
4 Reviews
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Very entertaining
3 September 2020
The six episodes did keep my interest, but many questions arose, mainly about the ladder in the last episode. It looked way too new, like it was very recently placed there. And the metal section found lying on the ground was not rusted.
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Fighting Devil Dogs
30 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
It was Republic's practice from 1938-1945 to release four serials a year, two 15 chapter deluxe serials, and two 12 chapter streamlined serials. The former were often the important properties like Dick Tracy and the Lone Ranger, and they spent more money on them. this practice was most evident in 1938 where the 12 chapter serials, HAWK OF THE WILDERNESS and THE FIGHTING DEVIL DOGS were two of Republic's lowest budgeted serials. FIGHTING DEVIL DOGS has shortcuts everywhere, stock footage, location work consisting of standing in front of a process screen, and two economy chapters where the heroes sit around and discuss what happened earlier and so footage can be reused. That is too bad, because it is one of Republic's most entertaining serials. The villain, the Lightning was one of the most impressive masked heavies in serials. He attempted to conquer the world with electrical weapons. One, an Aeriel torpedo that would give off a huge electrical charge that would electrocute anyone nearby was extremely well done, but a pistol that would shoot electricity was done by scratching a jagged line on the negative. Aiding the heroes was a scientist, Warfield, and in some of the strangest writing in serials, the three suspects were Warfield's butler, gardener, and lab assistant. Even thought it isn't difficult to guess the Lightning's identity, the writers had more clever red herrings than any of their other mystery serials. The butler and Gardener were always caught eavesdropping, when the Lightning would travel to his island hideout, a suspect would also leave on an emergency trip. Other pluses are the two leads, Herman Brix and Lee Powell, who are an effective team. Even though Powell is the main hero, Brix is every bit his equal. What really lifts FIGHTING DEVIL DOGS is it's powerful musical score, certainly one of Republic's most memorable. I recommend this serial highly to all fans of adventure.
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The Lost City (I) (1935)
Wild, Wild, Wild
29 October 2006
All the other comments are really right on the mark about THE LOST CITY. For some of us it is a guilty pleasure, mainly because it is so outlandish. Trying to rate it is difficult, because on the one hand the acting is so atrocious and the racial attitudes are beyond belief, and the other hand, it is never boring, and has imaginative sets and Kenneth Strickfadden's electrical devices. Recently Jerry Frank's, nephew wrote about this film. Frank and Sam Baker, who played the 7 foot zombie Hugo became best of friends. It was heartwarming to read how in those days, the two actors, one Black and the other Jewish bonded. Baker referred to the film as "That old dog" but neither would disavow the film.
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Red Desert (1964)
I hated it
29 October 2006
It has to be the most excruciating, slow, boring film I have ever seen in my life. I sat with my head resting on my hand asking myself, "When is this thing going to end?" I went to the restroom and found the graffiti more entertaining than the movie. Shortly after, my college newspaper had a man on the street question, "What is your favorite movie," and some girl said, RED DESERT. I almost choked. That was 40 years ago, and I have not sat through another one of his films since. I have heard that some of his other films are as slow, like ZABRISKI POINT, which made a list of the 50 worst films ever made. Please, someone tell me why you rank it so high?
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