
3 Reviews
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A heart-warming, off-beat movie
19 August 2006
I didn't know what to expect when I went to go see Little Miss Sunshine - all I knew was that it starred Steve Carell, who I love, and it was an indie movie about a family on a road trip (in an old VW van that keeps breaking down), taking their daughter Olive to a beauty pageant in California. After the first 15 minutes, I knew I was going to love this movie. The characters are very well written, which is a rarity in movies these days. Almost all movies these days star one-dimensional characters, each one the same as the next. When chemistry like this happens, it's magic, even if not all the characters are likable (Pageant Official Jenkins, anyone?) It's been years since I laughed so hard during a movie, and Little Miss Sunshine proved itself to be one of only a few films that made me roll in hysterics and cry at the same time. If you're considering seeing this movie, wait no longer - as far as movies go, this is the diamond in the rough of summer 2006.
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A different take...
26 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
After hearing so much about "La Vita è Bella", I was excited when I discovered that I was to watch it for an English course. I had heard mixed things beforehand, from family, friends and critics, so I wasn't sure what to expect. Despite Benigni's over-acting, I quite enjoyed it for the first 45 minutes. However, when Guido (Benigni) and his son Giosué are sent to a concentration camp, my views quickly changed. Guido decides to hide the truth from his son, telling him that it's all just a game, and that in order to win, he must obey the Nazis. Even at the risk of losing his own life, he tries to make Giosué laugh. I was offended by the way Benigni turned such a serious situation into a light-hearted comedy/drama. The Holocaust is not something to be joked about, under any circumstances. All in all, there was good cinematography and performances, but the tone of the movie made me feel sick.
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A friendly cab driver's experiences with an aspiring actress who thinks she has nothing to lose.
4 November 2005
I really enjoyed this short, I saw it in Spanish class about a month ago. Sure, the story was a little bit far fetched, and it was a bit obvious at times, but all in all, it was good. The moral of the story is this - don't take what you have for granted. I didn't like one message it sent, however, even though it may not have been intentional. That message was that you shouldn't be ambitious or take chances, as you may end up regretting it later on. I really liked the characters, or at least the two main ones - the aspiring actress and the cab driver. I thought they were surprising well developed for such a short movie. I would recommend this movie, by no means is it a masterpiece, but it gets the message across, even if it did seem to be unintentionally mixed in with another one. If you see this in a video store, you might want to check it out. Like I said, not a great movie, but for a short, independent film that probably had several budget constraints, it was pretty good.
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