
3 Reviews
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See it for yourself first
7 June 2019
I just got out of seeing Dark Phoenix and here are my early thoughts, all together I'd say I enjoyed it. Is it a great finale? No, but due to the Fox and Disney circumstances I'll cut them some slack. The ending left me wanting more and in this case that isn't a good thing. Some of the story telling in this movie I really liked but there were scenes I wish they would have taken a bit further. I felt this was one of those movies that would have really benefited from an R rating. The final act was what really held it back for me, although there were some really great visuals it just felt like a mess. I think if you go in with the right mindset you will enjoy this film. It's a shame these actors will all be recasted by Disney because there are some AMAZING actors in this cast. I'll give the movie overall a 6.8/10. Certainly not worth the hate it's getting.
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Great sequel
18 May 2019
What more could you ask for? This sequel does nearly everything better than the first. It has more action, its more brutal, and has a better plot.
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Pleasant surprise
3 May 2019
Even knowing pretty much all there is to know about the Bundy case I still found myself very interested in this. Efron puts on the performance of his career.
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