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Sergeant York (1941)
A little troubling
29 May 2022
The movie itself was great but there is one thing that bothered me Gary Cooper was 40 years old they had him acting like he was a 20 year old kid. The worse part was the "girl" he wanted to marry and yes I said girl because she was only 16 ! That seem to be the trend back then Elvis was 24 when he met his wife at 14 years old. I love my old movies but some of them had some relationships that just don't sit right with me. I am surprised Gary didn't say something about this in real life he did marry a woman.12 years younger but that was not as a big age difference. He was born in 1901 she was born in 1913. He was 32 and she was 20 when they married and he stay married to her for his whole life. This 24 year age difference was double that of his wife I can't be the only one that find's a 40 year old man kissing a 16 year old girl creepy can I ?
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The Endgame (2022)
Trying to hard to be P/Cenough with these awful accents.
6 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First if it is renewed have Morena say she has been faking the accent my god that is terrible. Honestly if you want a Russian woman then hire a Russian actress. The casting was not that great the actress playing Val is not that attractive she is like a 4 and they gave her a husband way out of her league. The story is okay there are too many things that just would never happen, and I am not talking about the gold. FBI agents don't run around in high heels and her never getting anything wrong just wouldn't happen. They have her figuring things out to fast making everyone else look stupid. If she was that smart, she would have known about her husband. She also would be the agent in charge were supposed to believe she is that smart, but she had been tracking Snow white for a year and never got close to her. Now all of a sudden, she knows her every move ? You want to keep things believable if you go to far you will lose the audience they will only put up with corny for so long. Stop with the phony drama everything is so forced. They have Natalie find Snow White with no problem again even though she couldn't find her for years. What makes a good show is one believable characters mistakes are normal. Messing up is part of life and judging by the real FBI they fail miserably all the time. Honestly the headlines help you write the story right there. I think this plot could be saved get rid of fake accents and keep it real. Now watch nest season they won't be able to find Natalie at all even though they could find everyone and do everything perfect in the first season. This will lose fans you got to have some wins and some losses. The P/C part is only the women have a brain and all the men are stupid this is a bad idea. You want and equal amount of men and women to root for or you lose one half of the audience here is hoping they fix these things.
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The Prodigy (2019)
To nice
23 November 2020
I am looking at all the high stars on this movie and people asking if there will be a sequel. First the writing leaves it with the need for a sequel now its a matter if the people want a sequel. The writing was poor the set ups were either so easy to see coming or just plain stupid. I gave 5 stars only because of the potential of a better movie coming out in the sequel. You need new writers ones who are going to surprise you with scenes and better acting. If you get a writer who wrote something like the 6th sense . The fact with this movie your option are only limited to your imagination. There was not one scene in this movie were you said i did not see that coming. There was no scene that made you go OMG there was no scene that had you on the edge of your seat. I also was wondering how this kid would pop up in the hall or in front of them when they were watching out for him ? This was bad writing unless he had the power to show up or disappear i honestly feel this movie was just lazy writing and some bad acting here is hoping if there is a sequel they hire good writers and bring in some good actors.
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23 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I wrote almost because this could have been a big hit except for the writing, the casting and the acting. First let me tell you how this would have been a hit switch the action hero from Dolph to Natalie Burns ! This would have been a great movie that empowered women and at the same time been a movie everyone male or female that likes action movies would have enjoyed. The writing was awful a seasoned veteran agent takes down two guys he knows there at least 20 more does he take their rifles and ammo ? Does he check for ID ? Does he take a radio so he can hear what they are saying ? No to all of these and more in one scene he rescues a guy and there are two men literally laying at their feet do they take their weapons ? No i don't care if your not military trained, police trained etc.. If armed men are trying to kill you the first thing you do is arm yourself. In another scene the leader of the "bad" guys and his right hand man are a few feet away from Dolph does he shoot no because he only has a pistol. Fast forward there are a half a dozen guys crossing the lawn he shoots with his pistol and only gets one and one of his men trapped down. Both situation even someone who was not a good shot could have fired and automatic rifle and taken out the "bad" guys see where i am going with the bad writing. I don't want to go thru the whole film that would take to long but Dolphs fight scenes were awful they were slow and he looked his age. Now Natalie's character shows up a couple hours after this started and she takes out more bad guys in the first 15 minutes than Dolph did the whole movie. Her character dis-arms a bomb but again this scene was terribly written. They don't give any dialogue for her to say this was luck and had her wait until there was literally 1 second left. In the military we never ever have had a bomb wait until 1 second left to disarm again this is suppose to be believable. In the beginning they showed this team working another case that would have been the time to add her characters ability to dis-arm bombs it would have tied in so nicely together. Recap bad movie but if who ever owns the rights to this re-made it with better writers and Natalie as the star you would have a hit movie. This would not be a movie we they try and force a woman as the star just to be P/C This would be a great action movie that happens to have a woman as the star. I hope they think about re-writing this and having Natalie Burn's as the star she was the one bright spot in the whole movie.
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one star is to many
5 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Segal is to fat and to old to be playing the lead of any action movie with that said who is writing this crap !? They are suppose to be elite agents part of and elite group but the plans they wrote for them are amateur and that is being polite. Everything they did was executed poorly planned out poorly. The whole movie was a joke and watching a scene were everyone is running except Segal who is walking because if he ran 10 feet he would be out of breath. The elite group can't seem to shoot anybody unless they are with in 5 feet of them. Lets recap you have a 68 year old fat man with badly died hair not even sure if the hair is real. You have him leading and elite crew that can not pull off a mission without get caught and to end it... They suddenly have a missile launcher on the highway that came out of no where. Yet the "bad" guy runs out of bullets so he and Segal who all of the sudden has a curved machete that no agent would ever carry in their pants and they have a fight scene on the middle of a bridge way beyond realistic and it is just so corny that you actually want the bad guy to win. Trust me do not watch unless you really have no other option even a repeat of some old movie you saw would be a way better choice than wasting your time on this drivel !
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Waste of time
4 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Where to start first we have a group of 30 year old men and women that are either pretending to be high school or college kids either way their to old for both. Then take scenes from other movies and add them to this and call it a brand new movie. The taken the chained off road oh that's never been done. Oh no they broke down on a old deserted road that's never been done. Oh someone has to go for help and some have to stay behind i guaranty you anyone reading this is going i remember that movie but that title doesn't sound familiar. I am only half way thru the movie but i had to stop and ask does anyone remember the hills have eyes or wrong turn with cannibals well if you saw them then you saw the first half of this movie no there are no cannibals they took that plot and switched it to witches.. I will come back and edit this after i watched the whole thing but right now i feel like the movies wrong turn and the movie the hills have eyes should be suing them. I honestly was sitting here going i know this movie then i said nah if this was that movie they would have to breakdown and someone would go for help and the others would stay and they would hear things in the woods bam. All that happened and i have never seen this movie before. I am sorry to be so hard but what happen to original idea's ? I know there are some young writers out there who can't catch a break while Hollywood regurgitates the same thing over and over. This why every now and then a movie like six sense or fill in your choice here is a big hit. No one has seen anything like it before and they are actually surprised by what happens. Lately every movie i watch i go their going to do this or that and sadly i am right because there is no suspense nothing this movie so far is basically a sequel to a dozen other movies the only thing they changed was the bad guys.
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If i could have i would have rated this a zero
23 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
OMG bad acting, bad writing, bad costumes there was absolutely nothing good to say about this film period. The writer had to be about 10 years old he had a soldier drop his gun to deliver bad puns. In this story the monster was shot a hundred times had a knife stabbed thru his chest was blown up once yet in the end he was killed by a claymore bomb. I am not going to go in to any more detail only because it was all that bad or worse. No wonder the lead actor stop doing movie's after this who would hire him his attempt at acting was terrible the only good thing about this movie is it is over and they never made a sequel.
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Hell is watching this movie
28 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know what's worse the writing or that someone read this and said yeah I will spend a couple million to make this. Honestly every time you see a bad movie at some point someone said yes I will spend my money on this. First this takes place in 2018 yet when the girl gets sick a doctor comes to the house like they did back in the 1950's Then when this girl does not wake up her cousin leaves her in the bed unconscious for days. She never thinks to bring her to the emergency room until she wakes up and she is floating over her bed ! The acting was not much better but yeah what I wrote so far is the plot oh I jumped ahead a little her cousins screams and passes out then the doctor comes and he says she has and infection. Now how he new this without drawing blood is beyond me but he gives her antibiotics to give her. We never actually see her give them to her because the girl is never awake. Now the doctor has left he tells her she is going to be fine and she automatically starts looking up the site. Then she finds all these searches saying that her cousin is dead yup riveting right. Now does she report these sites or ask them to take these stories down nope she does nothing. To cap it all off you do not want to take 13 selfies because you die a slow death she was at 12 what does she do she takes number 13 with the logic of I just have to find out !? WTF!! Honestly if you believed this was real you would never do this making the writers look as dumb as their script. There was no if you take the 13th and stab him you live she just took it with no back story that is lazy and bad writing.
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Vegas Rat Rods (2014– )
OMG this is another show that should be called how to make crap
6 April 2020
What is with these shows that take nice cars or trucks spend and obscene amount of money and when their done all your thinking is no one would pay that much for such and ugly car or truck. I mean ugly the other thing that has to be cleared up is this patina crap. You know who clear coats rusty cars and calls it patina people who do not have the ability to pain a car or truck that's who. Anyone who has never painted in their life can spray clear coat on a car and go yeah I kept the patina because it looks so good B/S Rust is rust shiny rust is as ugly as dull rust. The good and great painters can charge more for say and apple red paint job than this guys sells a whole car for that's a fact. I want one show that actually makes beautiful cars or takes and old one and really restores it. These show like Donkey Garage use the excuse of making it different to cover up the fact they can't restore a car the way it was and make a profit because their to slow and sub out most of the work. To this show where he makes garbage look like shiny garbage. Me and my friends restore cars from the 1960's you get in it you would think it was built this year. My neighbor does the old 1940 1950 one's and they look like they just rolled out of the showroom today. We watch these shows and what we see is people who have to cut stuff up because they are just not that good and their stuff is ugly and by the way no fork truck engine is going to give you a hot rod that can fly I almost died when he said I am taking a fork truck engine and this thing is going to fly that was a joke the whole show is a joke
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Nazi Undead (2018)
30 March 2020
This is not suspenseful, this is not a thriller, this is not a horror it is just bad writing that never makes sense if you start watching you will say I might as well and see how this all connects. DON"T it doesn't it is all over the place bad acting awful writing watch anything else watch a cooking show and I hate cooking shows that's how bad this movie is. It's movies like this that I wonder who green lighted it or who actually spent their money on making it ? I guess the thought is if you add the words zombie and Nazis that enough suckers will go to see it so you make a profit barley because as soon as word gets out people will stop going. My good deed for the day is to warn everyone not to watch this awful movie. Note: If this movie was written by two 12 year old kids I would say nice try but stay in school
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Jerico really really /
23 January 2020
Yes it is and improvement on the WWE but they need some more big guys a lot of cruiser weights. The only thing that I don't like is Jericho is old now and in the worse shape of his career. There had to be someone else they could have brought in because I don't think people are tuning in to see Chris Jericho. There are a lot of real stars that the WWE does not give breaks to because their pushing guys like Seth Rollins who at best could be a intercontinental champion but is way to small to be a heavy weight champion. They have these big guys losing to guys 5' 7 to 5' 10" if this show can add some bigger guys for their heavyweight title and use the talent and high flying guys for tag team, and the other belts this could be huge. I just watch their last show and Chris had his fat ass in the ring barely did anything and you could see how winded he was. I think the WWE having a Dusty Rhodes tag team championship was a low blow by them knowing both his sons are in another wrestling company typical Vince McMahon thinking he is playing tough and instead he is losing viewers for that douchebag move. People have been waiting for a new wrestling show the WWE is a joke their storyline are terrible and they ignore the real talent to push guys that they like and their women man they are not divas they used to have hot women who could fight and were taller than 5 foot 1 The women in all elite are bad asses no one is buying little Becky Lynch or the hugger as tough women the rookies on NXT are all better than these women. Hopefully this show will realize its not rocket science you need big guys for the heavy weight champion the smaller guys can be your other champs and tag team champs. You need tough and talented women and yes you need to have some really hot women. The only reason their is a women's wrestling here in 2020 is because of the incredibly hot women from the 1990's they were some of the most beautiful women on t.v. Yeah you can have some tough ones that are not hot but you must have hot divas I can't believe the WWE thinks Rick Flairs daughter is hot if you have been online everyone ask if she is a transvestite . Recap big guys for heavyweight use your other talent for the other belts rough lookng women fine as long as you have your hotties that sell calendars and much more. This is a wait and see I will review this after its been on a year I hope they bring in a new star beside just John Moxley for their heavy weight division tied of watch short under 200 pound guys call themselves heavy weight champion look at the last three heavy weight boxing champions two were 7 foot and the current one is close to 7 foot
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Mile 22 (2018)
Here is the movie that should have won the Razzy for 2018
24 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Horrible writing I think the writer's let their kids in the 4t or 5th grade write this for them. This is not suppose to be make believe it is suppose to be believable but they threw that out the window in the first 5 minutes. They would have been better off making this about patients in a VA hospital because the characters they wrote would never be in the military not in the field at least. They could be in a nut house suffering from PTSD and other problems except. Marks character was supposedly mentally ill all his life. No one would be put in charge of a janitors squad let alone a military one when they can't pass a Pysch Eval ! Hey don't worry they made sure his second in command was just as bad and would not pass a Pysch Eval either. 10 minutes into it she already has had 3 breakdowns and these are the people you would trust with your back or with other soldiers life Never. Wait its worse these are the ones you would trust to handle a highly dangerous case that could get 60 thousand or more killed No! This is garbage shame on the actors for cashing the checks I expect Ronda Rousey who couldn't even cut it as a fake wrestler to take any script she gets. Mark and Lauren you are different it was your names that sold this movie you owe me my money back. We went from great movies like Seal team 6 and many other showing just how good our soldiers are to this crap. This feels like and anti war hippie wrote this so he could insult every soldier that ever served and make them out to be morons with severe mental problems. Honestly they obviously had the money and budget to make a movie and the actors to do it with they just did not have the writers, the director, the producer etc.. To make something were people would be googling after they saw it to see if there is a sequel. Instead they made this trash were 99% of the people going online about this movie are saying don't watch this burn this fricking movie !
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The Spanish Princess (2019–2020)
Another show that misses he mark
15 May 2019
Honestly who is casting these shows if the older prince is suppose to be a total dufus and unattractive then they hit they mark on that one. Prince Harry is suppose to be the tough handsome one come on he is neither tough and his looks at best is suited to play the friend of the prince. Casting is so important in all movies and t.v. shows yet they wonder why ratings are terrible and how come other shows are hits and theirs is not. The show is called the Spanish princess and they have and English woman play the Spanish princess !! There are so many talented Spanish actresses but I guess it would have been to hard for them to play "a Spanish" princess " I am so sick of these idiots having and Irishman play a Scottish man or a Japanese man playing a Chinese man here's a thought when you are doing a period piece and want it to be taken as authentic keep it authentic. Now if you want to take some creative licensing then you pick a strong handsome guy to play the prince make sure he is actually a strong handsome man. The actor they picked was literally in a movie called "handsome devil" so you would say he has been typed cast as a handsome man right ? Wrong he was friends with the character that played the handsome devil. I mean come on right there you should have said hey lets take the strong handsome guy not his sidekick. Are you going to tell me you could not find an actor who was English and was believable as strong and handsome oh that make sense since they could not find a Spanish woman anywhere either. Right away I disliked this series but tried and the writing was okay they scenery was okay and the directing and producing was okay. If you are wondering why everything was just okay because they have and English woman playing the frigging Spanish princess after that gaffe the whole show was a joke and the older prince you would have been better off having had him be sickly. They have him and only him walking around with a monk style haircut. This again would be okay if that was the trend then there would be tons of other men walking around with it right ? Wrong again he was the only one walking around with it looking like a total jack ass. I wish I could get back the time I wasted on the first 2 episodes ! I like period piece movies but this is a joke masquerading as a period piece they might as well have used cell phones in it. Poorly is the highest comment I can give this, this, this I honestly do not have a label for it save your time if you are expecting anything close to the title.
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Dateline NBC: The Good Husband (2016)
Season 25, Episode 6
Wrong suspect
6 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I could not believe the gall of the wife acting like she was a victim I think she drugged him at home and it kicked in when he got to the parking lot. She also could have borrowed the dentist car without him knowing it. He lived on a second floor I did not see a window facing the parking lot so she could have had a spare key made took the car and he would never have known. The dating site the police did not even look into was disturbing there feels like so much was not investigated. Case's today feel like they try and make the evidence fit their theory instead of following all the evidence to were it leads them. I am not saying the guy is innocent I have 2 points first the wife was human scum and the family should never forgive her. The second is the prosecutors today are lazy and do poor work. Everything including the dating site should have been investigated. 3 total autopsy and they were so sloppy most of it was thrown out that is just not acceptable. The police failing to read the defendant his rights these are all not just mistakes it is proof of incompetence ! We the public have seen case's thrown out because the wrong person was convicted. Thanks to DNA we have cleared thousands of innocent people. You can say these were old cases but this is a current case and the pure incompetence even though Dateline tried to keep it out showed up glaringly. For closure for the families and for the right person to be found guilty we need o hold everyone involved in these investigation responsible. Allowing sloppy autopsy's, failing to do something as simple as reading someone their rights are unacceptable and at minimum should cost all those involved their jobs. Until we start holding these people accountable we can expect more sloppy case's and criminals walking free or the wrong person being convicted. This is a crisis in our court system everyone knows a case were the police, the DA etc.. lost case because of incompetence and they are allowed to keep doing their job. Shocker they continue to fail and those that are trained under them ail as well. I am not even going to get in to the fact that people with money almost always get away with their crimes were poor people accuse of the same crime's have almost a 100% conviction rate this should bother everyone. America is suppose to have a fair and equal justice system it is suppose to be blind and equal. Today it is neither and it is also run by people who do not have the skills or the intelligence to have these jobs. A detective should need more than a high school degree in some states they need some more schooling but it is not the training they need for their job. Every police officer should have to go to the academy and the majority of the police in this country don't go the most they get is 6 to 8 weeks of "training" that has a passing rate of 99% come on unless you are going to school to learn how to make hamburgers there is no other job with that high of a graduation rate.
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Tidelands (2018)
New plot finally
24 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I like this show there are a couple of things they need to fix like Cal wearing the same clothes over and over. It appears she only owns one bra and wears it everyday. I guess she washes it when we are not looking but the truth be told she is beautiful so she can pull this off. Almost all the characters have this same problem go ahead checked episode 1,2,3 only a couple ever change clothes. I am sure they filmed a lot on the same day but this is a rookie mistake. I hope there is a season 2 the story is new and that in its self is refreshing but also has some lazy writers. I can't be the only one sick of Zombies. This show could easily earn a 10 but the directing and the producer need to fix the simple things like wardrobe and pay attention to what you already wrote. Also any woman will tell you when she gets home her bra is one of the first things she can't wait to get off. They have Cal walking around in the same one all the time. The writing is all over the place Cal runs away from her brother because he kills a guy who tried to kill him. Then she meets a guy who blinded a little boy so she has sex with him !? Make up your mind either she is sensitive or she isn't. No woman would have sex with a man who maims little children unless they are a sick person also. Follow what you have written if you want the character to be different either write it so that makes sense or do not write her that way at all. These mistakes can cost you viewers and ratings but I still think fixing the rookie mistakes and hiring good writers you could have a huge hit with this show it is all up to the director and producer they have the cast and the story it is how they tell the story that will decide if this is a hit or miss.
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Ransom (2017–2019)
1 March 2019
The begining was good the writing was better but then the writing got sloppy as the season went on. In the begining no one talked back to Eric as it went on everyone talked back to him on a team this would not work. I could live with most of that but the no gun thing is sooo stupid. The tv show the mentalist had this but in many scenes he relied on his partner's and their guns. There are people who actually do hostage negotiating for a living and none of them do it without a license to carry a gun. Now of course when they go in to certain situation were you would not wear a gun. The problem is having a group deal with violent criminals and doing it unarmed there is no such group. Why ? Someone on that team would be killed there are groups all thru out the middle east and Mexico a lot of foreign countries with high kidnapping rates. In reality there is no group who is 100% successful and there is no group that has not had to deal with violence on their end. I could go on but my point is these shows are suppose to be believable. You want your audience to invest in the characters and to believe this is something that could really happen. If you don't do this they tune the show out this is not and opinion it is a fact/
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Bad Chad Customs (2019– )
29 January 2019
This guy almost takes pride in being a deadbeat dad he say's I am 47 he is 21 but I don't know him. The way he talks to the kid I think he is lucky he did not grow up with him. The kid comes off as more mature and has a lot of patience with his egotistical dad. His cars are something I would expect from any teenager building his own cars they are not anything you would want. Honestly what do you expect from a guy who gives himself his own nickname. I am sick of these people today that give themselves nicknames that is not how nicknames work. I tried hard to watch the show because I love car's. You will not see anything you will use and you will learn nothing but bad habits. Building and ugly car or truck is not a bad car unless you mean bad to be a negative. There are a lot of T.V. shows that show guys building a car or truck and they explain why they do things and in the end they always have a car or truck you would not mind owning. This is a show about building ugly cars with a guy with and ego he is almost 50 and has a 20 something girlfriend and a son he put no time in. I would not be surprised if this guy had done time in jail. If you have not watched this don't his over the top accent and his treatment of the people around him you will end up regretting watching it. The guy brags about being and elite car builder none of the cars he has shown fit that and he say's he had never driven a car with a supercharger on it. How can you say you are a great car builder and make that statement I was 16 the first time I drove one with one. By the time I was 18 I had driven cars with superchargers, blowers, dual quads, tri power etc.. I built GTO'S and I am not walking around saying they call be king of the auto. The best advice watch the other shows on this station and just skip this one.
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Blood Fest (2018)
Almost worth watching
19 January 2019
The story was there the plot was there but the casting screwed up on the led male. Seychelle Gabriel is a star in the making the P/C world had made most our male actors wimps but at least this movie had a strong female lead Seychelle is the reason I gave this movie a 7. Her character was tough and had to be the guy who they have as her boyfriend Dak Robbie Kay was a wimpy mess he is better off taking roles in chick flicks he is not made for horror movies comedy or not. The rest of the cast excellent I would have liked a little more nudity. I know sexist right wrong horror movies always had great nude scene's Jamie Curtis shower scene hell anytime you can se her without her top on you got your moneys worth for the cost of the ticket. Horror shows people getting eaten or ripped in half and in this movie it says brief nudity brief unless you used ultra slow motion you will never see it. If they make a part 2 I would say to make this movie a ten add nudity and re cast Dak with someone who doesn't whine and cry.
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Garage Rehab (2017– )
Fake reality show
5 January 2019
Were to begin they never address what got the garage in to the mess there in they basically just give the shop a makeover. I am sure Rawlings is getting a kickback for using certain equipment he never forgets to drop their name. They insult mechanics that are way better than them. They have deadlines that are fake they are suppose to be doing these huge jobs in 6 days not happening. The project manager is a joke who ever heard of a project manager not knowing what is going on. He shows up to the job and the guys are standing outside doing nothing why ? The temp dropped at night they couldn't get the heat on and had no way of getting heaters why ? Project manager Russ must have turned his cell phone off because he thinks he is a tv star not a manager. I would fire my project manager for something that stupid. I am not being mean and the word stupid is the perfect word for this. The project manager does not actually do any physical labor he makes sure everyone else is doing it. If you don't have supplies or a job is shut down because he could not answer his phone and pick up some heaters and drop them off he is gone. You have to remember a project manager gets a big paycheck and his duties is to keep everything on track and everyone working. That's it and if he can't do that then it is time for a new one and put him back on demo or something. I was watching him hang from a ceiling fan breaking the blades of the motor. That was a waste of time and plain old stupidity. I can say these things because I have been a project manager I run a successful business and I have seen guys go out of business even though they were very good at the actual work. Billing, payroll, insurance etc.. Scheduling clients, estimates, getting the job done in the time you promised. These are just some of the things that have killed a business. Then Rawlings takes the garage owner to a car wash and say's ask them to recommend you when their customers ask about getting their car fixed. Yeah that's about 1 new customer honestly who has ever asked a car wash to recommend a garage ?The other place was just a regular gas station like a Cumberland farms again no one asks these places for a garage unless they broke down in front of it. Marketing is important but just changing the sign is not marketing. You want people to believe these garages actually went on and made money you need to show were they are 60 days to a year later remember these are taped. They need to show someone going over how they are running their business and figure out why they are losing money and fix that. One of the best carpenters I ever saw could not bid a job right he was a terrible businessman a hell of carpenter but a terrible businessman. I went over everything with him ten times he finally agreed to do it my way he is worth several million dollars today. I did not replace his tools or teach him how to build I taught him how to run a business. To sum up this show can be fun to watch just don't think this is reality it couldn't be further from reality if you tried.
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Fear the Walking Dead (2015–2023)
Common thread
18 June 2018
I just read reviews from season 1 thru 4 they all have the same comments Bad Writing and unlikeable cast how did this show make it to season 4 ? There is the real horror show the fact that we have shows we like get cancelled and this garbage is still on the air. Why the ratings are terrible and if after 4 seasons they have not figured out what the fans want even though it's written in all the reviews on every fan site i have been on then they are never going to fix it.
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Fear the Walking Dead (2015–2023)
Bad writing sloppy writing and bad casting
18 June 2018
Do they even read what they wrote before they write the next episode ? I am on episode 8 of season 4 and it is horrible. They have a truck surrounded by the dead so the people inside have to fire 3 machine guns to run out for cover to get first aid. Now while the people inside are waiting the people chasing them can walk up to the truck WTF They show the outside of the truck 5 times yet some how a young woman can walk up to it and there is no dead by the door as she just stands there. Now in case you are wondering in both this one and the other one if you cover yourself in zombie blood you can walk thru them she is not covered. Why they do not just cover themselves with this blood to get in to hard places is just lazy writing. The characters are written so badly there is no way you would believe they would survive a black Friday sake let alone a zombie attack. I am trying to think of one good thing their timelines are screwed up they have Morgan from the original dead with them. Of course Morgan comes from the show which is years into the zombie attack and this one is based on the beginning of the attack makes no sense at all. The casting was horrible they are killing off some of the bad cast of course they do not really have any fan favorite's on this one. I am serious if you killed off all the one's who stated this show and added new one's it would be a welcome relief and maybe a shot at new show. Fire the writers fire most of the cast and start over. Other wise this show JUMPED THE SHARK STARTING ON EPISODE 1 SEASON 1
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The Brave (2017–2018)
can you say 1 season and gone..
16 February 2018
Lets start with Anne Heche who is she blowing to get these parts she kills t.v. series every time they hire her look at the last 3 she was on. All had the chance to be hits all 1 and done. The writers on here should be FIRED and never allowed to write any type of military show again. They have soldiers who are suppose to be highly trained yet they have them act like they are rookies the inaccuracy in everything they do is insulting. Never mine them having the head of the DIA go to Afghanistan to interrogate a prisoner never ever would happen. I honestly can't say anything good about this show.
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The Magicians (2015–2020)
Bad casting
19 January 2018
Q is a dork this is a show about magicians why can't they have another actor come in and play Q and pretend he is under a spell can not watch this garbage really hot women would never sleep with him but this show has hot women all over I'm really ??
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Magic City (2012–2013)
another victim of bad casting
10 December 2017
I have watched t.v. show after t.v. show come and go and the biggest difference in the ones that stay and the ones that go CASTING. I watched this show and Danny Huston was a terrible choice for the lead character. Honestly his acting is sub par at best. Take Jeffery Dean Morgan and make him second fiddle to Danny it showed on screen right away it did not work. Look at Jeffery on the walking dead and look at him in this two different actors not characters but acting skills. I have watched what could have been great shows, great writing, great CGI, etc.. The one thing that kills these shows casting and anyone who watches T.V. knows this is true how many shows have you said i love the story the writing and hope this show stays on but it goes off the air ? The truth is that in order for a show to stay on the air you need to throw the P/C B/S out the window. A lead actor that is suppose to be handsome and get a beautiful woman can't be a geeky pudgy actor. The tough guy should look like a tough guy not a dork who you honestly believe you could kick the crap out of him. You want people to get invested in the characters and believe they are the character they are playing and i know you all have a show were you go i like this show but i don't know why they gave this guy or girl the part. 99% of the time it end's up killing the show and sometimes they catch on to late just as they try and change it their ratings have dropped so low that they pull the plug. There is a factor that most fans forget that is if the shows ratings are to low they can not sell commercial's and make money. Yes of course they have to make money how do you think they pay the actors, the set, the wardrobe. CGI etc.. I get so annoyed by these directors and producers forcing wide screen on us and telling us there movie is art really a movie about cops or drug dealers or a guy who see's ghost or zombies is art ? These are the premise's for some of the hit shows on right now. To do what you love like make movies you must make the viewer happy and want them to go or you will not be making many movies for long. I always liked were a director signs a three movie deal we end up with 2 good movies and his 1 generally piece of garbage film. La La Land is a good example it won all the awards ( This movie won awards before it was even released to the public ) Truth is it was a terrible movie and i bet you would be hard pressed to find 2 people you know who even watched it let alone 1 who liked it. My point is these shows can do both make money and entertain the viewer but the one area that needs the bar raised is casting ! I watched 4 great shows go of the air this year and there is no doubt casting kill these shows. Hopefully some director reads these comments and stops trying to put actors like Jonah Hill as the handsome tough leading guy come on even CGI can't make that believable. Go look back at the old movies that were hits the handsome guy was surprise actually handsome the tough guy actually looked like a guy you did not want to fight and the beautiful woman was well beautiful. This isn't rocket science but 7 out of 10 t.v. shows bomb on casting alone look at the hit shows today Game of thrones, the Walking Dead even the big bang theory every character fits their role change them and the show is not a hit simple right ???
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The Expanse (2015–2022)
potential for a great hit
5 February 2017
My god Thomas Jane looks terrible I have enjoyed his acting for years but at least get rid of that hair cut ! If we saw a bunch of extras walking around with a similar haircut maybe if would be relevant but just him having it makes him look stupid. This actually takes away some of the great writing because it is stupid. Mohawks have been used in movies like Mad Max and were a huge hit but his has the opposite effect it turns a serious series into a joke and I find myself rooting for his character to get killed off. Casting and set design and even clothing get Oscar nods because they are that important to the success of a film. I like the story line in this series but I fear this will be the last season and their ratings reflect that. With just some subtle changes this could be turn around and made into a huge hit as it stands now I am getting ready to stop watching it. I had it on my dvr that is the only reason I tuned in this year. I have 2 and 1/2 episodes still to watch there is a reason I am not current and it is not because I did not have the time. I just do not care enough to keep up and as I said I really feel that the writing is great and there is potential and I was hoping this season we would see some change but so far I was wrong. I hope they make some changes before this ends up cancelled.
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