul Harvest (2019)
Too confusing
4 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I just watched this movie and I'm trying to see if I missed a deeper meaning, but its just your typical good vs evil plot which could be a good story for a movie, but this one is too confusing to enjoy the ride.I feel bad "putting" down a movie I'm sure lots of people put lots of hard work into it, but it just didn't hit the mark..for me at least. So hopefully this can be taken as constructive criticism. If anyone wants to have a movie going on in the background while you do laundry, or draw, or play a video game, this one would be great b/c the ambience isn't too bad. I'm going to put a spoiler here b/c I just have to get my thought about the ending out into the world. I think the big fire at the end is the entrance to hell and the weak people walk towards it, and the good people jump in their cars and drive away. ...but evil follows you anyway. Cheers!
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Compliance (2012)
Odd state of mind
18 April 2020
Just finished watching and having a hard time gathering my thoughts. But this is why I rated this movie a 10 b/c I love movies that pull emotions out of me that I never knew existed. I almost didn't watch this movie b/c the reviews scared me to death! Yes, it is awful awful awful what happened, but putting people off from watching is also awful! I kinda felt like a bad person for wanting to see this movie, but to anyone else feeling this way, I'm pretty sure you will feel differently after watching it. If you like human psychology, the close ups of people's facial expressions as they try to understand what's happening and trying to figure out what to do and should they do it, and the disbelief in their eyes, the nervous laughter, the confused anxiety they are feeling, all the way to the understanding, (or not understanding) of what happened is amazing!

I really feel that a whole bunch of coincidences and odd circumstances have to happen in order for this to actually happen. You even need that one seedy character who will override their sense of right and wrong b/c someone with a good head on their shoulders would never ever, even consider, doing anything like this. It would be beyond bizarre! But who knows, maybe that's the point.
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Inception (2010)
Psychological Thriller!
12 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I must be a sheltered simpleton according to the naysayers of this film because I loved it! They all keep pointing out how this and that are not possible....but sharing dreams is not possible, yet they all accepted that.

So of course, EVERYONE will have a different idea of how dream sharing should be..this is how THIS movie interpreted it. Make your own movie if you want it done exactly your way! Or better yet, go watch a dry documentary on dreaming...because that is what it would be if we didn't accept some "perceived" mistakes in someone else's MOVIE!

Here are some of the ways I accepted the "alleged" mistakes; Re: Not colourful or surreal enough; They didn't want to draw attention to themselves because they were being sneaky! And they used an architect to make sure all the details were correct and no funny business!

Re: If you GET KILLED in a dream you wake up, or you don't; When you are heavily sedated you won't wake up, you will go into another dream...if you forget you are in a dream, you will just keep living your life till someone gets you and reminds you, or "jolts" you from the outside. In the meantime, you may have already lived a full life and gone through all the stages of dying of old age. (If you die of old age in a sedated dream, then you might wake up?)but then you might think that reality is now the afterlife....hence scrambled eggs for brains!

Re: Cobb and Mal were young when they killed themselves but old when in limbo; Being old was a dream that Cobb had, unfortunately, not Mal.

Re: No sense of a goal; He wanted to see his children's faces! Apparently, Saito had the power to wipe his slate clean, which was probably the real reason Cobb went deeper to get him. And I personally just accepted the fact that Saito could do this...

Since we didn't actually see how Cobb and Saito ended, maybe he still was in a dream. This does not make the film pointless for me because I really enjoy analyzing and this film gave me a lot to think about!! Plus, he still reached his goal either way!

Also wanted to mention, I think your inner ear is responsible for your balance and free fall and zero gravity produce the same affect; you cannot lose your balance, so you can't experience a "jolt"...and maybe the deeper you go down, the less affect from the outside, hence why there was gravity in the third level.

I think it is really sad that someone might not watch this movie because of the bad reviews, and miss something really really neat!
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