
6 Reviews
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B for Busy (2021)
Started off hit and miss, ended up quite powerful
27 April 2022
I really loved this film for its refreshing perspective of modern Shanghai; cosmopolitan and not steeping in nationalism however unmistakably Chinese in its character. The characters themselves are varied and charming and there are a few stories at play here.

It was actually the side character of Lao Wu who made the film for me and while I would have liked to see his story explored more, I think it was prevalent that it wasn't and supported the overall theme of the main characters story.

Definately worth watching for people who are interested in China stuff, and still worth watching if you like a good romcom!
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So weird
22 November 2020
I never write reviews..but this doc was so...strange.

Nothing in the editing felt right, the hit points were all wrong, there was no natural story, narrative or trajectory which mean no building or dynamics.

The less said about the script and narration the better.

The guests were quite obviously unprepared for the camera and the questions asked by the interviewer were shallow or irrelevant.

It's a real shame.
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I don't get the low rating
8 May 2019
I understand this film may not be for everyone mainly due to the fact it plays to its very specific Chinese audience. I also know that this film is a retelling of an American films retelling of an Italian classic, all by the same name, however I do prefer this one mainly due to the specific character stories being, in my opinion, much more moving. Definitely worth a watch, but especially if you are learning Chinese or interested in China.
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You just need to watch it.
8 May 2019
Purely from a historical perspective, this film offers so much insight into pre '97 Hong Kong in a way that other Hong Kong movies don't. The reason for this is its setting within the Kowloon walled city, a structure that is (thankfully) no longer in existence. From a cinema perspective, the movie carries most of the similar tropes as other pieces of Hong Kong cinema does from this era and includes some very real family relationships. I would definitely recommend watching this film if you can get hold of a copy (its on Youtube).
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Us and Them (2018)
Happily surprised
8 May 2019
I watched this as I was in the mood to switch off to a sup prime love story with the added bonus of it being in Chinese. I then found myself a few hours engrossed and in tears. Really fantastically written and acted in terms of exploring the ups and downs of relationships; what goes wrong and what is unexplainably unsalvageable. Almost anyone will be able to recognise the excruciating confusion of love that this film portrays, even if this film is outside of your cultural setting. Incredibly charming and moving, and as an added bonus, really beautifully shot and edited.
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Sweet story, told in a nostalgic way. Very charming.
8 May 2019
This film echoed parts of Cinema Paradiso. Growing up around films and cinema in a space and time where it feels like nothing else matters. Nicely styled and visually tight with the occasional very special shot included, this film tells a sweet story of a man trying to hold on to custody of his son. Very nostalgic, very recognisable relationship writing and also very Beijing. To anyone who knows the culture, you will get a lot out of this film, to anyone who doesn't, you may see a more human 1990's Beijing than often portrayed.
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