
17 Reviews
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Killed it
6 July 2019
Here is a story all about using your given opertunity and making headway no matter the cost... I don't like it ! It stinks to me as a movie !! Why do I care if he makes it or not is it cute ? I think the base of the story got missed as a trixter flick but here it is just annoying me.
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La La Land (2016)
Never expected to like this
24 January 2019
I wasn't sure if I was to like this as I tend to duck the hyped titles from Hollowwood.

Well the first act of three parts was perky enough to keep me in the evolvement of the story, then the second act dropped the ball with a less than gripping conflict build up as jazz ambition is swapped for easier cash. To me this was the least musical part as it circled this uninteresting part in an attempt to have real conflict of interest. Act three was a 15 minute montage that made a reprise of the developed story and the eternal question of what could have become if we down our path had the chance to choose over, go into other direction and have a life that could have been the fulfilment we ought to have had. I thought this part was genuinely moving.

But musicals are to be full of music, yes ? No ? I was hoping a little for something closer to heart as I was swept by A Chorus Line and All That Jazz. This was nostalgic and a little to bland.
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What if Hergé met Wes Anderson?
24 January 2019
The movie consists of consecutive tableaus. One cinematic comic book style dollhouse backdrop after the other. Never closing in on a reality anyone has ever seen. Dream like at times, the contradiction to this the overt nature of man that is evident as it is decadent greed and perversion. I kept thinking this is what would happen if Tintin was made into the realm of the real tangible world.
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So much pain
24 January 2019
The men have all such horror in them. Re-living the same evil that has been done to them, and now find victims to unfold it upon again. I was moved by the first half of the movie by the drive and mood, then the plot made an uninteresting half reagined some new drive and moved into some warrior poetry visually. The ending battle was interestingly off screen, yet did not leave a rewarding catharsis as the revenge was all in the hands of the least developed character of them all.
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Geostorm (2017)
Please never employd the writer again
20 August 2018
How the heck do you spend 120 million usd on this ? I have seen project works on youtube that convey the idea better and with a lot less of a budget. This i terrible tribe. Bereft of just one memorable moment. The kind that got labled "straight to vhs" in the lesser cgi days, and now just a piece of trach that filles up on Netflix as there just are not hours enough of quality movies for the masses, so here we are with yet another 1½ hours wasted.
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30 June 2018
I am not familiar with the Jack Ryan universe yet, but if this stereotypical Hollywood trash is the representative then it will be my last.

Here's the first thing that drives me nuts: The helicopter scene ! They talk in the helicopter, in flight ! The satellite phone works, even in the flying helicopter. Everything else in this film is right up there, in the a hole of the rotating manure fan.
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Hail, Caesar! (2016)
Sooooo Commies Fly
5 March 2017
I don't get it. Pure and simple. There's a host of names and all are familiar faces their performances as taken from all their great films, and then nothing. The plot is hair thin. Giving no idea as to taking this even slightly serious or canning this as some artsy film that got the wrong attention and had to do better. I wonder as to the quality of the Coens,they have made such memorable films and are obviously tired of going the same path that leads to instant success. I see this as an example of extremely skilled Hollywood trying to do a spoof on itself and hitting some kind of internal censorship and then crippling itself from the first intent. The one thing that comes across as memorable are some lead-ins to a story that never get's any further explanation and the some lead-outs that never had a starting point. I like that ! Stories don't have to make sense. But the movie has got to obey it's own rules. The commy gay sailor can leap a long way and land securely, this is set up in a dancing scene and gets a payoff in the deflection to the submarine. Great ! But this is only happens once in the film and there isn't anything close to that again. The Cowboy lasso routine get's the same treatment without a rewarding payoff. Sorry Coen let's get into something more enticing next time.
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Geeh wiz Banzai
23 February 2017
I watched this recently again. I don't know what it it with this film in particular, but there is a nerve in the mayhem of a script that gets me. Sure Toxic Avenger or the likes go by the same "let it roll, this is great.." attitude. BB is on a different level just because the cast list is so effing good. I feel I am watching so rogue student project born out of good and well humoured attempts. I don't think any one sitting down and watching this will be overwhelmed by the insightful lines open for interpretation into the metaphysical realm of interplanetary understanding nor the many many many references to older films other scripts, and curiously also similar to Back To The Future with the Fords Oscillator Overthuster I am draw to this repeatedly as a chaos B-movie that follows little logic and full attention to having great time making this film. I would seem the characters are all larger than life and there will be a cult remake in the wake. But as far as I know this never happened. Sadly this is a one of a kind. It also happens to make anyone but me wake up and wanting to watch this to the end every time, all my friends drop off into sleep.
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2 Guns (2013)
24 February 2014
As in Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwkay. So what went wrong this time? Where's the John Woo touch that this genre desperately tries to imitate. AND - Looses itself in the attempt. What is good ? The usual stuff's a COLOR film ... and mostly in FOCUS... The acting is OK. Going from playful to candid. Then the script isn't overwhelmingly original or adding something to the genre. Actually the scene with the chicken made me laugh. Not that I favor stupid violence ... Why the freak would I else sit down and watch anything like this ? So Yeah worth the full movie length of your time, the time you never get back ... I wasn't busy doing anything else.
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Jamesy Boy (2014)
Better then the best part of youth gone wrong stories
23 February 2014
One thing look at the cast. Any film starring or co-starring James Woods deserves some attention.

Cast and crew all do their part to make this a really well told story and of cause it is going through some formula depiction of crime does not pay.

But I was well entertained through the entire length of the film.

For a movie with this plot everything when right and for a defined budget you get exactly what the media can materialize.

Well done and good job. Recommended for a lazy Sunday afternoon. But do kkep in mind this will not shift any opinions either way.
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Be very very careful ...
18 February 2014
What's to like ? Mood intense and stale at times grotty and unforgiving at other times when Russian mobster near blind speaks ... too much cliché.

Frame plot and execution ? Some poor choices is being made. As for realism it workes rather convincingly. It has no real action moments, but I keep thinking John Woo. Perhaps because of the stand-offs that happen between the trio of power and interests: Cop - Motel mother - Russian Mobster

When would it be any better ? In the frame and plot ? Not much room for any further development in the characters.
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Jägermeister and Travolta with a new phony accent
23 November 2013
Never seen before. German "hunter" spirits and bonding foes. Thick accent from Boris wanna be Travolta. Obviously the Boris would prefer slivovitz. Hunting with bow and arrow for deer ... no strike that mano a mano ... but with bow so that the running time pun intended can be put it's full strides ... more pun intended ... of running and crawling before turning the film to it's predictable conclusion. I should never see a film and go: so what lesson did we learn from this, as it will kill the fantasy level of all narration. But this crosses it's own rules, hence resulting into a complete mess. Remember only one guy in the entire universe ever looked cool or threatening with a bow. Chewbarka.
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The unlikely partnership that works the part
18 October 2013
Vince Vaughn & Owen Wilson = Great balance.

Vince is the type of character that would frighten me on sight. He looks the bag guy part, and the private fact that he has a violent temper is to be felt in his roles, even comedy. The counter balance Owen is never to far from this first introductory role, which I think most people instinctively love, as it is a Zoolander experience over again. Owen has got a touch of nervous charisma as well, just so much less obtrusive. As for the film ... It's a mere exercise. It works in the parts where the dudes are on the loose, and the plot is revolved around them and their toils. It is also one BIG piece of product placement, but hey... Since when did anyone complain about Apples loge showing in some 7/10 films and shows ?
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Hello Ladies (2013–2014)
Cupid but a lot less colorful
18 October 2013
Remember "Cupid" with Jeromy Piven from 1998 ?

Well save yourself some time going through the oddities of an Englishman in L.A., when you can have all the insightfulness of Cupid himself on all big and small questions about getting through to the ladies.

This series lack the warm crazy character,

that will let you sit at cheer on, as the hero prevails on his quest for love and honor. It is a stale murky story line trotted by so many before it and the addition of only Hollywood attractive women,

and a very tall spineless Mr. Doob is not the kind of entertainment that is worth the afternoon.
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Utterly ridiculous piece of tribe
9 October 2013
This fantasy is filled with bad acting, ridiculous dialog, and a rather inconsistent use of CG.

On a plus note, my daughter at age 7 found this interesting, and was eagerly watching it as it progressed. I take to note as well that she, at age seven, could predict the next course of events in the film.

I, on the other hand, at age 41, had to slap my forehead in agony over the idiotic irrational behavior of the teeny bobbies doing their best to justify the bloated CG extravaganza, where it is equally necessary to dress up and look like goth emo crew before killing daemons with that usual array of medieval weaponry.

It's a bit soft emo porn, and for a much less quality oriented audience.
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No No No
7 October 2013
Even as a fantasy western this goes way beyond the point of good consistent entertainment. It isn't funny to have a massacre one moment then a comic relief over the top two train chase. Too much spirit walk and talk and frankly uninteresting plot leading in. Yes it's full of references, and for that you at least get to go ah once in a while, but the over all experience is that of tired re-usage of plot characters well established elsewhere and a few moments of oh that is just plain silly. I do love westerns and for me they are the ultimate in road movie meets the use of straight and true narrative build up with slow strong scenes that build on the rough and unforgiving nature of the first settlers and their encounter with nature the competing rivalry from old and new. Here the rivalry is between keeping it comedy or action.
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For an uneventful Sunday afternoon
22 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
So astronauts all get mediocre jobs when or rather if they get back from a lunar mission ? I would have thought they would be touring like rock stars and getting head from high school groupies. But not this lot, oh but no, they are hell bend on taking down all we hold true. Unrelated to the cockroaches of earth they share a kindred need for dark and isolated places for their dormant taken-straight-out-of body snatchers burial of cocooned agents. When they fart it explodes, maybe we do share a few things with these newcomers, and perhaps the megalomaniac attempt to eat up the ruling classes of our society through city hall will sooner or later bear fruit.
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