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Greatest movie, ever? no. Entertained, yes!
2 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Formulaic comedy infused with some straight forward and empowered sexual innuendo and content. Definitely not uptight, which is a relief.

Jlaw crushes this role, I think she's hilarious and has an excellent 'I don't give a crap' character delivery. I must admit, I was shocked she went full nude, CGI or not. However, it looked natural, not suggestive. It reminded us that we all have a birthday suit so get over it!

Jlaw is a great actor in my opinion, taking on a role that isn't going to be a blockbuster or academy award caliber movie just shows she loves her craft and doesn't take everything so seriously. I applaud her, I think she shows strength and that strength carries this movie.

Her acting counterpart, Andrew Feldman, plays the perfect modern day late teen/nerd. He set up her jokes really well.

Just my quick thoughts, the movie wasn't great but entertaining.
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Unsustainable 10 out of 10?
27 September 2023
This is going to be a TV series? Really? This first episode is so damn good and hot off the press I feel like it's already given all it's got.

Really cool portrayal of NYC in the 70's period piece, nailing what a dump downtown was back in the day. Great touches like graffiti after only a few minutes of a car parked, unkempt garbage in the streets, and places absent of any police whatsoever (Alphabet City).

The delivery of dialogue and banter is very Frank Miller'esque, dark - satirical - yet deadly serious (pun intended). I love the color scheme as well, it's how we all remember the 70's. There's enough easter eggs in this first episode to satisfy the Lord of the John Wick lore fans.

Sorry if I'm being pragmatic, but I just don't expect this series to maintain the pace of balancing story development and action. But I have to admit, this will be okay with me and I hope other viewers because we will ALWAYS have the first episode to remember; it's a gift .
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 22: Guns for Hire (2023)
Season 3, Episode 6
Distracted by cameos
6 April 2023
My overall rating for the series has been a 9/10, I love break away Star Wars lore. This one dragged for me so I'm sharing my opinion:

Staying in somewhat the spirit of the Star Wars legacy, I prefer they employ emerging and talented actors rather than musicians with 'free rides in'. I feel it waters own the story with distractions as there isn't enough character development for me to get past the actual musician attempting to act. More importantly, it lessens the effect of the Mandalorian's interaction, the strength of character just isn't there.

I do not mind guest appearances from seasoned actors and it was refreshing to see Christopher Lloyd and Jack Black as he sets a comedic tone with his presence. However, I hope they refrain from adding 'flavors of the month' who usually do not stand the test of time. If this were 1990, would Vanilla Ice be appropriate? Funny to think about it, but I think not. Aside, I will look forward to every episode, this is a great series.
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Shadow and Bone (2021–2023)
Season 1, solid 7+, season 2...well
27 March 2023
I really enjoyed the steampunk season 1, it was a new and interesting fantasy show unlike others.

However, I recommend watching season 1 and if you like it, stop there! Do NOT be tempted to continue or it will ruin your experience. Even with a strong season 1, each episode of season 2 will drag you down and have you wondering why you liked season 1 in the first place. It's a mess. I've started season 2 a dozen times and with each passing scene it gets more painful. I'm over half way through the season and I know if I continue this show gets an overall 2 star at best so why bother. Do they allow 'do overs'? Seriously, it's so awful it's hard to believe.
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Real and important
12 October 2022
This movie is unforgettable. I don't know what else needs to be said other than it has a profound impact and an important story that needs to be seen/heard.

Mila and cast carry the weight of millions of victims. An honest delivery with depth of characters and backstory that cannot be overstated. Luckiest girl alive doesn't lean towards revenge or forgiveness rather navigates us all towards ackowledging the truth, regardless of consequences. Easier said than done.

The movie moves along very well, so you don't feel like you're being dragged through the mud. In fact, Mila presents an opportunity for the viewer to become resilient, empowered, and self heroic.
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Squid Game: Unsu joeun nal (2021)
Season 1, Episode 9
Series is a 9/10, final is a 3
22 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
No lesson learned, this dude is a jerk. I really can't get past the fact he again screws over the most important person in his life, his daughter! You had to link into the next series before reconciliation?

This episode ended awful. The rest of the series was awesome, I loved it.

It's a show, for sure, but couldn't you have had him see his daughter and make amends instead of aborting his flight so he can go after a season 2 plot?

Anti hero, or apex jerk writer? Blah.
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14 March 2020
Anyone see this episode? it just aired again in 2020. Some forces a civil war re-enactment from the 'great' confederate side vs Sherman. It forces all employees of Jeff's company to participate - handing out confederate uniforms and hats to african americans - ''it doesnt fit'',, har har.
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Extinction (2018)
It was pretty good! entertaining!
29 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I find it amazing that people are rating it a 1/10. NO WAY. I am not surprised when I look at their profiles and they have only one review 'Extinction. Ignore them.

This movie is thought provoking and while some complain the big reveal should wait till the end, I loved the writers/directors choice. It changes the context of what you're viewing and intensifies the dichotomy of who you should be rooting for.

This movie was made for entertainment not the Academy Awards so just sit back and enjoy the brief story-line. They should make a quick follow up part II to this, I'd definitely watch it.
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Okja (2017)
Meat eaters are not pet eaters
23 July 2017
Being inhumane to animals should always be punishable to the full extent of the law. . Animals that have empathetic characteristics, understand human speech to a larger extent ( like this fictional character) would not and should not be on the dinner table for the masses. The leap that all animals eaten are in parallel to Okja is ridiculous. Do we need to remind you Okja is fictional? This movie was an overzealous approach leveraging character development of a fictional animal in an effort to show direct parallels to our current food supply, which is totally unfair. I've been a vegan and then a vegetarian based on the inhumane treatment of animals in the 80's. The fight should always be for their ethical treatment. Dogs, while eaten in some cultures, are regarded worldwide as pets because of their empathy and domestication. They are not part of the mass food supply because of this, and that's a good thing. This movie main theme is to say meat is bad, which is bs. Unethical treatment of animals is bad, moreover Overzealous behavior is worse, do everything in moderation, in life, and your meat eating. Don't let your kids see this, it's not free Willy.
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Some errors, yes, but a Star Wars unlike any other before it
21 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen this movie several times, in the theater and at home.

This review is mostly to set expectations, and counter the complaints. The idea of the movie is 'Ordinary people can achieve extraordinary things'. This movie is about heroism, at all costs.

The Star Wars bar is so high it's unrealistic, I think each episode appeals in their own way. Yes, they sometimes fall flat but I disagree with others who feel this one did, I thought it was profound.

People have a 'Han Solo'/Vader / Luke Skywalker expectations for character development. I want to to stress that strong character development wasn't necessary for Rogue One. I LOVED this aspect, a 'stand alone' story with finality. We're so used to flashbacks in movies now; revisiting dead characters so often the expectation is now a cliché. Rogue One had plenty of tie ins and FINALLY explained the reason Luke was able to blow up a massive Death Star with one shot (A joke that's festered for 40 years).

The end of the movie AND the lead characters (literally) left me amazed and applauding the choice the creators made. After seeing the movie again, the realization that completing the mission involves their own demise is presented early and without ambiguity. The acceptance of this is fully acknowledged in the last scene. Their demeanor wasn't of shock at all, and their embrace was the mark sealing their known fate.

These quickly forgotten characters set the direction for the entire Star Wars story line, it's an homage to the ''little guy, if it weren't for their sacrifices, this wouldn't have been possible''

The only thing that really bothered me was all the damn levers, it seems like nothing major happens unless a lever is pulled... watch it again and it will make you laugh. - thanks for your time.
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Halt and Catch Fire (2014–2017)
Potential for an 8 or 9, but not there yet
28 July 2014
Working in the tech industry and remembering the days of the TRS-80 and Apple II+ I couldn't wait to see a Mad Men format for the dawn of technology. There's no need to give fact checks; like throwing out tech words that weren't in common use till 20 years later, they are fun to hear and imagine.

The 6.5 I'm giving THACF is a little rough, and can easily be improved as the season develops. The ding in score is the fact that ALL the characters are deeply flawed in anger issues. We do not need to hear the characters continuously fly off the handle in over the top tirades to help dramatize the situation. The mental breakdowns are one after the next in what would easily be career ending displays of severe mental issues. It's as if they are building up to a grand final where one of the characters goes 'Postal'. It would help explain the backstory and red flags. I think everyone has a bit of drama in their lives, but does every character need to go from 0 to a 100mph, red faced and screaming at the top of their lungs? (literally.

One of the things that made Mad Men amazing was the writing surrounding how they solved problems. Please take another page out of that format.

They are not solving any here, just winging it. I can't help but root against the mess they are creating, and that's sad.
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Downton Abbey (2010– )
Honestly, good fun but not an 8++
24 July 2014
I love watching Downton Abbey but there is one major redundant flaw to the show. No, I wont go into a million details as every show has its problems.

However, this one has become a run-on joke.

Does every single dramatic scene need to have a segue with someone eavesdropping or suddenly arriving? They share nothing with each other, it's only after someone appear in the background and overhears does the plot move forward.

Please, for once, let one of the protagonists share instead of it being a leak. Heck, let them get a secret out that isn't overheard.

I sit back and laugh, and so will you. (who's that in the background?!,oooooohh).
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