
18 Reviews
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The Rookie: Double Trouble (2023)
Season 5, Episode 18
24 March 2023
Eric Winter and Melissa O'Neil brought their A+ game to this episode. Eric was his normal uptight, grumpy self as Tim Bradford. As Jake Butler, he was easy going, casual and very publicly affectionate toward Sava. Total opposites Melissa played herself, Sava and Lucy playing Sava. As Sava she was playful, crazy about her man and spoke with a wonderful Jersey accent. As Lucy, she was put on the spot during the documentary questions. She was uncomfortable when questioned about her relationship with Tim. Jake and Sava together were fun and loving. When Tim and Lucy were interviewed for the documentary - they were total opposites. They are very private about their relationship and rarely go for PDA.

I really think any Chenford fan would love this episode. Even if you are not crazy about the documentary format, every scene was well thought out, sharp and helped to move the story along. The last scene with Tim and Lucy was perfection. A love story for the Chenford fans.
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Panhandle: One Flew Over the Peacock's Nest (2022)
Season 1, Episode 5
Getting better every week!
18 October 2022
Cammie and Bell have had great chemistry since the first episode. She is one of the few Boggsville residents that believes Bell is 'possibly' innocent of killing his wife. This episode was my favorite so far. We get into more twists and turns in the mystery of 'who dun it?' Luke Kirby, as always, is a delight to watch as his plays his characters agoraphobia perfectly. He also demonstrates his high intellect by spouting obscure facts about details in the case as well as learning additional information from evidence gathered. This show makes me laugh at it's oddness. If you aren't watching this show - you should try it!
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The Bear: Review (2022)
Season 1, Episode 7
Unbelievably Intense!
11 July 2022
The episode started - and then in the blink of an eye, but was really 30 minutes at the edge of my seat - it was over. Excellent acting, story telling and cinematography.
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Jake Johnson great as usual
16 April 2022
I came to specifically watch this episode to see Jake Johnson in a 'serious' role. I suffered through the first 3 vignettes to get to episode 4. As usual, Jake makes the most with what he is given. The story was very odd and I would not really understand the story - without reading the other review.
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Sweet Magnolias (2020– )
9 February 2022
I enjoyed Season 1. Though, it has been so long now, I don't remember why. I started season 2 and really expected a 'what has happened' so far open. But there wasn't one. After the first episode I sort of remembered what was going on. However, I just cannot connect with the three magnolias. The casting director must have skipped the chemistry test. Yawn. I can't continue watching. I don't care about any of the ongoing stories. I'll go to IMDB TV and watch Hart of Dixie again. Commercials and all n.
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2 October 2021
To use the writer's favorite word - f***! This episode had so much packed into it - and all with no dialog. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. We have all become use to multi-tasking while watching TV, but not during this episode. I was focused only on the story unfolding.
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Season 1 - all 10's
17 May 2021
I just finished season one and all I can say is WOW! The cast is superb and I love the musical/dance numbers. The storylines set in the tech environment are fun to watch, too. Peter Gallagher does a fantastic job as Mitch.
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Becoming Bond (2017)
Great Story!
14 May 2021
This was a great bio of George Lazenby - the One and Done Bond! George was the storyteller of this film with great re-enactments interspersed. He's a very introspective gentleman with a genuine knowledge of how his life fits in the big picture. We should all learn his lesson 'be true to yourself'.
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Great Season!
9 May 2021
This story had me on the edge of my seat from the beginning. Cassie and Alex had great chemistry and I really enjoyed the way Alex continued to help her. This story was funny, dark and twisty. A great combination. Can't wait for Season 2!
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New Girl: Virgins (2013)
Season 2, Episode 23
The Sex Haver
7 April 2021
Each member of the group shares how they lost their virginity. Each story is hilarious. Schmidt's story (while rooming with Nick in college) has me roaring with laughter. Nick and Winston both have the opportunity with prostitutes provided by Walt during a trip to New York. Walt (Dennis Farina) shares some wise words with young Nick. Nick remembers these words during the last fantastic, surprising scene of the episode.
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New Girl: Engram Pattersky (2018)
Season 7, Episode 8
Great Ending!
20 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't watch New Girl until 2020 during the pandemic. Now after rewatching the series many more times - this episode is an excellent ending to a superb series. I really liked how Jess brought out so many mementos from previous episodes and the gang reminisced. Winston was finally able to earn his self assigned title of 'Prank Sinatra'. The dialog between the gang portrays how much everyone genuinely love each other. The episode includes a flash forward to show how their friendship endures. I will miss everyone from 4D and hope for a reunion show in the near future!
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Win It All (2017)
Surprise Ending
18 March 2021
Jake Johnson plays a compulsive 'loser' gambler, Eddie Garrett. He is given a duffel bag to babysit while his buddy goes to prison for six months. The deal is he will get a 10k babysitting payment when his buddy picks up the bag. Eddie can't control his curiosity and looks in the bag to find a large sum of money. Even though Eddie has a sponsor from a Gambler's Anonymous type of group (though he doesn't currently attend meetings), his sponsor is unable to convince Eddie to NOT gamble. Eddie ends up 57k in the hole. His buddy calls to tell Eddie he is being released early. Eddie has to join a big game (referred by his sponsor 🙄) to Win It All and refill the duffel. The movie did not end as I suspected. Continue to watch after the credits to see the surprise.
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New Girl: Spiderhunt (2015)
Season 4, Episode 17
Nick and Jess!!
17 March 2021
This is a great episode exposing a big secret of CeCe's. Jess tries to figure it out and jumps to the wrong conclusion. She sets out to help CeCe get what she wants. What ensues is an hilarious conversation with Nick. Nick is talking about one topic and Jess is talking about another topic. Neither knows they are talking about totally different things. Comedy gold!
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New Girl (2011–2018)
Great Series!
12 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't watch New Girl when it originally aired on FOX, but began watching during the pandemic. Once I began watching, I could not stop. I love all of the characters, the stories, the portrayal of friendship and the laugh out loud hijinks. The way the guys, Coach, Nick and Schmidt, care for Jess in the beginning episodes is representative of the way they all care for each other throughout the series. I thought Nick and Jess had a real connection (oomph, as it would later be described) from the beginning and their story was so exciting to watch. It was heartbreaking to see them breakup - but to see how much they still loved each other in everything they said and did in Season 4,5 and 6, it was easy to tell they would end up together. It was surprising to see how much Schmidt matured during the show. He started out as a real 'douchbag' and as his love for CeCe deepened, so did his level of maturity. I have watched the series 4 times now. I will admit on my 3rd and 4th time through, I skip through a lot of season 4, 5 and 6. I did not think these seasons had the same flavor as the first 3 seasons. I did not enjoy the story line with Reagan and Nick. Reagan always seemed very aloof and stoic. I also did not like Jess and Robby together. I think the Reagan/Nick story could have ended sooner, allowing Jess and Nick to reunite sooner. It would have been nice to see more of the 'future family' in an episode or two.

Overall, a thoroughly enjoyable show with fun, quirky, relatable characters. I'd love to be a roommate with in 4D.
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New Girl: Swuit (2015)
Season 4, Episode 14
The Swuit Wins!
10 February 2021
This is a great episode with wonderful performances by Zooey, Jake and Max. As Schmidt and Nick have worked together on a new product to present to Lori Grenier but Nick forgets the prototype. Jess drives to the meeting with the prototype, but spills coffee on her dress on the way. She has the swuit (a failed product idea) in the car, so she changes into the swuit before taking the prototype into the meeting. In the meantime, Nick and Schmidt are bombing the presentation. When Zooey pops into the meeting, Lori wants to know about the swuit. Jess does an excellent job presenting the swuit idea and the team of Miller & Schmidt. Lori ends up paying them $10k to kill the swuit to avoid competition with another product of hers. Once again, Jess comes through for Nick.
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New Girl: Jeff Day (2016)
Season 5, Episode 15
Jeff Day tries to negotiate
5 February 2021
One of my favorite episodes with the antics of Nick/Sam and Jess. Nick clearly wants to be the man Jess comes to for help and due to a scheduled surgery for Dr. Sam, he is the only man available. Nick loses control of the negotiating about the time Sam shows up to add his support. Jess has to step in and wrest control of the car buying situation with a wild test drive. She negotiates a better deal and tells Sam and Nick to figure out a way to get along so they can both be in her life. Great comedic acting by Jake Johnson.
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Republic of Doyle (2010–2014)
Netflix Binge!
22 October 2020
I found Republic of Doyle on Netflix after completing my existing list of shows to watch during COVID self quarantine. What a great show! We are US 'mainlanders' and I thoroughly enjoyed seeing St John's, NF. I thought the writing was great and loved the story arcs. I like how the show never forgot the reason the Doyle's were there - as PIs. Every week included a case to work. The other actors that had recurring appearances on the show - maybe even only once a year or so, always stayed in character and fit right into the story. Loved Allan Hawco and I have already watched his production company's Frontier (s1 and s2) on Netflix - but he was much more charming as Jake. Will recommend to friends and family - good, clean fun show!
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Lucifer: Lucifer! Lucifer! Lucifer! (2020)
Season 5, Episode 2
Michael is so Bad
3 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
How can Michael be an angel if he is so bad? Tom Ellis plays Michael so well and when he's speaking his lines in English, he sounds like he is imitating Ryan Reynolds!
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