
12 Reviews
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Session 9 (2001)
Complete rubbish
5 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
If you watch this movie then be prepared to watch some people work a mundane job and work out some drama for almost a good 2 hours then have the final reveal within the final 5 mins.

And trust me it's a terrible reveal. It just turns out for no good reason somebody went bonkers and killed them.

Half the movie is about some people going down an listening to some 'secret tapes' which provide some story about a lunatic but provides completely zero relevance to the movie.

The whole thing was consistently boring but yet sporadically wild but none of it connected at all.

I really do not recommend you waste your time on this movie.
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Easy watching fun
8 October 2023
I watched the original Meg too and also this one.

I would like to preface this review by saying it's not a serious movie. You won't be writing home about it.

It's a stupid fun action comedic movie and it did a great job about that.

The James Bond style was much better than the first meg, there was more drama, action and comedy.

The actors all did a great job. The CGI was good too.

I feel as though most of the negative reviews are expecting a proper serious movie which requires concentration and insight whereas this movie is not one of those.

Like I said it's an easy watch, pretty fun, pretty funny and also some good action scenes.

I enjoyed it, I'm not sure I'd be in a hurry to watch it again because it's quite basic but it's definitely worth a watch if you wanna kill some time and watch something fun.
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6 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I am writing this review as the movie is progressing as we speak, it's got about five minutes left and it was the most boring movie that I've ever seen in a long time is bad the messages bad. The plot is bad everything is bad I would recommend you don't even watch this movie, as I feel as though I've been robbed for the past 1 1/2 hours of my life. I wanted an easy-going watching movie which it certainly is, but also in a difficult to watch because it's so boring. I hope they never do make another movie like this again. It really is terrible. I could've watched anything instead of this and it would've been better. It's just completely boring and predictable.
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Prey (I) (2022)
Predictable PC garbage
12 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The predator can lift a grown bear above his head and throw it away like nothing, then gets beaten by a lone native woman who also tricked and caused the downfall of the French trappers.

Oh and of course the dog would never die.

Predictable from start to finish and a total waste of time, AVP was much better than this.
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Nice revenge movie
1 August 2022
It was a good movie, enjoyed the story although there are some plot holes, overall it was good.

People taking about how horrendous and horrifying it is haven't seen many horror movies I guess, if you can handle some bloody violence it's fairly normal. Definitely not a horror movie in the slightest.
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Snowpiercer: Ouroboros (2022)
Season 3, Episode 7
Totally useless episode
8 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Was Layton gonna die? From the second we heard 'he has a weak pulse' it was obvious he wouldn't die.

The rest of the episode was just a dream, didn't affect the story in any way, shape or form.
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Snowpiercer (2017–2024)
13 February 2021
The whole series is pretty boring. It's PC, predictable and boring. For some reason I keep watching it though. There's no substance beyond being superficial, and to be honest; I hope the train derails and everybody dies.
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Hinterland (2013–2016)
Slow, boring and uneventful
9 January 2021
So slow, so boring and uneventful. The main characters have no personality except from the cliche determined detective.

We know nothing of his social life or free time, basically, the bill but longer and more boring.

If you're 100 years old and enjoy slow detective shows you might like this.
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Was great until it became political
21 September 2020
The first 2 seasons were awesome, I particularly remember Asylum being great.

So far season 8, (the bunker one) is absolute garbage and it is basically nothing to do with a bunker, and about witches instead. It's not even a horror anymore.

So sad, the first 2 seasons were an absolute 10/10, but it has fallen off a cliff since then.
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Not realistic at all
24 June 2020
The host is being followed and talking to a camera crew the whole time. The Ukraine episode was not tough at all. Prisoners can literally do what they like. There is even a games room and a kitchen they have access too if they can't sleep. Hardly the worlds toughest prisons, no matter how much the presenter Raphael likes to puff up his chest about doing time.
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Snowpiercer (2017–2024)
9 June 2020
Contrived. Not to mention overly PC.

The original movie was much better than the series.
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Typical American hero movie.
8 May 2018
From the evil cooperate leaders to the hardworking American hero, to watching the American flag against a background of a burning structure.

Typical pandering to America movie.
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