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11.22.63: The Day in Question (2016)
Season 1, Episode 8
Very disappointing
23 September 2023
I watched this mini serial for the second time in last days. And must say that this, final episode was disappointment. About 1 hour long, and they did not talk about what caused all that destruction of city. Just some bombing was mentioned. That's really pathetic, and very important issue is just omitted. It made me thinking about original Star Trek, probably most acclaimed episode. "The City On the Edge of Forever" . It has something similar as this serial - dilemma about consequences of changing the past (time travel involved too), high position politician involved. And in. 50 min long single episode they found time to explain it pretty well.

Last some 20 minutes were kind of melodramatic love story combined with 'another life effect' .

And contradiction with what happened many times, was told that 'past' will do everything to prevent it's change. Nope - it was changed, as future too.

Some reviews here say that lot of it differs to what is in book. But then - Stephen King is listed as executive producer and co writer of some episodes .

Possible final message - 'love is most important' is just not proper for events which happened, for central theme of serial.
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The Family (I) (2013)
Authors mind is f*-ed up
16 September 2023
What a pile of shallow nonsense. Dark humor ? Yes, if you are sadist, crazy and like ... What was the point of all it ? That they will continue the same, just now with kids at side .

School in France - copy of US school - bullying, beating others, selling dope ... Serious other unrealism. Then, FBI guys, police was shown as highly incompetent - gangsters eliminated them just like that.

What wanted they with this movie ? Entertainment - I was not entertained. To say: yes, crime does pay. You can be multiple murderer and still be free, even with protection, that people will like you for being some mobster. Not to mention that they did not need to work, so someone paid them. Only bad thing is need to move again. What about move them to prison ? That's pretty good witness protection too. Poor Luc Besson.
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Rat Race (2001)
Wild, overdone and too long
13 September 2023
Yep, my headline sounds negative - I just found those 3 things sounding good - as movie creators thought that all scenes will be funny :-)

First complain: Rowan Atkinson (who I like) is miscast - looks not at all as some souther Italian - and I was in Napoli. Plus, he seems for me as lost in practically all scenes. Funny thing: here no his name in cast list.

Maybe asked for it :-)

Other British actor, John Cleese was OK. Whoopy Goldberg ? I would say that her character was way to dumb, and was not much to act. Other, less famous actors were better in my opinion, but they had better roles too. Amy Smart and her partner were pretty good, although that former boyfriend attacking was way too destructive, or better potential self destructive too.

Some events were pretty much predictable, not including final event. But as movie progressed, I expected some moral/message to happen. Of course there were good/funny scenes. For me best was that 'Gods punishment' one :-)

Calling this best comedy or even great is not proper by me. Not so original, there were too long, too unrealistic or even shallow scenes (they searched for that organ at side of just stopped truck, while it was thrown out at least 50 m earlier). Surely, tastes differ, and I'm close to average rating here.
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Jules (I) (2023)
For older audience, I'm sure
12 September 2023
What does not mean that some younger ones may not like it. All main characters are around 70, plus bad guy (with short screen time) was young one.

I did not recognize Ben Kingsley - well, did not see any of his movies from this Century.

Indeed low budget, slower, and almost no action.

There were some unnecessary 'additions', or rather bad jokes.

This is about communication, humanity, doing good things, love ... Some review(s) complain that alien did not say single word - huh ! I see it as more realistic than he learned little English in few days. But he found way - drawing.

Acting was overall very good. Watch this instead some new bombastic superpower hero movie - even if you are young. Life is not all about fight, chasing, making big noise ....
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Not so good comedy, partially because direction
1 September 2023
I watched plenty of Louis De Funes movies when I was in medium scool-university years. Of course in movie theaters - and that was time when there was no Hollywood, USA movie domination. Plus tickets were cheap. This one saw for the first time yesterday, and can say that is less known, popular one. Actually interest came because of my later food problems (most likely poisoning), and someone said that this movie is about food industry. Yeah, it is in big part.

Well, whole humor part did not work for me so well. Some jokes/situations seemed forced, and direction did not help. In some cases it was really funny (for my taste, I guess) .

All in all, finally, some 15 minutes before end reached that industry part. Sadly, it was to fictional, overdone.

OK, what changed in some 47 since movie was made ? I would say - nothing relevant. There are new technologies, GMO and computers, new ways of advertisement and manipulations. The worst part is still same: there is people, forces, clicques which can do whatever want, without being charged, punished, and worst: stopped to continue with. Yes, nothing from true democracy, equality of people in front of law, or just in ability to leave healthy.

I will be not surprised if it appears that average life time of humans getting lower now.
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Nothing really new in this, and that was not goal for sure
30 August 2023
Well, I see here lot of reviews (if they can be called it at all) which claim how bad is, then like only first 20 minutes are good ... Well, there was much more similar, overdone action in this 2.5 hours long movie, in same style - surely realism was not concern.

I liked first 2 Indy Jones movies, and really don't remember Crystal Skull. At least in that almost everyone agree - that it was weakest .

Funny thing is that I did not know that there is new Indy Jones movie realized - don't follow it, don't watch commercials. But in last few months watched 2 very similar serials - Relic Hunter and Librarians. Most of episodes for the first time. And yes, they were inspired in big part by Indy movies.

Acting was overall pretty good, and yes, Harrison Ford is still great in it. Direction maybe not so good, action scenes seemed done little rushed. Story, scenery - well not really much worse than in first one. But here need to say that 'dial' in this movie is not just way too advanced for ancient Greece some 2000 years ago, they came with some things like 'time fluss' ... Very creative :-) As was creative with so called Time Machines after first one (H. G. Wells novel based) - later it was not only time machine but time-space (travel) machine. Well, in this movie at least they needed to perform travel, so that's part which is more 'realistic' than action scenes :-)

Overall, movie has good message, and I liked appearance of Karen Allen, who did not see over many years. I guess that this movie is, will be more liked by older generations. And despite flaws, is much better than today general production level.
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Short Circuit (1986)
Short thinking about scenery
30 July 2023
I did not watch this when was 'fresh', and maybe that's good thing. Did not find this movie funny, intelligent, well directed, and especially whole story was just ... meh. Rather fantasy than some SciFi . OK, I guess they wanted some human story, where intelligent creature realizes that there are better things to do than killing, destroying. But can some robot reach such level - even now, some 4 decades later ?

Nope. And in movie he achieved it just be doing some rewiring :-) What about program in memory ? And program was mentioned few times in film. Then, Stephanie, as big animal lover did not act so nicely with them in her home. Plus, at the end, she should take care about them, instead driving away to new place for living.

All in all, I guess that someone's brain cells had movie title too Without positive effect. Hey, that's actually realistic - at least something is it :-)
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The Day Kennedy Died (2013 TV Movie)
This even do no try to give most important answer
10 April 2023
3 reviews here, and I dare to say that they don't get that this documentary had no intention to give answer on most common question: who organized this murder, what was the motive ...

All what was presented happened in 3 days in fact. It is good that they let those still alive in 2013, who were at the place to say what they saw, felt ... It was mixed with recordings of what was on TV stations in that time, some archive footage, and few older statements, memories.

That was actually decent. I don't see that anywhere was said something about giving definitive answers. What was couple times said is that this and this initiated lot of conspiracy theories.

Well, killing of Oswald was for sure something what resulted with 'conspiracy theories' - and that's perfectly normal. Especially as his murderer did not live long after that ... It was not mentioned at all here, and that's good, because then this could go on more, and will last 99 hours ...
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What about some historical accuracy ?
9 April 2023
This starts with Jules Verne 'himself' , talking to future generations, what would be us too. Talking about discovering parallel universes, about portals (which he used) ... Really complete fiction. And yes, in this case enormous disrespect toward Jules Verne, toward historical facts. I mean here about saying that Jules Verne had such ideas is what is fiction.

Some think that in fiction everything is allowed.

Well, that was not so some 50 years ago. At least, count of 'some' was way less. And yes, first movie with same title was pretty much faithful to Verne's novel, of course there was some 'Hollywood' added. Second one from 2008 was rather inspired with ... But this using same title, starts with Verne, and then, completely different story. They even not do journey in classic meaning.

Congrats on this humbug, Disney.

Why rating 2 ? Well, actors did decent job.
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Eight Days a Week (I) (1997)
Pseudo intellectualism at it's 'best'
29 March 2023
This reminded me in many things on movie 100 girls. 2 lame, about 16 years old male characters big part of screen time with really silly talk, ideas. I don't remember myself and my friends, classmates being so stoopid in that age. Then spending all time in effort to get dream girl. Just that in this one it was completely unrealistic, not only in social aspect but basic human needs related. It was not possible to do it more than couple days.

And this leads to titles - 100 girls , 8 days a week - both big numbers - yeah, that's so 'deep' .

And the ending - of course unrealistic. There was no any decent reason that 18 years old girl turn to 16 years old boy - well except that he needed sex that evening.

Parents were also complete nuts. What initiates thoughts about screenwriter(s).

I give it 2 only because that pool turnover.
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100 Girls (2000)
2 dumbers almost 100 percent screen time
14 March 2023
Well, it felt like 100% screen time , because what they talked, how acted and other things was so lame and even forced that really seemed very long .

Whole story was forced and unrealistic too. Yep, at very start. The whole elevator 'thing' . There was dark, but it was dark in characters heads and especially in writer's head(s) . How they did not see each other when were going out from that 'room' ? Ah, he was left there, because kind girl did not want to wake him up when elevator became again operative - LOL !

Acting was not that bad. Nobody can be good with script of this 'quality' .

Ending ? It was best part - it ended :-)
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Very uneven
28 February 2023
I guess that this is one of movies where James Coburn went on some more serious scripts instead action movies. Of course, mostly because age - in both meanings :-)

So, we have 'heroes' - 4 characters of different background, age, gender - with one thing common: want money. And excitement, so will rather do some crime instead decent work. That self is good start of movie, even if little unlikely. But all what we saw about them in action - pickpocketing was in big part unrealistic. It was presented as too simple, to easy. Lot of people held their wallets like there is message: take me ! I don't think that people in those cities (3 in movie - Seattle, Victoria (Canada) and Salt Lake City) was so naive. In time when film was released I was 18 years, and had some experiences about pick pocketing. Warnings from parents, teachers.

So, worst was in Sarajevo - known about it - on buses there was warning via speakers to watch our values, not keeping them easy accessible. Similar was in Split. And teacher, who went on Football game in Sunday in Sarajevo with some 10 football fan kids was rubbed while waited at ticket sale in row - as he told he was pushed at once by some people, and just saw that his wallet went. Together with most of money for school excursion. And this is actually same with robbed people in this movie - he really needed to have by self all that money ? No way.

There was some 'romance' in movie, but really shallow as almost everything else.

Some reviews here complain about very bad, different ending. Yeah, it seems rushed, not giving answers - well maybe that was the intention. Exactly 50 years later most of people still don't have answers.
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Miss Movie making
19 February 2023
OMG. This is so primitively predictable, so stoopid. I can't believe that anyone spent celluloid on such dumb script. I like Heather G. OK, never saw her in some first grade movie, but she looks really nice, and is solid actress. And usual talk: no actress can saw movie with so poor script as this , well, here I mean it is not about 'saving' movie, it is about saving viewers from some 90 minutes of lame story. Ahh, sorry, for that 'celluloid' but recording media matters not in 21st C.

People is what matters. Or maybe someone's ego.

Yeah, for most of outside British humor is quirky, but I'm sure, this was it to them too. Otherwise that country would have less citizens than Monte Negro :-)
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Oh yeah, there were times when ...
14 February 2023
Calling this documentary is only partially true. More of it was speculation of diverse scientists about time travel - it's possibility, possible limitations and like.

Well, what is clear is that their knowledge is limited. And even way of thinking. That Indian (Asian) guy presented much better knowledge about time, and it is not new thing there.

Let's see little one area where time travel exists: books and movies - pardon, that's 2 areas - well not really separated - as we know there was book 'Time Machine' from H. G. Wells, and later was movie, actually 2 of them so far. And no one of those scientists mentioned something very interesting and by me important: Wells-es novel time machine was strictly that - travel only in time. What we can read and watch, and was created later has in most (like 99%) cases combined time and space travel. User needs to set not only destination time but location too. And that's not just time travel then.

I liked in Wells novel that it was pure time travel. Much smarter. And that resulted in interesting situations too.

Ah, and that talk about that wee see past when looking at far stars, galaxies. Not correct. We see the light, not them. And we see the light in moment when it arrives in our eyes. So, we don't see the past. We see presentation of past. If think better, same stays for close objects too - picoseconds instead billions of years, but it is time too. And when are at sci-fi : are those far galaxies real, or maybe just someone projects such image for us ? Hey, idea for movie :-)
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Sweeter Than Chocolate (2023 TV Movie)
Eating chocolate is dangerous, especially milk chocolate
13 February 2023
This was sweet story, of course pretty predictable.

I would stop watching it at beginning, but saw something realistic - price increase, what is something happening a lot this years (and yes, plenty of shops, confectionery and similar closed in my town). Some clearly stated that it was because of rent increase.

And then they two met - not under best circumstances - first almost traffic accident, then some disagreements about ... basically ways of advertising .

And then the usual thing - getting along. Yep, romantically. But whole time there was factor of special old family receipt chocolate, the faith chocolate, I would say. And lot of screen time went about it.

And what was in happy finale ? Basically proving that all it is wrong about - because they two were already in love before consuming it. Yeah, self contradiction.

But we learned that for it bravery is needed. And earlier that older people (like over 20 years :-) ) should avoid milk chocolate.

Well, should add 'fantasy' to movie category too.

I clicked on 'no spoilers' - really hard to believe that there is someone who don't expect happy ending. Poster self says it clearly.
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Tablets and old programmer in 'lobby'
8 February 2023
OMG ! Lot of reviews here is shocked by 'bad' ending. Well, what I saw from the beginning was bad. After longer white light she appears ... where ? In some 21-st Century equipped (with tablets and like) 'lobby' + bureaucratic staff . At begin of it I thought that it is some kind of spoof . Was not it. Well, could they just use some more advanced computers, displays ? Like what we saw some 20 years ago in some movies - holographic screen for instance ? Nope, and I'm sure that low budget was important factor in it. But imagination level was that too.

Then, what we saw from ghost, pardon angel was more like some superpower skills - making snow just like that - oh yeah, that will help people to realize important things in life, relationships ... I could give it 1 star just because all it above, but that would not be how some angel would do it. There were couple good ideas, scenes, and love is most important ... Ehm, here mean not love for the money (what is in this years ...) but love for the people, including future ones.
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That '90s Show: Boyfriend Day One (2023)
Season 1, Episode 7
Best ep. of season
3 February 2023
Well, this one was best among 10 of this season, or maybe should call it bing ?

Started well, with good old Red kind of harsh talk.

Later it was maybe little forced with jokes, situations, still better than other episodes. Like that bike scene at the end - are both so dumb ?

And something strange was told by Sherri after young couple hogged - 'He just get back from Iraq, or something ?' . Huh ! Like it was happening around 2005 . Yeah, here we are again at problem of not being chronically correct. What was in mind of writers ? Usual circle stimulating substance ?

Well, it is that unlike lot of reviews here, I don't think that young actors were so bad. I agree with others, who say that writing was it.
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That '90s Show (2023– )
That's the right sequel
25 January 2023
Netflix did again amazing job. This is so authentically 1990-es atmosphere, cloths and overall behavior. What is not 90-es style is basement, and that's good, of course.

New characters are so wonderful, diverse, and I'm a bit surprised how acting of young actors is good. They just have right sense for humor.

Ah, the humor, really superb. Very original, and pace is just great.

And the love story between Forman and Kelso - so touching, so pure and full of heart. Sure, they made couple times some bad move, bad talk, but that's part of youth.

I liked new neighbours too. Those kids are so cool. Not to mention that, I guess youngest gang member Asian boy. All in all, I guess all we expect new season, maybe move to Point Place ...
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Senior Year (2022)
Basically a mess
20 November 2022
Need to take care about some level of realism in comedies ? Certainly yes, especially if there is a plot.

So, there should be some serious problems with moving, walking after almost 20 years of lying in bed in coma. But nothing of it.

But worst is indeed scene with that falling, what caused serious injuries, coma. One girl clearly pushed away man who wanted to catch her, and then all others just stand aside. This does not happens. Or if happens someone will be charged.

Then the poor taste - that dancing was really it.

After couple days I really don't remember much more - usual cliches, predictable ending.

Direction was just doing scenes, without much care about quality. Can they make decent cheerleader movie this years ? Now Bring it On (part 1) looks as masterpiece.
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Fresh (2022)
Too long for such flow of events
10 November 2022
Comedy ? Not at all. How some can so misjudge it ? There was no humor at all, and that would actually be bad thing if there was it. Yes, there was scene with speed up packing, but was not funny, especially knowing what is packed. Just lame attempt for ... what ?

I admit, watched it because Daisy Edgar Jones - she was in some really good movies, serials. Well, this was worst, what I saw with her. And she played material well, as most of actors.

It was solid until about end of first hour, then became slow, repetitive, and final fights were mostly stupid. Every normal viewer expected what every normal person would do with villain - kill him ASAP - yes, in that situation only reasonable act. But of course, it just happened not, even if there were good chances for it. They just wanted that it last longer, but that ruined effectiveness. And very final scene ... WTH ?

Reminded me on another cannibalism movie what I watched - the famous Silence of the Lambs. That was masterpiece. Only similarity is that it is doctor in both movies.
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Most dangerous public activity
24 September 2022
Yes, being cheerleader is leading activity in percentage of murdered participants. No wonder, so many movies dealt with this problem. This one is less known, but would not say that is worse than average of this 'gender'.

Ella Cannon is the star, and she was fine. From some reason, none of younger cheerleaders looked so attractive. There was nothing really new in whole story, and must admit that would be surprised if it was the case. Everything 'promised' was delivered: nice legs, discovering who is the killer.

Couple smaller twists, and that would be all what can say about this in fact good, simple entertainment movie.
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Do Revenge (2022)
Do hate men
18 September 2022
High skool movie, with plenty of F-words, actually I think that it was one with way most of it, I ever saw.

Sure, that's somehow realistic. Was not aware that it is something what is welcome to go on screens. Ah, give it R, and then all is OK.

Whole story, if it deserves that word at all is not some real revenge. And all that - reason for and revenge self were executed how ? Not in 90-es teenager moves fashion. But with modern 'smart' devices - phones, displays in rooms . There was nothing really life like, realistic in whole movie. Bunch of cliche.

And yeah, movie written, directed by female, female main actresses, with pretty pale main male character ... That's sexism for me. And I dare to say that if it was opposite ... you know what comments to expect.

What was their problem afterall ? That their silly expectations were not fulfilled. Of course not. Get life you device junkies, attention seekers.
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Really silly ratings here. What movie is, but not much
11 September 2022
I did not plan to write review of this movie, but seeing about 10 1-ns in row here (rated by usefulness or whatever), followed with rating 10 - made me to do it.

I think that there were some good ideas, scenes, dialogs in this movie, and acting was OK. The reason for hate is probably main character, actor playing it. Not some macho, charismatic one. I had more problems with actress playing Elise. Obviously more than 18 years, rather about 25. And was not impressed with her acting too. Although material was not impressive too.

Most likeable character was wife, especially in first hour.

Low budget, indeed. Despite some interstellar travels with speed near to light speed, cars on streets were like today cars. All it did not look as some even 'near' future with much more advanced technology.

Ending was little disappointment, and a bit rushed in my opinion.

There were some good points about political fights in elections, about depression.

Overall, pretty inconsistent.
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Vengeance (II) (2022)
Wild West vs. cyber relations
21 August 2022
This movie started with something similar to what I saw regularly on Sunday mornings on streets near to my place - remains of nightlife in near places, where mostly young people went for chemically 'inspired' fun. Lot of trash just dropped anywhere, and worse - vomitus too, on every 10-20 meters. And it is downtown area.

Some of those places are off now, not sure is it because were closed by authorities, or just because of lower incoming of people.

Ah sorry, I'm here to write about this movie. Well, just wanted to show that whole thing is not something far from us, some 9000 km distanced.

Whole movie seems made in rush - camera work is poor, they even did not use stand where it was really needed - to see better some small letter text, for instance - it was hard to read because shaking.

Comedy ? Yes, there was plenty of it, some worked better, some not, but that's very subjective. Thriller ? Very little.

Acting was better part in my opinion. Direction is OK . I see reviews here praising Ashton Kutcher's performance. Indeed he was very good - well, some youth behavior discussed in this movie was well present in his first big role serial, in That 70-ties . What was pretty much pure comedy. Maybe now things aren't so funny about 'that'.
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Spin Me Round (2022)
Most laughable was to calling this comedy
20 August 2022
And most appropriate description is probably: spinning around the viewer . Almost that I wanted to finish with it this my review ... What would be again appr. Considering how movie self finished :-) Note: there will be 2 Italian words in following text. I'm sure everyone will get them even without translator.

There was lot of it happening on that.trip/course. But in my opinion level of realism was same as level of humor - niente . And as it goes in movies like this - lot of F words spoken without real need, forced conflicts, to easy escape from course - 'I feel bad, OK, you may go to your room' type.

And maybe worst: nobody was accused/charged for that whole scam. And it was not some private thing. At least should not be seen as it, anywhere . Well, maybe some indice to this years ... OK, I raise this moment my rating from 4 to 5 .
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