
9 Reviews
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La La Land (2016)
Goofy love plot
12 July 2023
Sorry, but this just didn't get me excited. The love plot had a cringe vibe from the get-go and it elaborate into the worst throughout the movie. Watched the film at home with my wifey and teenage daughter. I think they found it amusing at some points (for instance at one point my daughter said "Dad, dad, you can't go get beer now, this is the best scene in the movie!") which indicated she'd seen it before. Anyways, I'm an old rag and I can't get excited by a typical love musical like this is, even though some of the scenery was neat. LA style, of course. Also, needless to say Emma Stone did a brilliant role and truly deserve the Oscar she was given, in my humble opinion that is.
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August Rush (2007)
Amazing, just don't overthink it.
20 September 2020
Watched this today. I caught myself thinking "Omg, this is so unrealistic hence cringe!" in a couple of events, but then it struck me that you need to leave all those thoughts aside and seek to your inner fantasy world to enjoy this film the fullest, since it's really amazing. The first scenes at the foster care led me to thing about "Annie", another film with a somewhat similar theme, but still a whole different angle. Anyways, this movie was wonderful. And hey, the music scenes is best enjoyed with a good set of speakers.
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The Business (2005)
Now this is how a glamorous gangster fairytale should look!
15 January 2007
Now, Nick Love has made the ultimate - British - interpretation of Ted Demme's "Blow" (2001). Both films shares a contra-interactive perspective into the past of the characters. The era reflected in this movie takes place a bit earlier than in Blow's seventies, while here presenting the snow white 80's. I'm not sure if there's any truth behind this story, was the London really covered with cocaine back in the 80's? I was just born back then so I don't really know too much about it, he he.

Anyways, this is a really great film. I've seen a couple of UK movies lately ("Layer Cake" before this one), and I find them really amusing. There should really be more UK movies reflecting mobster life, it's really cool. Dunno if it's their accent or the style in general, but in one way it seems to be more 'alive' than in the US Hollywood productions.

Furthermore, Danny Dyer makes a real good working-himself-up-through-the-ladder guy, would really enjoy seeing him more on the screen. A few funny dialogs in the movie which I can't forget, especially when he's getting nagged by the women towards the end, hr hr..

Great film!
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Pistvakt (2005)
A story from the up-north wilderness!
14 January 2007
Well, I live in the far up north and I know what snow is like. This is what snow is like, this is how our accent's like, this is how our style's like. Oh really, is it? Well, I'll try not to entirely spoil the true secrets about the bohemian lifestyle of Laponians, but the movie was a great sum up. Lennar Jähkel is a great up-north actor, that's for sure. However, I couldn't drop his character from "Jägarna" when I saw this movie, plus my friend's babbling on about this movie from high school (when it first was released) couldn't stop echoing through my head. However, fun movie with not such interesting plot, but what could be interesting when you're in the middle of nowhere, really?
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Poseidon (2006)
A good and tensed action flick from the Deep Blue..
27 December 2006
I hadn't much of expectations on this one. Before I saw it I'd read a few reviews with comparisons to the 'original' movie (1972), where it should be told that most people said that the old movie was outstanding, and more or less hang this one up as "just another Hollywood production". However, I must say the action was really hot from point A to Z, the first ten minutes of the film I didn't give time to reflect over what happened, but from there on and after I was hooked to the screen and didn't loose touch for a second. Interesting and well make. The women were the best actors general speaking, according to me :)
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Reeker (2005)
Worst movie I've seen in quite a while..
20 December 2006
This movie is about some sort of 'ghost' who whispers through the night, moves in shadow-like steps and kill a bounce of teenagers who has managed to get stranded on a desert hotel. Now, at the final moment of the film you reach a point where you get to learn a bit more about the true art of metaphorical events. Now, this concluded, I still don't like this film. As I see it, only a - big - waste of time! The actors where mediocre, nothing to put in the Christmas tree, but not totally ashame. The worst thing is the oh-so-played-out clichés appearing over and over, scenes and moves that perhaps just need to be there to make a classical horror flick. However, I can't see any good idea why people should see this, at least not something to ease back to if you're with a girl ;)
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Identity (2003)
Brilliant work a la Stephen King
2 October 2004
I believe I watched this movie under just the right 'setup'; around 4AM in my dark four-waller flat. Now I must say that I got this feeling - about what was going to be the very end - already when the 'team' arrived at the motel. I guess it'll all about having a great movie-intuition -brag- However, the movie was great, with lots of sudden turns, just the way we want these sorts of 'mysterical thrillers' to go by. I recommend this movie to everyone above the age of 13. It needs some thinking. Don't take it too far though, or you'll have yourself sleepless thinking' "What was _really_ happening" after you've seen it ;)

Regards, G.
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A lot better than the average review will tell you..
13 July 2004
Tonight I though about watching the 9PM-movie. It was called "In God's Hands" and I were not really sure about it. I decided to do the usual "pre-sneak" ; reading a few IMDb reviews plus the average rating. The <5pts rating was speaking bad about the film from all the beginning. However, I though "I'll not let the mainstream opinion hold me down, I'll give this movie a shot". Next review was totally different from the first one. Someone wrote about it as an excellent film, but he/she understood why people had given it such bad review, though it should be watched by people who can relate to the story / scenario / lifestyle which the film is built on.

I got even more interested and eazed back in the bed, made my self comfortable and thus ready for watching the film. I saw it, really tensed to the television, even to excited to go get myself a glass of Coca-Cola during the commercials. Furthermore, now when I've seen and analyzed the film from A to Z, I can tell you, the film is really great. I couldn't find any Really wack actors, and the story worked fine with me. A few hidden "wisdom-quotes" made the film even more touching.

Go see this one!
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Excellent work!
15 March 2004
This film is THE movie for all seasons, all reasons (to watch it;) I've always been a great fan of em TMNT heroes. When the non-cartoon movie first dropped of I were a lil' kiddy but I got mad impressed, sneaked into the livingroom and watched it on the moviechannel, and I can only tell ya'll; it was AWSOME! The acting is great and really "turtles look-alike" so don't you lamers dare to say anything else about this 10/10 masterpiece, aight?!
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