
5 Reviews
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probably the Worst Film ever made (technically)
29 December 2005
Yes there are other films that may be more boring than this, but it is so awful it's really unbelievable. I found it on video in blockbuster and thought it looked like a cool possibly gory movie. i waited for it to get late and watched it by myself in the dark at about 3 in the morning as i like to get scared. But boy howdy was i let down. The mask on the front of the video box is not even in the film and it was not even remotely scary. I paid £1 pound for this. the editing is amazing, one of the scenes ends and we then see a second of that scene again (mistake). I can't believe the editors left it like this. they probably could not be bothered as they new this would not change how the film went down. Also there is a long pointless chase for about half an hour, the music randomly plays and has no relevance to whats on screen, wheeler says dance about 100 times and does some well weird stuff which makes no sense. It seems funny how the director never made another film, hmm. Also if u look on the credits one of the cast has the directors surname so they may have been related to him - pointing out the low budgetness of this film. The director is also the producer and sheriff who kills wheeler for no reason. this film is a classic and i do not think there is a worse film out there. don't just take my word for it, i asked my brother what he thought of it and this is his response: "Don't ever think you have seen anything even close to the worst film ever, unless you have seen the butcher".

p.s. the title is so miss leading. the only killing we see is not done by the films 'killer' and we only see two other dead people which he supposedly killed anyway.

turdomatic - also look for that actress that also stars in zombiegeddon - ha ha
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4.0 what the hell
29 November 2005
how can this film get a higher rating than parts 5 and 8, this is incredible, i mean it's gone beyond being funny cos it's crap, and delved into just plain crap crap. Unbelievable. only gave it a 2 because it has Jason and i was able to watch the whole thing with out switching off. The plot of this film is so diabolical, it's not even got anything to do with Jason, it's over the top cheesy Hollywood, but is so bad u can't even laugh at it. They even used Kane Hodder (Jason) to play the part of a security guard, perhaps cos they couldn't be bothered to cast someone else. IF they used him twice to be funny or give the Friday fans something extra, this is equally as bad. There was big gap between part 8 and 9 so you would have expected them to have come up with something better than this. If this is the only Friday you have seen, this film has no reflection on the others in the series. This film should not have been made. But if u want a good example of a poo movie, this is perfect as it is easy to get hold of.
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Cats & Dogs (2001)
worse then where the heart is the movie
28 June 2005
One Sunday afternoon I decided that instead of watching heartbeat and eating roast dinner, that cats and dogs would be a nice cinematic experience. How wrong I was, I don't know how I didn't see it coming, but Cats and Dogs was an outstanding contribution to the turd film category. Unfortunately this was also the kind of film where you get some jax at that back of the cinema laughing hysterically every five seconds. After watching the film I actually felt depressed and annoyed with myself for spending the time and money watching it. However, i would pay good money to punch that ginger kid in the face.

In conclusion, this is plopper
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A good T.V. show turned into a rubbish film
28 July 2004
This is amazingly poor, after watching the whole film I laughed once and smiled twice. I smiled when I saw the bloke in the suitcase, and laughed when I saw the bloke in the suite case again. The other smile emerged when the credits finally appeared. The whole film is immature unfunny toilet humour and parts of it are quite disgusting (E.g. when the girls are squeezing spots everywhere). After watching the film I was almost ashamed to be English. The Kevin and Perry sketches that featured on the Harry Enfield and chums T.V. show were very funny and one of the main reasons people watched the show. But it just doesn't work as a film and was a big let down. This film is a main contender for the worst film of all time.
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The Stupids (1996)
most annoyingly unfunny film ever
28 July 2004
I've never seen a turder film in my life, this was absolute ploparama! Tom Arnold has one of the most punchable faces on the planet, and it's not just him u actually fell like slapping his whole family. The stupidity of the family is unbelievable and the computer-animated aliens at the end take the biscuit. I would love to own a copy of this film so I can lend it to people and share my hatred for the film. I also do not know a film that I would get more enjoyment out of running over, especially with that fat Wilfreds face on the front of the box. If you haven't seen this, I highly don't recommend watching it. It will leave u depressed and irritated. It's funny but not ha ha funny.

Crap for all the family
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