
7 Reviews
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Away (2020)
Just once get the science more than half right
16 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Let's puncture a hole in the side of the space craft and have no other plan other than to run away. That's pretty much where I stopped watching it. Seriously, it's called a "patch" Netflix and I'm sure NASA has heard of one. It's fine to come up with malfunctions and technical crises that endanger a mission, that's why space fans are watching the show (we tolerate the family melodrama stuff) but come up with something that doesn't completely insult our intelligence.
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NBC couldn't help themselves?
4 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
How does this doco just gloss over the fact that the 6 o'clock NBC news was willing to undermine and ruin years of FBI work?
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House M.D.: Merry Little Christmas (2006)
Season 3, Episode 10
A Christmas miracle
25 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The only thing unbelievable about this particular episode (which takes place over a couple days) is how much oxy House takes.
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Westworld (2016–2022)
Started off a perfect 10 but then...
6 May 2020
Season 1 did a great job of world building, sets up intriguing mysteries, and also has believable stakes. By the time we get to season 3 tho, almost all believability is lost. What's the point of inventing a murder robot park for rich people when apparently people can kill without consequences in the real world no problem? True science fiction is rare and is almost always thought provoking and inspiring. Science Fantasy comes cheap and if expect us to go through the effort of suspending disbelief then you better provide us with likeable, sympathetic characters, excellent scripts, and emotional payoffs. Westworld's story has unfortunately spiralled downward into gratuitous cuss ladened violence with ex machinas instead of clever plot development.
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The Valhalla Murders (2019–2020)
Icelandic detectives?
3 May 2020
I know Iceland is a small country and police do things a bit different in Europe but c'mon... The incompetent police work robs this show of any believability. 1st Detective: "hey we got two persons of interest we need to talk with and one of them could possibly be the serial killer, which one should we visit first?" 2nd Detective: "lets split up!"
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The Expanse: Subduction (2019)
Season 4, Episode 3
Too many B plot lines
14 December 2019
I sure hope the story on Mars and the kid "cooking" is important. With the OPA hunting pirates, the UN secretary election and all the stuff with the belters on New Terra (which is the same as Illus??) it seems like we gonna have to wait on long time for developments with the "Builders" and the proto molecule stuff.
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Yellowstone (2018– )
Beth is Belittling
19 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Read one review here that said the character of Beth ruins this show... I will second that the actress who plays her is doing an amazing job but of all the despicable characters on this series (and there are many), Beth takes the cake. No wonder her mother didn't love her. Kudos to the writers for coming up with a truly, hateful and hate-able role.

A little too much violence and too many uninvestigated murders and assaults to be believable but other than that it's a pretty good show with amazing vistas and horses.
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