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Halo: Unbound (2022)
Season 1, Episode 2
What is going on?
1 April 2022
This second episode expands on the world of this version of Halo but it is kinda all over the place. It seems like the actors are game but none of them are connecting. Even Bokeem Woodbine feels out of place! You can see where part of the series is going and this episode slowed down to expand some, but is all of this necessary? It seems like 1 part Halo, 1 part random syfy channel show trying to be Expanse. Hitting neither series. It's streamed which is easy to watch each week but I'm shocked it already got renewed a second season.

This show just doesn't feel like it has an identity yet and the cgi is rough.

Also random nudity. While hot, seemed unnecessary as well.

I'll check out the 3rd episode, but this series already seems like it isn't going anywhere or memorable.
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South Park: Help, My Teenager Hates Me! (2022)
Season 25, Episode 5
10 March 2022
This will probably go down as one of the most boring episodes and, so far, seasons. Still only episode 2 is worth watching and memorable, and yet they still haven't done anything with its cliffhanger.

This episode the boys befriend teenagers while trying out airsoft. This turns into the teens constantly reaching out to them, only to be dumb, lazy, annoying teenagers. Prompting the boys to eventually start behaving like parents. But the boys need them for their new obsession, airsoft.

The teens are mildly amusing before they actually become annoying like they're supposed to be mostly because this one note joke is a crutch for the episode. Doesn't really feel like the Boys had a whole lot to do during this episode and there was nothing shocking or exciting. Cartman keeps trying to make us feel bad for him tho haha. The payoff ending is decently funny. There's no political commentary or current event being made fun of (a nice change).
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South Park: City People (2022)
Season 25, Episode 3
We've seen this already
17 February 2022
The City Side of Town did this so much better, not to mention other episodes making fun of "city" people. Here the joke is amusing but one note, and used and leaned on throughout the episode. Much like Mr. Kim use of the word city. And obviously Cartman was just being manipulative.

There's some amusing parts to this episode, like with the realtors, but not really laugh out loud funny and it felt too safe. I also felt they could've done a better job focusing on or examining Eric and his mom's relationship. Especially since we came away with nothing new. We already know Cartman is a master manipulator and his mom always caves and caters to him. Maybe this is just a set up for a season character arc?

Overall this episode was forgettable, the writing lazy and, worst of all, it was boring.
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Wicked Entertaining
4 December 2021
First of all, this is a Polish film so watch it in sub rather than dub, because the dubbing is brutal.

Either way, this is a crazy film. Yeah, most characters are thin, there's parts that feel random, illogical or scenes that aren't connecting or transitioning as a competent film would. But honestly , it's depends on what you are looking for.

Do you want a random, funny comedy thriller(?) with crazy kills and sex, smokeshow women? You've come to the right place.

Like I said, may be bare bones but it's entertaining in a comedic, sexual and violent way.!
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Fact Check this movie
18 January 2021
As a film, on its own, I'd say no better than a 7.5. I think this is largely due to the fact that it's a lot to fit into a movie. But having historically fact checked this movie, it's a mess!

So much was made up or twisted, and it is also completely one sided against the police. Which is weird because it is entirely unnecessary. The movie would've been fine if they just stuck to the actual real life sensational story.

I don't know why Hollywood always does this, it is truly annoying and misleading. So I dropped this film to a 5 (was honestly debating a 4, but just taking it as it is, it is still entertaining and interesting).
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Westworld: Passed Pawn (2020)
Season 3, Episode 7
Is no one watching?
6 May 2020
I had to put up this "review" just to say it is incredible how some of the people here are clearly not paying any attention to this show, this episode in particular. Wish you could reply to these reviews too to discuss to tell them why certain things are happening.
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A pretty great INFECTION film
10 March 2019
They're not zombies, their infected. Like how 28 Days Later is an infection film (rage virus). The fungus doesn't reanimate the dead and their not decomposing. Just saying ;)

That being said, this movie is almost a complete ripoff of The Last of Us (2013). Which is pretty much my main gripe but if you don't know that game (your loss!) then this film will feel even more fresh and better written.

Otherwise, acting is really good, got a decent score, the first 45min is easily the best of the film, then characters start to make dumb decisions. Wish a couple characters were more fleshed out, the rules about the infected (particularly Melanie) isn't always clear or seem to matter/change when plot needs it, and could've used some more scare. I liked the ending, though some may be divided by it.
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Fun idea, OK execution
5 December 2018
Fun, charming, corny (though not in a bad way) and feeling fresh, this movie also somehow still feels a bit overlong, never fully engaging and not reaching the potential that it should and that you hope (also surprisingly not very Christmassy / lacking spirit). However, it does subvert some cliches and expectations, and the actors have great chemistry. The singing is good, for the most part, but you'll probably forget the songs by the time you get home. If you're curious or already looking forward to it, check it out. Otherwise, wait for Redbox.

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Black Panther (2018)
One of the better MCU films
15 September 2018
Let's face it, the MCU really isn't THAT great. How many of its films are actually great and memorable? Maybe 6? Out of 20! I think you can add this film to that list, though, despite its mamy issues. At a high level: the acting ranges from serviceable to great, the action is pretty good, CGI is a bit spotty at times, it has a great theme and music. Most of all, it has its own identity. Despite the weak and often cliched writing / story, and even thin characters, the film still has a mostly fresh feel given the African setting, culture, etc. that helps make it memorable, along with its villain (and his ridiculous plan) who actually leaves a serious ideological impact (somewhat like Baron Zemo, though more successful).

7.75 / 10
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