
183 Reviews
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Love - complex and simple
14 March 2024
This is an intelligent, heartfelt movie that really engages you. I don't know if any elements in this film were autobiographical, but it felt too lived in for me to believe that nothing from someone's real life didn't find its way into this movie. I really liked that this film portrayed something both real and cinematic about love. The lead characters, in both the their shared past history and in their current lives, are conveying something complex and simple about emotional connections. Complex enough to be real, but also emotional enough to to make this a truly crowd-pleasing story. Well written and directed, with characters we identify with and cheer for. A story told well from both sides of view. I was thoroughly charmed by this movie!
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Saltburn (2023)
Promising start - ends as a contrived orgy
4 February 2024
I loved Emerald Fennell's A Promising Young Woman. It was one of my favorite films of 2020 and I absolutely thought she deserved the Oscar for her original screenplay. So I had high hopes for Saltburn. And early on, they were met. Great performances, witty writing. And I liked the dark comedy. But this film so de-evolved and became so ridiculous, I couldn't wait for it to end. By that point, I pretty much hated the film. The second half of the movie felt to me like a self-indulgent, incredibly contrived orgy. And not the fun kind. More the kind of orgy where it's 5:00 AM, and you just want to go home and take a shower. The best word to describe Saltburn: Ick.
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ClearMind (2024)
So wonderfully wrong
3 February 2024
This is an excellent, indie gem of a movie. A wonderful comedic thriller, with bits of horror and drama to boot. One of the reasons I can so strongly recommend it, is it was so well written and directed. Especially for a film that I assume was done on a tight budget. Hey, Saltburn can be fun at times. But this movie, made for millions less, holds me much better. And I laughed more at this, too. You feel as if all the characters are pulled from real life. And they're all brought to life by a terrific cast, some of whom you'll recognize. I was just thoroughly engaged by the characters and plot, which held me to the end. Really, REALLY liked this film!
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Hemisphere (2023)
A really good sci-fi film
28 January 2024
This movie is an excellent blend of science fiction, suspense and a bit of a conspiracy drama. The filmmaker here does a wonderful job of taking those diverse elements and combining them into something not only highly entertaining, but downright engrossing. It's an interesting story that never failed to hold my attention. And I really liked the lead characters, as well as the movie's satisfying conclusion. This is a low-budget indie film, but it's hard to tell looking at it. The director got a lot out of a little, using imaginative effects to great use. Ultimately, this is a humanistic sci-fi film that I can wholeheartedly recommend!
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Broken City (2023)
Smart, suspenseful indie
19 January 2024
A really intriguing, exciting movie. A film dealing with economic injustice, it is definitely in a similar wheelhouse with "Emily the Criminal." But this is a darker, more thrilling take on the sub-genre. It is a suspenseful film that pulls no-punches. The action builds and our feelings and loyalties are conflicted. The indie down-and-dirty quality of the movie is part of its allure. This is not Hollywood. You feel you are watching something real and visceral unfold. It is a very smart and taught movie, with realistic performances that make the story seem all the more real. Well directed and written, this film will pull you in and keep you guessing. I thoroughly enjoyed it!
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Passages (2023)
It's no Jules & jim
16 December 2023
I really disliked this film. Which is a shame, because it is done with intelligence. The problem is, of the three leads, only one character is truly fleshed out and dynamic. And unfortunately that character, Tomas, is just a major a-hole. It's great to show flawed characters. But you may have made a character too flawed when every time he appears on screen, I have the urge to give him the finger. I kept thinking, "If only Tomas was hit by a truck. Not only would I like the film more, but the other characters would free of this self-absorbed jerk. I couldn't wait for this film to be over! I gave it 4 stars out 10 and that's being very generous.
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A challenging feat - and it works!
12 November 2023
The challenges of making a realistic film about a relationship near it's end are considerable. Capturing the truth means showing a lot of mess. And when you have mess, you run the risk of making the characters so flawed, they become unlikable or unwatchable. But the filmmakers here manage to pull off the balancing act. These characters are real and we feel their pain. But they also remain relatable throughout. Flawed, but always very human. Add to this the movie-making challenge of telling this compelling tale in one, unbroken 97 minute shot. Not easy! Films like Hitchock's Rope and Sam Mendes' 1917 (both single take concepts) are good films. But their energy can drag at times, as cinematic energy is often created through editing. But this movie does a remarkable job of keeping the energy up in that same difficult single-take technique. I think this is achieved by the terrific acting and the director's sure hand. There's much to celebrate in This is Your Song. It's absolutely worth checking out!
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Craving (2023)
26 October 2023
Craving is flat out fun! A dark, well-crafted horror film that gets a ton out of its premise. I love the concept. The way addiction and withdrawal are used as horror devices. A touch of Hitchcock, with the characters contained in one space... but more modern and yeah, bloodier than Hitch! It's an exciting movie that grabs you, holds you tight, and doesn't let go until the very end. I'm not always a horror fan. But when a movie is this smart and darkly entertaining, it's very hard to resist. I can't tell you more without ruining the plot. But I can confidently say, this is a really great movie that should quench your horror craving. (Sorry! Couldn't resist the bad pun.) Enjoy!
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Excellent Neo-Noir
28 July 2023
I've long been a fan of film noir and just recently finished reading Eddie Muller's "Dark City: The Lost World of Film Noir." So when I saw the trailer for this neo-noir-esqe crime story, I just had to take a look. And I'm so glad I did. Silent as the Grave is about a documentary filmmaker with his own love of film noir. And his curiosity about a family mystery soon leads him into a real life crime story of his own. I won't spoil the plot, but it's fair to say as the mystery grows, so does the filmmakers sense of peril. This was a delicious crime-drama. And you don't have to be a noir fan like me to enjoy it. If you like a good, involving mystery with some dark family secrets, you'll get into this movie. I absolutely recommend it.
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Interesting and very human
26 May 2023
"Who Said You Can't: African American Women in Science" is an excellent documentary. It's about eight African American women - some present, some trailblazers who worked in the past - who have laid down a groundwork for other women of color to follow them into the sciences. The interviews in the film are wonderful. We get a sense of how men were historically allowed to go forward in the sciences, while women, especially of color, were denied those opportunities. And how these courageous, intelligent women broke in to the sciences nonetheless, and are inspiring younger women to follow in their footsteps. In times of climate change and pandemics, few things could be more important than STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) knowledge. And beyond that macro importance, women fighting for inclusion is just incredibly inspiring. These are real life "Hidden Figures" women. I loved this doc and can't recommend it enough.
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14 May 2023
I had such a great time with this movie! My girlfriend and I watched it together and both thought it was pretty awesome. A really great crime/drama/action movie. It felt raw and real at times. But big and cool, like a Tarantino movie at other spots. The action was really well choreographed. I don't know if there were professional stunt people involved with this movie, but either way, the actors totally sold the action and made it all seem real. The lead character was cool and kick-ass. Few things are as much fun as watching a badass woman kick ass against the bad guys. I enjoyed the film from beginning to end!
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Jovi & Lou (2023)
Caught between heaven and hell
26 April 2023
I will admit, I've always been a sucker for a kind of Faustian bargain. The immortals in this story, Jovi (God) and Lou (Satan) make their big, macro moves... while we little humans, just like the characters in this story, try to figure out how to move between the two deified poles. Sure, we all think we want to move towards the "good." But as this movie beautifully illustrates, life -- and stories -- are always more interesting when there's pull from both the good and the bad sides of life. The film "Jovi & Lou" has that push-pull tension, which creates some of the drama. But just to be clear, this movie is a lot of fun, too. Funny and fun! I was with the story from start to finish. I won't give away what happens, but if you check this movie out you're in for an interesting and entertaining ride!
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Good movie!
21 February 2023
I'll admit right away that I have a fascination for cults. They're incredibly disturbing, but they also fascinate me. So seeing a film where the good guy is out to take on a malicious cult? That's going to be right up my alley. But besides the plot, I also enjoyed this movie because the action was so good. Done with style and shot really well. A well directed movie and a wild ride, too. I was on the edge of my seat throughout. And most importantly, even though I liked a certain style the film had, what made me care was that I believed the reality of what I was watching. That's a big compliment from me! A very solid thumbs up for this one!
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A wonderful, absorbing film
13 January 2023
Under Spanish Skies is the kind of film you might find on the Criterion channel. Intelligent, atmospheric... simple yet haunting. The characters are believable and extremely well fleshed out. And the agonizing choices they have to make will affect you and transport you into their places. Leah's loss of her husband and soulmate Neil, and the revelation of a suicide pact they made, set the story beautifully in motion. It is inevitable that you will be drawn in by the characters and the drama that follows. An exceptionally well written, directed and performed film, Under Spanish Skies will stay with you long after this affecting tale has reached its conclusion. I strongly recommend it.
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Very interesting Thriller
13 November 2022
There is a dazzling display of artistry and intelligence on display in Italian For Travelers. It's a thriller, but not in a pulpy way. I always say, there are movies and there are films. Star Wars is a great movie. Fellini's 8 1/2 is a great film. This story is much more of a film, and a terrific one at that. The plot is intriguing, but it's really the flow and style of the film that held me in it's grip. Though I can't effectively describe that style in a short review, I can make certain cinematic references that might bring those interested to some idea of this unique story. As I watched, I thought at times of Rossellini's Journey to Italy, in the way the film uses quietude and visuals as part of it's storytelling. Also, Last Year at Marienbad, in it's use of repetition. Perhaps a bit of Charlie Kaufman's Anamolisa, in the film's use of a psychological condition as a cinematic device. Those comparisons went through my mind, but the filmmaker here really creates a style all their own. It's absolutely worth a watch and will not disappoint those who want to see something truly interesting. Kudos to the director and cast.
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25 October 2022
This movie was really quite the ride. Every time you think the twists and plot turns can't go much further, it spins off... and we're off and running again! I have to be honest, I can get get bored pretty easily. People rave about certain movies or TV shows. Then I watch them and go, yeah, OK. Whatever. And I shut it off after about 20 minutes. But this movie grabbed me early and just never let go. A really well acted, written and directed film. Suspenseful, exciting. And all I'm guessing done on a very moderate budget. But they did so much with so little. Kudos to the cast and filmmakers. A very big thumbs up from me!
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Maxima (2019)
Completely absorbing doc
21 October 2022
Maxima is a stupendous documentary about a courageous woman. As a person deeply concerned about our environment, this film touched me to the core. The story of Maxima taking on a huge corporation is one of her singular strength and vision. We're all trying to do what we can to help planet earth, but how many of us are dedicating our lives to the struggle? Maxima inspires us all to care and do more. Even if you're not an overtly political person, her courage can't help but affect you. Though the film is shot in Maxima's native South America (beautifully, btw) the fight to save our planet is universal. I can't imagine someone watching this doc and not coming away inspired and moved. I absolutely was!
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Really fun!
26 August 2022
A low budget film, but very well done. Suspenseful, trippy, fun. Great cast. The movie builds nicely and really pulls you in. I'm not always a fan of horror, too much carnage sometimes. So I was pleasantly surprised how involved I became. The plot keeps you guessing. And it's built more around suspense that ickyness. I really have to give the film credit. As a film made for what I assume was not a big budget, they got a lot of their budget with trippy visuals and alternately fun and believable actors. All around a really fun movie. What can I say? Just great. This is one movie I can highly recommend!
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18½ (2021)
You haven't seen Watergate like this before!
16 August 2022
I haven't enjoyed a Watergate film this much since "Dick!" Understand, 18 1/2 (A clever play on Fellini's 8 1/2 and the infamous 18 1/2 minute gap in the Nixon Watergate tapes) is not in out and out comedy. There's funny parts, but also suspenseful, thrilling aspects, as well as romance. But it is a fun ride, from beginning to end. Well written and directed, with a wonderful Robert Altman influence. And some great twists along the way. A terrific cast, with stellar young actors and a wonderful supporting turn by the always great Richard Kind. I'm ready to watch it again right now!
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Delightful from beginning to end!
10 August 2022
This was an excellent romantic-comedy, and not in the contrived Netflix sort of way. This film had real heart. You absolutely find yourself pulled in by the lead and her Paris adventures. The romance between the leads is charming but also believable. A sweet film, but not gooey sweet. More like, "Ah! That was great!" A very well made and shot film with a delightful cast. It won my heart. Highly recommend!
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Myth (II) (2020)
Very well done indie!
10 August 2022
Just a very well made independent film. Well written and directed with an excellent cast. The leads each pull you in, albeit in different ways. Intentionally unsettling, but also very griping. You might want to look away, but the movie will keep you turning back to gaze. It made me think a little of Kieslowski's classic, Camera Buff. Where the lines between art and life get so blurred, one easily stands in for another. A really fine film.
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Excellent look at the mafia and Vegas
31 July 2022
Anyone who is a fan of Bugsy, Casino, and The Godfather I and II would love this documentary. It mines all that Mafia lore those films touch on, but goes much deeper. Though the film is anything but a glorification of organized crime, it's nonetheless a fascinating history. Especially fun to see all the famous people who, even if tangentially, connected to the mob through shows in Vegas. A very smart and entertaining look at a really interesting subject.
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Extramundane (2022)
Excellent horror-thriller
28 June 2022
Suspenseful, scary, surprises. All the elements of a really good horror film are here and this movie really delivers on them. It's a story that totally pulls you in and is also great to look at. The pandemic backdrop might be a buzzkill in less skilled hands. But the sense of off-ness and isolation that it brings to this story makes it completely work. Terrific acting and storytelling combine to make this a riveting horror film!
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Black Jade (2020)
Really well done
25 June 2022
I liked the trailer for this film. But it really only hinted at how good it actually was. Beautifully shot and a wonder to look at. All done on what one assumes was a modest budget being an indie film, it's pretty remarkable. Just an excellently crafted film in every way. Acting, writing, directing. With characters that feel real, wonderfully flawed and fleshed out. Add some twists and this was just truly bravo filmmaking.
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Great doc!
19 June 2022
This film was an absolute treat! I grew up listening to the songs from the stage musical of Fiddler. As much as I loved them, when I eventually saw the feature film, I could tell that something had happened to the musical. A deepening of the original material. An even more profound vision had been realized. This documentary breaks down that journey. How Norman Jewison (not a Jew... who knew?) was, to his own surprise, picked to direct the film version of Fiddler on the Roof. And how he, along with great collaborators like John Williams and Robert Boyle, and an amazing cast, turned that delightful stage version into an even grander film masterpiece. The interviews in the doc are all great, especially of Jewison himself. His recollections of what some people wanted the film to be (Danny Kaye as Tevya? Sinatra?!) vs his own authentic vision are striking. I absolutely loved this film from beginning to end. Now I have to go and watch the film version of Fiddler all over again... with even more appreciation than before!
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