
44 Reviews
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15 August 2023
Whatever the opposite of "uplifting" is, that's this movie. Isn't a comedy supposed to make you laugh? This thing is completely laugh-free. Maybe the acting is good; who cares? Cinematography, ditto. Lighting, makeup, depth of characters, okay, but the last thing I go to a movie for is to get depressed. The whole legal profession is treated like blackmailing creeps, without a conscience and I know that's not true. I would hope this movie never leaves the country and leads people of other nations to think this is how our legal system works, or even that such sociopathic people succeed in this country.
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Raudra (2022)
9 April 2023
There was everything right with this movie, superb locations, lighting and camera work exceptional. Excellent acting. But the story left us hanging in mid-air, waiting for a wrap-up. Actually, it feels like this was part one of a two or more part movie. You want people to remember your movie? As a writer, I feel like this is a reminder of what not to do. As a member of the audience, I feel cheated. I'm certainly not going to recommend this movie to friends and family. I suspect they would also find it a waste of time -- just a good excuse to eat a lot of popcorn or get friendly in the back row.
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Cycle (I) (2012)
16 December 2022
I've never seen such a horrible movie in all my quite-respectably-long life. There wasn't a single word of dialog worth hearing, not a single camera angle worth viewing, not a single beam of proper lighting, in this whole nightmare - not a nightmare in the usual frightening sense, but in the imprisoned-with-an-under-achieving-insurance-agent for all eternity sense. I can't say it any better than that, nor do I have any further words to add, IMDB. I've lost respect for your site because you've allowed a rating of 4+ to stand. The sole viewer who gave this piece of offal a 10 I leave to your own tormentuous and apparently completely-tasteless life. Enjoy!
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10 October 2022
I'm not Korean, so I know nothing of Korea's history or its movies. I rarely rate a movie this high, and even more rarely binge watch a show with this many episodes. All that said, the movie is beautiful in every respect -- costumes, landscapes, acting. I love the jewelry and the sweet shoes! Your heart just aches to see two innocent young lovers torn apart. And I ended up yearning for another chance as much as they did themselves. Kim Soo-hyun was perfect in this role and I hope to see him in more movies, especially romances like this one. In his hands the king seemed gently human, and exactly as stubborn as you want him to be. The whole movie experience was delightful.
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10 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
From a foreigner's point of view; I know nothing about Korean history, so I won't address that, but found this to be a deeply moving story of two lifelong friends. It makes it seem perfectly possible that a slave might be the only real friend of a king. It's also a story of genius and how politics hold back progress, as true now as it was then, if not more so. Being a king doesn't necessarily mean you get to do as you like in everything. It's as frustrating to watch here as it is in real life. But the friendship survives. The king's regret and the former slave's sacrifice are heartbreaking. Well worth watching.
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The Northman (2022)
13 May 2022
This is one long gruesome blood bath interrupted by occasional attempt at plot. Gallons - no, acres - of blood. There seems to be an attempt to convey bits of actual Norse lore, but i couldn't bear another minute of the hero's frozen glare.
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21 February 2022
Surprisingly good for a low-budget horror, well-acted, good sets, believable story. Not at all Blair-Witchy in spite of being documentary style, so that was also surprising. I was getting genuinely anxious.
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Yay! Bruce is back!
20 February 2022
Lots of tension here, not the least wondering if Bruce's still got it, and miraculously, he does. He's the big, shiny hero of this piece. Ill actually watch this again.
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Apex (2021)
19 January 2022
Oh Brucie, Brucie, Bruice, how have you fallen so low? You were a favorite, now if I see your name, I just scroll on. You rocked the world in Fifth Element, now you can't deliver a single good line? What happened, flower?
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Boiling Point (I) (2021)
10 January 2022
This is a truly gritty film, as gritty as a restaurant floor. The only thing is, it's no more exciting than a real restaurant job. Realism, in plenty. But Thriller? The only thrill was waiting to see why it rated a "Thriller" epitaph.
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28 December 2021
All these pans are correct, but they failed to mention that it's a tired premise, and not having anything new to add, an altogether tired production. I'm a big sci-fi supporter, but I'd give this one 4 out of 5 yawns.
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19 October 2021
Visually stunning, but that's nothing next to the moving music. The reveal about inter-faith relationships aims for kindness to both. I'd like to see more like this!
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4 July 2021
I disagree with the reviewer who says the acting was terrible. The story is engrossing and the acting is fine, especially considering it's a cast of unknowns. Where it all falls apart is in the production values. Boring camerawork, obviously cheap film, but most abhorrent of all - the sound man should be taken out and put in the stocks! If you can bear to stay with it, the story makes it worth it.
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Class of '83 (2020)
15 December 2020
Not only has the script gotten stuck in the 1930's, so has the lighting. And don't we make color movies these days? The entire thing seems to be in sepia-and-white. Waste of time.
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Green Room (2015)
Better than you might anticipate
19 November 2020
If you can get past the really bad hate rock at the beginning, you're rewarded by not having to hear it again! Superb story, great acting, edge-of-my-seat tension, and in the end beautifully satisfying. Watch it.
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Time Trap (2017)
17 October 2020
I expected the usual cavern horror, but that didn't happen.
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Collision Earth (2020 TV Movie)
Taking the Science out of Science Fiction
13 October 2020
It seems the film couldn't afford even a 6th grader to consult regarding science-- and reality. I couldn't bear the continuity horrors past the 25-minute mark. Don't waste your time!
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3 October 2020
Kudos for the great characters, partly due to having great actors. Lots of fighting, but good plot, and the tension stayed high from first to last. Surprisingly good movie, considering the rating.
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Signal (2016)
3 September 2020
This seemed like a pretty good show, but the subtitles are so bad that whole conversations don't rate a single word. Impossible for the non-Korean to follow.
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After.Life (2009)
Spectacular, and yet...
26 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The sets, the editing, the acting; superb in all its aspects. And yet,it's disappointing in that it takes an awfully long time to get to the point, and when it does, it goes by so fast it blows your hair back. Christine Ricci is in the nude for an unforgivable stretch, yet it's handled with taste.
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K-13 (2019)
29 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
If you can't write a story, don't try to write two of them. Crap practice.
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Court (2014)
2 June 2020
Gave up halfway through, tired of long scenes where absolutely nothing happens!
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2 June 2020
If you're able to look past the pointed denigration of Hindus, you'll arrive at a film where the continuity is appalling - arrival at the same site twice, people walking out of three doorways on the same short walk - you'll have to agree that this attempt to glorify Ajay Devign is strictly for third-standarers.
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29 May 2020
It's a well-worn tale, but fairly well done for such a low budget. I bet you can't get through it without jumping!
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9 May 2020
Here's a movie which could benefit from a script, a clue, and a plot. Other than that, it's awful. Waste of time and disappointed expectations.
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