35 Reviews
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Trigger Point (2022– )
Not Too Sure!!!!
12 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm watching the very first episode, and right from the start one of the bomb removal team goes to flip a light switch!!!! Now call me crazy, but isn't one of the VERY first things that usually happens is that the utilities (power, gas, etc.) are shut off by the service providers, and isn't that bomb removal 101, NOT to make any sparks/connections of ANY kind!!!!! I just don't think that a professional bomb removal team would be making such elemental mistakes!!!!!! I really hope it gets better. I'm going to push through episode 2, and see just how ridiculous it gets............. I'll keep you posted!!!! X.
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Rules of Love (2010 TV Movie)
Love The Soundtrack
4 February 2022
I'll be the first to admit that the content of this film is a bit juvenile for me, but once I heard parts of the soundtrack, I was hooked!!!! Now the only problem is, I can't seem to find the soundtrack or even find the individual songs anywhere?!?!?!? If someone knows where/how to source the songs from this movie, will you please let the rest of us know???? Thank You!!!!!!
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Summerland (I) (2020)
Absolutely Wondrous!!!!!!
20 December 2021
One of the best movies I've watched all year!!!!! It has it all.... Happy times, giggles, glorious tears of laughter. Sad times, tears of hurt, pain, and loss. Suspense, heart pounding, edge of your seat, gasps of fear, and an occasional holler at the screen. Very well rounded, complete movie!!!!! Definitely a must watch "holiday watch list" CHEERS! X.
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Hargrave (2020)
Waste of Time and Film
20 December 2021
Some of the worst acting I've seen all year!!!!! Trust me there's been no shortage to compare it to!!!!!!!!!!!! Flat, no emotion, no life!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I get he's suppose to be this laid back kind of guy, but geez, I was waiting for someone to wheel a crash cart in, just to get some hearts beating, and put some life into this series!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't waste your time, I wasted mine for you...... Cheers! X.
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The Hallow (2015)
31 January 2021
This was a really great movie right up until it started!!!! It was so depressingly, awful to watch this collection of actors & actresses partake in such a "B - rated" movie!!!! I was appalled that they would consider such a ridiculous script!!!!!! I'm all for Irish folklore, but come on............ all I can say is, I'm so disappointed!!!!!!! I hope this movie doesn't kill their careers!!!!!!! So sad...........
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Unforgiven (2009)
I Can't Bloody Believe It!!!!
27 January 2021
This is definitely one for the record books!!!! If I hadn't watched it with my own 2, blue, Irish eyes, I would've never believed it. Finally, a really great show (telly show, mini-series, or movie), from the beginning right through to the very end. Of course with a line-up like they had, it's no wonder why it came out so amazingly, awesome!!!!!! At the end, I had to keep rewinding it, just to see if I was actually witnessing this video streaming miracle!!!!! Well Done!!!!! X
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Please Improve The Endings
25 January 2021
Okay, so it's been a bit since I've done a review, and mostly because what I've watched hasn't been all that great. Lately, I figured I'd catch up a little on Foreign Language Tv/Movies (A.K.A. "F.L.T.M."). So far I've watched as much as I could of this one and that one, there's even a couple I just may go back to. But, I've watched both The Cliff (2020) and The Schouwendam 12, and I have to say I enjoyed both of them........ there was excitement, romance, edge of your seat thrills......... and still the endings are as if everyone just got tired of making it anymore and got up and left!!! Yes, this may be a bit over dramatic, but really!!! We want stuff we want to watch, they won't know what we want if we don't tell them!!! And I've been shouting it from the roof tops!!! Focus On The Ending!!!! Focus On The Ending!!!! Focus On The Ending!!!!!!! PLEASE, I'm begging you now. You've got us here on quarantine, an ultimate audience, entertain us!!!!!!!!
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The Mortician (I) (2011)
Nothing Spectacular!
10 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I guess it's just your basic small time, nasty gang vs. a few good people in the neighbor. Some fighting, some blood, some dead bodies, and some tears. A man and a boy share the pain of loosing their mothers.
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Short Poppies (2014)
I Just Don't Get It!!!!
9 November 2020
Where they got the 7.9 rating, I just don't understand?? This form/type of comedy is neither funny nor entertaining to me. It's like 20 minutes of "fart" humour, or males getting hit in their "junk" for a half an hour!!! It's sad that the title ("Short Poppies") is wasted on this series. I could've seen it belonging to a much better series........ ie: Cafe, Rover, Sea Change, 800 Words, Nothing Trivial. Just have a "plan B", because this may not be your sort of humour either. CHEERS!!! X
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A Feel Good Movie!!!
9 November 2020
This one (The Grand Seduction) was such a good movie, I've watched it twice!!! CHEERS!!! X
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Trespass Against Us (I) (2016)
Good Movie!
9 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This was an over all good movie. It could've been just as good, if not better with a little less swearing. Just because they're portraying "gypsies" doesn't mean they need every other word to be a curse word. Also, they could've portrayed the lack of education with a little more finesse. CHEERS!!! X
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Hampstead (2017)
8 November 2020
I kind of had my fill of Diane Keaton after "Baby Boom". But, this movie was surprisingly entertaining, as well as heart warming!!! And to know it's based on an actual person (people), makes it that much more special!!! CHEERS!!! X
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The Woods (2020)
A Definite "Add" to Your "To Watch" List
31 October 2020
I've fallen out with "foreign" films (films where the dialog is very fast, and there are split second English subtitles) at the moment. But, this series has English audio which makes it much more of a convenience. If you're looking for a "who done it", with more hairpin turns than the hilltop roads of Italy? Then this is the film you're looking for! It will pull you this way, and tug you that continuously........ You'll be so dizzy by the end, you'll be begging for it to get to the conclusion!!!!! Really a high 6 - low 7 on this one. Enjoy!!! Cheers!!! X
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My Choice for #1 Movie of "2020"!!!
31 October 2020
Aside from a handful (or less) of really avoidable &/or easily fixed "ooops's" or bloopers, this is an incredible film!!!! It's got suspense, thrills, romance, comedy, and over all feel good moments through out. This is a definite must see for "2020"!!!!!
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22 October 2020
On top of it being a great movie...... it was made/filmed in Ireland about Irish people!!!!!! SLAINTE!!! CHEERS!!!! X
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Come Home (2018)
Very Good Series!!!
22 October 2020
It's warm, it's heart breaking, it makes you angry, and as a single parent who experienced a similar situation many years ago now......... this should be mandatory for ALL separating/separated parents who are arguing custody for their children!!!!! People often forget that it's about children and what's best for them!!! Not how they feel for &/or about each other!!!!! CHEERS!!!!! X
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22 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
They had a pretty good movie right up until the end. Why can't these directors and producers get it through their heads?!?!?!?!? There's no sense in making a good movie, with decent acting, and even thrills and adventure if you keep insisting on these really crap endings!!!!!! Not impressed one bit!!!! It's like the beginning 2/4 of a Spielberg movie, and the last 1/3 is a high school project!!! No, I take that back...... I've seen some high school projects that were better than some of the endings I've been seeing lately!!! Sorry, you got excited and then dropped, like one of those poor blokes falling off the cliffs!!!! Heartbreakingly, disappointing!!!!! CHEERS X
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20 October 2020
Although there were a few blatant "oooops's" throughout (& no I'm not going to tell you, watch & find them for yourself). Combined with it being full-time subtitles, it was still a very good series! This is definitely a rainy Sunday, with your full attention (unless you know Dutch), get comfy, and just binge your little, telly watching heart out!!!! Because once you get watching and it jut "sucks you right in"!!!! CHEERS! X
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Very Sad!
18 October 2020
Although this was meant more as a documentary/informational piece, it had more heart, structure, and fluidity than most of the "new releases" out there!!!! Very good acting by a great cast!!!!! RIP Dawn S. CHEERS! X
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Anyone Have a Spare Shilling?
16 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure if it's subtleties were lost to me, or this movie was just straight boring?!?!? With the amazing cast, incredible set and wardrobe designers, I was expecting a bit more from this movie!!!! It was so boring, that by the end I was considering "stringing up"!!!! I know, how very uncouth of me!!!! But there really was no other way to describe it. I strongly agree that suicide or the attempt there of, is anything to be made light of, and this movie did absolutely nothing to support that!!!!! Therefore, I strongly recommend using that 1 hr. and 38 min. doing something.......... anything else!!!!!
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Ratched (2020)
12 October 2020
I agree with many of the other viewers. The setting, costumes, and even most of the acting wasn't bad....... It was just waiting for it to actually get started. Like trying to start a vehicle with a bad starter. A whole lot of cranking, and never actually turning over/firing up!!!!! Very disappointed. I don't typically watch "American" tv/movies, and this was a perfect example as to why!!!! Thank you for the reminder to stick to British/Irish/European programming!!!! CHEERS!!! X
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Enola Holmes (2020)
Very Uplifting!!! More of an 8!!!!
10 October 2020
This is a movie that I would consider a "must see" for EVERY girl (& hopefully boys), around the ages 12 - 14!!!! As a "forward thinking" woman myself (with 2 grown boys), I found it wonderfully empowering!!!! If only our young could be taught those attributes as part of the required academic curriculum. Ok, too right....... it is just a bloody movie!!!! But, I truly believe if they stay the course started with this movie (& book), KEEP the MAIN CHARACTERS the SAME, that there's no reason why they shouldn't have great success with the other 5 (plus???) books!!!!!! Good Luck Enola Holmes!!!!!!!
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Still Watching!
3 October 2020
I've only watched season 1, episodes 1 & 2. Who ever had the vision in doing the casting for this programme is a bloody genius!!! They not only look as though they are related, and I don't mean twin like. But they have certain similar features, and a chemistry that only happens (if it happens at all) over several seasons of working together! I can't wait for MORE!!!!! It's one of the very few, programmes that are truly REAL!!!! You don't/can't get anything like U.K. telly in the U.S.!!!! I have officially banned all U.S. programmes and movies in my home!!!!!! Give me British, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, and even other European countries programming and entertainment any day, every day, all day long!!!!! CHEERS!!!!! X
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The English Game (2020– )
Very uplifting
22 July 2020
I don't generally enjoy "sports" genre shows/films, but this series had so much more!!! Great story line, excellent actors/actresses, and even a bit of a history lesson........ touching on very important topics of the time. Bravo!!!!!
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Mount Pleasant (2011–2017)
Season After Season, It Keeps Getting Better!!!
21 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
First, I'd just like to say....... I really bloody wish they'd release soundtracks for this show, or at least give us a bit more info. so we can find/get it ourselves!!!!!! That being said, I think that other person/reviewer is a total tosser!!!! It's nothing like American telly, and that's I (an American, actually an Anglophile) why I love it (& so many other British, Scottish, Irish, Aussie, & N.Z. programmes)!!!!!!! I will agree, that I get sick of ALL the nagging & fussing constantly. But, as for the rest (the bulk of the show), it's really, really great!!!!!! Yes, Denise doesn't always need to be portrayed as quick so ditsy. Between a Denise and Bianca, there is a bit too much "dumb" sometimes. It's when they're so real to life, and the lines &/or when the actors say it like it is, that's what I have an amazing appreciation for Britcoms (ALL British, Scottish, Irish, etc. programmes!!!!)!!!!!! PLEASE KEEP EM' COMING!!!!!! I could continue to binge watch programmes like this one and so many more, day and night!!!!!!
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