33 Reviews
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Jack Ryan (2018–2023)
Truly, truly awful
7 November 2023
This season has it all and it's all bad. Bad dialogue, bad acting, bad casting, bad production, bad directing, bad music, bad choreography, bad special effects.... I think by now you get the picture I'm painting. The forced diversity of melanin and XY chromosomes is so far on the other side of ridiculous that I don't think there's a word for it. A truly, truly awful adaptation of Tom Clancy's penultimate hero Jack Ryan. I believe that if the man were alive today this garbage would make him want to vomit. It must be the mothers of all the folks affiliated with the show that have given such high ratings, because this show is so bad that only a mother could love it!!
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Atomic Blonde (2017)
22 July 2023
Right off, I love women & I love action movies, but the 2 combined, pish posh. Too much suspending disbelief for this movie. No matter how much whoever it it that wants a woman to be as good at EVERYTHING as a man, it will never happen. Conversely, there are things that a man will never be as good as a woman is. If you can suspend your disbelief better than I can, then you just might enjoy this flick. Right off, I love women & I love action movies, but the 2 combined, pish posh. Too much suspending disbelief for this movie. No matter how much whoever it it that wants a woman to be as good at EVERYTHING as a man, it will never happen. Conversely, there are things that a man will never be as good as a woman is. If you can suspend your disbelief better than I can, then you just might enjoy this flick. Right off, I love women & I love action movies, but the 2 combined, pish posh. Too much suspending disbelief for this movie. No matter how much whoever it it that wants a woman to be as good at EVERYTHING as a man, it will never happen. Conversely, there are things that a man will never be as good as a woman is. If you can suspend your disbelief better than I can, then you just might enjoy this flick.
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Deservedly cancelled!!
4 August 2022
Oh my, quite possibly the worst show I have ever seen. Terrible production, editing and directing. Someone poured some bucks down a black hole. I wonder how much money this miserable show lost.
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Better Call Saul: Point and Shoot (2022)
Season 6, Episode 8
Top Notch
14 July 2022
IMO, one of the best BCS episodes. I wish there were gonna be more than the remaining episodes, but alas all good things come to an end. BCS is magnificent!!
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Billy Madison (1995)
9 July 2022
Immature moronic stupid dumb juvenile childish bad acting waste of time. I never watch it until now & boy, was I not missing anything. So, the rest of this review is filler to get to 150 characters.
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The un-Bond Bond
12 June 2022
'Tis the most un-Bond Bond that ever was. Pure unadulterated emasculation of 007 James Bond. Even the music is in-Bond. If you're a Bond fan, avoid this leftist bilge.
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Breaking Bad (2008– )
28 May 2022
Simply put, this show is excellent. If you haven't watched it, watch it. The story is excellent, the acting is excellent, the casting is excellent, the directing is excellent, the cinematography is excellent, the pacing is excellent and the characters are excellent.
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Avoid the hollywood liberal agenda, not a good movie anyway.
28 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Yes Virginia, this liberal crap was going on back in 2005. It has accelerated on steroids since 2019. It has the liberal "strong woman" characters & of course a black man supervisor & a gay guy.
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The Walking Dead: Acheron: Part I (2021)
Season 11, Episode 1
I gotta say it!
4 April 2022
The storm trooper look-a-like uniforms are past ridiculous. If I hadn't seen every episode from the beginning, I'd bail on this strung out tripe. Show us where Rick is & get it over with alright already.
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The Marksman (2021)
20 February 2022
Boring predictable tripe, but at least the white guy wasn't the bad guy. Semi-woke bilge; do something better with your time. Watch Cold Pursuit instead.
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Suits: Revenue Per Square Foot (2018)
Season 8, Episode 4
Alex is a terrible character
21 December 2021
Alex is a terrible character portrayed by a terrible actor & the repeated taking of the Lord's name vain is highly offensive. On another matter, I am sooooooo glad the Mike character is gone, he is the most offensively pompous assed character I've ever seen!!!!
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Woke bilge
12 December 2021
Terrible, terrible. If you really enjoyed the prior movies, avoid this one b/c it has a stupid political agenda; feminism & diversity. Believe me & save yourself the time it takes to watch it.
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The Walking Dead: Acheron: Part II (2021)
Season 11, Episode 2
30 August 2021
TWD is going woke & you know what that means....it's turning to caca.
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Goliath: The Subsidence Adventure (2019)
Season 3, Episode 1
Freak Fest
21 August 2021
Season 3 is a freak fest and that is all you need to know. I was warned but wanted to give it a shot, don't be like me.
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Gangs of London: Episode 5 (2020)
Season 1, Episode 5
Best Episode so far!
10 May 2021
Great stuff, exactly why I started watching this show.
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Fear the Walking Dead: In Dreams (2021)
Season 6, Episode 12
Why do I keep watching this garbage
10 May 2021
I guess the writers thought this was deep & stuff but people don't watch this show for deep & stuff or attempts at deep & stuff like this episode was. Do it again I'm out.
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The Walking Dead: Diverged (2021)
Season 10, Episode 21
Not what I want when I watch TWD
29 March 2021
"One day in the life of....." for this show for me is not why I watch.
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Spend your time on something else
10 March 2021
Believe the reviews with a low rating; it's not worth your time to watch.
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Jack Ryan: Cargo (2019)
Season 2, Episode 1
28 February 2021
If you're a Clancy fan, don't waste you're time watching this season because you will be seriously disappointed.
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Jack Ryan: Dios y Federación (2019)
Season 2, Episode 7
28 February 2021
If you've watched this far then you must've been like me, you wanted to see just how bad it would get and it got bad. So disappointing.
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Jack Ryan: Strongman (2019)
Season 2, Episode 8
Bad as in the original meaning of bad
28 February 2021
If there were a contest to see who could get the farthest away from the original character of John Patrick Ryan, the writers/producers & directors of this show would win hands down. Utter bilge.
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Peppermint (2018)
Nice try, not even close to Death Wish
15 December 2020
Ridiculous comparisons to Charles Bronson & Death Wish. Weak back story, weak supporting cast. More ridiculous hollywood female "empowerment" propaganda.
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Tehran (2020– )
I like it!
13 December 2020
Good stuff; give it a watch and I think you'll like it too.
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Undercover (2019–2022)
Seen better/Seen worse
5 July 2020
I totally disagree with the Sopranos/Suburra/Gomorrah comparisons. This thing is okay. The music is a turn off; depressing in a sense with very little variation from scene to scene. All my opinion of course, take what you like and leave the rest.
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Blackout (X) (2018)
Learn how to pull from a flask
25 May 2020
For crying out loud, learn how to pull a swig from a flask. Overly dramatic music. No profundities offered or taken I might add.
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