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Formula 1: Drive to Survive: Over the Limit (2023)
Season 5, Episode 9
Lot's missing
8 March 2023
This is now the second episode covering Suzuka. Both have missed the incident with the tractor being on the racetrack after Sainz's accident. This was a huge story and should have been covered by the show.

They also completely misrepresented how Max won the title. They didn't show the incident at the final corner or Johnny Herbert telling Max he was World Champion during the post race interview. Yes it was shambolic, but show it how it happened. How they displayed it with Christian saying in a very somber "well that's you won it" was extremely weird and just blatantly false.

Yes the cost cap story had to be told, but the tractor incident should have been included in the Yuki episode.
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Another that sums up The Grand Tour
19 September 2022
Another special that sums up The Grand Tour.

There's a lot to like here. The scenery is brilliant, the 3 cars chosen are all good, the journey looks like a great 1 too. And the Evo's story is brilliant to watch, it's easily one of the best cars they've had on a trip. It's also a huge step up from the French special.

However they let themselves down with the usual stupidity. The part with the sheds was totally pointless and was just filler. The constant dubbed in wind noise whenever there was a cold bit was annoying and silly. And the "joke" at the very end wasn't needed.

It's not their best special but definitely not the worst.
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South Park: The Death of Eric Cartman (2005)
Season 9, Episode 6
The best South Park episode
7 April 2022
This is my absolute favourite South Park episode. As a huge fan of the show there are a lot of episodes that I would struggle to put into my top 5 or top 10, however this episode in my opinion stands head and shoulders above the rest. It's just perfect.

It's maybe not 1 to show someone who has never watched South Park before however, you need to know the dynamic of the relationship between Cartman and Butters and Cartman and the other boys, but for fans of this show this is a must watch.
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Don't understand the hate?
16 March 2022
I don't understand the hate for this episode? I can only assume the other reviewers just wanted to watch stuff about Hamilton and Max, or more likely just stuff about Hamilton. Just because this episode focuses on the slowest driver in the slowest tram doesn't mean it should be given a bad rating.

Drive to Survive has always given air time to the lesser teams. Guenther Steiner has possible been the biggest star in the series run, they have 2 rookie drivers, plus there's the Uralkali/boss dad angle so Haas deserve an episode to delve into these storylines.

It's a good episode that shows more of Mazepin's human side than you ever get to see on a normal F1 weekend. I still won't miss him from the grid this year, but it did make me feel a bit more warmly towards him.
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A bit of a waste of time
20 December 2021
First up, I get in covid times there's a lot of things they can't do. I'm sure they would have loved to have done a big road trip somewhere or another seamen type special, but that just can't be done just now. So fair enough.

But this just isn't a special. This is just a collection of the same old tired jokes they have been doing for years. Theres nothing new here. "Oh the French do this...", "Oh French cars are like that". They've been there and done that. The horrendously awful Peugeot segment they did at the end of the Top Gear run pretty much covers this special.

They could have done so much with this. If they had looked at stuff like the SM (the only good part), the Citroen DS, the fan car thing they showed maybe some other classic French cars that were good it could have been better. But this is like a lot of the Grand Tour. Could have been so much better if they went a lot more high brow and the emphasis wasn't put on cheap laughs.
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24: Day 2: 4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. (2003)
Season 2, Episode 9
A classic episode
17 October 2021
I'm working my way back through 24 and this episode stands out as possibly the best from seasons 1 and 2 so far (with the possible exception of the season 1 finale). Without any spoilers, all of the stories are accelerating at great speed, but Palmer's phone call with Nina is truly outstanding. Palmer really is the greatest fictional president.
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The Grand Tour: Funeral for a Ford (2019)
Season 3, Episode 14
Ending while in it's stride
7 August 2021
As I've said in a few reviews, this is what The Grand Tour should have been the whole way through.

After a lot of dross in the first 3 seasons mixed in with a few moments of brilliance, the last 2 episodes show what they are capable of. If they had aimed the show at these more high end, documentary style films rather than things stupidly blowing up and them "hilariously" falling over the series could have gone down as 1 of the all time greats. Even during this episode they still couldn't resist throwing in some fake horns beeping when showing the traffic in Lincoln. Why!?!?

When they are serious and not pandering to get cheap laughs the 3 of them (yes even Hammond the weak link) can still do brilliant TV.
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One brilliant part and 1 piece of nonsense
7 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode again shows how frustrating this show is.

The Aston part was fine. A standard middle of the road review.

James May's part about the astronaut's cars was brilliant. They should have done The Grand Tour solely around films like that, the Jim Clark one, the Lancia rally one etc.

The Citroen review was the usual later year Top Gear nonsense. It smacks of something they threw together in 5 minutes because they ran out of ideas. These types of segments should have been binned years ago. And the constant fake horn noises are tiresome as well. They seem to use the truck horn 1 every 5 minutes. No truck horn sounds like that except on Top Gear/The Grand Tour weirdly. The only good part of this review was the last part going up the mountain.

This show could have been great, there is greatness sprinkled across the episodes, but there is a lot of complete and utter rubbish thrown in amongst it.
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South Park: Mr. Hankey's Christmas Classics (1999)
Season 3, Episode 15
Just watched for the first time
26 May 2021
I think I must have missed this episode when it was first aired and I've never caught it repeated on tv. Only now going back through it now I have access to all the episodes on Amazon Prime.

To be honest I was dreading it when I saw the description and put it off for a few weeks, but it's a great episode. Full of laughs the whole way through. Apart from Shelly's song, each segment was excellent. It's an episode that I'll be sticking on again at Christmas time!
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Great documentary, but could have done more
8 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this film and it made me a lot more emotional than I thought I would be at the end of it. I never thought I would be 1 of these people who would watch something and decide to go vegetarian or vegan or whatever after it, but I don't think I can eat octopus again after watching this.

At one point Craig compares the octopus's intelligence to a cat or a dog and I think that shows when she rushes to greet him and hug him. It also made me wonder what kind of reaction I would get from my 2 cats if i left them in the wild and only visited once a day. I bet it wouldn't be as warm as he got from her!

However, I have to agree with other people in here that he could have done more to help her. Yes on the 1 hand I don't think that Attenborough type documentaries should interfere when a lion is chasing down an antelope for example. Thats nature taking it's course. But he had developed a bond with the octopus and clearly the feeling was mutual. I don't think anyone watching would have been on here complaining if he had chased off the sharks when they were chasing her. And watching her final moments and him not holding her was heartbreaking. The thought of me not comforting my pets, who are essentially as good a friend to me as the octopus is to him, in their dying moments doesn't bear thinking about. I'm sure she would have known he was there, he should have at the very least reached out to her.

This is a great watch and really emotional. Craig should really have just shown a bit more compassion and protection to her and this could have been a genuinely great film.
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The Grand Tour: Chinese Food for Thought (2019)
Season 3, Episode 6
Ruined at the last minute (again!)
6 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A perfectly good episode, ruined by the completely predictable "crash" at the end. Why do they bother with stunts like that? It stopped being funny 15 years ago.
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Could have been so much better
16 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Watching this documentary I couldn't help but think that if the makers had went into a bit more detail on each part of Justin's life they could have made something really great, but everything seemed so rushed.

It started off talking about him and John being abandoned by their mother and growing up in an orphanage and then with the family that took them in. It didn't really go into any great detail in that.

The story seemed to leap forward to him being in the Norwich first team. There was no mention of him breaking into the team, his England under 21 matches or really info at all on what was the best spell of his career apart from 4 or 5 shots of his goal against Liverpool.

It then jumped to his spell at Forest. It seemed to hint at the problems he had with Brian Clough without really going into any great detail there. Or go into any great detail about his poor form with Forest or even his spell with Notts County.

Then we jump to Los Angeles, with for some reason mentions of the AIDS pandemic (unless Justin had AIDS I have no idea why). It shows him recovering from an injury, but no clues as to how he got injured.

The timeline then continues to leap forward several years to seemingly random points in his life. This could have been time better spent going into greater detail about the parts I mentioned above, or about the racist abuse he continually got throughout the 80s but is only hinted at in the documentary.

Into the 90s we again get brief, sporadic mentions of parts of his life without any in depth analysis of it.

Even at the end, the allegations made against him and his death are almost mentioned as a passing comment.

It's such a shame because Justin Fashanu's career is unique in British football and this could have been a genuinely brilliant documentary but it fell way short of the mark in my opinion.
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Decent, but a strange panel
15 April 2021
This is a decent series which isn't bad for sticking on if you have a spare 40 minutes.

The choices of cars in each episode are probably pretty bang on, I don't think anyone could really argue with the shortlists, however the final choice is definitely up for debate but thats what happens when you have such a large number of people voting for something.

The main problem I have with this series though are the people chosen on the panel. Some of them are great (Chandhok, Butler-Henderson, Reid, Pritchard) but the rest seem to have been chosen from Made in Chelsea/Towie/Geordie Shore type people who love screaming "epic" to describe the different cars. And of course, as is the way these days, the word "literally" is completely overused to the point of nearly having to switch the tv off. Jimmy de Ville also though...he's talking...on a tv advert. Just talk normally!!

This could have been a great series. It would have cost a lot and been a contractual nightmare but a panel with Chandhok, Butler-Henderson, Reid, Pritchard, Clarkson, James May, Martin Brundle and Tiff Needell could have made this a brilliant watch. Never mind.
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The Walking Dead: Diverged (2021)
Season 10, Episode 21
Total waste of time
14 April 2021
The Covid episodes have ranged quite widely in their quality but this episode is terrible and completely pointless. They would have been better off doing something else or just saving money and not filming this episode. A complete waste of time.
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Still Game: Hootenanny (2007)
Season 6, Episode 9
Last of the good episodes
20 March 2021
If anyone is watching Still Game through for the first time I strongly advise to stop here. There is a massive drop in quality in the show after this season (the result of a fallout between the 2 stars of the show) and when it was brought back to air it was a shadow of it's former self, with the honourable exception of the last 2 episodes. It's best just to re-watch the show up to this point and enjoy what it once was
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Crime Scene: The Hard Truth (2021)
Season 1, Episode 4
The internet sleuths are horrible
12 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This series started off quite well but there is very little to this story. The amount of time given to the "internet sleuths" in the series is incredible. The police, hotel staff and the coroner give reasonable explanations for everything that happened, however the sleuths just counter it all with "there must be more to it" and "it's a conspiracy". Part of being a detective is following evidence, not coming up with wild, baseless theories. I felt so sorry for Morbid. They made his life hell. Someone who had been at the hotel a whole year before she died, but they just clung onto the fact that he did it. I also feel sorry for Elisa Lam's family. These people potentially gave the family false hope or kept dragging up the case on the internet. They didn't ask for this. This series should have been about the history of the hotel, going deeper into some of the stories that are touched upon, with Elisa Lam given 10 minutes of it. None of these "sleuths" should have been given the airtime whatsoever
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The Grand Tour: An Itchy Urus (2019)
Season 3, Episode 5
Shows what they can do when they try
4 February 2021
This would have been a 10 but for Hammond's painful horse "rant" and the fact that it was Hammond who did the Jim Clark piece and not Clarkson or possibly May. This shows what they can do when not making funny noises or blowing things up for no reason. The Alpine section was fine, pretty standard for TGT or Top Gear. The Urus section again was good. Could probably have done with that being a bit longer. The Jim Clark section however was superb. I think (I may be wrong) this is only the 2nd time on TGT they've done a history piece like this after the Lancia v Audi one and both have been incredible. I'd love to see 1 hour specials on things like that. The only slight drawback is that Hammond presented it. I think Hammond is the biggest problem with TGT and caused Top Gear to nosedive badly towards the end, however why they thought it was right to give the guy who always used to say that F1 was rubbish and claimed he didn't know the drivers the job of doing a piece on Clark is mad. Clarkson would have elevated this even further in my opinion, as would May. However, Hammond did well. It shows what he can do when not making noises and pulling faces. All in all it's easily in the top 3 Grand Tour episodes
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 16: The Rescue (2020)
Season 2, Episode 8
18 December 2020
I don't normally write reviews but after watching this episode I feel like I have to. I didn't like season 1 of The Mandalorian. I thought it was way too overhyped and every episode was the same. Season 2 has been solid 9/9.5 out of 10s the whole way but this episode blows them all out of the water. Just a perfect, brilliant way to round off a great season. The only fault I can find with it is that I can't see how they can top this going forward
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The Grand Tour: It's a gas, gas, gas (2018)
Season 2, Episode 7
The Grand Tour in a Nutshell
17 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This episode summed up the best and worst about The Grand Tour and the later years of Top Gear for me. Capable of brilliance but also capable of being terrible. The episode would have been 10/10 but the need to throw in explosions for childish "laughs" marks it down.

The Lamborghini review was a good review of a very good car. Despite the fact that Hammond is easily the weakest of the 3 presenters, the review was enjoyable and probably 1 of their better supercar reviews.

Joshua and Goldberg were probably the best 2 guests they have had on. They played off well against each other and it was a genuinely funny and interesting segment.

Conversation Street was it's usual terrible attempt at stand up comedy. Why can't they just do car news instead of "I wonder what a dogging Benteyga would look like?" (Insert canned laughter while the audience stand expressionless in front of them). As always it's the weakest part of the show.

The fuel filling idea was clearly just filler to pad out the episode (if you pardon the pun). The final idea was actually ok but the 1st 2 with the token explosions did nothing but make me roll my eyes. They can do much better than this but they seem to think making things explode is funny.

Then you get the best thing The Grand Tour has done so far and possibly the best thing the 3 of them have done since the Senna tribute. Clarkson shows what he can do when not playing the character he plays in The Grand Tour and throws himself into a storytelling role. As with the Senna tribute and his War Stories series he is genuinely brilliant and passionate when doing a documentary-style role. It's such a shame he has to play up to the daft persona they want him to have normally. I wish they had done an hour long feature on the Audi-Lancia story, or Clarkson had done it as a side project.

With the exception of Conversation Street and the fuel filling, this is what The Grand Tour could have been. This is what I was expecting from a Clarkson/May/Amazon team up (not Hammond, they should have cut him adrift years ago).
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