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The Walking Dead: The World Before (2019)
Season 10, Episode 8
Good episode, poor mid-season finale
24 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This didn't really feel like a midseason finale, it actually felt more like a premiere episode. But it was still good nonetheless. The first 7 minutes were brilliant, as was the Dante/Gabriel scene and the final few minutes. The Virgil and Michonne scenes may feel pointless now but I'm pretty sure they'll seem more important after watching 10B. I reckon this will definitely be Michonne's exit storyline, so it's not just random filler. Overall, even though I enjoyed it, I was a little disappointed that this was the mid-season finale. But I can't wait for the second half of the season, I expect big things!
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Fear the Walking Dead: Channel 5 (2019)
Season 5, Episode 15
Got better towards the end
22 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The first half of the episode was so boring and painful to watch but the episode got a bit better when Virginia arrived. There was some decent set-up for the finale, so hopefully the season ends on a fairly strong note. I have low expectations though, as the whole season has been a huge snoozefest.
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Fear the Walking Dead: Channel 4 (2019)
Season 5, Episode 9
Worst episode of the entire series
11 August 2019
Just when I thought this show couldn't get any worse, they release this episode. Nothing of importance happened at all, and this was supposed to be the midseason premiere! It was just filled with boring dialogue about stuff we've heard about so many times in the past. These showrunners are ruining this show, GET RID!
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Enjoyable but makes little sense
5 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Most of the problems I had with this episode happened towards the end and could have been massively improved with just a few writing tweaks. When the Vultures were driving towards the Stadium with trucks (which they knew were filled with walkers), why didn't they at least ATTEMPT to stop them from releasing the walkers by shooting them? They just let it happen.

When the walkers were approaching Alicia and Nick's car, they just let it happen. Why didn't they just drive away?

In hindsight, going to save Mel probably wasn't the wisest decision but at least that's believable.

I dont mean to be nitpick-y (like most people on IMDb) but if THAT is the reason why the Stadium fell, then it *almost* ruins the first half of the season for me because it's so stupid.
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Fear the Walking Dead: Just in Case (2018)
Season 4, Episode 6
Another great episode
21 May 2018
People need to stop moaning about the flashbacks. The two timelines make it more interesting as it adds a mystery element to the show.

There was some great acting in this episode, especially from Jenna Elfman who plays Naomi/Laura. Glad we finally found out more about her past. The last 10 minutes or so were intense and after that cliffhanger, I'm very excited to see the final 2 episodes of the mid-season.
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Fear the Walking Dead: Laura (2018)
Season 4, Episode 5
One of the best bottle episodes in TWD universe
14 May 2018
I usually don't like bottle episodes as I find them boring and dragged out. But I was pleasantly surprised at this one. It was paced nicely and it didn't feel pointless like many other bottle episodes.

I LOVE JOHN DORIE! He is quickly becoming one of my favourite characters from both TWD shows. He's just so loveable. I usually don't care for many relationships in the show but I am 100% behind John and Naomi.
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Fear the Walking Dead: Buried (2018)
Season 4, Episode 4
Another great episode
7 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This season is killing it so far. I love how ominous this episode was and it just made me even more eager to find out what happened at the Stadium. There was some great character development in this episode for Alicia, Strand and Luciana.

The episode was about the three survives deciding to stay and fight for their way of life, which ultimately leads to the destruction of the Stadium and the death of Nick. This will completely affect any future decisions they make. Very powerful indeed. Bring on the next episode!
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Fear the Walking Dead: Good Out Here (2018)
Season 4, Episode 3
Shocking but brilliant
30 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Yet another great episode. Nick's death was executed brilliantly and the acting from Frank Dillane (who plays Nick) and Alycia was phenomenal. I love the mystery in this season so far, something we haven't seen too much of in the Walking Dead universe. I do worry though that ratings will fall after his death, as I've read a lot of comments saying they're done with the show. But for me, Nick's death has made me even more excited for the rest of the season.
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Pretty good introduction to the season
23 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This episode felt more like the season premiere to me as we focus heavily on the Clarks, with the new characters only making an appearance at the end of the episode.

Ok, let's start with the 'bad' things about the episode. I don't like how they've done a time jump like this without answering important questions. How/where did Madison find her kids and Strand? How did Nick find Luciana? What was Luciana up to all this time? How did they get to Texas? Is Daniel alive or dead? There are SO MANY questions that need answering and I worry that we're not going to get them.

Despite saying that, I liked the development in Nick's character and how the end of season 3 has affected him so much. He's now basically the opposite of a risk taker like he was in the first three seasons. So at least there we got a bit of continuity from the third season. I also like how the whole group is together and not separated, so they're all taking on the new villain as a group. Madison was a badass in this episode. I know a lot of people don't like her character but I think she's awesome. I missed hearing Strand's voice haha.

Now, let's talk about the new characters. Naomi seems decent so far but didn't leave much of an impression. I'm sure we'll see more of her in the future though so can't say too much about her just yet. The twist regarding the kid was nice and unexpected. Apparently, some people thought it was obvious that she was a spy but I had no idea. The new villains, the Vultures, seem interesting so far. A few people are saying they're similar the Saviours and I do agree to an extent. But the Saviours were active villains while these guys seem a lot more passive, which is a refreshing change. They don't kill you, they just wait for you to die. I feel like the leader, Mel, came across as more realistic than Negan was, which I find is usually the case in Fear TWD. He also seems pretty confident which makes him even more intimidating.

I do wonder where Madison is though in the present. Is she dead? Has she been kidnapped by the Vultures? I'm quite interested to find out where she is. But I feel like something has definitely happened to her. Overall, the episode did what it was supposed to - introduce new characters/threats and catch up with the original cast. I don't think it was as good as last week's episode but the episode definitely left me feeling excited for the rest of the season.

And the people who are saying they are tired of seeing villains on both shows clearly haven't thought about this properly. Without the villains, there would be nothing interesting to show. Unless you want 16 episodes of peace?
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Fear the Walking Dead: Monster (2016)
Season 2, Episode 1
Good start for Season 2
11 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't sure what to expect for this season of FTWD after the disappointing first season. But I do have to say, I'm feeling quite optimistic about season two. The idea of the character's traveling via sea is quite exciting.

This episode generally is not an action packed episode but it's not a slow episode either. It didn't feel like a season premiere per se but I personally liked it as a season premiere. A few questions that I've been asking have been answered and new questions have emerged. Now we know walkers (or 'infected' as they are calling it in this show) can swim/float but does the water faze them? That seemed to be the case when a walker was trying to bite Nick. Can Strand be trusted? We've already seen the conflict between Strand and the other characters, with a few of them not trusting him. It's picking up the pace pretty quickly, much quicker than season one anyway.

The problem I still have with this show that we saw in this episode is that the characters are still making stupid decisions. For example, Chris jumping in the water without telling anyone claiming he "just wanted a swim". Also, Nick swimming to the capsized boat after he just came face to face with a walker to me didn't make any sense. Surely he would have swam back to safety after realising that there were possibly more walkers around. Instead he risks his life for very little reason. Alicia offering to pick up Jack's crew was also very risky but understandable given the nature of her character.

We have to remember that these characters are new to the apocalypse and may not know yet what the right decisions are. We've already seen them beginning to change their ways of thinking; particularly Travis who didn't want to help the refugees. However, some of the characters are taking longer to develop which may cause conflicts (i.e. Madison and Travis). It'll be interesting to see how this will affect their relationship.

So overall, good start for season 2 and I'm excited about the rest of the season! I also can't wait to learn the fate of Flight 462.
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The Walking Dead: Last Day on Earth (2016)
Season 6, Episode 16
One of the best episodes of TWD so far!
4 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was the first episode of TWD in a while that had action from the get-go all the way to the end. And an episode that keeps me on my toes all the way through deserves a 10/10. However, the cliffhanger was disappointing and for that reason, I'll give this episode a 9/10/

People who are giving this episode less than an 8 are crazy and should just get over the cliffhanger. It's not the end of the world! Yeah sure, they should have just revealed who it was getting beaten to death but regardless, that was an AMAZING episode.

Seeing Carol ready to die was heartbreaking and just shows what an amazing character she is. Morgan killing to save Carol was one of the highlights for me. Apart from that, we finally got to see that Rick and his group are out of their depth and are not as strong as they thought they were. DO NOT MESS WITH NEGAN AND THE SAVIOURS!

So who do I think it was? I reckon it was Maggie or Glenn. But we'll see in Season 7. Can't wait...
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The Walking Dead: East (2016)
Season 6, Episode 15
Decent episode but a lot of things don't make sense
29 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly, the 'new' Carol is really confusing. While I don't mind some character development and this one does make sense, her leaving Alexandria because she doesn't want to kill anymore is just STUPID. If she leaves, she would have to kill a lot more people (as we saw in this episode) as it is ultimately a lot less safe outside of Alexandria with Dwight/Saviour's/etc around.

Secondly, WHY did half the group leave at different times? First it was Carol, then Daryl, then more people followed him and so on... It's just stupid. It was obvious that something was going to happen to them.

Thirdly, Daryl leaving without any warning or without telling anyone was ALSO STUPID!!

That being said, there was a lot of foreshadowing in this episode which I enjoyed. It got me hyped for the finale next week. Maggie's haircut, what was the significance of that? Rick and Morgan going their separate ways, is that the last time we'll see them together? Will Morgan die?

The cliffhanger at the end was an OMG moment which I loved. Is Daryl going to die or will he 'be alright' like Dwight said? I think he'll be fine (for now anyway).

Overall, a decent episode. 7.5/10
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Fear the Walking Dead (2015–2023)
Has potential but Season One fails to live up to expectations
26 March 2016
Fear the Walking Dead was initially the highly anticipated spin-off of the Walking Dead - a show that is still going strong after six seasons. I expected big things from this show but I'm sorry to say that season one is very disappointing.

I quite liked the idea of the show covering the start of the apocalypse as we didn't get to see that in the Walking Dead as Rick was in a coma; so it's not exactly the plot that is disappointing. What lets the show down is unfortunately the characters. The show centers around a "typical" family and how they deal with this apocalypse, which is completely fine. But the problem with this is that most of the characters are dull, so dull that I really wouldn't care if most of them got killed off. And if you don't like the characters, then in my opinion it's very hard to enjoy the show as you just don't care what the outcome is. Don't get me wrong, some of the characters are great and some of them do have potential so I'm not writing them off completely yet (I mean, look at Carol's transformation) but because of this I'm not excited much about season two. As season one focused more on the characters as opposed to the walkers, I was bored as I really didn't care about them...

Another problem I had with season one was the lack of "walkers". The show is called Fear the Walking Dead, so I expected to see walkers. This is understandable however, as it's the beginning of the apocalypse. The first time we saw any decent walker action really was in the season finale.

So overall, season one wasn't great but you have to remember, there were only six episodes! I personally found FTWD: Flight 462 more interesting than the show itself. And plus, one of the characters in this mini series kicks ass.

Season two does look promising after watching the trailer so let's just hope for some GOOD character development, hopefully some good new characters and some good walker action. Season two can't be as bad as season one, surely?
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Doctor Who: Dinosaurs on a Spaceship (2012)
Season 7, Episode 2
How can anyone like this?
9 September 2012
I gave it a 3 because I'm being nice. It actually deserves a 2. It wasn't good at all! I was so looking forward to this episode and at the end of it, I was thinking 'Oh My God, did they actually just air that episode', because I was expecting it to be amazing. PLEASE don't do any more episodes like this! There was no plot whatsoever. I've seen a lot of comments and reviews that have said that it was amazing, and I can't see what was amazing about it. I can't even see what was GOOD about it! I only liked the first 5 minutes and the last 10 minutes, so that's 15 minutes out of 45 minutes. I'm sure next week's episode will be 10 times better...I HOPE!
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