
13 Reviews
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17 September 2017
This film is bad, Green Lantern is a great superhero movie compared to this. It's just crazy how far Gardians of the Galaxy's rating is off what it should be. This film has zero depth, like intentionally, they dumbed it down on purpose. The sense of humor is corny as hell. The characters behavior was so dubious it was impossible for me to relate. The story was just weird and secondhand. I have no idea what is good in this film besides CGI. Maybe it's the fact that it's the "hero" movie where instead of some deep complex "perfect" character we have a bunch of misfits with plain problems and lots of flaws. Relatable, right? Other than that I don't have a clue.
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Stay away from it.
2 September 2017
OK, this film is terrible. There are just a few far-fetched reasons why someone would like it. It got an award at Venice International Film Festival (that must mean something, right? RIGHT?) It has a decent portrayal of the 80ies, so if you are feeling nostalgic, it might do the trick. And it has an unorthodox approach of not having a conventional story per se, but rather mixes up a bunch of different characters, tying them up a little as time goes on.

Other than that this film is a disaster. Most of the characters are terribly miscast. Most of the time they are walking around or talking with pretty much zero emotions. There is no character introduction or development whatsoever. Some scenes are so cheesy they are painful to look at (ie the scene of a bomb selling gone wrong).

Trying to figure out any sense in this mess is a lost cause, but I'm sure there are people who will find it anywhere given enough time and motivation. Don't listen to them.
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About Time (I) (2013)
Cute but not beautiful
26 March 2015
I was really hesitating between 6 and 7, so 6,5 would be my rating. It is certainly cute, but a number of mistakes, inconsistencies and awkward, almost cringe-worthy moments kept me from enjoying the romance. I think they went too far trying to make the main characters relatable, it was too obvious. And the age disparity between the leads was a little bit too much. I also feel like the film had way too many messages, like "live in the now" thing. Those might be really helpful if you are young and inexperienced, but for a grown up it looked kind of corny, like a talk between dad and son so long overdue.

I find it really confusing this film has almost the same average rating as Love Actually (even currently higher by 0.1). I mean that movie is PERFECT. Really, I watched it a number of times and there is nothing I would change.
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Terrible story for a modern short series
26 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
*Spolers inside*

I thought the film was well produced but god that was a terrible story. I mean soap-opera with a bad ending terrible. 80% of the film is it's characters obsessing about their misfortunes. Maybe that was standard in 19th century, but I found it very frustrating to watch. And I don't mind dramas, not at all. Including with unfortunate endings. I just like to see some sense in it, not just pointless suffering over and over again. There is too much of it in the real life. I just don't understand people who need books or films to see that. Open your eyes people! Go do some volunteering instead.

The story just drags the characters behind it, they do nothing to change anything. So anti-climatic. And when somebody does something (the murder) it feels like the stupidest thing ever. Tess tells Angel she never wants to see him again, and then kills the other guy, and suddenly they are all good now? Oh come on.

Other things I didn't like. The dialogues are really bad. There is basically nothing witty said in the entire series. The characters are not likable, lack depth, and there is very little development, just things happening to them. I didn't read the book but it looks like the author didn't really understand people well. Compared to the Jane Austin adaptations this was a disaster.
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A huge disappointment.
30 January 2014
Recently I have been watching the entire series for the first time and I have to say I enjoyed all the previous films. The 6th one though left a strange feeling that Rowling was running out of ideas and much of the good stuff was substituted with typical romance. I hoped something was stored for the final story but nope, a big disappointment here. The film feels like a really bad soap opera you are wishing to finally end but can't turn off because you are too much invested into the story. There is almost nothing to keep you entertained, the dialogues are especially lacking and there are lots of them. At the end I even started losing my sympathies towards the three heroes watching them running away from a mere gang of bandits (all of whom got disarmed by a single witch later) and even failing to do that. I mean come on, you are going to kill the almighty Voldemort and can't even stand up against those? And the elf being killed was the final nail in the film's coffin, so predictable and so cheap.

If you value your time, just read the plot on the internet and move on.
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Pacific Rim (2013)
Godzillas vs Transformers
5 January 2014
I'm usually the one defending the blockbusters, I even liked Green Lantern (kind of) but man this film is a pile of crap. I was going into this having watched The Man of Steel and was thinking with lots of money you can make a good film out of anything these days. Well, I was wrong. Almost every scene with no kaiju in it is painfully bad. No characters, no dialogs, no ideas. Everything is so corny it's just pure irritation to watch. The characters are so unrelatable I could not care less for what was going on. A suicide to save the world? Whatever... And that part with a sword in space just blew my mind. They are fighting kaijus for 7 years now and haven't figured out by now how to use a sword which just slashes the poor beast in two? Oh go to hell. So overall unless you bet you life that you'll watch every blockbuster ever made, stay away from this.
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Warm Bodies (2013)
Unexpectedly entertaining
16 June 2013
I didn't expect much from this movie. There have been more than enough zombie films lately and the idea to mix it up a bit with Twilight-style romance didn't make it any better. But the trailer was interesting enough and the ratings were decent so I gave it a try. 1. The film is very even. And by that I mean there are no weak moments that you would like to skip. 2. There are no unnecessary details over what caused all the mess and why, and I liked it that way. 3. The soundtrack is worth noting. There are numerous nice old songs throughout the movie, a few modern ones (Chad Valley's Shell Suite was a find for me) and some original tracks when they are needed. 4. The acting is very good. I especially liked the supporting by Analeigh Tipton and Rob Corddry. Nicholas Hoult (R.) was good but since his zombie basically was deprived of emotions for the most part it is hard to judge his performance. Teresa Palmer was great at most scenes (especially showing terror), but some of others were unimpressive (balcony scene for one). I feel like in some scenes she didn't really understand what was required of her and the director didn't really help or correct her either. 5. There are enough funny moments. Just many enough and funny enough. 6. What I especially liked is how the important moments were mostly silent scenes. Really shows you don't have to talk to make a point, something I would like to see in other films. 7. The romantic part was charming and heartwarming. The leads definitely shared some chemistry.

So overall I definitely recommend this. It's a romantic comedy and it nailed those aspects. It doesn't have the deepest of meanings but it's not shallow either.
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6 June 2013
Stranger Than Fiction is totally worth watching. It starts with a clever twist with hearing a narrator voice which draws in right away. The acting is good enough for me. Will Ferrell was perfectly cast for his lead role. His comically dramatic performance was spectacular. The dialogues were decent, no more no less. I have mixed feelings about the plot. It was really good up till the end when the narrator is found. I feel like the story became cheesy at that point. The way the professor explains that this story is her masterpiece and the way that Harold gets over it and says it's OK to kill him... OH COME ON! And I didn't understand what was his watch all about. One piece of magic wasn't enough? Other than that it's a good heartwarming film, definitely recommended.
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No life in it.
21 May 2013
Whle watching this film I've grown to respect Hollywood much more. The thing is American films are usually professionally made (well, at least those which reach me here in Ukraine). Even if the idea is the simplest one possible, the films are still watchable and entertaining (well most of them). They know their stuff and at least don't make the simplest mistakes. This film done by the guru of polish cinema looked amateurish. The acting was rather poor. The lead roles often overplayed their emotions. I was constantly under the impression that most scenes took just one take and the director just didn't bother and was like "meh, it will do". The secondary role actors were even worse. Most of them looked like they are relatives of the production crew or were just random people from the street. The story never got me involved, it's just tedious. But there wasn't much to it anyway. Maybe the actors were so bad because of it, they just didn't understand what they are supposed to act. The characters have no depth and relations between them never get going. And the CGIs... 2003, two years after Shrek we get this kind of stuff?.. So the conclusion: there is no life in this film, it feels cheesy and uninspiring.
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Beowulf (2007)
24 April 2013
An adaptation of an epic tale has gone epically wrong. First of all there is no story. There are just random events thrown in one after another with no development. There are no characters. There are just random people which never get any depth. The interactions between the... people involved (as I said they can't be called characters) are almost nonexistent. Needless to say that without these elements any film would be a disaster. If that wasn't enough there is more. The dialogues absolutely lack original thought and are only meant to describe what the hell is going on. Many episodes look like they were thrown in just to kill some time, some of them look disgusting just for the sake of being disgusting, and almost all look like they were written by a twelve year old. The action scenes are just... childish, I have no idea how a grown-up can be entertained by that. Overall there are 30 seconds ads that have more meaning and entertainment value than this whole film. You have been warned.
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17 Again (2009)
Awkward all the way.
12 February 2013
This is a decently shot and decently acted bad movie. This film was supposed to be romantic, but instead it is just plain awkward. I mean I love romantic. I just gave an average film a high rating for just being good at romantic stuff. You know, those kind of moments when ladies have tears in their eyes and say "ahhh". OK, that was a bit ambiguous but stay focused. This movie wasn't like that. When it came close to romantic moments I was cringing out of awkwardness of the moment and looking away from the screen, it was that awkward. The rest of the film when it was actually a comedy having nothing to do with romance was actually OK, some parts of it being really funny but that felt like an exception. Yet again the romantic part totally blew it.
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I would say it's cute.
12 February 2013
Not being a native speaker it is sometimes hard for me to understand what is the meaning of some words because we don't have an equivalent in my language. One of such words is cute, neither beautiful nor attractive. I was explained it's like somehow good or beautiful but not enough. This movie is just like that. Unless you are totally romantic you gonna hate this film. I mean predictable story, lots of overused moments and twists, classical ending... I loved it! The thing is the film is good at it's main purpose, it is romantically charming. And that means a lot, at least to me. It's a good-natured film about good-natured people for the good-natured viewers.
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Not bad but lacking depth.
10 February 2013
The film is pretty good, it's well shot, decent acting, some great dialogs, it just never gets you going. I think the story is pretty lacking. There is no big problem or important events that could keep you at the edge of your seat. Generally this is what one would expect from a movie about a tobacco spokesperson but somehow I expected more. Mainly because this is a Jason Reitman film but clearly this was not the right material to make a class-A movie. So if you have time and want and easy film preferably a comedy, give it a try but don't get too much excited about it. It will be the main reason against the film as it is for me as I'm writing this.
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